@ -1,378 +1,443 @@ |
var Screen = (function () { |
var W = 0, H = 0; // dimensions
var inited = false; |
var cursor = { |
a: false, // active (blink state)
x: 0, // 0-based coordinates
y: 0, |
fg: 7, // colors 0-15
bg: 0, |
attrs: 0, |
suppress: false, // do not turn on in blink interval (for safe moving)
forceOn: false, // force on unless hanging: used to keep cursor visible during move
hidden: false, // do not show (DEC opt)
hanging: false, // cursor at column "W+1" - not visible
}; |
var screen = []; |
var blinkIval; |
var cursorFlashStartIval; |
// Some non-bold Fraktur symbols are outside the contiguous block
var frakturExceptions = { |
'C': '\u212d', |
'H': '\u210c', |
'I': '\u2111', |
'R': '\u211c', |
'Z': '\u2128', |
}; |
// for BEL
var audioCtx = null; |
try { |
audioCtx = new (window.AudioContext || window.audioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)(); |
} catch (er) { |
console.error("No AudioContext!", er); |
} |
/** Get cell under cursor */ |
function _curCell() { |
return screen[cursor.y*W + cursor.x]; |
} |
/** Safely move cursor */ |
function cursorSet(y, x) { |
// Hide and prevent from showing up during the move
cursor.suppress = true; |
_draw(_curCell(), false); |
cursor.x = x; |
cursor.y = y; |
// Show again
cursor.suppress = false; |
_draw(_curCell()); |
} |
function alpha2fraktur(t) { |
// perform substitution
if (t >= 'a' && t <= 'z') { |
t = String.fromCodePoint(0x1d51e - 97 + t.charCodeAt(0)); |
} |
else if (t >= 'A' && t <= 'Z') { |
// this set is incomplete, some exceptions are needed
if (frakturExceptions.hasOwnProperty(t)) { |
t = frakturExceptions[t]; |
} else { |
t = String.fromCodePoint(0x1d504 - 65 + t.charCodeAt(0)); |
} |
} |
return t; |
} |
/** Update cell on display. inv = invert (for cursor) */ |
function _draw(cell, inv) { |
if (!cell) return; |
if (typeof inv == 'undefined') { |
inv = cursor.a && cursor.x == cell.x && cursor.y == cell.y; |
} |
var fg, bg, cn, t; |
fg = inv ? : cell.fg; |
bg = inv ? cell.fg :; |
t = cell.t; |
if (!t.length) t = ' '; |
cn = 'fg' + fg + ' bg' + bg; |
if (cell.attrs & (1<<0)) cn += ' bold'; |
if (cell.attrs & (1<<1)) cn += ' faint'; |
if (cell.attrs & (1<<2)) cn += ' italic'; |
if (cell.attrs & (1<<3)) cn += ' under'; |
if (cell.attrs & (1<<4)) cn += ' blink'; |
if (cell.attrs & (1<<5)) { |
cn += ' fraktur'; |
t = alpha2fraktur(t); |
} |
if (cell.attrs & (1<<6)) cn += ' strike'; |
cell.slot.textContent = t; |
cell.elem.className = cn; |
} |
/** Show entire screen */ |
function _drawAll() { |
for (var i = W*H-1; i>=0; i--) { |
_draw(screen[i]); |
} |
} |
function _rebuild(rows, cols) { |
W = cols; |
H = rows; |
/* Build screen & show */ |
var cOuter, cInner, cell, screenDiv = qs('#screen'); |
// Empty the screen node
while (screenDiv.firstChild) screenDiv.removeChild(screenDiv.firstChild); |
screen = []; |
for(var i = 0; i < W*H; i++) { |
cOuter = mk('span'); |
cInner = mk('span'); |
/* Mouse tracking */ |
(function() { |
var x = i % W; |
var y = Math.floor(i / W); |
cOuter.addEventListener('mouseenter', function (evt) { |
Input.onMouseMove(x, y); |
}); |
cOuter.addEventListener('mousedown', function (evt) { |
Input.onMouseDown(x, y, evt.button+1); |
}); |
