//region Libs / utils /* * DOM selector * * Usage: * $('div'); * $('#name'); * $('.name'); * * * Copyright (C) 2011 Jed Schmidt - WTFPL * More: https://gist.github.com/991057 * */ var $ = function( a, // take a simple selector like "name", "#name", or ".name", and b // an optional context, and ){ a = a.match(/^(\W)?(.*)/); // split the selector into name and symbol. return( // return an element or list, from within the scope of b // the passed context || document // or document, )[ "getElement" + ( // obtained by the appropriate method calculated by a[1] ? a[1] == "#" ? "ById" // the node by ID, : "sByClassName" // the nodes by class name, or : "sByTagName" // the nodes by tag name, ) ]( a[2] // called with the name. ) }; /* * Create DOM element * * Usage: * var el = m('


'); * document.body.appendChild(el); * * * DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE * Version 2, December 2004 * * Copyright (C) 2011 Jed Schmidt - WTFPL * More: https://gist.github.com/966233 * */ var m = function( a, // an HTML string b, // placeholder c // placeholder ){ b = document; // get the document, c = b.createElement("p"); // create a container element, c.innerHTML = a; // write the HTML to it, and a = b.createDocumentFragment(); // create a fragment. while ( // while b = c.firstChild // the container element has a first child ) a.appendChild(b); // append the child to the fragment, return a // and then return the fragment. }; //endregion // // Terminal class // (function () { function make(e) {return document.createElement(e)} var W = 26, H = 10; //26, 10 var cursor = {a: false, x: 0, y: 0, suppress: false, hidden: false}; var screen = []; /** Colors table */ var CLR = [// dark gray #2E3436 // 0 black, 1 red, 2 green, 3 yellow // 4 blue, 5 mag, 6 cyan, 7 white '#111213','#CC0000','#4E9A06','#C4A000', '#3465A4','#75507B','#06989A','#D3D7CF', // BRIGHT // 8 black, 9 red, 10 green, 11 yellow // 12 blue, 13 mag, 14 cyan, 15 white '#555753','#EF2929','#8AE234','#FCE94F', '#729FCF','#AD7FA8','#34E2E2','#EEEEEC' ]; /** Clear screen */ function cls() { screen.forEach(function(cell, i) { cell.t = ' '; cell.fg = 7; cell.bg = 0; blit(cell); }); } /** Set text and color at XY */ function cellAt(y, x) { return screen[y*W+x]; } /** Get cell under cursor */ function cursorCell() { return cellAt(cursor.y, cursor.x); } /** Enable or disable cursor visibility */ function cursorEnable(enable) { cursor.hidden = !enable; cursor.a &= enable; blit(cursorCell(), cursor.a); } /** Safely move cursor */ function cursorSet(y, x) { // Hide and prevent from showing up during the move cursor.suppress = true; blit(cursorCell(), false); cursor.x = x; cursor.y = y; // Show again cursor.suppress = false; blit(cursorCell(), cursor.a); } /** Update cell on display. inv = invert (for cursor) */ function blit(cell, inv) { var e = cell.e, fg, bg; // Colors fg = inv ? cell.bg : cell.fg; bg = inv ? cell.fg : cell.bg; // Update e.innerText = (cell.t+' ')[0]; e.style.color = colorHex(fg); e.style.backgroundColor = colorHex(bg); e.style.fontWeight = fg > 7 ? 'bold' : 'normal'; } /** Show entire screen */ function blitAll() { screen.forEach(function(cell, i) { /* Invert if under cursor & cursor active */ var inv = cursor.a && (i == cursor.y*W+cursor.x); blit(cell, inv); }); } /** Load screen content from a 'binary' sequence */ function load(obj) { cursor.x = obj.x; cursor.y = obj.y; // Simple compression - hexFG hexBG 'ASCII' (r/s/t/u NUM{1,2,3,4})? var i = 0, ci = 0, str = obj.screen; var fg, bg, t, cell, repchars, rep; while(i < str.length && ci 0) { rep = parseInt(str.substr(i+1,repchars)); i = i + repchars + 1; for (; rep>0 && ci 15) c = 0; return CLR[c]; } /** Init the terminal */ function init(obj) { /* Build screen & show */ var e, cell, scr = $('#screen'); for(var i = 0; i < W*H; i++) { e = make('span'); /* End of line */ if ((i > 0) && (i % W == 0)) { scr.appendChild(make('br')); } /* The cell */ scr.appendChild(e); cell = {t: ' ', fg: 7, bg: 0, e: e}; screen.push(cell); blit(cell); } /* Cursor blinking */ setInterval(function() { cursor.a = !cursor.a; if (cursor.hidden) { cursor.a = false; } if (!cursor.suppress) { blit(cursorCell(), cursor.a); } }, 500); load(obj); } // publish window.Term = { init: init, load: load, setCursor: cursorSet, enableCursor: cursorEnable, clear: cls }; })(); // // Connection class // (function() { var wsUri = "ws://"+window.location.host+"/ws/update.cgi"; var ws; function onOpen(evt) { console.log("CONNECTED"); } function onClose(evt) { console.error("SOCKET CLOSED"); } function onMessage(evt) { try { // Assume all our messages are screen updates Term.load(JSON.parse(evt.data)); } catch(e) { console.error(e); } } function onError(evt) { console.error(evt.data); } function doSend(message) { if (typeof message != "string") { message = JSON.stringify(message); } ws.send(message); } function init() { ws = new WebSocket(wsUri); ws.onopen = onOpen; ws.onclose = onClose; ws.onmessage = onMessage; ws.onerror = onError; console.log("Opening socket."); } window.Conn = { ws: null, init: init, send: doSend }; })(); function init(obj) { Term.init(obj); Conn.init(); }