/* * Copyright (c) 2010 Tim Baumann * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ // NOTE: Converted to ES6 by MightyPork (2017) const { rgb_to_hex, hex_to_rgb, hsl_to_rgb, rgb_to_hsl } = require('./color_utils') const win = window const doc = document const M = Math const PI = M.PI function times (i, fn) { for (let j = 0; j < i; j++) { fn(j) } } function each (obj, fn) { if (obj.length) { times(obj.length, function (i) { fn(obj[i], i) }) } else { for (let key in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { fn(obj[key], key) } } } } module.exports = class ColorTriangle { /**************** * ColorTriangle * ****************/ // Constructor function: constructor (color, options) { this.options = { size: 150, padding: 8, triangleSize: 0.8, wheelPointerColor1: '#444', wheelPointerColor2: '#eee', trianglePointerSize: 16, // wheelPointerSize: 16, trianglePointerColor1: '#eee', trianglePointerColor2: '#444', background: 'transparent' } this._setOptions(options) this._calculateProperties() this._createContainer() this._createTriangle() this._createWheel() this._createWheelPointer() this._createTrianglePointer() this._attachEvents() color = color || '#f00' if (typeof color == 'string') { this.setHEX(color) } } _calculateProperties () { let opts = this.options this.padding = opts.padding this.innerSize = opts.size - opts.padding * 2 this.triangleSize = opts.triangleSize * this.innerSize this.wheelThickness = (this.innerSize - this.triangleSize) / 2 this.wheelPointerSize = opts.wheelPointerSize || this.wheelThickness this.wheelRadius = (this.innerSize) / 2 this.triangleRadius = (this.triangleSize) / 2 this.triangleSideLength = M.sqrt(3) * this.triangleRadius } _calculatePositions () { const r = this.triangleRadius const hue = this.hue const third = (2 / 3) * PI const s = this.saturation const l = this.lightness // Colored point const hx = this.hx = M.cos(hue) * r const hy = this.hy = -M.sin(hue) * r // Black point const sx = this.sx = M.cos(hue - third) * r const sy = this.sy = -M.sin(hue - third) * r // White point const vx = this.vx = M.cos(hue + third) * r const vy = this.vy = -M.sin(hue + third) * r // Current point const mx = (sx + vx) / 2 const my = (sy + vy) / 2 const a = (1 - 2 * M.abs(l - 0.5)) * s this.x = sx + (vx - sx) * l + (hx - mx) * a this.y = sy + (vy - sy) * l + (hy - my) * a } _createContainer () { let c = this.container = doc.createElement('div') c.className = 'color-triangle' c.style.display = 'block' c.style.padding = `${this.padding}px` c.style.position = 'relative' c.style.boxShadow = '0 1px 10px black' c.style.borderRadius = '5px' c.style.width = c.style.height = `${this.innerSize + 2 * this.padding}px` c.style.background = this.options.background } _createWheel () { let c = this.wheel = doc.createElement('canvas') c.width = c.height = this.innerSize c.style.position = 'absolute' c.style.margin = c.style.padding = '0' c.style.left = c.style.top = `${this.padding}px` this._drawWheel(c.getContext('2d')) this.container.appendChild(c) } _drawWheel (ctx) { let s, i ctx.save() ctx.translate(this.wheelRadius, this.wheelRadius) s = this.wheelRadius - this.triangleRadius // Draw a circle for every color for (i = 0; i < 360; i++) { ctx.rotate(PI / -180) // rotate one degree ctx.beginPath() ctx.fillStyle = 'hsl(' + i + ', 100%, 50%)' ctx.arc(this.wheelRadius - (s / 2), 0, s / 2, 0, PI * 2, true) ctx.fill() } ctx.restore() } _createTriangle () { let c = this.triangle = doc.createElement('canvas') c.width = c.height = this.innerSize c.style.position = 'absolute' c.style.margin = c.style.padding = '0' c.style.left = c.style.top = this.padding + 'px' this.triangleCtx = c.getContext('2d') this.container.appendChild(c) } _drawTriangle () { const hx = this.hx const hy = this.hy const sx = this.sx const sy = this.sy const vx = this.vx const vy = this.vy const size = this.innerSize let ctx = this.triangleCtx // clear ctx.clearRect(0, 0, size, size) ctx.save() ctx.translate(this.wheelRadius, this.wheelRadius) // make a triangle ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo(hx, hy) ctx.lineTo(sx, sy) ctx.lineTo(vx, vy) ctx.closePath() ctx.clip() ctx.fillStyle = '#000' ctx.fillRect(-this.wheelRadius, -this.wheelRadius, size, size) // => black triangle // create gradient from hsl(hue, 1, 1) to transparent let grad0 = ctx.createLinearGradient(hx, hy, (sx + vx) / 2, (sy + vy) / 2) const hsla = 'hsla(' + M.round(this.hue * (180 / PI)) + ', 100%, 50%, ' grad0.addColorStop(0, hsla + '1)') grad0.addColorStop(1, hsla + '0)') ctx.fillStyle = grad0 ctx.fillRect(-this.wheelRadius, -this.wheelRadius, size, size) // => gradient: one side of the triangle is black, the opponent angle is $color // create color gradient from white to transparent let grad1 = ctx.createLinearGradient(vx, vy, (hx + sx) / 2, (hy + sy) / 2) grad1.addColorStop(0, '#fff') grad1.