#include #include #include "screen.h" #include "persist.h" #include "sgr.h" #include "ascii.h" #include "apars_logging.h" #include "jstring.h" TerminalConfigBundle * const termconf = &persist.current.termconf; TerminalConfigBundle termconf_scratch; MouseTrackingConfig mouse_tracking; // forward declare static void utf8_remap(char* out, char g, char charset); #define W termconf_scratch.width #define H termconf_scratch.height /** * Highest permissible value of the color attribute */ #define COLOR_MAX 15 /** * Screen cell data type (16 bits) */ typedef struct __attribute__((packed)){ char c[4]; // space for a full unicode character Color fg : 4; Color bg : 4; u8 attrs; } Cell; /** * The screen data array */ static Cell screen[MAX_SCREEN_SIZE]; #define TABSTOP_WORDS 5 /** * Tab stops bitmap */ static u32 tab_stops[TABSTOP_WORDS]; /** * Screen state structure */ static struct { bool numpad_alt_mode; //!< Application Mode - affects how user input of control keys is sent bool cursors_alt_mode; //!< Application mode for cursor keys bool newline_mode; // LNM - CR automatically sends LF bool reverse; // Vertical margin bounds (inclusive start/end of scrolling region) int vm0; int vm1; } scr; #define R0 scr.vm0 #define R1 scr.vm1 #define RH (scr.vm1 - scr.vm0 + 1) typedef struct { int x; //!< X coordinate int y; //!< Y coordinate bool hanging; //!< xenl state - cursor half-wrapped // SGR bool inverse; //!< not in attrs bc it's applied server-side (not sent to browser) u8 attrs; Color fg; //!< Foreground color for writing Color bg; //!< Background color for writing // Other attribs int charsetN; char charset0; char charset1; bool wraparound; //!< Wrapping when EOL bool origin_mode; // DECOM - absolute positioning is relative to vertical margins bool selective_erase; // TODO implement // Not saved/restored FIXME those should not be saved, but are (a bug?) bool insert_mode; //!< Insert mode (move rest of the line to the right) bool visible; //!< Visible (not attribute, DEC special) } CursorTypeDef; /** * Cursor position and attributes */ static CursorTypeDef cursor; /** * Saved cursor position, used with the SCP RCP commands */ static CursorTypeDef cursor_sav; bool cursor_saved = false; /** * This is used to prevent premature change notifications * (from nested calls) */ static volatile int notifyLock = 0; #define NOTIFY_LOCK() do { \ notifyLock++; \ } while(0) #define NOTIFY_DONE() do { \ if (notifyLock > 0) notifyLock--; \ if (notifyLock == 0) screen_notifyChange(CHANGE_CONTENT); \ } while(0) /** Clear the hanging attribute if the cursor is no longer >= W */ #define clear_invalid_hanging() do { \ if (cursor.hanging && cursor.x != W-1) cursor.hanging = false; \ } while(false) #define cursor_inside_region() (cursor.y >= R0 && cursor.y <= R1) //region --- Settings --- /** * Restore hard defaults */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR terminal_restore_defaults(void) { termconf->default_bg = 0; termconf->default_fg = 7; termconf->width = SCR_DEF_WIDTH; termconf->height = SCR_DEF_HEIGHT; termconf->parser_tout_ms = SCR_DEF_PARSER_TOUT_MS; termconf->display_tout_ms = SCR_DEF_DISPLAY_TOUT_MS; termconf->fn_alt_mode = SCR_DEF_FN_ALT_MODE; sprintf(termconf->title, SCR_DEF_TITLE); for(int i=1; i <= 5; i++) { sprintf(termconf->btn[i-1], "%d", i); } } /** * Apply settings after eg. restore from defaults */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR terminal_apply_settings(void) { terminal_apply_settings_noclear(); screen_init(); } /** this is used when changing terminal settings that do not affect the screen size */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR terminal_apply_settings_noclear(void) { bool changed = false; // Migrate to v1 if (termconf->config_version < 1) { dbg("termconf: Updating to version 1"); termconf->display_cooldown_ms = SCR_DEF_DISPLAY_COOLDOWN_MS; changed = 