// // Created by MightyPork on 2017/07/29. // #include "syscfg.h" #include "persist.h" #include "uart_driver.h" #include "serial.h" SystemConfigBundle * const sysconf = &persist.current.sysconf; void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR sysconf_apply_settings(void) { bool changed = false; if (sysconf->config_version < 1) { dbg("Upgrading syscfg to v 1"); sysconf->overclock = false; changed = true; } sysconf->config_version = SYSCONF_VERSION; if (changed) { persist_store(); } // uart settings live here, but the CGI handler + form has been moved to the Terminal config page serialInit(); system_update_cpu_freq((uint8) (sysconf->overclock ? 160 : 80)); } void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR sysconf_restore_defaults(void) { sysconf->uart_parity = PARITY_NONE; sysconf->uart_baudrate = BIT_RATE_115200; sysconf->uart_stopbits = ONE_STOP_BIT; sysconf->config_version = SYSCONF_VERSION; sysconf->access_pw[0] = 0; sysconf->pwlock = PWLOCK_NONE; strcpy(sysconf->access_pw, DEF_ACCESS_PW); strcpy(sysconf->access_name, DEF_ACCESS_NAME); sysconf->overclock = false; }