class ANSIParser { constructor (handler) { this.reset() this.handler = handler this.joinChunks = true } reset () { this.currentSequence = 0 this.sequence = '' } parseSequence (sequence) { if (sequence[0] === '[') { let type = sequence[sequence.length - 1] let content = sequence.substring(1, sequence.length - 1) let numbers = content ? content.split(';').map(i => +i.replace(/\D/g, '')) : [] let numOr1 = numbers.length ? numbers[0] : 1 if (type === 'H') { this.handler('set-cursor', (numbers[0] | 0) - 1, (numbers[1] | 0) - 1) } else if (type >= 'A' && type <= 'D') { this.handler(`move-cursor-${type <= 'B' ? 'y' : 'x'}`, ((type === 'B' || type === 'C') ? 1 : -1) * numOr1) } else if (type === 'E' || type === 'F') { this.handler('move-cursor-line', (type === 'E' ? 1 : -1) * numOr1) } else if (type === 'G') { this.handler('set-cursor-x', numOr1 - 1) } else if (type === 'J') { let number = numbers.length ? numbers[0] : 2 if (number === 2) this.handler('clear') } else if (type === 'P') { this.handler('delete', numOr1) } else if (type === '@') { this.handler('insert-blanks', numOr1) } else if (type === 'q') this.handler('set-cursor-style', numOr1) else if (type === 'm') { if (!numbers.length || numbers[0] === 0) { this.handler('reset-style') return } let type = numbers[0] if (type === 1) this.handler('add-attrs', 1) // bold else if (type === 2) this.handler('add-attrs', 1 << 1) // faint else if (type === 3) this.handler('add-attrs', 1 << 2) // italic else if (type === 4) this.handler('add-attrs', 1 << 3) // underline else if (type === 5 || type === 6) this.handler('add-attrs', 1 << 4) // blink else if (type === 7) this.handler('add-attrs', -1) // invert else if (type === 9) this.handler('add-attrs', 1 << 6) // strike else if (type === 20) this.handler('add-attrs', 1 << 5) // fraktur else if (type >= 30 && type <= 37) this.handler('set-color-fg', type % 10) else if (type >= 40 && type <= 47) this.handler('set-color-bg', type % 10) else if (type === 39) this.handler('set-color-fg', 7) else if (type === 49) this.handler('set-color-bg', 0) else if (type >= 90 && type <= 98) this.handler('set-color-fg', (type % 10) + 8) else if (type >= 100 && type <= 108) this.handler('set-color-bg', (type % 10) + 8) else if (type === 38 || type === 48) { if (numbers[1] === 5) { let color = (numbers[2] | 0) & 0xFF if (type === 38) this.handler('set-color-fg', color) if (type === 48) this.handler('set-color-bg', color) } } } else if (type === 'h' || type === 'l') { if (content === '?25') { if (type === 'h') this.handler('show-cursor') else if (type === 'l') this.handler('hide-cursor') } } } } write (text) { for (let character of text.toString()) { let code = character.codePointAt(0) if (code === 0x1b) this.currentSequence = 1 else if (this.currentSequence === 1 && character === '[') { this.currentSequence = 2 this.sequence += '[' } else if (this.currentSequence && character.match(/[\x40-\x7e]/)) { this.parseSequence(this.sequence + character) this.currentSequence = 0 this.sequence = '' } else if (this.currentSequence > 1) this.sequence += character else if (this.currentSequence === 1) { // something something nothing this.currentSequence = 0 this.handler('write', character) } else if (code < 0x03) this.handler('_null') else if (code === 0x03) this.handler('sigint') else if (code < 0x05) this.handler('_null') else if (code === 0x07) this.handler('bell') else if (code === 0x08) this.handler('back') else if (code === 0x0a) this.handler('new-line') else if (code === 0x0d) this.handler('return') else if (code === 0x15) this.handler('delete-line') else if (code === 0x17) this.handler('delete-word') else this.handler('write', character) } if (!this.joinChunks) this.reset() } } const