/** * ANSI code parser callbacks that do the actual work. * Split from the parser itself for easier editing without * having to deal with Ragel. */ #include #include #include "ansi_parser_callbacks.h" #include "cgi_sockets.h" #include "version.h" #include "uart_buffer.h" #include "screen.h" volatile bool enquiry_suppressed = false; ETSTimer enqTimer; void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR enqTimerCb(void *unused) { enquiry_suppressed = false; } /** * Send a response to UART0 * @param str */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR apars_respond(const char *str) { UART_SendAsync(str, -1); } /** * Beep at the user. */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR apars_handle_bel(void) { send_beep(); } /** * Send to uart the answerback message */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR apars_handle_enq(void) { if (enquiry_suppressed) return; // version encased in SOS and ST apars_respond("\x1bXESPTerm " FIRMWARE_VERSION "\x1b\\"); // Throttle enquiry - this is a single-character-invoked response, // so it tends to happen randomly when throwing garbage at the ESP. // We don't want to fill the output buffer with dozens of enquiry responses enquiry_suppressed = true; TIMER_START(&enqTimer, enqTimerCb, 500, 0); } void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR apars_handle_tab(void) { screen_tab_forward(1); }