cOuter.addEventListener('mouseup', function (evt) { |
Input.onMouseUp(x, y, evt.button+1); |
}); |
cOuter.addEventListener('contextmenu', function (evt) { |
if (Input.mouseTracksClicks()) { |
evt.preventDefault(); |
} |
}); |
cOuter.addEventListener('mousewheel', function (evt) { |
Input.onMouseWheel(x, y, evt.deltaY>0?1:-1); |
return false; |
}); |
})(); |
/* End of line */ |
if ((i > 0) && (i % W == 0)) { |
screenDiv.appendChild(mk('br')); |
} |
/* The cell */ |
cOuter.appendChild(cInner); |
screenDiv.appendChild(cOuter); |
cell = { |
t: ' ', |
fg: 7, |
bg: 0, // the colors will be replaced immediately as we receive data (user won't see this)
attrs: 0, |
elem: cOuter, |
slot: cInner, |
x: i % W, |
y: Math.floor(i / W), |
}; |
screen.push(cell); |
_draw(cell); |
} |
} |
/** Init the terminal */ |
function _init() { |
/* Cursor blinking */ |
clearInterval(blinkIval); |
blinkIval = setInterval(function () { |
cursor.a = !cursor.a; |
if (cursor.hidden || cursor.hanging) { |
cursor.a = false; |
} |
if (!cursor.suppress) { |
_draw(_curCell(), cursor.forceOn || cursor.a); |
} |
}, 500); |
/* blink attribute animation */ |
setInterval(function () { |
$('#screen').removeClass('blink-hide'); |
setTimeout(function () { |
$('#screen').addClass('blink-hide'); |
}, 800); // 200 ms ON
}, 1000); |
inited = true; |
} |
// constants for decoding the update blob
var SEQ_REPEAT = 2; |
var SEQ_SET_COLOR = 3; |
var SEQ_SET_ATTR = 4; |
/** Parse received screen update object (leading S removed already) */ |
function _load_content(str) { |
var i = 0, ci = 0, j, jc, num, num2, t = ' ', fg, bg, attrs, cell; |
if (!inited) _init(); |
var cursorMoved; |
// Set size
num = parse2B(str, i); i += 2; // height
num2 = parse2B(str, i); i += 2; // width
if (num != H || num2 != W) { |
_rebuild(num, num2); |
} |
// console.log("Size ",num, num2);
// Cursor position
num = parse2B(str, i); i += 2; // row
num2 = parse2B(str, i); i += 2; // col
cursorMoved = (cursor.x != num2 || cursor.y != num); |
cursorSet(num, num2); |
// console.log("Cursor at ",num, num2);
// Attributes
num = parse2B(str, i); i += 2; // fg bg attribs
cursor.hidden = !(num & (1<<0)); // DEC opt "visible"
cursor.hanging = !!(num & (1<<1)); |
// console.log("Attributes word ",num.toString(16)+'h');
Input.setAlts( |
!!(num & (1<<2)), // cursors alt
!!(num & (1<<3)), // numpad alt
!!(num & (1<<4)) // fn keys alt
); |
var mt_click = !!(num & (1<<5)); |
var mt_move = !!(num & (1<<6)); |
Input.setMouseMode( |
mt_click, |
mt_move |
); |
$('#screen').toggleClass('noselect', mt_move); |
var show_buttons = !!(num & (1<<7)); |
var show_config_links = !!(num & (1<<8)); |
$('.x-term-conf-btn').toggleClass('hidden', !show_config_links); |
$('#action-buttons').toggleClass('hidden', !show_buttons); |
fg = 7; |
bg = 0; |
attrs = 0; |
// Here come the content
while(i < str.length && ci<W*H) { |
j = str[i++]; |
jc = j.charCodeAt(0); |
if (jc == SEQ_SET_COLOR_ATTR) { |
num = parse3B(str, i); i += 3; |
fg = num & 0x0F; |
bg = (num & 0xF0) >> 4; |
attrs = (num & 0xFF00)>>8; |
} |
else if (jc == SEQ_SET_COLOR) { |
num = parse2B(str, i); i += 2; |
fg = num & 0x0F; |
bg = (num & 0xF0) >> 4; |
} |
else if (jc == SEQ_SET_ATTR) { |