TERM_DEFAULT_STYLE = 7 const TERM_MIN_DRAW_DELAY = 10 let getRainbowColor = t => { let r = Math.floor(Math.sin(t) * 2.5 + 2.5) let g = Math.floor(Math.sin(t + 2 / 3 * Math.PI) * 2.5 + 2.5) let b = Math.floor(Math.sin(t + 4 / 3 * Math.PI) * 2.5 + 2.5) return 16 + 36 * r + 6 * g + b } class ScrollingTerminal { constructor (screen) { this.width = 80 this.height = 25 this.termScreen = screen this.parser = new ANSIParser((...args) => this.handleParsed(...args)) this.reset() this._lastLoad = this.termScreen.load(this.serialize(), 0) } reset () { = TERM_DEFAULT_STYLE this.cursor = { x: 0, y: 0, style: 1, visible: true } this.trackMouse = false this.theme = 0 this.rainbow = false this.parser.reset() this.clear() } clear () { this.screen = [] for (let i = 0; i < this.width * this.height; i++) { this.screen.push([' ',]) } } scroll () { this.screen.splice(0, this.width) for (let i = 0; i < this.width; i++) { this.screen.push([' ', TERM_DEFAULT_STYLE]) } this.cursor.y-- } newLine () { this.cursor.y++ if (this.cursor.y >= this.height) this.scroll() } writeChar (character) { this.screen[this.cursor.y * this.width + this.cursor.x] = [character,] this.cursor.x++ if (this.cursor.x >= this.width) { this.cursor.x = 0 this.newLine() } } moveBack (n = 1) { for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { this.cursor.x-- if (this.cursor.x < 0) { if (this.cursor.y > 0) this.cursor.x = this.width - 1 else this.cursor.x = 0 this.cursor.y = Math.max(0, this.cursor.y - 1) } } } moveForward (n = 1) { for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { this.cursor.x++ if (this.cursor.x >= this.width) { this.cursor.x = 0 this.cursor.y++ if (this.cursor.y >= this.height) this.scroll() } } } deleteChar () { this.moveBack() this.screen.splice((this.cursor.y + 1) * this.width, 0, [' ', TERM_DEFAULT_STYLE]) this.screen.splice(this.cursor.y * this.width + this.cursor.x, 1) } deleteForward (n) { n = Math.min(this.width, n) for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) this.screen.splice((this.cursor.y + 1) * this.width, 0, [' ', TERM_DEFAULT_STYLE]) this.screen.splice(this.cursor.y * this.width + this.cursor.x, n) } clampCursor () { if (this.cursor.x < 0) this.cursor.x = 0 if (this.cursor.y < 0) this.cursor.y = 0 if (this.cursor.x > this.width - 1) this.cursor.x = this.width - 1 if (this.cursor.y > this.height - 1) this.cursor.y = this.height - 1 } handleParsed (action, ...args) { if (action === 'write') { this.writeChar(args[0]) } else if (action === 'delete') { this.deleteForward(args[0]) } else if (action === 'insert-blanks') { this.insertBlanks(args[0]) } else if (action === 'clear') { this.clear() } else if (action === 'bell') { this.terminal.load('B') } else if (action === 'back') { this.moveBack() } else if (action === 'new-line') { this.newLine() } else if (action === 'return') { this.cursor.x = 0 } else if (action === 'set-cursor') { this.cursor.x = args[1] this.cursor.y = args[0] this.clampCursor() } else if (action === 'move-cursor-y') { this.cursor.y += args[0] this.clampCursor() } else if (action === 'move-cursor-x') { this.cursor.x += args[0] this.clampCursor() } else if (action === 'move-cursor-line') { this.cursor.x = 0 this.cursor.y += args[0] this.clampCursor() } else if (action === 'set-cursor-x') { this.cursor.x = args[0] } else if (action === 'set-cursor-style') { = Math.max(0, Math.min(6, args[0])) } else if (action === 'reset-style') { = TERM_DEFAULT_STYLE } else if (action === 'add-attrs') { if (args[0] === -1) { = ( & 0xFF0000) | (( >> 8) & 0xFF) | (( & 0xFF) << 8) } else { |= (args[0] << 16) } } else if (action === 'set-color-fg') { = ( & 0xFFFF00) | args[0] } else if (action === 