const $ = require('./lib/chibi') const { mk, qs, qsa, cr } = require('./utils') const modal = require('./modal') const notify = require('./notif') /** Global generic init */ $.ready(function () { // Opening menu on mobile / narrow screen function menuOpen () { $('#menu').toggleClass('expanded') } $('#brand') .on('click', menuOpen) .on('keypress', cr(menuOpen)) // Checkbox UI (checkbox CSS and hidden input with int value) $('.Row.checkbox').forEach(function (x) { let inp = x.querySelector('input') let box = x.querySelector('.box') $(box).toggleClass('checked', inp.value) let hdl = function () { inp.value = 1 - inp.value $(box).toggleClass('checked', inp.value) } $(x).on('click', hdl).on('keypress', cr(hdl)) }) // Expanding boxes on mobile $('.Box.mobcol,.Box.fold').forEach(function (x) { let h = x.querySelector('h2') let hdl = function () { $(x).toggleClass('expanded') } $(h).on('click', hdl).on('keypress', cr(hdl)) }) $('form').forEach(function (x) { $(x).on('keypress', function (e) { if ((e.keyCode === 10 || e.keyCode === 13) && e.ctrlKey) { x.submit() } }) }) // loader dots... setInterval(function () { $('.anim-dots').each(function (x) { let $x = $(x) let dots = $x.html() + '.' if (dots.length === 5) dots = '.' $x.html(dots) }) }, 1000) // flipping number boxes with the mouse wheel $('input[type=number]').on('mousewheel', function (e) { let $this = $(this) let val = +$this.val() if (isNaN(val)) val = 1 const step = +($this.attr('step') || 1) const min = +$this.attr('min') const max = +$this.attr('max') if (e.wheelDelta > 0) { val += step } else { val -= step } if (!Number.isFinite(min)) val = Math.max(val, +min) if (!Number.isFinite(max)) val = Math.min(val, +max) $this.val(val) if ('createEvent' in document) { let evt = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents') evt.initEvent('change', false, true) $this[0].dispatchEvent(evt) } else { $this[0].fireEvent('onchange') } e.preventDefault() }) // populate the form errors box from GET arg ?err=... // (a way to pass errors back from server via redirect) let errAt ='err=') if (errAt !== -1 && qs('.Box.errors')) { let errs = decodeURIComponent( + 4)).split(',') let humanReadableErrors = [] errs.forEach(function (er) { let lbls = qsa('label[for="' + er + '"]') if (lbls) { for (let i = 0; i < lbls.length; i++) { let lbl = lbls[i] lbl.classList.add('error') if (i === 0) humanReadableErrors.push(lbl.childNodes[0].textContent.trim().replace(/: ?$/, '')) } } else { humanReadableErrors.push(er) } }) qs('.Box.errors .list').innerHTML = humanReadableErrors.join(', ') qs('.Box.errors').classList.remove('hidden') } let msgAt ='msg=') if (msgAt !== -1 && qs('.Box.message')) { let msg = decodeURIComponent( + 4)) qs('.Box.message').innerHTML = msg qs('.Box.message').classList.remove('hidden') } modal.init() notify.init() // remove tabindices from h2 if wide if (window.innerWidth > 550) { $('.Box h2').forEach(function (x) { x.removeAttribute('tabindex') }) // brand works as a link back to term in widescreen mode let br = qs('#brand') br && br.addEventListener('click', function () { window.location.href = '/' // go to terminal }) } }) // setup the ajax loader $._loader = function (vis) { $('#loader').toggleClass('show', vis) } let pageShown = false // reveal content on load function showPage () { pageShown = true $('#content').addClass('load') } // HACKITY HACK: fix this later window.showPage = showPage // Auto reveal pages other than the terminal (sets window.noAutoShow) $.ready(function () { if (window.noAutoShow === true) { setTimeout(function () { if (!pageShown) { let bnr = mk('P') = 'load-failed' bnr.innerHTML = 'Server connection failed! Trying again' + '.' qs('#screen').appendChild(bnr) showPage() } }, 2000) } else { setTimeout(function () { showPage() }, 1) } })