Commands: Color SGR

Colors are set using SGR commands (like `\e[30;47m`). The following tables list the SGR codes to use. Selected colors are used for any new text entered, as well as for empty space when using clearing commands (except screen reset `\ec`, which first clears all style attriutes. The configured default colors can be restored using `SGR 39` for foreground and `SGR 49` for background.

The actual color representation of the basic 16 colors depends on a color theme which can be selected in Terminal Settings.

Foreground colors


Background colors


256-color palette

ESPTerm supports in total 256 standard colors. The dark and bright basic colors are numbered 0-7 and 8-15. To use colors higher than 15 (or 0-15 using this simpler numbering), send `CSI 38 ; 5 ; n m`, where `n` is the color to set. Use `CSI 48 ; 5 ; n m` for background colors.