/** Init the terminal sub-module - called from HTML */ window.termInit = function (labels, theme) { const screen = new window.TermScreen() const conn = window.Conn(screen) const input = window.Input(conn) const termUpload = window.TermUpl(conn, input) screen.input = input conn.init() input.init() termUpload.init() qs('#screen').appendChild(screen.canvas) screen.load(labels, theme) // load labels and theme window.initSoftKeyboard(screen, input) if (window.attachDebugScreen) window.attachDebugScreen(screen) let isFullscreen = false let fitScreen = false let fitScreenIfNeeded = function fitScreenIfNeeded () { if (isFullscreen) { screen.window.fitIntoWidth = window.screen.width screen.window.fitIntoHeight = window.screen.height } else { screen.window.fitIntoWidth = fitScreen ? window.innerWidth - 20 : 0 screen.window.fitIntoHeight = fitScreen ? window.innerHeight : 0 } } fitScreenIfNeeded() window.addEventListener('resize', fitScreenIfNeeded) window.toggleFitScreen = function () { fitScreen = !fitScreen const resizeButtonIcon = qs('#resize-button-icon') if (fitScreen) { resizeButtonIcon.classList.remove('icn-resize-small') resizeButtonIcon.classList.add('icn-resize-full') } else { resizeButtonIcon.classList.remove('icn-resize-full') resizeButtonIcon.classList.add('icn-resize-small') } fitScreenIfNeeded() } // add fullscreen mode & button if (Element.prototype.requestFullscreen || Element.prototype.webkitRequestFullscreen) { let checkForFullscreen = function () { // document.fullscreenElement is not really support yet, so here's a hack if (isFullscreen && (innerWidth !== window.screen.width || innerHeight !== window.screen.height)) { isFullscreen = false fitScreenIfNeeded() } } setInterval(checkForFullscreen, 500) // (why are the buttons anchors?) let button = mk('a') button.href = '#' button.addEventListener('click', e => { e.preventDefault() isFullscreen = true fitScreenIfNeeded() screen.updateSize() if (screen.canvas.requestFullscreen) screen.canvas.requestFullscreen() else screen.canvas.webkitRequestFullscreen() }) let icon = mk('i') icon.classList.add('icn-resize-full') // TODO: less confusing icons button.appendChild(icon) let span = mk('span') span.textContent = 'Fullscreen' button.appendChild(span) qs('#term-nav').insertBefore(button, qs('#term-nav').firstChild) } // for debugging window.termScreen = screen window.conn = conn window.input = input window.termUpl = termUpload }