ESPTerm - ESP8266 terminal emulator. Branches: [master] patches, [work] next release
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<h1 onclick="location.href='/'">Quick Reference</h1>
<div class="Box">
<li>Communication UART on pins <b>Rx, Tx</b> at 115200-8-1-N</li>
<li>Debug log on pin <b>GPIO2</b> at 115200-8-1-N</li>
<li>Use 3.3V logic, or 5V with protection resistors (10k)</li>
<li>Connect Rx and Tx with a piece of wire to test the terminal alone, you should see what you type in the browser.
NOTE: This won't work if your ESP8266 board has a built-in USB-serial.</li>
<div class="Box">
<li>Most ANSI escape sequences are supported.</li>
<li>The max screen size is 2000 characters (eg. <b>25x80</b>), default is <b>10x26</b>. Set using <code>\e]W?;?\a</code> with rows;cols.</li>
<li>The screen will automatically scroll, can be used for log output.</li>
<li>Display update is sent <b>after 20 ms of inactivity</b>.</li>
<li>The browser display needs WebSockets for the real-time updating. It may not work on really old phones / browsers.</li>
<div class="Box">
<h2>Color Reference</h2>
<p>Color is set using <code>\e[?m</code> or <code>\e[?;?m</code> where "?" are numbers from the following tables:</p>
<div class="colorprev">
<span class="fg0" style="background:#333">30</span>
<span class="bg0 fg1">31</span>
<span class="bg0 fg2">32</span>
<span class="bg0 fg3">33</span>
<span class="bg0 fg4">34</span>
<span class="bg0 fg5">35</span>
<span class="bg0 fg6">36</span>
<span class="bg0 fg7">37</span>
<div class="colorprev">
<span class="bg0 fg8">90</span>
<span class="bg0 fg9">91</span>
<span class="bg0 fg10">92</span>
<span class="bg0 fg11">93</span>
<span class="bg0 fg12">94</span>
<span class="bg0 fg13">95</span>
<span class="bg0 fg14">96</span>
<span class="bg0 fg15">97</span>
<div class="colorprev">
<span class="bg0 fg15">30</span>
<span class="bg1 fg15">31</span>
<span class="bg2 fg15">32</span>
<span class="bg3 fg0">33</span>
<span class="bg4 fg15">34</span>
<span class="bg5 fg15">35</span>
<span class="bg6 fg15">36</span>
<span class="bg7 fg0">37</span>
<div class="colorprev">
<span class="bg8 fg15">100</span>
<span class="bg9 fg0">101</span>
<span class="bg10 fg0">102</span>
<span class="bg11 fg0">103</span>
<span class="bg12 fg0">104</span>
<span class="bg13 fg0">105</span>
<span class="bg14 fg0">106</span>
<span class="bg15 fg0">107</span>
<p>Bright foreground can also be set using the "bold" attribute 1 (eg. <code>\e[31;1m</code>). For more details, see the ANSI code reference below.</p>
<div class="Box">
<h2>User Input</h2>
All the user types on their keyboard is sent as-is to the UART, including ESC, ANSI sequences for arrow keys and CR-LF for Enter.
The input is limited to ASCII codes 32-126, backspace 8 and tab 9.
<p>The buttons under the screen send ASCII codes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.</p>
<b>Mouse input</b> (click/tap) is sent as <code>\e?;?M</code> with row;column. You can use this for on-screen buttons, menu navigation etc.
<i>Please note this is a custom sequence, not supported by PuTTY or other terminals.</i>
<div class="Box">
<h2>Supported ANSI Escape Sequences</h2>
<p>Sequences are started by ASCII code 27 (ESC, <code>\e</code>, <code>\x1b</code>, <code>\033</code>)</p>
<p>Instead of <code>\a</code> (BELL, ASCII 7) in the commands, you can use `\e\` (ESC + backslash). It's the Text Separator code.</p>
<h3>Text Attributes</h3>
All text attributes are set using <code>\e[...m</code> where the dots are numbers separated by semicolons.
You can combine up to 3 attributes in a single command.
<table class="ansiref">
<td>Reset text attributes to default</td>
<td>Inverse (fg/bg swap when printing)</td>
<td>Inverse OFF</td>
<td>30-37, 90-97</td>
<td>Foreground color, normal and bright</td>
<td>40-47, 100-107</td>
<td>Background color, normal and bright</td>
<p>Movement commands scroll the screen if needed. The coordinates are 1-based, origin top left.</p>
<table class="ansiref w100">
<td>Move cursor up</td>
<td>Move cursor down</td>
<td>Move cursor forward (right)</td>
<td>Move cursor backward (left)</td>
<td>Go N line down, start of line</td>
<td>Go N lines up, start of line</td>
<td>Go to column</td>
<td>Go to row and column</td>
<td>Query cursor position. Position is sent back as <code>\e[?;?R</code> with row;column.</td>
<td>Store position</td>
<td>Restore position</td>
<td>Store position & attributes</td>
<td>Restore position & attributes</td>
<td>Hide cursor (literal question mark, lowercase L!)</td>
<td>Show cursor (literal question mark!)</td>
<table class="ansiref w100">
<td>Clear screen. Mode: 0 - from cursor, 1 - to cursor, 2 - all</td>
<td>Erase line. Mode: 0 - from cursor, 1 - to cursor, 2 - all</td>
<td>Scroll screen content up, add empty line at the bottom</td>
<td>Scroll screen content down, add empty line at the top</td>
<td>Set screen size, maximum 25x80 (resp. total 2000 characters). This also clears the screen.</td>
<h3>System Commands</h3>
<table class="ansiref w100">
"Device Reset" - clear screen, reset attributes, show cursor & move it to 1,1.
The screen size and WiFi settings stay unchanged.
<td>"Factory Reset", emergency code when you mess up the WiFi, restores SSID to unique default, clears stored credentials & enters Client+AP mode.</td>
<td>Query device status, replies with <code>\e[0n</code> "device is OK". Can be used to check if the UART works.</td>
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