1; } termconf->config_version = TERMCONF_VERSION; // Validation... if (termconf->display_tout_ms == 0) { termconf->display_tout_ms = SCR_DEF_DISPLAY_TOUT_MS; changed = 1; } if (termconf->display_cooldown_ms == 0) { termconf->display_cooldown_ms = SCR_DEF_DISPLAY_COOLDOWN_MS; changed = 1; } memcpy(&termconf_scratch, termconf, sizeof(TerminalConfigBundle)); if (W*H > MAX_SCREEN_SIZE) { error("BAD SCREEN SIZE: %d rows x %d cols", H, W); error("reverting terminal settings to default"); terminal_restore_defaults(); changed = true; memcpy(&termconf_scratch, termconf, sizeof(TerminalConfigBundle)); screen_init(); } if (changed) { persist_store(); } } //endregion //region --- Reset / Init --- /** * Init the screen (entire mappable area - for consistency) */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_init(void) { dbg("Screen buffer size = %d bytes", sizeof(screen)); NOTIFY_LOCK(); screen_reset(); NOTIFY_DONE(); } /** * Reset the cursor position & colors */ static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR cursor_reset(void) { cursor.x = 0; cursor.y = 0; cursor.hanging = false; cursor.visible = true; cursor.insert_mode = false; cursor.selective_erase = false; cursor.origin_mode = false; cursor.charsetN = 0; cursor.charset0 = CS_USASCII; cursor.charset1 = CS_DEC_SUPPLEMENTAL; cursor.wraparound = true; screen_reset_sgr(); } /** * Reset the cursor (\e[0m) */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_reset_sgr(void) { cursor.fg = termconf_scratch.default_fg; cursor.bg = termconf_scratch.default_bg; cursor.attrs = 0; cursor.inverse = false; } /** * Reset the screen - called by ESC c */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_reset(void) { NOTIFY_LOCK(); cursor_reset(); scr.numpad_alt_mode = false; scr.cursors_alt_mode = false; scr.newline_mode = false; scr.reverse = false; scr.vm0 = 0; scr.vm1 = H-1; mouse_tracking.encoding = MTE_SIMPLE; mouse_tracking.focus_tracking = false; mouse_tracking.mode = MTM_NONE; // size is left unchanged screen_clear(CLEAR_ALL); screen_clear_all_tabs(); // Set initial tabstops for (int i = 0; i < TABSTOP_WORDS; i++) { tab_stops[i] = 0x80808080; } NOTIFY_DONE(); } /** * Swap screen buffer / state * this is CSI ? 47/1047/1049 h/l * @param alternate - true if we're swapping, false if unswapping */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_swap_state(bool alternate) { // TODO impl - backup/restore title, size, global attributes (not SGR) } //endregion //region --- Tab stops --- void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_clear_all_tabs(void) { memset(tab_stops, 0, sizeof(tab_stops)); } void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_set_tab(void) { tab_stops[cursor.x/32] |= (1<<(cursor.x%32)); } void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_clear_tab(void) { tab_stops[cursor.x/32] &= ~(1<<(cursor.x%32)); } /** * Find tab stop closest to cursor to the right * @return X pos or -1 */ static int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR next_tab_stop(void) { // cursor must never go past EOL if (cursor.x >= W-1) return -1; // find first word to inspect int idx = (cursor.x+1)/32; int offs = (cursor.x+1)%32; int cp = cursor.x; while (idx < TABSTOP_WORDS) { u32 w = tab_stops[idx]; w >>= offs; for(;offs<32;offs++) { cp++; if (cp >= W) return -1; if (w & 1) return cp; w >>= 1; } offs = 0; idx++; } return -1; } /** * Find tab stop closest to cursor to the left * @return X pos or -1 */ static int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR prev_tab_stop(void) { // nowhere to go if (cursor.x == 0) return -1; // find first word to inspect int idx = (cursor.x-1)/32; int offs = (cursor.x-1)%32; int cp = cursor.x; while (idx >= 0) { u32 w = tab_stops[idx]; w <<= 31-offs; if (w == 0) { cp -= cp%32; if (cp < 0) return -1; goto next; } for(;offs>=0;offs--) { cp--; if (cp < 0) return -1; if (w & (1<<31)) return cp; w <<= 1; } next: offs = 31; idx--; } return -1; } void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_tab_forward(int count) { NOTIFY_LOCK(); for (; count > 0; count--) { int tab = next_tab_stop(); if (tab != -1) { cursor.x = tab; } else { cursor.x = W - 1; } } NOTIFY_DONE(); } void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_tab_reverse(int count) { NOTIFY_LOCK(); for (; count > 0; count--) { int tab = prev_tab_stop(); if (tab != -1) { cursor.x = tab; } else { cursor.x = 0; } } NOTIFY_DONE(); } //endregion //region --- Clearing & inserting --- /** * Clear range, inclusive */ static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR clear_range(unsigned int from, unsigned int to) { if (to >= W*H) to = W*H-1; Color fg = (cursor.inverse) ? cursor.bg : cursor.fg; Color bg = (cursor.inverse) ? cursor.fg : cursor.bg; Cell sample; sample.c[0] = ' '; sample.c[1] = 0; sample.c[2] = 0; sample.c[3] = 0; sample.fg = fg; sample.bg = bg; sample.attrs = 0; for (unsigned int i = from; i <= to; i++) { memcpy(&screen[i], &sample, sizeof(Cell)); } } /** * Clear screen area */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_clear(ClearMode mode) { // Those ignore margins and DECOM NOTIFY_LOCK(); switch (mode) { case CLEAR_ALL: clear_range(0, W * H - 1); break; case CLEAR_FROM_CURSOR: clear_range((cursor.y * W) + cursor.x, W * H - 1); break; case CLEAR_TO_CURSOR: clear_range(0, (cursor.y * W) + cursor.x); break; } NOTIFY_DONE(); } /** * Line reset to gray-on-white, empty */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_clear_line(ClearMode mode) { NOTIFY_LOCK(); switch (mode) { case CLEAR_ALL: clear_range(cursor.y * W, (cursor.y + 1) * W - 1); break; case CLEAR_FROM_CURSOR: clear_range(cursor.y * W + cursor.x, (cursor.y + 1) * W - 1); break; case CLEAR_TO_CURSOR: clear_range(cursor.y * W, cursor.y * W + cursor.x); break; } NOTIFY_DONE(); } void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_clear_in_line(unsigned int count) { if (cursor.x + count >= W) { screen_clear_line(CLEAR_FROM_CURSOR); } else { NOTIFY_LOCK(); clear_range(cursor.y * W + cursor.x, cursor.y * W + cursor.x + count - 1); NOTIFY_DONE(); } } void screen_insert_lines(unsigned int lines) { if (!cursor_inside_region()) return; // can't insert if not inside region NOTIFY_LOCK(); // shift the following lines int targetStart = cursor.y + lines; if (targetStart > R1) { targetStart = R1-1; } else { // do the moving for (int i = R1; i >= targetStart; i--) { memcpy(screen+i*W, screen+(i-lines)*W, sizeof(Cell)*W); } } // clear the first line screen_clear_line(CLEAR_ALL); // copy it to the rest of the cleared region for (int i = cursor.y+1; i < targetStart; i++) { memcpy(screen+i*W, screen+cursor.y*W, sizeof(Cell)*W); } NOTIFY_DONE(); } void screen_delete_lines(unsigned int lines) { if (!cursor_inside_region()) return; // can't delete if not inside region NOTIFY_LOCK(); // shift lines up int targetEnd = R1 - lines - 1; if (targetEnd <= cursor.y) { targetEnd = cursor.y; } else { // do the moving for (int i = cursor.y; i <= targetEnd; i++) { memcpy(screen+i*W, screen+(i+lines)*W, sizeof(Cell)*W); } } // clear the rest clear_range(targetEnd*W, W*R1); NOTIFY_DONE(); } void screen_insert_characters(unsigned int count) { NOTIFY_LOCK(); int targetStart = cursor.x + count; if (targetStart >= W) { targetStart = W-1; } else { // do the moving for (int i = W-1; i >= targetStart; i--) { memcpy(screen+cursor.y*W+i, screen+cursor.y*W+(i-count), sizeof(Cell)); } } clear_range(cursor.y*W+cursor.x, cursor.y*W+targetStart-1); NOTIFY_DONE(); } void screen_delete_characters(unsigned int count) { NOTIFY_LOCK(); int targetEnd = W - count; if (targetEnd > cursor.x) { // do the moving for (int i = cursor.x; i <= targetEnd; i++) { memcpy(screen+cursor.y*W+i, screen+cursor.y*W+(i+count), sizeof(Cell)); } } if (targetEnd <= cursor.x) { screen_clear_line(CLEAR_FROM_CURSOR); } else { clear_range(cursor.y * W + (W - count), (cursor.y + 1) * W - 1); } NOTIFY_DONE(); } //endregion //region --- Entire screen manipulation --- void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_fill_with_E(void) { NOTIFY_LOCK(); screen_reset(); // based on observation from xterm Cell sample; sample.c[0] = 'E'; sample.c[1] = 0; sample.c[2] = 0; sample.c[3] = 0; sample.fg = termconf_scratch.default_fg; sample.bg = termconf_scratch.default_bg; sample.attrs = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= W*H-1; i++) { memcpy(&screen[i], &sample, sizeof(Cell)); } NOTIFY_DONE(); } /** * Change the screen size * * @param cols - new width * @param rows - new height */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_resize(int rows, int cols) { NOTIFY_LOCK(); // sanitize if (cols < 1 || rows < 1) { error("Screen size must be positive"); goto done; } if (cols * rows > MAX_SCREEN_SIZE) { error("Max screen size exceeded"); goto done; } W = cols; H = rows; screen_reset(); done: NOTIFY_DONE(); } void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_set_title(const char *title) { strncpy(termconf_scratch.title, title, TERM_TITLE_LEN); screen_notifyChange(CHANGE_LABELS); } /** * Helper function to set terminal button label * @param num - button number 1-5 * @param str - button text */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_set_button_text(int num, const char *text) { strncpy(termconf_scratch.btn[num-1], text, TERM_BTN_LEN); screen_notifyChange(CHANGE_LABELS); } /** * Shift screen upwards */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_scroll_up(unsigned int lines) { NOTIFY_LOCK(); if (lines >= RH) { clear_range(R0*W, (R1+1)*W-1); goto done; } // bad cmd if (lines == 0) { goto done; } int y; for (y = R0; y <= R1 - lines; y++) { memcpy(screen + y * W, screen + (y + lines) * W, W * sizeof(Cell)); } clear_range(y * W, (R1+1)*W-1); done: NOTIFY_DONE(); } /** * Shift screen downwards */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_scroll_down(unsigned int lines) { NOTIFY_LOCK(); if (lines >= RH) { clear_range(R0*W, (R1+1)*W-1); goto done; } // bad cmd if (lines == 0) { goto done; } int y; for (y = R1; y >= R0+lines; y--) { memcpy(screen + y * W, screen + (y - lines) * W, W * sizeof(Cell)); } clear_range(R0*W, R0*W+ lines * W-1); done: NOTIFY_DONE(); } /** Set scrolling region */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_set_scrolling_region(int from, int to) { if (from <= 0 && to <= 0) { scr.vm0 = 0; scr.vm1 = H-1; } else if (from >= 0 && from < H-1 && to > from) { scr.vm0 = from; scr.vm1 = to; } else { // Bad range, do nothing ansi_warn("Bad SR bounds %d, %d", from, to); } // Always move cursor home (may be translated due to DECOM) screen_cursor_set(0, 0); } //endregion //region --- Cursor manipulation --- /** * Set cursor position */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_cursor_set(int y, int x) { NOTIFY_LOCK(); screen_cursor_set_x(x); screen_cursor_set_y(y); NOTIFY_DONE(); } /** * Set cursor position */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_cursor_get(int *y, int *x) { *x = cursor.x; *y = cursor.y; } /** * Set cursor X position */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_cursor_set_x(int x) { NOTIFY_LOCK(); if (x >= W) x = W - 1; if (x < 0) x = 0; cursor.x = x; // Always clear hanging on cursor set // hanging happens when the cursor is virtually at col=81, which // cannot be set using the cursor-set commands. cursor.hanging = false; NOTIFY_DONE(); } /** * Set cursor Y position */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_cursor_set_y(int y) { NOTIFY_LOCK(); if (cursor.origin_mode) { y += R0; if (y > R1) y = R1; if (y < R0) y = R0; } else { if (y > H-1) y = H-1; if (y < 0) y = 0; } cursor.y = y; NOTIFY_DONE(); } /** * Relative cursor move */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_cursor_move(int dy, int dx, bool scroll) { NOTIFY_LOCK(); int move; clear_invalid_hanging(); if (cursor.hanging && dx < 0) { dx += 1; // consume one step on the removal of "xenl" cursor.hanging = false; } bool was_inside = cursor_inside_region(); cursor.x += dx; cursor.y += dy; if (cursor.x >= (int)W) cursor.x = W - 1; if (cursor.x < (int)0) cursor.x = 0; if (cursor.y < R0) { if (was_inside) { move = -(cursor.y - R0); cursor.y = R0; if (scroll) screen_scroll_down((unsigned int) move); } else { // outside the region, just validate that we're not going offscreen // scrolling is not possible in this case if (cursor.y < 0) { cursor.y = 0; } } } if (cursor.y > R1) { if (was_inside) { move = cursor.y - R1; cursor.y = R1; if (scroll) screen_scroll_up((unsigned int) move); } else { // outside the region, just validate that we're not going offscreen // scrolling is not possible in this case if (cursor.y >= H) { cursor.y = H-1; } } } NOTIFY_DONE(); } /** * Save the cursor pos */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_cursor_save(bool withAttrs) { // always save with attribs memcpy(&cursor_sav, &cursor, sizeof(CursorTypeDef)); cursor_saved = true; } /** * Restore the cursor pos */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_cursor_restore(bool withAttrs) { NOTIFY_LOCK(); if (!cursor_saved) { cursor_reset(); } else { if (withAttrs) { memcpy(&cursor, &cursor_sav, sizeof(CursorTypeDef)); } else { cursor.x = cursor_sav.x; cursor.y = cursor_sav.y; cursor.hanging = cursor_sav.hanging; } } NOTIFY_DONE(); } //endregion //region --- Attribute setting --- /** * Enable cursor display */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_set_cursor_visible(bool visible) { NOTIFY_LOCK(); cursor.visible = visible; NOTIFY_DONE(); } /** * Enable autowrap */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_wrap_enable(bool enable) { cursor.wraparound = enable; } /** * Set cursor foreground color */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_set_fg(Color color) { if (color > COLOR_MAX) color = COLOR_MAX; cursor.fg = color; } /** * Set cursor background coloor */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_set_bg(Color color) { if (color > COLOR_MAX) color = COLOR_MAX; cursor.bg = color; } void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_set_sgr(u8 attrs, bool ena) { if (ena) { cursor.attrs |= attrs; } else { cursor.attrs &= ~attrs; } } void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_set_sgr_inverse(bool ena) { cursor.inverse = ena; } /** * Check if coords are in range - used for verifying mouse clicks * * @param y * @param x * @return OK */ bool ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_isCoordValid(int y, int x) { return x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < W && y < H; } void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_set_charset_n(int Gx) { if (Gx < 0 || Gx > 1) return; // bad n cursor.charsetN = Gx; } void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_set_charset(int Gx, char charset) { if (Gx == 0) cursor.charset0 = charset; else if (Gx == 1) cursor.charset1 = charset; } void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_set_insert_mode(bool insert) { cursor.insert_mode = insert; } void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_set_numpad_alt_mode(bool alt_mode) { NOTIFY_LOCK(); scr.numpad_alt_mode = alt_mode; NOTIFY_DONE(); } void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_set_cursors_alt_mode(bool alt_mode) { NOTIFY_LOCK(); scr.cursors_alt_mode = alt_mode; NOTIFY_DONE(); } void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_set_reverse_video(bool reverse) { NOTIFY_LOCK(); scr.reverse = reverse; NOTIFY_DONE(); } void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_set_newline_mode(bool nlm) { scr.newline_mode = nlm; } void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_set_origin_mode(bool region_origin) { cursor.origin_mode = region_origin; screen_cursor_set(0, 0); } void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_report_sgr(char *buffer) { buffer += sprintf(buffer, "0"); if (cursor.attrs & ATTR_BOLD) buffer += sprintf(buffer, ";%d", SGR_BOLD); if (cursor.attrs & ATTR_FAINT) buffer += sprintf(buffer, ";%d", SGR_FAINT); if (cursor.attrs & ATTR_ITALIC) buffer += sprintf(buffer, ";%d", SGR_ITALIC); if (cursor.attrs & ATTR_UNDERLINE) buffer += sprintf(buffer, ";%d", SGR_UNDERLINE); if (cursor.attrs & ATTR_BLINK) buffer += sprintf(buffer, ";%d", SGR_BLINK); if (cursor.attrs & ATTR_FRAKTUR) buffer += sprintf(buffer, ";%d", SGR_FRAKTUR); if (cursor.attrs & ATTR_STRIKE) buffer += sprintf(buffer, ";%d", SGR_STRIKE); if (cursor.inverse) buffer += sprintf(buffer, ";%d", SGR_INVERSE); if (cursor.fg != termconf->default_fg) buffer += sprintf(buffer, ";%d", ((cursor.fg > 7) ? SGR_FG_BRT_START : SGR_FG_START) + (cursor.fg&7)); if (cursor.bg != termconf->default_bg) buffer += sprintf(buffer, ";%d", ((cursor.bg > 7) ? SGR_BG_BRT_START : SGR_BG_START) + (cursor.bg&7)); } //endregion //region --- Printing --- /** * Set a character in the cursor color, move to right with wrap. */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_putchar(const char *ch) { NOTIFY_LOCK(); // clear "hanging" flag if not possible clear_invalid_hanging(); // Special treatment for CRLF switch (ch[0]) { case CR: screen_cursor_set_x(0); goto done; case LF: screen_cursor_move(1, 0, true); // can scroll if (scr.newline_mode) { // like CR screen_cursor_set_x(0); } goto done; case BS: if (cursor.x > 0) { // backspace should go to col 79 if "hanging" after 80 (as if it never actually left the 80th col) cursor.hanging = false; cursor.x--; } // we should not wrap around, and backspace should not even clear the cell (verified in xterm) goto done; default: if (ch[0] < SP) { // Discard warn("Ignoring control char %d", (int)ch[0]); goto done; } } if (cursor.hanging) { // perform the scheduled wrap if hanging // if auto-wrap = off, it overwrites the last char if (cursor.wraparound) { cursor.x = 0; cursor.y++; // Y wrap if (cursor.y > R1) { // Scroll up, so we have space for writing screen_scroll_up(1); cursor.y = R1; } cursor.hanging = false; } } Cell *c = &screen[cursor.x + cursor.y * W]; // move the rest of the line if we're in Insert Mode if (cursor.x < W-1 && cursor.insert_mode) screen_insert_characters(1); if (ch[1] == 0 && ch[0] <= 0x7f) { // we have len=1 and ASCII utf8_remap(c->c, ch[0], (cursor.charsetN == 0) ? cursor.charset0 : cursor.charset1); } else { // copy unicode char strncpy(c->c, ch, 4); } if (cursor.inverse) { c->fg = cursor.bg; c->bg = cursor.fg; } else { c->fg = cursor.fg; c->bg = cursor.bg; } c->attrs = cursor.attrs; cursor.x++; // X wrap if (cursor.x >= W) { cursor.hanging = true; // hanging - next typed char wraps around, but backspace and arrows still stay on the same line. cursor.x = W - 1; } done: NOTIFY_DONE(); } /** * translates VT100 ACS escape codes to Unicode values. * Based on rxvt-unicode screen.C table. */ static const u16 codepage_0[] = {// Unicode ASCII SYM 0x2666, // 96 ` ♦ 0x2592, // 97 a ▒ 0x2409, // 98 b HT 0x240c, // 99 c FF 0x240d, // 100 d CR 0x240a, // 101 e LF 0x00b0, // 102 f ° 0x00b1, // 103 g ± 0x2424, // 104 h NL 0x240b, // 105 i VT 0x2518, // 106 j ┘ 0x2510, // 107 k ┐ 0x250c, // 108 l ┌ 0x2514, // 109 m └ 0x253c, // 110 n ┼ 0x23ba, // 111 o ⎺ 0x23bb, // 112 p ⎻ 0x2500, // 113 q ─ 0x23bc, // 114 r ⎼ 0x23bd, // 115 s ⎽ 0x251c, // 116 t ├ 0x2524, // 117 u ┤ 0x2534, // 118 v ┴ 0x252c, // 119 w ┬ 0x2502, // 120 x │ 0x2264, // 121 y ≤ 0x2265, // 122 z ≥ 0x03c0, // 123 { π 0x2260, // 124 | ≠ 0x20a4, // 125 } £ 0x00b7, // 126 ~ · }; static const u16 codepage_1[] = {// Unicode ASCII SYM DOS 0x263A, // 33 ! ☺ (1) - low ASCII symbols from DOS, moved to +32 0x263B, // 34 " ☻ (2) 0x2665, // 35 # ♥ (3) 0x2666, // 36 $ ♦ (4) 0x2663, // 37 % ♣ (5) 0x2660, // 38 & ♠ (6) 0x2022, // 39 ' • (7) - inverse dot and circle left out, can be done with SGR 0x0,//0x231B, // 40 ( ⌛ - hourglass (timer icon) 0x25CB, // 41 ) ○ (9) 0x21AF, // 42 * ↯ - electricity (lightning monitor...) 