#Makefile with the options specific to the build of a non-upgradable firmware with
#the espfs included in the firmware binary.

# linker script used for the linker step
LD_SCRIPT	= eagle.app.v6.ld
# Extra script to tell the linker the correct irom0 memory available
EXTRA_LD_SCRIPTS = ldscript_memspecific.ld

TARGET_OUT	:= $(addprefix $(BUILD_BASE)/,$(TARGET).out)

	$(vecho) "LD $@"
	$(Q) $(LD) -Llibesphttpd -L$(SDK_LIBDIR) $(LD_SCRIPT) $(EXTRA_LD_SCRIPTS) $(LDFLAGS) -Wl,--start-group $(LIBS) $(APP_AR) -Wl,--end-group -o $@ 

	$(vecho) "FW $@"
	$(Q) mkdir -p $@
	$(Q) $(ESPTOOL) elf2image $(TARGET_OUT) --output $@/

flash: $(TARGET_OUT) $(FW_BASE)
	$(Q) $(ESPTOOL) $(ESPTOOL_OPTS) write_flash  $(ESPTOOL_FLASHDEF) 0x00000 $(FW_BASE)/0x00000.bin 0x40000 $(FW_BASE)/0x40000.bin

	$(Q) $(ESPTOOL) $(ESPTOOL_OPTS) write_flash  $(ESPTOOL_FLASHDEF) 0x7E000 $(SDK_BASE)/bin/blank.bin

htmlflash: libesphttpd
	$(Q) if [ $$(stat -c '%s' libesphttpd/webpages.espfs) -gt $$(( $(ESPFS_SIZE) )) ]; then echo "webpages.espfs too big!"; false; fi
	$(Q) $(ESPTOOL) $(ESPTOOL_OPTS) write_flash  $(ESPTOOL_FLASHDEF) $(ESPFS_POS) libesphttpd/webpages.espfs