num = parse2B(str, i); i += 2; |
attrs = num & 0xFF; |
} |
else if (jc == SEQ_REPEAT) { |
num = parse2B(str, i); i += 2; |
// console.log("Repeat x ",num);
for (; num>0 && ci<W*H; num--) { |
cell = screen[ci++]; |
cell.fg = fg; |
|||| = bg; |
cell.t = t; |
cell.attrs = attrs; |
} |
} |
else { |
cell = screen[ci++]; |
// Unique cell character
t = cell.t = j; |
cell.fg = fg; |
|||| = bg; |
cell.attrs = attrs; |
// console.log("Symbol ", j);
} |
} |
_drawAll(); |
// if (!cursor.hidden || cursor.hanging || !cursor.suppress) {
// // hide cursor asap
// _draw(_curCell(), false);
// }
if (cursorMoved) { |
cursor.forceOn = true; |
cursorFlashStartIval = setTimeout(function() { |
cursor.forceOn = false; |
}, 1200); |
_draw(_curCell(), true); |
} |
} |
/** Apply labels to buttons and screen title (leading T removed already) */ |
function _load_labels(str) { |
var pieces = str.split('\x01'); |
qs('h1').textContent = pieces[0]; |
$('#action-buttons button').forEach(function(x, i) { |
var s = pieces[i+1].trim(); |
// if empty string, use the "dim" effect and put nbsp instead to stretch the btn vertically
x.innerHTML = s.length > 0 ? e(s) : " "; |
|||| = s.length > 0 ? 1 : 0.2; |
}) |
} |
/** Audible beep for ASCII 7 */ |
function _beep() { |
var osc, gain; |
if (!audioCtx) return; |
// Main beep
osc = audioCtx.createOscillator(); |
gain = audioCtx.createGain(); |
osc.connect(gain); |
gain.connect(audioCtx.destination); |
gain.gain.value = 0.5; |
osc.frequency.value = 750; |
osc.type = 'sine'; |
osc.start(); |
osc.stop(audioCtx.currentTime+0.05); |
// Surrogate beep (making it sound like 'oops')
osc = audioCtx.createOscillator(); |
gain = audioCtx.createGain(); |
osc.connect(gain); |
gain.connect(audioCtx.destination); |
gain.gain.value = 0.2; |
osc.frequency.value = 400; |
osc.type = 'sine'; |
osc.start(audioCtx.currentTime+0.05); |
osc.stop(audioCtx.currentTime+0.08); |
} |
/** Load screen content from a binary sequence (new) */ |
function load(str) { |
var content = str.substr(1); |
switch(str.charAt(0)) { |
case 'S': |
_load_content(content); |
break; |
case 'T': |
_load_labels(content); |
break; |
case 'B': |
_beep(); |
break; |
default: |
console.warn("Bad data message type, ignoring."); |
console.log(str); |
} |
} |
return { |
load: load, // full load (string)
}; |
})(); |
// Some non-bold Fraktur symbols are outside the contiguous block
const frakturExceptions = { |
'C': '\u212d', |
'H': '\u210c', |
'I': '\u2111', |
'R': '\u211c', |
'Z': '\u2128' |
} |
// constants for decoding the update blob
const SEQ_SET_COLOR_ATTR = 1 |
const SEQ_REPEAT = 2 |
const SEQ_SET_COLOR = 3 |
const SEQ_SET_ATTR = 4 |
const themes = [ |
[ |
'#111213', |
'#CC0000', |
'#4E9A06', |
'#C4A000', |
'#3465A4', |
'#75507B', |
'#06989A', |
'#D3D7CF', |
'#555753', |
'#EF2929', |
'#8AE234', |
'#FCE94F', |
'#729FCF', |
'#AD7FA8', |
'#34E2E2', |
] |
] |
class TermScreen { |
constructor () { |
this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas') |
this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d') |
if ('AudioContext' in window || 'webkitAudioContext' in window) { |
this.audioCtx = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)() |
} else { |
console.warn('No AudioContext!') |