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)') ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'lighter' ctx.fillStyle = grad1 ctx.fillRect(-this.wheelRadius, -this.wheelRadius, size, size) // => white angle ctx.restore() } // The two pointers _createWheelPointer () { let c = this.wheelPointer = doc.createElement('canvas') const size = this.wheelPointerSize c.width = c.height = size c.style.position = 'absolute' c.style.margin = c.style.padding = '0' this._drawPointer(c.getContext('2d'), size / 2, this.options.wheelPointerColor1, this.options.wheelPointerColor2) this.container.appendChild(c) } _moveWheelPointer () { const r = this.wheelPointerSize / 2 const s = this.wheelPointer.style s.top = this.padding + this.wheelRadius - M.sin(this.hue) * (this.triangleRadius + this.wheelThickness / 2) - r + 'px' s.left = this.padding + this.wheelRadius + M.cos(this.hue) * (this.triangleRadius + this.wheelThickness / 2) - r + 'px' } _createTrianglePointer () { // create pointer in the triangle let c = this.trianglePointer = doc.createElement('canvas') const size = this.options.trianglePointerSize c.width = c.height = size c.style.position = 'absolute' c.style.margin = c.style.padding = '0' this._drawPointer(c.getContext('2d'), size / 2, this.options.trianglePointerColor1, this.options.trianglePointerColor2) this.container.appendChild(c) } _moveTrianglePointer (x, y) { const s = this.trianglePointer.style const r = this.options.trianglePointerSize / 2 s.top = (this.y + this.wheelRadius + this.padding - r) + 'px' s.left = (this.x + this.wheelRadius + this.padding - r) + 'px' } _drawPointer (ctx, r, color1, color2) { ctx.fillStyle = color2 ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(r, r, r, 0, PI * 2, true) ctx.fill() // => black circle ctx.fillStyle = color1 ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(r, r, r - 2, 0, PI * 2, true) ctx.fill() // => white circle with 1px black border ctx.fillStyle = color2 ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(r, r, r / 4 + 2, 0, PI * 2, true) ctx.fill() // => black circle with big white border and a small black border ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-out' ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(r, r, r / 4, 0, PI * 2, true) ctx.fill() // => transparent center } // The Element and the DOM inject (parent) { parent.appendChild(this.container) } _getRelativeCoordinates (evt) { let elem = this.triangle let rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect() return { x: evt.clientX - rect.x, y: evt.clientY - rect.y } } dispose () { let parent = this.container.parentNode if (parent) { parent.removeChild(this.container) } } getElement () { return this.container } // Color accessors getCSS () { const h = Math.round(this.hue * (180 / PI)) const s = Math.round(this.saturation * 100) const l = Math.round(this.lightness * 100) return `hsl(${h}, ${s}%, ${l}%)` } getHEX () { return rgb_to_hex(...this.getRGB()) } setHEX (hex) { this.setRGB(...hex_to_rgb(hex)) } getRGB () { return hsl_to_rgb(...this.getHSL()) } setRGB (r, g, b) { this.setHSL(...rgb_to_hsl(r, g, b)) } getHSL () { return [this.hue, this.saturation, this.lightness] } setHSL (h, s, l) { this.hue = h this.saturation = s this.lightness = l this._initColor() } _initColor () { this._calculatePositions() this._moveWheelPointer() this._drawTriangle() this._moveTrianglePointer() } // Mouse event handling _attachEvents () { this.down = null let mousedown = (evt) => { evt.stopPropagation() evt.preventDefault() doc.body.addEventListener('mousemove', mousemove, false) doc.body.addEventListener('mouseup', mouseup, false) let xy = this._getRelativeCoordinates(evt) this._map(xy.x, xy.y) } let mousemove = (evt) => { let xy = this._getRelativeCoordinates(evt) this._move(xy.x, xy.y) } let mouseup = (evt) => { if (this.down) { this.down = null