'set-color-bg') { = ( & 0xFF00FF) | (args[0] << 8) } else if (action === 'hide-cursor') { this.cursor.visible = false } else if (action === 'show-cursor') { this.cursor.visible = true } } write (text) { this.parser.write(text) this.scheduleLoad() } serialize () { let serialized = 'S' serialized += encode2B(this.height) + encode2B(this.width) serialized += encode2B(this.cursor.y) + encode2B(this.cursor.x) let attributes = +this.cursor.visible attributes |= (3 << 5) * +this.trackMouse // track mouse controls both attributes |= 3 << 7 // buttons/links always visible attributes |= ( << 9) serialized += encode3B(attributes) let lastStyle = null let index = 0 for (let cell of this.screen) { let style = cell[1] if (this.rainbow) { let x = index % this.width let y = Math.floor(index / this.width) style = (style & 0xFF0000) | getRainbowColor((x + y) / 10 + / 1000) index++ } if (style !== lastStyle) { let foreground = style & 0xFF let background = (style >> 8) & 0xFF let attributes = (style >> 16) & 0xFF let setForeground = foreground !== (lastStyle & 0xFF) let setBackground = background !== ((lastStyle >> 8) & 0xFF) let setAttributes = attributes !== ((lastStyle >> 16) & 0xFF) if (setForeground && setBackground) serialized += '\x03' + encode3B(style & 0xFFFF) else if (setForeground) serialized += '\x05' + encode2B(foreground) else if (setBackground) serialized += '\x06' + encode2B(background) if (setAttributes) serialized += '\x04' + encode2B(attributes) lastStyle = style } serialized += cell[0] } return serialized } scheduleLoad () { clearTimeout(this._scheduledLoad) if (this._lastLoad < - TERM_MIN_DRAW_DELAY) { this.termScreen.load(this.serialize(), this.theme) } else { this._scheduledLoad = setTimeout(() => { this.termScreen.load(this.serialize()) }, TERM_MIN_DRAW_DELAY - this._lastLoad) } } rainbowTimer () { if (!this.rainbow) return clearInterval(this._rainbowTimer) this._rainbowTimer = setInterval(() => { if (this.rainbow) this.scheduleLoad() }, 50) } } class Process { constructor (args) { // event listeners this._listeners = {} } on (event, listener) { if (!this._listeners[event]) this._listeners[event] = [] this._listeners[event].push({ listener }) } once (event, listener) { if (!this._listeners[event]) this._listeners[event] = [] this._listeners[event].push({ listener, once: true }) } off (event, listener) { let listeners = this._listeners[event] if (listeners) { for (let i in listeners) { if (listeners[i].listener === listener) { listeners.splice(i, 1) break } } } } emit (event, ...args) { let listeners = this._listeners[event] if (listeners) { let remove = [] for (let listener of listeners) { try { listener.listener(...args) if (listener.once) remove.push(listener) } catch (err) { console.error(err) } } for (let listener of remove) { listeners.splice(listeners.indexOf(listener), 1) } } } write (data) { this.emit('in', data) } destroy () { // death. this.emit('exit', 0) } run () { // noop } } let demoData = { buttons: { 1: '', 2: '', 3: '', 4: '', 5: function (terminal, shell) { if (shell.child) shell.child.destroy() let chars = 'info\r' let loop = function () { shell.write(chars[0]) chars = chars.substr(1) if (chars) setTimeout(loop, 100) } setTimeout(loop, 200) } }, mouseReceiver: null } let demoshIndex = { clear: class Clear extends Process { run () { this.emit('write', '\x1b[2J\x1b[1;1H') this.destroy() } }, screenfetch: class Screenfetch extends Process { run () { let image = ` ###. ESPTerm Demo '###. Hostname: ${window.location.hostname} '###. Shell: ESPTerm Demo Shell '###. Resolution: 80x25@${window.devicePixelRatio}x :###- .###' .###' .