some more missing commands, added code pages, fixed the xterm size command and some other stuff. also FRAKTUR

Ondřej Hruška 7 years ago
parent e48180ac10
commit bc41a21f23
  1. 2
  2. 2
  3. 21
  4. 185
  5. 64
  6. 121
  7. 31
  8. 4
  9. 124
  10. 247
  11. 30

@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ set(SOURCE_FILES
user/syscfg.h user/ansi_utf.c user/ansi_utf.h)

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ CFLAGS = -Os -ggdb -std=gnu99 -Werror -Wpointer-arith -Wundef -Wall -Wl,-EL -fn
-nostdlib -mlongcalls -mtext-section-literals -D__ets__ -DICACHE_FLASH \
-Wno-address -Wno-unused
CFLAGS += -DGIT_HASH='"$(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)"'

@ -1152,9 +1152,6 @@ body.term #botnav {
position: absolute;
top: -9999px; }
.nb {
font-weight: normal !important; }
.theme-0 .fg0 {
color: #111213; }
.theme-0 .bg0 {
@ -1548,6 +1545,24 @@ body.term #botnav {
.bold {
font-weight: bold !important; }
.faint span {
opacity: 0.6; }
.italic {
font-style: italic; }
.under {
text-decoration: underline; }
.strike {
text-decoration: line-through; }
.underline.strike {
text-decoration: underline line-through; }
.blink-hide .blink {
color: transparent; }
.Row.color-preview {
font-family: monospace;
font-size: 16pt;

