/* Cgi/template routines for the /wifi url. */ /* * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42): * Jeroen Domburg wrote this file. As long as you retain * this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, * and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * File adapted and improved by Ondřej Hruška */ // TODO convert to work with WiFi Manager // TODO make changes write to wificonf and apply when a different CGI is run (/wifi/apply or something) // TODO (connection will trigger this immediately, with some delayto show the connecting page. Then polling cna proceed as usual) #include #include "cgi_wifi.h" /** WiFi access point data */ typedef struct { char ssid[32]; char bssid[8]; int channel; char rssi; char enc; } ApData; /** Scan result type */ typedef struct { char scanInProgress; //if 1, don't access the underlying stuff from the webpage. ApData **apData; int noAps; } ScanResultData; /** Static scan status storage. */ static ScanResultData cgiWifiAps; /** Progress of connection to AP enum */ typedef enum { CONNTRY_IDLE = 0, CONNTRY_WORKING = 1, CONNTRY_SUCCESS = 2, CONNTRY_FAIL = 3, } ConnTry; /** Connection result var */ static ConnTry connTryStatus = CONNTRY_IDLE; /** Connection to AP periodic check timer */ static os_timer_t staCheckTimer; /** reset_later() timer */ static ETSTimer resetTmr; /** * Callback for reset_later() */ static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR resetTmrCb(void *arg) { system_restart(); } /** * Schedule a reset * @param ms reset delay (milliseconds) */ static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR reset_later(int ms) { os_timer_disarm(&resetTmr); os_timer_setfn(&resetTmr, resetTmrCb, NULL); os_timer_arm(&resetTmr, ms, false); } /** * Calculate approximate signal strength % from RSSI */ int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR rssi2perc(int rssi) { int r; if (rssi > 200) r = 100; else if (rssi < 100) r = 0; else r = 100 - 2 * (200 - rssi); // approx. if (r > 100) r = 100; if (r < 0) r = 0; return r; } /** * Convert Auth type to string */ const ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR char *auth2str(AUTH_MODE auth) { switch (auth) { case AUTH_OPEN: return "Open"; case AUTH_WEP: return "WEP"; case AUTH_WPA_PSK: return "WPA"; case AUTH_WPA2_PSK: return "WPA2"; case AUTH_WPA_WPA2_PSK: return "WPA/WPA2"; default: return "Unknown"; } } /** * Convert WiFi opmode to string */ const ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR char *opmode2str(WIFI_MODE opmode) { switch (opmode) { case NULL_MODE: return "Disabled"; case STATION_MODE: return "Client"; case SOFTAP_MODE: return "AP only"; case STATIONAP_MODE: return "Client+AP"; default: return "Unknown"; } } /** * Callback the code calls when a wlan ap scan is done. Basically stores the result in * the static cgiWifiAps struct. * * @param arg - a pointer to {struct bss_info}, which is a linked list of the found APs * @param status - OK if the scan succeeded */ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR wifiScanDoneCb(void *arg, STATUS status) { int n; struct bss_info *bss_link = (struct bss_info *) arg; dbg("wifiScanDoneCb %d", status); if (status != OK) { cgiWifiAps.scanInProgress = 0; return; } // Clear prev ap data if needed. if (cgiWifiAps.apData != NULL) { for (n = 0; n < cgiWifiAps.noAps; n++) free(cgiWifiAps.apData[n]); free(cgiWifiAps.apData); } // Count amount of access points found. n = 0; while (bss_link != NULL) { bss_link = bss_link->next.stqe_next; n++; } // Allocate memory for access point data cgiWifiAps.apData = (ApData **) malloc(sizeof(ApData *) * n); if (cgiWifiAps.apData == NULL) { error("Out of memory allocating apData"); return; } cgiWifiAps.noAps = n; info("Scan done: found %d APs", n); // Copy access point data to the static struct n = 0; bss_link = (struct bss_info *) arg; while (bss_link != NULL) { if (n >= cgiWifiAps.noAps) { // This means the bss_link changed under our nose. Shouldn't happen! // Break because otherwise we will write in unallocated memory. error("Huh? I have more than the allocated %d aps!", cgiWifiAps.noAps); break; } // Save the ap data. cgiWifiAps.apData[n] = (ApData *) malloc(sizeof(ApData)); if (cgiWifiAps.apData[n] == NULL) { error("Can't