###' ############### ###' ############### `.split('\n').filter(line => line.trim()) let chars = '' for (let y = 0; y < image.length; y++) { for (let x = 0; x < 80; x++) { if (image[y][x]) { chars += `\x1b[38;5;${getRainbowColor((x + y) / 10)}m${image[y][x]}` } else chars += ' ' } } this.emit('write', '\r\n\x1b[?25l') let loop = () => { this.emit('write', chars.substr(0, 80)) chars = chars.substr(80) if (chars.length) setTimeout(loop, 50) else { this.emit('write', '\r\n\x1b[?25h') this.destroy() } } loop() } }, 'local-echo': class LocalEcho extends Process { run (...args) { if (!args.includes('--suppress-note')) { this.emit('write', '\x1b[38;5;239mNote: not all terminal features are supported or and may not work as expected in this demo\x1b[0m\r\n') } } write (data) { this.emit('write', data) } }, 'info': class Info extends Process { run (...args) { let fast = args.includes('--fast') this.showSplash().then(() => { this.printText(fast) }) } showSplash () { let splash = ` -#####- -###*..#####- ######- -#* -#- .## .##. *#- -##### .-###*..#####- *#- -*##*- #*-#--#**#-*##- -#* -#-.##. *#- *##@#* ##. -#* *# .#* -#####--####- .##. *#- -*#@@- ##. -#* *# .#* `.split('\n').filter(line => line.trim()) let levels = { ' ': -231, '.': 4, '-': 8, '*': 17, '#': 24 } for (let i in splash) { if (splash[i].length < 79) splash[i] += ' '.repeat(79 - splash[i].length) } this.emit('write', '\r\n'.repeat(splash.length + 1)) this.emit('write', '\x1b[A'.repeat(splash.length)) this.emit('write', '\x1b[?25l') let cursorX = 0 let cursorY = 0 let moveTo = (x, y) => { let moveX = x - cursorX let moveY = y - cursorY this.emit('write', `\x1b[${Math.abs(moveX)}${moveX > 0 ? 'C' : 'D'}`) this.emit('write', `\x1b[${Math.abs(moveY)}${moveY > 0 ? 'B' : 'A'}`) cursorX = x cursorY = y } let drawCell = (x, y) => { moveTo(x, y) if (splash[y][x] === '@') { this.emit('write', '\x1b[48;5;8m\x1b[38;5;255m▄\b') } else { this.emit('write', `\x1b[48;5;${231 + levels[splash[y][x]]}m \b`) } } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const self = this let x = 14 let cycles = 0 let loop = function () { for (let y = 0; y < splash.length; y++) { let dx = x - y if (dx > 0) drawCell(dx, y) } if (++x < 79) { if (++cycles >= 3) { setTimeout(loop, 20) cycles = 0 } else loop() } else { moveTo(0, splash.length) self.emit('write', '\x1b[m\x1b[?25h') resolve() } } loop() }) } printText (fast = false) { // lots of printing let parts = [ '', ' ESPTerm is a VT100-like terminal emulator running on the ESP8266 WiFi chip.', '', ' \x1b[93mThis is an online demo of the web user interface, simulating a simple ', ' terminal in your browser.\x1b[m', '', ' Type \x1b[92mls\x1b[m to list available commands.', ' Use the \x1b[94mlinks\x1b[m below this screen for a demo of the options and more info.', '' ] if (fast) { this.emit('write', parts.join('\r\n') + '\r\n') this.destroy() } else { const self = this let loop = function () { self.emit('write', parts.shift() + '\r\n') if (parts.length) setTimeout(loop, 17) else self.destroy() } loop() } } }, colors: class PrintColors extends Process { run () { this.emit('write', '\r\n') let fgtext = 'foreground-color' this.emit('write', ' ') for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) { this.emit('write', '\x1b[' + (i < 8 ? `3${i}` : `9${i - 8}`) + 'm') this.emit('write', fgtext[i] + ' ') } this.emit('write', '\r\n ') for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) { this.emit('write', '\x1b[' + (i < 8 ? `4${i}` : `10${i - 8}`) + 'm ') } this.emit('write', '\x1b[m\r\n') for (let r = 0; r < 6; r++) { this.emit('write', ' ') for (let g = 0; g < 6; g++) { for (let b = 0; b < 6; b++) { this.emit('write', `\x1b[48;5;${16 + r * 36 + g * 6 + b}m `) } this.emit('write', '\x1b[m') } this.emit('write', '\r\n') } this.emit('write', ' ') for (let g = 0; g < 24; g++) { this.emit('write', `\x1b[48;5;${232 + g}m `) } this.emit('write', '\x1b[m\r\n\n') this.destroy() } }, ls: class ListCommands extends Process { run () { this.emit('write', '\x1b[92mList of demo commands\x1b[m\r\n') for (let i in demoshIndex) { if (typeof demoshIndex[i] === 'string') continue this.emit('write', i + '\r\n') } this.destroy() } }, theme: class SetTheme extends Process { constructor (shell) { super() = shell } run (...args) { let theme = args[0] | 0 if (!args.length || !Number.isFinite(theme) || theme < 0 || theme > 5) { this.emit('write', '\x1b[31mUsage: theme [0–5]\r\n') this.destroy() return } = theme // HACK: reset drawn screen to prevent only partly redrawn screen = [] this.emit('write', '') this.destroy() } }, cursor: class SetCursor extends Process { run (...args) { let steady = args.includes('--steady') if (args.includes('block')) { this.emit('write', `\x1b[${0 + 2 * steady} q`) } else if (args.includes('line')) { this.emit('write', `\x1b[${3 + steady} q`) } else if (args.includes('bar') || args.includes('beam')) { this.emit('write', `\x1b[${5 + steady} q`) } else { this.emit('write', '\x1b[31mUsage: cursor [block|line|bar] [--steady]\r\n') } this.destroy() } }, rainbow: class ToggleRainbow extends Process { constructor (shell) { super() = shell } run () { = ! this.emit('write', '') this.destroy() } }, mouse: class ShowMouse extends Process { constructor (shell) { super() = shell } run () { = true demoData.mouseReceiver = this this.randomData = [] this.highlighted = {} let characters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789' for (let i = 0; i < 23; i++) { let line = '' for (let j = 0; j < 79; j++) { line += characters[Math.floor(characters.length * Math.random())] } this.randomData.push(line) } this.scrollOffset = 0 this.render() } render () { this.emit('write', '\x1b[m\x1b[2J\x1b[1;1H') this.emit('write', '\x1b[97m\x1b[1mMouse Demo\r\n\x1b[mMouse movement, clicking and scrolling!') // render random data for scrolling for (let y = 0; y < 23; y++) { let index = y + this.scrollOffset // proper modulo: index = ((index % this.randomData.length) + this.randomData.length) % this.randomData.length let line = this.randomData[index] let lineData = `\x1b[${3 + y};1H\x1b[38;5;239m` for (let x in line) { if (this.highlighted[(y + 2) * 80 + (+x)]) lineData += '\x1b[97m' lineData += line[x] if (this.highlighted[(y + 2) * 80 + (+x)]) lineData += '\x1b[38;5;239m' } this.emit('write', lineData) } // move cursor to mouse if (this.mouse) { this.emit('write', `\x1b[${this.mouse.y + 1};${this.mouse.x + 1}H`) } } mouseMove (x, y) { this.mouse = { x, y } this.render() } mouseDown (x, y, button) { if (button === 4) this.scrollOffset-- else if (button === 5) this.scrollOffset++ else this.highlighted[y * 80 + x] = !this.highlighted[y * 80 + x] this.render() } mouseUp (x, y, button) {} destroy () {'\x1b[2J\x1b[1;1H') = false if (demoData.mouseReceiver === this) demoData.mouseReceiver = null super.destroy() } }, pwd: '/this/is/a/demo\r\n', cd: '\x1b[38;5;239mNo directories to change to\r\n', whoami: `${window.navigator.userAgent}\r\n`, hostname: `${window.location.hostname}`, uname: 'ESPTerm Demo\r\n', mkdir: '\x1b[38;5;239mDid not create a directory because this is a demo.\r\n', rm: '\x1b[38;5;239mDid not delete anything because this is a demo.\r\n', cp: '\x1b[38;5;239mNothing to copy because this is a demo.\r\n', mv: '\x1b[38;5;239mNothing to move because this is a demo.\r\n', ln: '\x1b[38;5;239mNothing to link because this is a demo.