#include #include "ansi_parser.h" #include "screen.h" #include "ascii.h" #include "uart_driver.h" /* Ragel constants block */ %%{ machine ansi; write data; }%% static volatile int cs = -1; static volatile bool inside_osc = false; volatile u32 ansi_parser_char_cnt = 0; void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR ansi_parser_reset(void) { if (cs != ansi_start) { cs = ansi_start; inside_osc = false; apars_reset_utf8buffer(); ansi_warn("Parser timeout, state reset"); } } #define HISTORY_LEN 10 #if DEBUG_ANSI static char history[HISTORY_LEN + 1]; #endif void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR apars_handle_badseq(void) { #if DEBUG_ANSI char buf1[HISTORY_LEN*3+2]; char buf2[HISTORY_LEN*3+2]; char *b1 = buf1; char *b2 = buf2; char c; for(int i=0;i 127) c = '.'; b2 += sprintf(b2, "%c ", c); } ansi_dbg("Context: %s", buf2); ansi_dbg(" %s", buf1); #endif } /** * \brief Linear ANSI chars stream parser * * Parses a stream of bytes using a Ragel parser. The defined * grammar does not use 'unget', so the entire buffer is * always processed in a linear manner. * * \attention -> but always check the Ragel output for 'p--' * or 'p -=', that means trouble. * * \param newdata - array of new chars to process * \param len - length of the newdata buffer */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR ansi_parser(char newchar) { // The CSI code is built here static char csi_leading; //!< Leading char, 0 if none static int csi_ni; //!< Number of the active digit static int csi_cnt; //!< Digit count static int csi_n[CSI_N_MAX]; //!< Param digits static char csi_char; //!< CSI action char (end) static char osc_buffer[OSC_CHAR_MAX]; static int osc_bi; // buffer char index // This is used to detect timeout delay (time since last rx char) ansi_parser_char_cnt++; // Init Ragel on the first run if (cs == -1) { %% write init; #if DEBUG_ANSI memset(history, 0, sizeof(history)); #endif } #if DEBUG_ANSI for(int i=1; i= ' ' // bypass the parser for simple characters (speed-up) if (cs == ansi_start) { apars_handle_plainchar(newchar); return; } } // Load new data to Ragel vars const char *p = &newchar; const char *eof = NULL; const char *pe = &newchar + 1; // The parser %%{ #/* ESC = 27; NOESC = (any - ESC); TOK_ST = ESC '\\'; # String terminator - used for OSC commands OSC_END = ('\a' | TOK_ST); # --- Regular characters to be printed --- action plain_char { if (fc != 0) { apars_handle_plainchar(fc); } } # --- CSI CSI commands (Select Graphic Rendition) --- # Text color & style action CSI_start { // Reset the CSI builder csi_leading = csi_char = 0; csi_ni = 0; csi_cnt = 0; // Zero out digits for(int i = 0; i < CSI_N_MAX; i++) { csi_n[i] = 0; } fgoto CSI_body; } action CSI_leading { csi_leading = fc; } action CSI_digit { if (csi_cnt == 0) csi_cnt = 1; // x10 + digit if (csi_ni < CSI_N_MAX) { csi_n[csi_ni] = csi_n[csi_ni]*10 + (fc - '0'); } } action CSI_semi { if (csi_cnt == 0) csi_cnt = 1; // handle case when first arg is empty csi_cnt++; csi_ni++; } action CSI_end { csi_char = fc; apars_handle_CSI(csi_leading, csi_n, csi_cnt, csi_char); fgoto main; } action errBadSeq { ansi_warn("Parser error."); apars_handle_badseq(); fgoto main; } action back2main { fgoto main; } CSI_body := ((32..47|60..64) @CSI_leading)? ((digit @CSI_digit)* ';' @CSI_semi)* (digit @CSI_digit)* (alpha|'`'|'@') @CSI_end $!errBadSeq; # --- OSC commands (Operating System Commands) --- # Module parametrisation action OSC_start { csi_ni = 0; // we reuse the CSI numeric buffer for(int i = 0; i < CSI_N_MAX; i++) { csi_n[i] = 0; } osc_bi = 0; osc_buffer[0] = '\0'; inside_osc = true; fgoto OSC_body; } # collecting title string; this can also be entered by ESC k action SetTitle_start { osc_bi = 0; osc_buffer[0] = '\0'; inside_osc = true; fgoto TITLE_body; } action OSC_resize { apars_handle_OSC_SetScreenSize(csi_n[0], csi_n[1]); inside_osc = false; fgoto main; } action OSC_text_char { osc_buffer[osc_bi++] = fc; } action OSC_title { osc_buffer[osc_bi++] = '\0'; apars_handle_OSC_SetTitle(osc_buffer); inside_osc = false; fgoto main; } action OSC_button { osc_buffer[osc_bi++] = '\0'; apars_handle_OSC_SetButton(csi_n[0], osc_buffer); inside_osc = false; fgoto main; } # 0; is xterm title hack OSC_body := ( ("BTN" digit @CSI_digit '=' (NOESC @OSC_text_char)* OSC_END @OSC_button) | ("TITLE=" @SetTitle_start) | ("0;" @SetTitle_start) | ('W' (digit @CSI_digit)+ ';' @CSI_semi (digit @CSI_digit)+ OSC_END @OSC_resize) ) $!errBadSeq; TITLE_body := (NOESC @OSC_text_char)* OSC_END @OSC_title $!errBadSeq; action RESET_cmd { // Reset screen apars_handle_RESET_cmd(); fgoto main; } action CSI_SaveCursorAttrs { apars_handle_saveCursorAttrs(); fgoto main; } action CSI_RestoreCursorAttrs { apars_handle_restoreCursorAttrs(); fgoto main; } action HASH_code { apars_handle_hashCode(fc); fgoto main; } action SHORT_code { apars_handle_shortCode(fc); fgoto main; } action SetXCtrls { apars_handle_setXCtrls(fc); // weird control settings like 7 bit / 8 bit mode fgoto main; } action CharsetCmd_start { // abuse the buffer for storing the leading char osc_buffer[0] = fc; fgoto charsetcmd_body; } action CharsetCmd_end { apars_handle_characterSet(osc_buffer[0], fc); fgoto main; } charsetcmd_body := (any @CharsetCmd_end) $!errBadSeq; # --- Main parser loop --- main := ( (NOESC @plain_char)* ESC ( ('[' @CSI_start) | (']' @OSC_start) | ('#' digit @HASH_code) | ('k' @SetTitle_start) | ([a-jl-zA-Z0-9=<>] @SHORT_code) | ([()*+-./] @CharsetCmd_start) | (' ' [FG] @SetXCtrls) ) )+ $!errBadSeq; write exec; #*/ }%% } // 'ESC k blah OSC_end' is a shortcut for setting title (k is defined in GNU screen as Title Definition String)