0x266A, // 43 + ♪ (13) 0x266B, // 44 , ♫ (14) 0x263C, // 45 - ☼ (15) 0x2302, // 46 . ⌂ (127) 0x0,//0x2622, // 47 / ☢ - radioactivity (geiger counter...) 0x2591, // 48 0 ░ (176) - this block is kept aligned and ordered from DOS, moved -128 0x2592, // 49 1 ▒ (177) 0x2593, // 50 2 ▓ (178) 0x2502, // 51 3 │ (179) 0x2524, // 52 4 ┤ (180) 0x2561, // 53 5 ╡ (181) 0x2562, // 54 6 ╢ (182) 0x2556, // 55 7 ╖ (183) 0x2555, // 56 8 ╕ (184) 0x2563, // 57 9 ╣ (185) 0x2551, // 58 : ║ (186) 0x2557, // 59 ; ╗ (187) 0x255D, // 60 < ╝ (188) 0x255C, // 61 = ╜ (189) 0x255B, // 62 > ╛ (190) 0x2510, // 63 ? ┐ (191) 0x2514, // 64 @ └ (192) 0x2534, // 65 A ┴ (193) 0x252C, // 66 B ┬ (194) 0x251C, // 67 C ├ (195) 0x2500, // 68 D ─ (196) 0x253C, // 69 E ┼ (197) 0x255E, // 70 F ╞ (198) 0x255F, // 71 G ╟ (199) 0x255A, // 72 H ╚ (200) 0x2554, // 73 I ╔ (201) 0x2569, // 74 J ╩ (202) 0x2566, // 75 K ╦ (203) 0x2560, // 76 L ╠ (204) 0x2550, // 77 M ═ (205) 0x256C, // 78 N ╬ (206) 0x2567, // 79 O ╧ (207) 0x2568, // 80 P ╨ (208) 0x2564, // 81 Q ╤ (209) 0x2565, // 82 R ╥ (210) 0x2559, // 83 S ╙ (211) 0x2558, // 84 T ╘ (212) 0x2552, // 85 U ╒ (213) 0x2553, // 86 V ╓ (214) 0x256B, // 87 W ╫ (215) 0x256A, // 88 X ╪ (216) 0x2518, // 89 Y ┘ (217) 0x250C, // 90 Z ┌ (218) 0x2588, // 91 [ █ (219) 0x2584, // 92 \ ▄ (220) 0x258C, // 93 ] ▌ (221) 0x2590, // 94 ^ ▐ (222) 0x2580, // 95 _ ▀ (223) 0x2195, // 96 ` ↕ (18) - moved from low DOS ASCII 0x2191, // 97 a ↑ (24) 0x2193, // 98 b ↓ (25) 0x2192, // 99 c → (26) 0x2190, // 100 d ← (27) 0x2194, // 101 e ↔ (29) 0x25B2, // 102 f ▲ (30) 0x25BC, // 103 g ▼ (31) 0x25BA, // 104 h ► (16) 0x25C4, // 105 i ◄ (17) 0x0,//0x25E2, // 106 j ◢ - added for slanted corners 0x0,//0x25E3, // 107 k ◣ 0x0,//0x25E4, // 108 l ◤ 0x0,//0x25E5, // 109 m ◥ 0x256D, // 110 n ╭ - rounded corners 0x256E, // 111 o ╮ 0x256F, // 112 p ╯ 0x2570, // 113 q ╰ 0x0, // 114 r - free positions for future expansion 0x0, // 115 s 0x0, // 116 t 0x0, // 117 u 0x0, // 118 v 0x0, // 119 w 0x0, // 120 x 0x0, // 121 y 0x0, // 122 z 0x0, // 123 { 0x0, // 124 | 0x0,//0x2714, // 125 } ✔ - checkboxes or checklist items 0x0,//0x2718, // 126 ~ ✘ }; /** * UTF remap * @param out - output char[4] * @param g - ASCII char * @param charset - table name (0, A, B) */ static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR utf8_remap(char *out, char g, char charset) { u16 n; u16 utf = (unsigned char)g; switch (charset) { case CS_DEC_SUPPLEMENTAL: /* DEC Special Character & Line Drawing Set */ if ((g >= 96) && (g < 0x7F)) { n = codepage_0[g - 96]; if (n) utf = n; } break; case CS_DOS_437: /* ESPTerm Character Rom 1 */ if ((g >= 33) && (g < 0x7F)) { n = codepage_1[g - 33]; if (n) utf = n; } break; case CS_UKASCII: /* UK, replaces # with GBP */ if (g == '#') utf = 0x20a4; break; default: case CS_USASCII: // No change break; } // Encode to UTF-8 if (utf > 0x7F) { // formulas taken from: https://gist.github.com/yamamushi/5823402 if ((utf >= 0x80) && (utf <= 0x07FF)) { // 2-byte unicode out[0] = (char) ((utf >> 0x06) ^ 0xC0); out[1] = (char) (((utf ^ 0xFFC0) | 0x80) & ~0x40); out[2]=0; } else { // 3-byte unicode out[0] = (char) (((utf ^ 0xFC0FFF) >> 0x0C) | 0xE0); out[1] = (char) ((((utf ^ 0xFFF03F) >> 0x06) | 0x80) & ~0x40); out[2] = (char) (((utf ^ 0xFFFC0) | 0x80) & ~0x40); out[3]=0; } // Missing 4-byte formulas :( } else { // low ASCII out[0] = (char) utf; out[1] = 0; } } //endregion //region --- Serialization --- struct ScreenSerializeState { Color lastFg; Color lastBg; bool lastAttrs; char lastChar[4]; int