} |
this.cursor = { |
x: 0, |
y: 0, |
fg: 7, |
bg: 0, |
attrs: 0, |
blinkOn: false, |
visible: true, |
hanging: false, |
blinkInterval: null |
} |
this._colors = themes[0] |
this._window = { |
width: 0, |
height: 0, |
devicePixelRatio: 1, |
fontFamily: '"DejaVu Sans Mono", "Liberation Mono", "Inconsolata", ' + |
'monospace', |
fontSize: 20, |
gridScaleX: 1.0, |
gridScaleY: 1.2, |
blinkStyleOn: true, |
blinkInterval: null |
} |
this.windowState = { |
width: 0, |
height: 0, |
devicePixelRatio: 0, |
gridScaleX: 0, |
gridScaleY: 0, |
fontFamily: '', |
fontSize: 0 |
} |
const self = this |
this.window = new Proxy(this._window, { |
set (target, key, value, receiver) { |
target[key] = value |
self.updateSize() |
self.scheduleDraw() |
return true |
} |
}) |
this.screen = [] |
this.screenFG = [] |
this.screenBG = [] |
this.screenAttrs = [] |
this.resetBlink() |
this.resetCursorBlink() |
} |
get colors () { return this._colors } |
set colors (theme) { |
this._colors = theme |
this.scheduleDraw() |
} |
// schedule a draw in the next tick
scheduleDraw () { |
clearTimeout(this._scheduledDraw) |
this._scheduledDraw = setTimeout(() => this.draw(), 1) |
} |
getFont (modifiers = {}) { |
let fontStyle = || 'normal' |
let fontWeight = modifiers.weight || 'normal' |
return `${fontStyle} normal ${fontWeight} ${ |
this.window.fontSize}px ${this.window.fontFamily}` |
} |
getCharSize () { |
this.ctx.font = this.getFont() |
return { |
width: this.ctx.measureText(' ').width, |
height: this.window.fontSize |
} |
} |
updateSize () { |
this._window.devicePixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1 |
let didChange = false |
for (let key in this.windowState) { |
if (this.windowState[key] !== this.window[key]) { |
didChange = true |
this.windowState[key] = this.window[key] |
} |
} |
if (didChange) { |
const { |
width, height, devicePixelRatio, gridScaleX, gridScaleY, fontSize |
} = this.window |
const charSize = this.getCharSize() |
this.canvas.width = width * devicePixelRatio * charSize.width * gridScaleX |
|||| = `${width * charSize.width * gridScaleX}px` |
this.canvas.height = height * devicePixelRatio * charSize.height * |
gridScaleY |
|||| = `${height * charSize.height * gridScaleY}px` |
} |
} |
resetCursorBlink () { |
clearInterval(this.cursor.blinkInterval) |
this.cursor.blinkInterval = setInterval(() => { |
this.cursor.blinkOn = !this.cursor.blinkOn |
this.scheduleDraw() |
}, 500) |
} |
resetBlink () { |
clearInterval(this.window.blinkInterval) |
let intervals = 0 |
this.window.blinkInterval = setInterval(() => { |
intervals++ |
if (intervals >= 4 && this.window.blinkStyleOn) { |
this.window.blinkStyleOn = false |
intervals = 0 |
} else { |
this.window.blinkStyleOn = true |
intervals = 0 |
} |
}, 200) |
} |
drawCell ({ x, y, charSize, cellWidth, cellHeight, text, fg, bg, attrs }) { |
const ctx = this.ctx |
ctx.fillStyle = this.colors[bg] |
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-over' |
ctx.fillRect(x * cellWidth, y * cellHeight, |
Math.ceil(cellWidth), Math.ceil(cellHeight)) |
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over' |
let fontModifiers = {} |
let underline = false |
let blink = false |
let strike = false |