allocate mem for ap buff."); cgiWifiAps.scanInProgress = 0; return; } cgiWifiAps.apData[n]->rssi = bss_link->rssi; cgiWifiAps.apData[n]->channel = bss_link->channel; cgiWifiAps.apData[n]->enc = bss_link->authmode; strncpy(cgiWifiAps.apData[n]->ssid, (char *) bss_link->ssid, 32); strncpy(cgiWifiAps.apData[n]->bssid, (char *) bss_link->bssid, 6); bss_link = bss_link->next.stqe_next; n++; } // We're done. cgiWifiAps.scanInProgress = 0; } /** * Routine to start a WiFi access point scan. */ static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR wifiStartScan(void) { if (cgiWifiAps.scanInProgress) return; cgiWifiAps.scanInProgress = 1; wifi_station_scan(NULL, wifiScanDoneCb); } /** * This CGI is called from the bit of AJAX-code in wifi.tpl. It will initiate a * scan for access points and if available will return the result of an earlier scan. * The result is embedded in a bit of JSON parsed by the javascript in wifi.tpl. */ httpd_cgi_state ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR cgiWiFiScan(HttpdConnData *connData) { int pos = (int) connData->cgiData; int len; char buff[256]; // 2nd and following runs of the function via MORE: if (!cgiWifiAps.scanInProgress && pos != 0) { // Fill in json code for an access point if (pos - 1 < cgiWifiAps.noAps) { int rssi = cgiWifiAps.apData[pos - 1]->rssi; len = sprintf(buff, "{\"essid\": \"%s\", \"bssid\": \"" MACSTR "\", \"rssi\": %d, \"rssi_perc\": %d, \"enc\": %d, \"channel\": %d}%s", cgiWifiAps.apData[pos - 1]->ssid, MAC2STR(cgiWifiAps.apData[pos - 1]->bssid), rssi, rssi2perc(rssi), cgiWifiAps.apData[pos - 1]->enc, cgiWifiAps.apData[pos - 1]->channel, (pos - 1 == cgiWifiAps.noAps - 1) ? "\n " : ",\n "); //<-terminator httpdSend(connData, buff, len); } pos++; if ((pos - 1) >= cgiWifiAps.noAps) { len = sprintf(buff, " ]\n }\n}"); // terminate the whole object httpdSend(connData, buff, len); // Also start a new scan. wifiStartScan(); return HTTPD_CGI_DONE; } else { connData->cgiData = (void *) pos; return HTTPD_CGI_MORE; } } // First run of the function httpdStartResponse(connData, 200); httpdHeader(connData, "Content-Type", "application/json"); httpdEndHeaders(connData); if (cgiWifiAps.scanInProgress == 1) { // We're still scanning. Tell Javascript code that. len = sprintf(buff, "{\n \"result\": {\n \"inProgress\": 1\n }\n}"); httpdSend(connData, buff, len); return HTTPD_CGI_DONE; } else { // We have a scan result. Pass it on. len = sprintf(buff, "{\n \"result\": {\n \"inProgress\": 0,\n \"APs\": [\n "); httpdSend(connData, buff, len); if (cgiWifiAps.apData == NULL) cgiWifiAps.noAps = 0; connData->cgiData = (void *) 1; return HTTPD_CGI_MORE; } } /** Temp store for new ap info. */ static struct station_config stconf; /** * This routine is ran some time after a connection attempt to an access point. If * the connect succeeds, this gets the module in STA-only mode. */ static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR staCheckConnStatus(void *arg) { int x = wifi_station_get_connect_status(); if (x == STATION_GOT_IP) { info("Connected to AP."); connTryStatus = CONNTRY_SUCCESS; // This would enter STA only mode, but that kills the browser page if using STA+AP. // Instead we stay in the current mode and let the user switch manually. //wifi_set_opmode(STATION_MODE); //system_restart(); } else { connTryStatus = CONNTRY_FAIL; error("Connection failed."); } } /** * Actually connect to a station. This routine is timed because I had problems * with immediate connections earlier. It probably was something else that caused it, * but I can't be arsed to put the code back :P */ static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR cgiWiFiConnect_do(void *arg) { int x; dbg("Try to connect to AP..."); wifi_station_disconnect(); wifi_station_set_config(&stconf); wifi_station_connect(); x = wifi_get_opmode(); connTryStatus = CONNTRY_WORKING; if (x != STATION_MODE) { //Schedule check os_timer_disarm(&staCheckTimer); os_timer_setfn(&staCheckTimer, staCheckConnStatus, NULL); os_timer_arm(&staCheckTimer, 15000, 0); //time out after 15 secs of trying to connect } } /** * This cgi uses the routines above to connect to a specific access point with the * given ESSID using the given password. * * Args: * - essid = SSID to connect to * - passwd = password to connect with */ httpd_cgi_state ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR cgiWiFiConnect(HttpdConnData *connData) { char essid[128]; char passwd[128]; static os_timer_t reassTimer; if (connData->conn == NULL) { //Connection aborted. Clean up. return HTTPD_CGI_DONE; } int ssilen = httpdFindArg(connData->post->buff, "essid", essid, sizeof(essid)); int passlen = httpdFindArg(connData->post->buff, "passwd", passwd, sizeof(passwd)); if (ssilen == -1 || passlen == -1) { error("Not rx needed args!"); httpdRedirect(connData, "/wifi"); } else { strncpy((char *) stconf.ssid, essid, 32); strncpy((char *) stconf.password, passwd, 64); info("Try to connect to AP %s pw %s", essid, passwd); //Schedule disconnect/connect os_timer_disarm(&reassTimer); os_timer_setfn(&reassTimer, cgiWiFiConnect_do, NULL); // redirect & start connecting a little bit later os_timer_arm(&reassTimer, 2000, 0); // was 500, increased so the connecting page has time to load connTryStatus = CONNTRY_IDLE; httpdRedirect(connData, "/wifi/connecting"); } return HTTPD_CGI_DONE; } /** * Cgi to get connection status. * * This endpoint returns JSON with keys: * - status = 'idle', 'working' or 'fail', * - ip = IP address, after connection succeeds */ httpd_cgi_state ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR cgiWiFiConnStatus(HttpdConnData *connData) { char buff[100]; int len; struct ip_info info; int st = wifi_station_get_connect_status(); httpdStartResponse(connData, 200); httpdHeader(connData, "Content-Type", "application/json"); httpdEndHeaders(connData); if (connTryStatus == CONNTRY_IDLE) { len = sprintf(buff, "{\"status\": \"idle\"}"); } else if (connTryStatus == CONNTRY_WORKING || connTryStatus == CONNTRY_SUCCESS) { if (st == STATION_GOT_IP) { wifi_get_ip_info(STATION_IF, &info); len = sprintf(buff, "{\"status\": \"success\", \"ip\": \"" IPSTR "\"}", GOOD_IP2STR(info.ip.addr)); os_timer_disarm(&staCheckTimer); os_timer_setfn(&staCheckTimer, staCheckConnStatus, NULL); os_timer_arm(&staCheckTimer, 1000, 0); } else { len = sprintf(buff, "{\"status\": \"working\"}"); } } else { len = sprintf(buff, "{\"status\": \"fail\"}"); } httpdSend(connData, buff, len); return HTTPD_CGI_DONE; } /** * Universal CGI endpoint to set WiFi params. * Note that some may cause a (delayed) restart. * * Args: * - ap_ch = channel 1-14 * - ap_ssid = SSID name for AP mode * - opmode = WiFi mode (resets device) * - hostname = set client hostname * - tpw = set transmit power * - sta_dhcp_lt = DHCP server lease time * - sta_ip = station mode static IP * - sta_mask = station mode static IP mask (apply only if 'ip' is also sent) * - sta_gw = station mode default gateway (apply only if 'ip' is also sent) * (can be left out, then is used and outbound connections won't work - * but we're normally not making any) * - dhcp = enable or disable DHCP on the station interface */ httpd_cgi_state ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR cgiWiFiSetParams(HttpdConnData *connData) { int len, len2, len3; char buff[50]; char buff2[50]; char buff3[50]; // TODO change so that settings are not applied immediately, but persisted first // TODO apply temporary changes like static IP in wifi event CBs if (connData->conn == NULL) { //Connection aborted. Clean up. return HTTPD_CGI_DONE; } // AP channel (applies in AP-only mode) len = httpdFindArg(connData->getArgs, "ap_ch", buff, sizeof(buff)); if (len > 0) { info("Setting WiFi channel for AP-only mode to: %s", buff); int channel = atoi(buff); if (channel > 0 && channel < 15) { dbg("Setting channel=%d", channel); struct softap_config wificfg; wifi_softap_get_config(&wificfg); wificfg.channel = (uint8) channel; wifi_softap_set_config(&wificfg); } else { warn("Bad channel value %s, allowed 1-14", buff); } } // SSID name in AP mode len = httpdFindArg(connData->getArgs, "ap_ssid", buff, sizeof(buff)); if (len > 0) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { char c = buff[i]; if (c == 0) break; if (c < 32 || c >= 127) buff[i] = '_'; } buff[i] = 0; info("Setting SSID to %s", buff); struct softap_config wificfg; wifi_softap_get_config(&wificfg); sprintf((char *) wificfg.ssid, buff); wificfg.ssid_len = strlen((char *) wificfg.ssid); wifi_softap_set_config(&wificfg); } // WiFi mode len = httpdFindArg(connData->getArgs, "opmode", buff, sizeof(buff)); if (len > 0) { dbg("Setting WiFi opmode to: %s", buff); int mode = atoi(buff); if (mode > NULL_MODE && mode < MAX_MODE) { wifi_set_opmode(mode); reset_later(200); } else { warn("Bad opmode value %s", buff); } } // Hostname in station mode (for DHCP) len = httpdFindArg(connData->getArgs, "hostname", buff, sizeof(buff)); if (len > 0) { dbg("Setting station sta_hostname to: %s", buff); wifi_station_set_hostname(buff); // TODO persistency, re-apply on boot } // Hostname in station mode (for DHCP) len = httpdFindArg(connData->getArgs, "tpw", buff, sizeof(buff)); if (len > 0) { dbg("Setting AP power to: %s", buff); int tpw = atoi(buff); // min tpw to avoid user locking themselves out TODO verify if (tpw >= 0 && tpw <= 82) { // TODO persistency, re-apply on boot system_phy_set_max_tpw(tpw); } else { warn("tpw %s out of allowed range 0-82.", buff); } } // DHCP server lease time len = httpdFindArg(connData->getArgs, "ap_dhcp_lt", buff, sizeof(buff)); if (len > 0) { dbg("Setting DHCP lease time to: %s min.", buff); int min = atoi(buff); if (min >= 1 && min <= 2880) { // TODO persistency, re-apply on boot // TODO set only if we're in the right opmode wifi_softap_set_dhcps_lease_time(min); } else { warn("Lease time %s out of allowed range 1-2880.", buff); } } // DHCP enable / disable (disable means static IP is enabled) len = httpdFindArg(connData->getArgs, "sta_dhcp", buff, sizeof(buff)); if (len > 0) { dbg("DHCP enable = %s", buff); int enable = atoi(buff); if (enable != 0) { wifi_station_dhcpc_stop(); } else { wifi_station_dhcpc_start(); } // TODO persistency } // Static IP len = httpdFindArg(connData->getArgs, "sta_ip", buff, sizeof(buff)); len2 = httpdFindArg(connData->getArgs, "sta_mask", buff2, sizeof(buff2)); len3 = httpdFindArg(connData->getArgs, "sta_gw", buff3, sizeof(buff3)); if (len > 0) { // TODO set only if we're in the right opmode // TODO persistency dbg("Setting static IP = %s", buff); struct ip_info ipinfo; ipinfo.ip.addr = ipaddr_addr(buff); ipinfo.netmask.addr = IPADDR_NONE; ipinfo.gw.addr = IPADDR_NONE; if (len2 > 0) { dbg("Netmask = %s", buff2); ipinfo.netmask.addr = ipaddr_addr(buff2); } if (len3 > 0) { dbg("Gateway = %s", buff3); ipinfo.gw.addr = ipaddr_addr(buff3); } // TODO ... wifi_station_dhcpc_stop(); wifi_set_ip_info(STATION_IF, &ipinfo); } httpdRedirect(connData, "/wifi"); return HTTPD_CGI_DONE; } //Template code for the WLAN page. httpd_cgi_state ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR tplWlan(HttpdConnData *connData, char *token, void **arg) { char buff[500]; int x; int connectStatus; static struct station_config stconf; static struct softap_config apconf; if (token == NULL) { // We're done return HTTPD_CGI_DONE; } wifi_station_get_config(&stconf); wifi_softap_get_config(&apconf); strcpy(buff, "Unknown"); if (streq(token, "WiFiMode")) { x = wifi_get_opmode(); strcpy(buff, opmode2str(x)); } else if (streq(token, "WiFiModeNum")) { x = wifi_get_opmode(); sprintf(buff, "%d", x); } else if (streq(token, "WiFiChannel")) { sprintf(buff, "%d", apconf.channel); } else if (streq(token, "APName")) { sprintf(buff, "%s", apconf.ssid); } else if (streq(token, "StaIP")) { x = wifi_get_opmode(); connectStatus = wifi_station_get_connect_status(); if (x == SOFTAP_MODE || connectStatus != STATION_GOT_IP) { strcpy(buff, ""); } else { struct ip_info info; wifi_get_ip_info(STATION_IF, &info); sprintf(buff, IPSTR, GOOD_IP2STR(info.ip.addr)); } } else if (streq(token, "StaSSID")) { connectStatus = wifi_station_get_connect_status(); x = wifi_get_opmode(); if (x == SOFTAP_MODE || connectStatus != STATION_GOT_IP) { strcpy(buff, ""); } else { strcpy(buff, (char *) stconf.ssid); } } else if (streq(token, "WiFiPasswd")) { strcpy(buff, (char *) stconf.password); } else if (streq(token, "WiFiapwarn")) { // TODO get rid of this x = wifi_get_opmode(); if (x == SOFTAP_MODE) { // 2 strcpy(buff, "Enable client for scanning."); } else if (x == STATIONAP_MODE) { // 3 strcpy(buff, "Switch: Client only, AP only"); } else { // 1 strcpy(buff, "Switch: Client+AP, AP only"); } } httpdSend(connData, buff, -1); return HTTPD_CGI_DONE; }