@ -1022,6 +1022,70 @@ $.ready(function() {
}, 1);
/*! v0.1.0 by @mathias */
if (!String.fromCodePoint) {
(function() {
var defineProperty = (function() {
// IE 8 only supports `Object.defineProperty` on DOM elements
try {
var object = {};
var $defineProperty = Object.defineProperty;
var result = $defineProperty(object, object, object) && $defineProperty;
} catch(error) {}
return result;
var stringFromCharCode = String.fromCharCode;
var floor = Math.floor;
var fromCodePoint = function() {
var MAX_SIZE = 0x4000;
var codeUnits = [];
var highSurrogate;
var lowSurrogate;
var index = -1;
var length = arguments.length;
if (!length) {
return '';
var result = '';
while (++index < length) {
var codePoint = Number(arguments[index]);
if (
!isFinite(codePoint) || // `NaN`, `+Infinity`, or `-Infinity`
codePoint < 0 || // not a valid Unicode code point
codePoint > 0x10FFFF || // not a valid Unicode code point
floor(codePoint) != codePoint // not an integer
) {
throw RangeError('Invalid code point: ' + codePoint);
if (codePoint <= 0xFFFF) { // BMP code point
} else { // Astral code point; split in surrogate halves
codePoint -= 0x10000;
highSurrogate = (codePoint >> 10) + 0xD800;
lowSurrogate = (codePoint % 0x400) + 0xDC00;
codeUnits.push(highSurrogate, lowSurrogate);
if (index + 1 == length || codeUnits.length > MAX_SIZE) {
result += stringFromCharCode.apply(null, codeUnits);
codeUnits.length = 0;
return result;
if (defineProperty) {
defineProperty(String, 'fromCodePoint', {
'value': fromCodePoint,
'configurable': true,
'writable': true
} else {
String.fromCodePoint = fromCodePoint;
// Generated from PHP locale file
var _tr = {
"wifi.connected_ip_is": "Connected, IP is ",
@ -1200,7 +1264,7 @@ var Screen = (function () {
y: 0,
fg: 7, // colors 0-15
bg: 0,
bold: false,
attrs: 0,
suppress: false, // do not turn on in blink interval (for safe moving)
hidden: false // do not show
@ -1208,35 +1272,19 @@ var Screen = (function () {
var screen = [];
var blinkIval;
/** Clear screen */
function _clear() {
for (var i = W*H-1; i>=0; i--) {
var cell = screen[i];
cell.t = ' '; =;
cell.fg = cursor.fg;
cell.bold = false;
/** Set text and color at XY */
function _cellAt(y, x) {
return screen[y*W+x];
var frakturExceptions = {
'C': '\u212d',
'H': '\u210c',
'I': '\u2111',
'R': '\u211c',
'Z': '\u2128',
/** Get cell under cursor */
function _curCell() {
return screen[cursor.y*W + cursor.x];
/** Enable or disable cursor visibility */
function _cursorEnable(enable) {
cursor.hidden = !enable;
cursor.a &= enable;
/** Safely move cursor */
function cursorSet(y, x) {
// Hide and prevent from showing up during the move
@ -1255,13 +1303,44 @@ var Screen = (function () {
inv = cursor.a && cursor.x == cell.x && cursor.y == cell.y;
var e = cell.e, fg, bg;
var elem = cell.e, fg, bg, cn, t;
// Colors
fg = inv ? : cell.fg;
bg = inv ? cell.fg :;
// Update
e.innerText = (cell.t + ' ')[0];
e.className = 'fg' + fg + ' bg' + bg + (cell.bold ? ' bold' : '');
elem.textContent = t = (cell.t + ' ')[0];
cn = 'fg' + fg + ' bg' + bg;
if (cell.attrs & (1<<0)) cn += ' bold';
if (cell.attrs & (1<<2)) cn += ' italic';
if (cell.attrs & (1<<3)) cn += ' under';
if (cell.attrs & (1<<4)) cn += ' blink';
if (cell.attrs & (1<<5)) {
cn += ' fraktur';
// perform substitution
if (t >= 'a' && t <= 'z') {
t = String.fromCodePoint(0x1d51e - 97 + t.charCodeAt(0));
else if (t >= 'A' && t <= 'Z') {
// this set is incomplete, some exceptions are needed
if (frakturExceptions.hasOwnProperty(t)) {
t = frakturExceptions[t];
} else {
t = String.fromCodePoint(0x1d504 - 65 + t.charCodeAt(0));
elem.textContent = t;
if (cell.attrs & (1<<6)) cn += ' strike';
if (cell.attrs & (1<<1)) {
cn += ' faint';
// faint requires special html - otherwise it would also dim the background.
// we use opacity on the text...
elem.innerHTML = '<span>' + e(elem.textContent) + '</span>';
elem.className = cn;
/** Show entire screen */
@ -1305,6 +1384,7 @@ var Screen = (function () {
t: ' ',
fg: cursor.fg,
attrs: 0,
e: e,
x: i % W,
y: Math.floor(i / W),
@ -1328,6 +1408,15 @@ var Screen = (function () {
_draw(_curCell(), cursor.a);
}, 500);
// blink attribute
setInterval(function () {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 800); // 200 ms ON
}, 1000);
inited = true;
@ -1336,11 +1425,18 @@ var Screen = (function () {
return (s.charCodeAt(i++) - 1) + (s.charCodeAt(i) - 1) * 127;
var SEQ_SET_COLOR = 1;
/** Decode three-byte number */
function parse3B(s, i) {
return (s.charCodeAt(i) - 1) + (s.charCodeAt(i+1) - 1) * 127 + (s.charCodeAt(i+2) - 1) * 127 * 127;
var SEQ_REPEAT = 2;
var SEQ_SET_COLOR = 3;
var SEQ_SET_ATTR = 4;
function _load_content(str) {
var i = 0, ci = 0, j, jc, num, num2, t = ' ', fg, bg, bold, cell;
var i = 0, ci = 0, j, jc, num, num2, t = ' ', fg, bg, attrs, cell;
if (!inited) _init();
@ -1362,25 +1458,31 @@ var Screen = (function () {
num = parse2B(str, i); i += 2; // fg bg bold hidden
cursor.fg = num & 0x0F; = (num & 0xF0) >> 4;
cursor.bold = !!(num & 0x100);
cursor.hidden = !(num & 0x200);
// console.log("FG ",cursor.fg, ", BG ",,", BOLD ", cursor.bold, ", HIDE ", cursor.hidden);
cursor.hidden = !(num & 0x100);
fg = cursor.fg;
bg =;
bold = cursor.bold;
attrs = 0;
// Here come the content
while(i < str.length && ci<W*H) {
j = str[i++];
jc = j.charCodeAt(0);
if (jc == SEQ_SET_COLOR) {
if (jc == SEQ_SET_COLOR_ATTR) {
num = parse3B(str, i); i += 3;
fg = num & 0x0F;
bg = (num & 0xF0) >> 4;
attrs = (num & 0xFF00)>>8;
else if (jc == SEQ_SET_COLOR) {
num = parse2B(str, i); i += 2;
fg = num & 0x0F;
bg = (num & 0xF0) >> 4;
bold = !!(num & 0x100);
// console.log("Switch to ",fg,bg,bold);
else if (jc == SEQ_SET_ATTR) {
num = parse2B(str, i); i += 2;
attrs = num & 0xFF;
else if (jc == SEQ_REPEAT) {
num = parse2B(str, i); i += 2;
@ -1390,7 +1492,7 @@ var Screen = (function () {
cell.fg = fg; = bg;
cell.t = t;
cell.bold = bold;
cell.attrs = attrs;
else {
@ -1399,7 +1501,7 @@ var Screen = (function () {
t = cell.t = j;
cell.fg = fg; = bg;
cell.bold = bold;
cell.attrs = attrs;
// console.log("Symbol ", j);
@ -1450,12 +1552,14 @@ var Conn = (function() {
console.warn("SOCKET CLOSED, code "+evt.code+". Reconnecting...");
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
}, 200);
// this happens when the buffer gets fucked up via invalid unicode.
// we basically use polling instead of socket then
function onMessage(evt) {
try {
console.log("RX: ",;
//console.log("RX: ",;
// Assume all our messages are screen updates
} catch(e) {
@ -1530,6 +1634,7 @@ var Input = (function() {
//console.log("Down ", code, e);
switch(code) {
case 8: sendStrMsg('\x08'); break;
case 9: sendStrMsg('\x09'); break;
case 10:
case 13: sendStrMsg('\x0d\x0a'); break;
case 27: sendStrMsg('\x1b'); break; // this allows to directly enter control sequences