if (attrs & 1) fontModifiers.weight = 'bold' |
if (attrs & 1 << 1) ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5 |
if (attrs & 1 << 2) = 'italic' |
if (attrs & 1 << 3) underline = true |
if (attrs & 1 << 4) blink = true |
if (attrs & 1 << 5) text = TermScreen.alphaToFraktur(text) |
if (attrs & 1 << 6) strike = true |
if (!blink || this.window.blinkStyleOn) { |
ctx.font = this.getFont(fontModifiers) |
ctx.fillStyle = this.colors[fg] |
ctx.fillText(text, (x + 0.5) * cellWidth, (y + 0.5) * cellHeight) |
if (underline || strike) { |
let lineY = underline |
? y * cellHeight * charSize.height |
: (y + 0.5) * cellHeight |
ctx.strokeStyle = this.colors[fg] |
ctx.lineWidth = 1 |
ctx.moveTo(x * cellWidth, lineY) |
ctx.lineTo((x + 1) * cellWidth, lineY) |
ctx.stroke() |
} |
} |
ctx.globalAlpha = 1 |
} |
draw () { |
const ctx = this.ctx |
const { |
width, |
height, |
devicePixelRatio, |
fontFamily, |
fontSize, |
gridScaleX, |
gridScaleY |
} = this.window |
const charSize = this.getCharSize() |
const cellWidth = charSize.width * gridScaleX |
const cellHeight = charSize.height * gridScaleY |
const screenWidth = width * cellWidth |
const screenHeight = height * cellHeight |
const screenLength = width * height |
ctx.setTransform(this.window.devicePixelRatio, 0, 0, |
this.window.devicePixelRatio, 0, 0) |
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight) |
ctx.font = this.getFont() |
ctx.textAlign = 'center' |
ctx.textBaseline = 'middle' |
for (let cell = 0; cell < screenLength; cell++) { |
let x = cell % width |
let y = Math.floor(cell / width) |
let isCursor = this.cursor.x === x && this.cursor.y === y |
let text = this.screen[cell] |
let fg = isCursor ? this.screenBG[cell] : this.screenFG[cell] |
let bg = isCursor ? this.screenFG[cell] : this.screenBG[cell] |
let attrs = this.screenAttrs[cell] |
if (isCursor && fg === bg) bg = fg === 0 ? 7 : 0 |
this.drawCell({ |
x, y, charSize, cellWidth, cellHeight, text, fg, bg, attrs |
}) |
} |
} |
loadContent (str) { |
// current index
let i = 0 |
// window size
this.window.height = parse2B(str, i) |
this.window.width = parse2B(str, i + 2) |
this.updateSize() |
i += 4 |
// cursor position
let [cursorY, cursorX] = [parse2B(str, i), parse2B(str, i + 2)] |
i += 4 |
let cursorMoved = (cursorX !== this.cursor.x || cursorY !== this.cursor.y) |
this.cursor.x = cursorX |
this.cursor.y = cursorY |
if (cursorMoved) this.resetCursorBlink() |
// attributes
let attributes = parse2B(str, i) |
i += 2 |
this.cursor.visible = !!(attributes & 1) |
this.cursor.hanging = !!(attributes & 1 << 0) |
Input.setAlts( |
!!(attributes & 1 << 2), // cursors alt
!!(attributes & 1 << 3), // numpad alt
!!(attributes & 1 << 4) // fn keys alt
) |
let trackMouseClicks = !!(attributes & 1 << 5) |
let trackMouseMovement = !!(attributes & 1 << 6) |
Input.setMouseMode(trackMouseClicks, trackMouseMovement) |
let showButtons = !!(attributes & 1 << 7) |
let showConfigLinks = !!(attributes & 1 << 8) |
$('.x-term-conf-btn').toggleClass('hidden', !showConfigLinks) |
$('#action-buttons').toggleClass('hidden', !showButtons) |
// content
let fg = 7 |
let bg = 0 |
let attrs = 0 |
let cell = 0 // cell index
let text = ' ' |