this._fireEvent('dragend') } doc.body.removeEventListener('mousemove', mousemove, false) doc.body.removeEventListener('mouseup', mouseup, false) } this.container.addEventListener('mousedown', mousedown, false) this.container.addEventListener('mousemove', mousemove, false) } _map (x, y) { let x0 = x let y0 = y x -= this.wheelRadius y -= this.wheelRadius const r = M.sqrt(x * x + y * y) // Pythagoras if (r > this.triangleRadius && r < this.wheelRadius) { // Wheel this.down = 'wheel' this._fireEvent('dragstart') this._move(x0, y0) } else if (r < this.triangleRadius) { // Inner circle this.down = 'triangle' this._fireEvent('dragstart') this._move(x0, y0) } } _move (x, y) { if (!this.down) { return } x -= this.wheelRadius y -= this.wheelRadius let rad = M.atan2(-y, x) if (rad < 0) { rad += 2 * PI } if (this.down === 'wheel') { this.hue = rad this._initColor() this._fireEvent('drag') } else if (this.down === 'triangle') { // get radius and max radius let rad0 = (rad + 2 * PI - this.hue) % (2 * PI) let rad1 = rad0 % ((2 / 3) * PI) - (PI / 3) let a = 0.5 * this.triangleRadius let b = M.tan(rad1) * a let r = M.sqrt(x * x + y * y) // Pythagoras let maxR = M.sqrt(a * a + b * b) // Pythagoras if (r > maxR) { const dx = M.tan(rad1) * r let rad2 = M.atan(dx / maxR) if (rad2 > PI / 3) { rad2 = PI / 3 } else if (rad2 < -PI / 3) { rad2 = -PI / 3 } rad += rad2 - rad1 rad0 = (rad + 2 * PI - this.hue) % (2 * PI) rad1 = rad0 % ((2 / 3) * PI) - (PI / 3) b = M.tan(rad1) * a r = maxR = M.sqrt(a * a + b * b) // Pythagoras } x = M.round(M.cos(rad) * r) y = M.round(-M.sin(rad) * r) const l = this.lightness = ((M.sin(rad0) * r) / this.triangleSideLength) + 0.5 const widthShare = 1 - (M.abs(l - 0.5) * 2) let s = this.saturation = (((M.cos(rad0) * r) + (this.triangleRadius / 2)) / (1.5 * this.triangleRadius)) / widthShare s = M.max(0, s) // cannot be lower than 0 s = M.min(1, s) // cannot be greater than 1 this.lightness = l this.saturation = s this.x = x this.y = y this._moveTrianglePointer() this._fireEvent('drag') } } /*************** * Init helpers * ***************/ static initInput (input, options) { options = options || {} let ct let openColorTriangle = function () { let hex = input.value if (options.parseColor) hex = options.parseColor(hex) if (!ct) { options.size = options.size || input.offsetWidth options.background = win.getComputedStyle(input, null).backgroundColor options.margin = options.margin || 10 options.event = options.event || 'dragend' ct = new ColorTriangle(hex, options) ct.addEventListener(options.event, () => { const hex = ct.getHEX() input.value = options.uppercase ? hex.toUpperCase() : hex fireChangeEvent() }) } else { ct.setHEX(hex) } let top = input.offsetTop if (win.innerHeight - input.getBoundingClientRect().top > input.offsetHeight + options.margin + options.size) { top += input.offsetHeight + options.margin // below } else { top -= options.margin + options.size // above } let el = ct.getElement() el.style.position = 'absolute' el.style.left = input.offsetLeft + 'px' el.style.top = top + 'px' el.style.zIndex = '1338' // above everything ct.inject(input.parentNode) } let closeColorTriangle = () => { if (ct) { ct.dispose() } } let fireChangeEvent = () => { let evt = doc.createEvent('HTMLEvents') evt.initEvent('input', true, false) // bubbles = true, cancable = false input.dispatchEvent(evt) // fire event } input.addEventListener('focus', openColorTriangle, false) input.addEventListener('blur', closeColorTriangle, false) input.addEventListener('keyup', () => { const val = input.value if (val.match(/^#((?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{3})|(?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}))$/)) { openColorTriangle() fireChangeEvent() } else { closeColorTriangle() } }, false) } /******************* * Helper functions * *******************/ _setOptions (opts) { opts = opts || {} let dflt = this.options let options = this.options = {} each(dflt, function (val, key) { options[key] = (opts.hasOwnProperty(key)) ? opts[key] : val }) } addEventListener (type, fn) { if (!this.events) { this.events = {} } if (!this.events[type]) { this.events[type] = [] } this.events[type].push(fn) } removeEventListener (type, fn) { if (this.events) { let fns = this.events[type] const l = fns.length for (let i = 0; i < l; i += 1) { if (fns[i] === fn) { fns.splice(i, 1) break } } } } _fireEvent (type) { if (this.events) { let evts = this.events[type] if (evts) { const args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1) each(evts, function (evt) { evt(...args) }) } } } }