#!/bin/bash # resolve current file's directory DIR=$(dirname $(realpath $0)) OUTPUT_DIR="$DIR/out" SASS_DIR="$DIR/../sass" ICON_PREFIX='icn' # list with full paths, sort from newest NEWEST=$(ls -dt1 "$DIR"/*.zip | head -1) if [[ -z "$NEWEST" ]]; then echo "Fontello zip not found." exit 1 fi # Clean the output folder rm -rf "$OUTPUT_DIR" mkdir -p "$OUTPUT_DIR" echo "Unpacking fontello..." unzip -ju "$NEWEST" -d "$OUTPUT_DIR" echo "Patching paths in the fontello CSS..." # Fix bad relative paths in the CSS sed -i "s|\.\./font/|/fonts/|g" "$OUTPUT_DIR/"*.css echo "Generating SASS file with icon codes..." SASSFILE="$SASS_DIR/_fontello.scss" echo -e "@charset \"UTF-8\";\n\n/* Fontello data, processed by the unpack script. */\n" > "$SASSFILE" # Extract the base font-face style #grep -Pazo "(?s)@font-face.*?normal;\n\}" "$OUTPUT_DIR/fontello.css" \ # | sed 's/\x0//g' >> "$SASSFILE" grep -Pazo "(?s)@font-face \{\n\s*font-family: 'fontello';\n\s*src: url\('data.*?woff'\)" "$OUTPUT_DIR/fontello-embedded.css" \ | sed 's/\x0//g' >> "$SASSFILE" echo -e ";\n}" >> "$SASSFILE" grep -Pazo "(?s)$ICON_PREFIX-\"\]:before .*?\}" "$OUTPUT_DIR/fontello.css" \ | sed 's/\x0//g' \ | sed "s/$ICON_PREFIX-\"\]:before/\n\n%fontello-icon-base \{\n\&::before /g" \ >> "$SASSFILE" echo -e "\n}" >> "$SASSFILE" echo -e "\n\n/* Fontello icon codes */" >> "$SASSFILE" echo -n "\$icon-codes: (" >> "$SASSFILE" sed -r "s|\.$ICON_PREFIX-([a-z0-9-]+):before \{ content: ('.*?');.*?$|\t\1: \2,|g" "$OUTPUT_DIR/fontello-codes.css" \ | sed -r "s|@.*||g" >> "$SASSFILE" echo -ne "\n);\n" >> "$SASSFILE" echo -ne "\n/* Fontello classes */" >> "$SASSFILE" cat "$OUTPUT_DIR/fontello-codes.css" \ | sed -r 's/\/\*.+\*\///g' \ | sed -r "s|@.*||g" \ | sed 's/:before/::before/g' >> "$SASSFILE" TAIL=$(cat <<ASDF [class^="$ICON_PREFIX-"], [class*=" $ICON_PREFIX-"] { @extend %fontello-icon-base; } @mixin icon-base() { @extend %fontello-icon-base; } @mixin icon-content(\$icon-name) { &::before { content: map-get(\$icon-codes, \$icon-name); } } @mixin icon(\$icon-name) { @include icon-base(); @include icon-content(\icon-name); } ASDF ) echo "$TAIL" >> "$SASSFILE" echo -e "\e[32mFontello ready\e[0m"