\r\n', touch: '\x1b[38;5;239mNothing to touch\r\n', exit: '\x1b[38;5;239mNowhere to go\r\n' } class DemoShell { constructor (terminal, printInfo) { this.terminal = terminal this.terminal.reset() this.parser = new ANSIParser((...args) => this.handleParsed(...args)) this.input = '' this.cursorPos = 0 this.child = null this.index = demoshIndex if (printInfo)'info') else this.prompt() } write (text) { if (this.child) { if (text.codePointAt(0) === 3) this.child.destroy() else this.child.write(text) } else this.parser.write(text) } prompt (success = true) { if (this.terminal.cursor.x !== 0) this.terminal.write('\x1b[m\x1b[38;5;238m⏎\r\n') this.terminal.write('\x1b[34;1mdemosh \x1b[m') if (!success) this.terminal.write('\x1b[31m') this.terminal.write('$ \x1b[m') this.input = '' this.cursorPos = 0 } handleParsed (action, ...args) { this.terminal.write('\b\x1b[P'.repeat(this.cursorPos)) if (action === 'write') { this.input = this.input.substr(0, this.cursorPos) + args[0] + this.input.substr(this.cursorPos) this.cursorPos++ } else if (action === 'back') { this.input = this.input.substr(0, this.cursorPos - 1) + this.input.substr(this.cursorPos) this.cursorPos-- if (this.cursorPos < 0) this.cursorPos = 0 } else if (action === 'move-cursor-x') { this.cursorPos = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.input.length, this.cursorPos + args[0])) } else if (action === 'delete-line') { this.input = '' this.cursorPos = 0 } else if (action === 'delete-word') { let words = this.input.substr(0, this.cursorPos).split(' ') words.pop() this.input = words.join(' ') + this.input.substr(this.cursorPos) this.cursorPos = words.join(' ').length } this.terminal.write(this.input) this.terminal.write('\b'.repeat(this.input.length)) this.terminal.moveForward(this.cursorPos) this.terminal.write('') // dummy. Apply the moveFoward if (action === 'return') { this.terminal.write('\r\n') this.parse(this.input) } } parse (input) { if (input === 'help') input = 'info' // TODO: basic chaining (i.e. semicolon) } run (command) { let parts = [''] let inQuote = false for (let character of command.trim()) { if (inQuote && character !== inQuote) { parts[parts.length - 1] += character } else if (inQuote) { inQuote = false } else if (character === '"' || character === "'") { inQuote = character } else if (character.match(/\s/)) { if (parts[parts.length - 1]) parts.push('') } else parts[parts.length - 1] += character } let name = parts.shift() if (name in this.index) { this.spawn(name, parts) } else { this.terminal.write(`demosh: Unknown command: ${name}\r\n`) this.prompt(false) } } spawn (name, args = []) { let Process = this.index[name] if (Process instanceof Function) { this.child = new Process(this) let write = data => this.terminal.write(data) this.child.on('write', write) this.child.on('exit', code => { if (this.child)'write', write) this.child = null this.prompt(!code) }) } else { this.terminal.write(Process) this.prompt() } } } window.demoInterface = { input (data) { let type = data[0] let content = data.substr(1) if (type === 's') { } else if (type === 'b') { let button = content.charCodeAt(0) let action = demoData.buttons[button] if (action) { if (typeof action === 'string') else if (action instanceof Function) action(this.terminal, } } else if (type === 'm' || type === 'p' || type === 'r') { let row = parse2B(content, 0) let column = parse2B(content, 2) let button = parse2B(content, 4) let modifiers = parse2B(content, 6) if (demoData.mouseReceiver) { if (type === 'm') demoData.mouseReceiver.mouseMove(column, row, button, modifiers) else if (type === 'p') demoData.mouseReceiver.mouseDown(column, row, button, modifiers) else if (type === 'r') demoData.mouseReceiver.mouseUp(column, row, button, modifiers) } } }, init (screen) { this.terminal = new ScrollingTerminal(screen) = new DemoShell(this.terminal, true) } }