/** * Low level UART peripheral support functions */ /* * File : uart.h * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2016, Espressif Systems * Copyright (C) 2016, Ondřej Hruška (cleaning, modif.) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifndef UART_APP_H #define UART_APP_H #include "uart_register.h" #include "eagle_soc.h" #include "c_types.h" // =========== // timeout for sending / receiving a char (default) #define UART_TIMEOUT_US 5000 #define UART_TX_FULL_THRESH_VAL (UART_FIFO_LEN - 2) // if more than this many bytes in queue, don't write more #define UART_TX_EMPTY_THRESH_VAL 16 // =========== typedef enum { UART0 = 0, UART1 = 1 } UARTn; typedef enum { FIVE_BITS = 0x0, SIX_BITS = 0x1, SEVEN_BITS = 0x2, EIGHT_BITS = 0x3 } UartBitsNum4Char; typedef enum { ONE_STOP_BIT = 0x1, ONE_HALF_STOP_BIT = 0x2, TWO_STOP_BIT = 0x3 } UartStopBitsNum; typedef enum { PARITY_NONE = 0x2, PARITY_ODD = 1, PARITY_EVEN = 0 } UartParityMode; typedef enum { PARITY_DIS = 0, PARITY_EN = 1 } UartExistParity; typedef enum { UART_None_Inverse = 0x0, UART_Rxd_Inverse = UART_RXD_INV, UART_CTS_Inverse = UART_CTS_INV, UART_Txd_Inverse = UART_TXD_INV, UART_RTS_Inverse = UART_RTS_INV, } UART_LineLevelInverse; typedef enum { BIT_RATE_300 = 300, BIT_RATE_600 = 600, BIT_RATE_1200 = 1200, BIT_RATE_2400 = 2400, BIT_RATE_4800 = 4800, BIT_RATE_9600 = 9600, BIT_RATE_19200 = 19200, BIT_RATE_38400 = 38400, BIT_RATE_57600 = 57600, BIT_RATE_74880 = 74880, BIT_RATE_115200 = 115200, BIT_RATE_230400 = 230400, BIT_RATE_460800 = 460800, BIT_RATE_921600 = 921600, BIT_RATE_1843200 = 1843200, BIT_RATE_3686400 = 3686400, } UartBautRate; typedef enum { NONE_CTRL, HARDWARE_CTRL, XON_XOFF_CTRL } UartFlowCtrl; typedef enum { USART_HWFlow_None = 0x0, USART_HWFlow_RTS = 0x1, USART_HWFlow_CTS = 0x2, USART_HWFlow_CTS_RTS = 0x3 } UART_HwFlowCtrl; typedef enum { EMPTY, UNDER_WRITE, WRITE_OVER } RcvMsgBuffState; typedef struct { uint32 RcvBuffSize; uint8 *pRcvMsgBuff; uint8 *pWritePos; uint8 *pReadPos; uint8 TrigLvl; //JLU: may need to pad RcvMsgBuffState BuffState; } RcvMsgBuff; typedef struct { uint32 TrxBuffSize; uint8 *pTrxBuff; } TrxMsgBuff; typedef enum { BAUD_RATE_DET, WAIT_SYNC_FRM, SRCH_MSG_HEAD, RCV_MSG_BODY, RCV_ESC_CHAR, } RcvMsgState; typedef struct { UartBautRate baut_rate; UartBitsNum4Char data_bits; UartExistParity exist_parity; UartParityMode parity; UartStopBitsNum stop_bits; UartFlowCtrl flow_ctrl; RcvMsgBuff rcv_buff; TrxMsgBuff trx_buff; RcvMsgState rcv_state; int received; int buff_uart_no; //indicate which uart use tx/rx buffer } UartDevice; // UartDev is defined and initialized in rom code. extern UartDevice UartDev; //============================================== // FIFO used count #define UART_TxFifoCount(uart_no) ((READ_PERI_REG(UART_STATUS((uart_no))) >> UART_TXFIFO_CNT_S) & UART_TXFIFO_CNT) #define UART_RxFifoCount(uart_no) ((READ_PERI_REG(UART_STATUS((uart_no))) >> UART_RXFIFO_CNT_S) & UART_RXFIFO_CNT) STATUS UART_WriteCharCRLF(UARTn uart_no, uint8 c, uint32 timeout_us); STATUS UART_WriteChar(UARTn uart_no, uint8 c, uint32 timeout_us); STATUS UART_WriteString(UARTn uart_no, const char *str, uint32 timeout_us); STATUS UART_WriteBuffer(UARTn uart_no, const uint8 *buffer, size_t len, uint32 timeout_us); //============================================== void UART_SetWordLength(UARTn uart_no, UartBitsNum4Char len); void UART_SetStopBits(UARTn uart_no, UartStopBitsNum bit_num); void UART_SetLineInverse(UARTn uart_no, UART_LineLevelInverse inverse_mask); void UART_SetParity(UARTn uart_no, UartParityMode Parity_mode); void UART_SetBaudrate(UARTn uart_no, uint32 baud_rate); void UART_SetFlowCtrl(UARTn uart_no, UART_HwFlowCtrl flow_ctrl, uint8 rx_thresh); void UART_WaitTxFifoEmpty(UARTn uart_no , uint32 time_out_us); //do not use if tx flow control enabled void UART_ResetFifo(UARTn uart_no); void UART_ClearIntrStatus(UARTn uart_no, uint32 clr_mask); void UART_SetIntrEna(UARTn uart_no, uint32 ena_mask); void UART_SetPrintPort(UARTn uart_no); bool UART_CheckOutputFinished(UARTn uart_no, uint32 time_out_us); //============================================== #endif