const { getColor } = require('./themes') const { qs } = require('../utils') const { rgb2hsl, hex2rgb, rgb2hex, hsl2rgb } = require('../lib/color_utils') module.exports = function initButtons (input) { let container = qs('#action-buttons') // current color palette let palette = [] // button labels let labels = [] // button colors let colors = {} // button elements let buttons = [] // add a button element let pushButton = function pushButton () { let button = document.createElement('button') button.classList.add('action-button') button.setAttribute('data-n', buttons.length) buttons.push(button) container.appendChild(button) button.addEventListener('click', e => { // might as well use the attribute ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ let index = +button.getAttribute('data-n') input.sendButton(index) // if it keeps focus, spacebar will push it }) // this prevents button retaining focus after half-click/drag-away button.addEventListener('mouseleave', e => { }) return button } // remove a button element let popButton = function popButton () { let button = buttons.pop() button.parentNode.removeChild(button) } // sync with DOM let update = function updateButtons () { if (labels.length > buttons.length) { for (let i = buttons.length; i < labels.length; i++) { pushButton() } } else if (buttons.length > labels.length) { for (let i = buttons.length; i > labels.length; i--) { popButton() } } for (let i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) { let label = labels[i].trim() let button = buttons[i] let color = colors[i] button.textContent = label || '\u00a0' // label or nbsp if (!label) button.classList.add('inactive') else button.classList.remove('inactive') // 0 or undefined can be used to disable custom color if (Number.isFinite(color) && color !== 0) { const clr = getColor(color, palette) = clr // darken the color a bit for the 3D side const hsl = rgb2hsl(...hex2rgb(clr)) const hex = rgb2hex(...hsl2rgb(hsl[0], hsl[1], hsl[2] * 0.7)) = `0 3px 0 ${hex}` } else { = null = null } } } return { update, get labels () { return labels }, set labels (value) { labels = value update() }, get colors () { return colors }, set colors (value) { colors = value update() }, get palette () { return palette }, set palette (value) { palette = value update() } } }