let screenLength = this.window.width * this.window.height |
this.screen = new Array(screenLength).fill(' ') |
this.screenFG = new Array(screenLength).fill(' ') |
this.screenBG = new Array(screenLength).fill(' ') |
this.screenAttrs = new Array(screenLength).fill(' ') |
while (i < str.length && cell < screenLength) { |
let character = str[i++] |
let charCode = character.charCodeAt(0) |
if (charCode === SEQ_SET_COLOR_ATTR) { |
let data = parse3B(str, i) |
i += 3 |
fg = data & 0xF |
bg = data >> 4 & 0xF |
attrs = data >> 8 & 0xFF |
} else if (charCode == SEQ_SET_COLOR) { |
let data = parse2B(str, i) |
i += 2 |
fg = data & 0xF |
bg = data >> 4 & 0xF |
} else if (charCode === SEQ_SET_ATTR) { |
let data = parse2B(str, i) |
i += 2 |
attrs = data & 0xFF |
} else if (charCode === SEQ_REPEAT) { |
let count = parse2B(str, i) |
i += 2 |
for (let j = 0; j < count; j++) { |
this.screen[cell] = text |
this.screenFG[cell] = fg |
this.screenBG[cell] = bg |
this.screenAttrs[cell] = attrs |
if (++cell > screenLength) break |
} |
} else { |
// unique cell character
this.screen[cell] = text = character |
this.screenFG[cell] = fg |
this.screenBG[cell] = bg |
this.screenAttrs[cell] = attrs |
cell++ |
} |
} |
this.scheduleDraw() |
if (this.onload) this.onload() |
} |
/** Apply labels to buttons and screen title (leading T removed already) */ |
loadLabels (str) { |
let pieces = str.split('\x01') |
qs('h1').textContent = pieces[0] |
$('#action-buttons button').forEach((button, i) => { |
var label = pieces[i + 1].trim() |
// if empty string, use the "dim" effect and put nbsp instead to
// stretch the button vertically
button.innerHTML = label ? e(label) : ' '; |
|||| = label ? 1 : 0.2; |
}) |
} |
load (str) { |
const content = str.substr(1) |
switch (str[0]) { |
case 'S': |
this.loadContent(content) |
break |
case 'T': |
this.loadLabels(content) |
break |
case 'B': |
this.beep() |
break |
default: |
console.warn(`Bad data message type; ignoring.\n${ |
} |
} |
beep () { |
const audioCtx = this.audioCtx |
if (!audioCtx) return |
let osc, gain |
// main beep
osc = audioCtx.createOscillator() |
gain = audioCtx.createGain() |
osc.connect(gain) |
gain.connect(audioCtx.destination); |
gain.gain.value = 0.5; |
osc.frequency.value = 750; |
osc.type = 'sine'; |
osc.start(); |
osc.stop(audioCtx.currentTime + 0.05); |
// surrogate beep (making it sound like 'oops')
osc = audioCtx.createOscillator(); |
gain = audioCtx.createGain(); |
osc.connect(gain); |
gain.connect(audioCtx.destination); |
gain.gain.value = 0.2; |
osc.frequency.value = 400; |
osc.type = 'sine'; |
osc.start(audioCtx.currentTime + 0.05); |
osc.stop(audioCtx.currentTime + 0.08); |
} |
static alphaToFraktur (character) { |
if ('a' <= character && character <= 'z') { |
character = String.fromCodePoint(0x1d51e - 0x61 + character.charCodeAt(0)) |
} else if ('A' <= character && character <= 'Z') { |
character = frakturExceptions[character] || String.fromCodePoint( |
0x1d504 - 0x41 + character.charCodeAt(0)) |
} |
return character |
} |
} |
const Screen = new TermScreen() |
let didAddScreen = false |
Screen.onload = function () { |
if (didAddScreen) return |
didAddScreen = true |
qs('#screen').appendChild(Screen.canvas) |
} |
Reference in new issue