index; }; /** * buffer should be at least 64+5*10+6 long (title + buttons + 6), ie. 120 * @param buffer * @param buf_len */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screenSerializeLabelsToBuffer(char *buffer, size_t buf_len) { // let's just assume it's long enough - called with the huge websocket buffer sprintf(buffer, "T%s\x01%s\x01%s\x01%s\x01%s\x01%s", // use 0x01 as separator termconf_scratch.title, termconf_scratch.btn[0], termconf_scratch.btn[1], termconf_scratch.btn[2], termconf_scratch.btn[3], termconf_scratch.btn[4] ); } /** * Serialize the screen to a data buffer. May need multiple calls if the buffer is insufficient in size. * * @warning MAKE SURE *DATA IS NULL BEFORE FIRST CALL! * Call with NULL 'buffer' at the end to free the data struct. * * @param buffer - buffer array of limited size. If NULL, indicates this is the last call. * @param buf_len - buffer array size * @param data - opaque pointer to internal data structure for storing state between repeated calls * if NULL, indicates this is the first call. * @return HTTPD_CGI_DONE or HTTPD_CGI_MORE. If more, repeat with the same DATA. */ httpd_cgi_state ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screenSerializeToBuffer(char *buffer, size_t buf_len, void **data) { struct ScreenSerializeState *ss = *data; if (buffer == NULL) { if (ss != NULL) free(ss); return HTTPD_CGI_DONE; } Cell *cell, *cell0; WordB2 w1, w2, w3, w4, w5; WordB3 lw1; size_t remain = buf_len; int used = 0; char *bb = buffer; // Ideally we'd use snprintf here! #define bufprint(fmt, ...) do { \ used = sprintf(bb, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ if(used>0) { bb += used; remain -= used; } \ } while(0) if (ss == NULL) { *data = ss = malloc(sizeof(struct ScreenSerializeState)); ss->index = 0; ss->lastBg = 0; ss->lastFg = 0; ss->lastAttrs = 0; memset(ss->lastChar, 0, 4); // this ensures the first char is never "repeat" encode2B((u16) H, &w1); encode2B((u16) W, &w2); encode2B((u16) cursor.y, &w3); encode2B((u16) cursor.x, &w4); encode2B((u16) ( (cursor.visible ? 0x01 : 0) | (cursor.hanging ? 0x02 : 0) | (scr.cursors_alt_mode ? 0x04 : 0) | (scr.numpad_alt_mode ? 0x08 : 0) | (termconf->fn_alt_mode ? 0x10 : 0) ) , &w5); // H W X Y Attribs bufprint("S%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c", w1.lsb, w1.msb, w2.lsb, w2.msb, w3.lsb, w3.msb, w4.lsb, w4.msb, w5.lsb, w5.msb); } int i = ss->index; while(i < W*H && remain > 12) { cell = cell0 = &screen[i]; // Count how many times same as previous int repCnt = 0; while (i < W*H && cell->fg == ss->lastFg && cell->bg == ss->lastBg && cell->attrs == ss->lastAttrs && strneq(cell->c, ss->lastChar, 4)) { // Repeat repCnt++; cell = &screen[++i]; } if (repCnt == 0) { // No repeat bool changeAttrs = cell0->attrs != ss->lastAttrs; bool changeColors = (cell0->fg != ss->lastFg || cell0->bg != ss->lastBg); Color fg, bg; // Reverse fg and bg if we're in global reverse mode if (! scr.reverse) { fg = cell0->fg; bg = cell0->bg; } else { fg = cell0->bg; bg = cell0->fg; } if (!changeAttrs && changeColors) { encode2B(fg | (bg<<4), &w1); bufprint("\x03%c%c", w1.lsb, w1.msb); } else if (changeAttrs && !changeColors) { // attrs only encode2B(cell0->attrs, &w1); bufprint("\x04%c%c", w1.lsb, w1.msb); } else if (changeAttrs && changeColors) { // colors and attrs encode3B((u32) (fg | (bg<<4) | (cell0->attrs<<8)), &lw1); bufprint("\x01%c%c%c", lw1.lsb, lw1.msb, lw1.xsb); } // copy the symbol, until first 0 or reached 4 bytes char c; int j = 0; while ((c = cell->c[j++]) != 0 && j < 4) { bufprint("%c", c); } ss->lastFg = cell0->fg; ss->lastBg = cell0->bg; ss->lastAttrs = cell0->attrs; memcpy(ss->lastChar, cell0->c, 4); i++; } else { // Repeat count encode2B((u16) repCnt, &w1); bufprint("\x02%c%c", w1.lsb, w1.msb); } } ss->index = i; if (i < W*H-1) { return HTTPD_CGI_MORE; } return HTTPD_CGI_DONE; } //endregion