(function() { /** * Terminal module */ var Term = (function () { var W, H; var cursor = {a: false, x: 0, y: 0, suppress: false, hidden: false}; var screen = []; var blinkIval; /* /!** Clear screen *!/ function cls() { screen.forEach(function(cell, i) { cell.t = ' '; cell.fg = 7; cell.bg = 0; blit(cell); }); } */ /** Set text and color at XY */ function cellAt(y, x) { return screen[y*W+x]; } /** Get cell under cursor */ function cursorCell() { return cellAt(cursor.y, cursor.x); } /* /!** Enable or disable cursor visibility *!/ function cursorEnable(enable) { cursor.hidden = !enable; cursor.a &= enable; blit(cursorCell(), cursor.a); } /!** Safely move cursor *!/ function cursorSet(y, x) { // Hide and prevent from showing up during the move cursor.suppress = true; blit(cursorCell(), false); cursor.x = x; cursor.y = y; // Show again cursor.suppress = false; blit(cursorCell(), cursor.a); } */ /** Update cell on display. inv = invert (for cursor) */ function blit(cell, inv) { var e = cell.e, fg, bg; // Colors fg = inv ? cell.bg : cell.fg; bg = inv ? cell.fg : cell.bg; // Update e.innerText = (cell.t+' ')[0]; e.className = 'fg'+fg+' bg'+bg; } /** Show entire screen */ function blitAll() { screen.forEach(function(cell, i) { /* Invert if under cursor & cursor active */ var inv = cursor.a && (i == cursor.y*W+cursor.x); blit(cell, inv); }); } /** Load screen content from a 'binary' sequence */ function load(obj) { cursor.x = obj.x; cursor.y = obj.y; cursor.hidden = !obj.cv; // full re-init if size changed if (obj.w != W || obj.h != H) { Term.init(obj); return; } // Simple compression - hexFG hexBG 'ASCII' (r/s/t/u NUM{1,2,3,4})? // comma instead of both colors = same as before var i = 0, ci = 0, str = obj.screen; var fg = 7, bg = 0; while(i < str.length && ci 0) { var rep = parseInt(str.substr(i+1,repchars)); i = i + repchars + 1; for (; rep>0 && ci 0) && (i % W == 0)) { scr.appendChild(mk('br')); } /* The cell */ scr.appendChild(e); cell = {t: ' ', fg: 7, bg: 0, e: e}; screen.push(cell); blit(cell); } /* Cursor blinking */ clearInterval(blinkIval); blinkIval = setInterval(function() { cursor.a = !cursor.a; if (cursor.hidden) { cursor.a = false; } if (!cursor.suppress) { blit(cursorCell(), cursor.a); } }, 500); load(obj); } // publish return { init: init, load: load }; })(); /** Handle connections */ var Conn = (function() { var ws; function onOpen(evt) { console.log("CONNECTED"); } function onClose(evt) { console.warn("SOCKET CLOSED, code "+evt.code+". Reconnecting..."); setTimeout(function() { init(); }, 1000); } function onMessage(evt) { try { console.log("RX: ", evt.data); // Assume all our messages are screen updates Term.load(JSON.parse(evt.data)); } catch(e) { console.error(e); } } function doSend(message) { console.log("TX: ", message); if (ws.readyState != 1) { console.error("Socket not ready"); return; } if (typeof message != "string") { message = JSON.stringify(message); } ws.send(message); } function init() { ws = new WebSocket("ws://"+_root+"/ws/update.cgi"); ws.onopen = onOpen; ws.onclose = onClose; ws.onmessage = onMessage; console.log("Opening socket."); } return { ws: null, init: init, send: doSend }; })(); // // Keyboard (& mouse) input // var Input = (function() { function sendStrMsg(str) { Conn.send("STR:"+str); } function sendPosMsg(y, x) { Conn.send("TAP:"+y+','+x); } function sendBtnMsg(n) { Conn.send("BTN:"+n); } function init() { window.addEventListener('keypress', function(e) { var code = +e.which; if (code >= 32 && code < 127) { var ch = String.fromCharCode(code); //console.log("Typed ", ch, "code", code, e); sendStrMsg(ch); } }); window.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) { var code = e.keyCode; //console.log("Down ", code, e); switch(code) { case 8: sendStrMsg('\x08'); break; case 13: sendStrMsg('\x0d\x0a'); break; case 27: sendStrMsg('\x1b'); break; // this allows to directly enter control sequences case 37: sendStrMsg('\x1b[D'); break; case 38: sendStrMsg('\x1b[A'); break; case 39: sendStrMsg('\x1b[C'); break; case 40: sendStrMsg('\x1b[B'); break; } }); qsa('#buttons button').forEach(function(s) { s.addEventListener('click', function() { sendBtnMsg(+this.dataset['n']); }); }); } return { init: init, onTap: sendPosMsg }; })(); window.termInit = function (obj) { Term.init(obj); Conn.init(); Input.init(); } })();