[ $prod ? '/status' : '/page_status.php', 'Home' ], 'wifi' => [ $prod ? '/wifi' : '/page_wifi.php', 'WiFi config' ], 'about' => [ $prod ? '/about' : '/page_about.php', 'About' ], ]; $appname = 'Current Analyser'; function e($s) { return htmlspecialchars($s, ENT_HTML5|ENT_QUOTES); } ?> <?= e($menu[$page][1]) ?> - <?= e($appname) ?>
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WiFi settings

WiFi mode %WiFiMode%
IP %StaIP%
Switch to

Some changes require a reboot, dropping connection. It can take a while to re-connect.

If you lose access, hold the BOOT button for 2 seconds (the Tx LED starts blinking) to re-enable AP mode. If that fails, hold the BOOT button for over 5 seconds (rapid Tx LED flashing) to perform a factory reset.

Select AP to join

Can't scan in AP-only mode.