@ -123,3 +123,67 @@ $.ready(function() {
}, 1);
/*! v0.1.0 by @mathias */
if (!String.fromCodePoint) {
(function() {
var defineProperty = (function() {
// IE 8 only supports `Object.defineProperty` on DOM elements
try {
var object = {};
var $defineProperty = Object.defineProperty;
var result = $defineProperty(object, object, object) && $defineProperty;
} catch(error) {}
return result;
var stringFromCharCode = String.fromCharCode;
var floor = Math.floor;
var fromCodePoint = function() {
var MAX_SIZE = 0x4000;
var codeUnits = [];
var highSurrogate;
var lowSurrogate;
var index = -1;
var length = arguments.length;
if (!length) {
return '';
var result = '';
while (++index < length) {
var codePoint = Number(arguments[index]);
if (
!isFinite(codePoint) || // `NaN`, `+Infinity`, or `-Infinity`
codePoint < 0 || // not a valid Unicode code point
codePoint > 0x10FFFF || // not a valid Unicode code point
floor(codePoint) != codePoint // not an integer
) {
throw RangeError('Invalid code point: ' + codePoint);
if (codePoint <= 0xFFFF) { // BMP code point
} else { // Astral code point; split in surrogate halves
codePoint -= 0x10000;
highSurrogate = (codePoint >> 10) + 0xD800;
lowSurrogate = (codePoint % 0x400) + 0xDC00;
codeUnits.push(highSurrogate, lowSurrogate);
if (index + 1 == length || codeUnits.length > MAX_SIZE) {
result += stringFromCharCode.apply(null, codeUnits);
codeUnits.length = 0;
return result;
if (defineProperty) {
defineProperty(String, 'fromCodePoint', {
'value': fromCodePoint,
'configurable': true,
'writable': true
} else {
String.fromCodePoint = fromCodePoint;

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ var Screen = (function () {
y: 0,
fg: 7, // colors 0-15
bg: 0,
bold: false,
attrs: 0,
suppress: false, // do not turn on in blink interval (for safe moving)
hidden: false // do not show
@ -16,35 +16,19 @@ var Screen = (function () {
var screen = [];
var blinkIval;
/** Clear screen */
function _clear() {
for (var i = W*H-1; i>=0; i--) {
var cell = screen[i];
cell.t = ' '; =;
cell.fg = cursor.fg;
cell.bold = false;
/** Set text and color at XY */
function _cellAt(y, x) {
return screen[y*W+x];
var frakturExceptions = {
'C': '\u212d',
'H': '\u210c',
'I': '\u2111',
'R': '\u211c',
'Z': '\u2128',
/** Get cell under cursor */
function _curCell() {
return screen[cursor.y*W + cursor.x];
/** Enable or disable cursor visibility */
function _cursorEnable(enable) {
cursor.hidden = !enable;
cursor.a &= enable;
/** Safely move cursor */
function cursorSet(y, x) {
// Hide and prevent from showing up during the move
@ -63,13 +47,44 @@ var Screen = (function () {
inv = cursor.a && cursor.x == cell.x && cursor.y == cell.y;
var e = cell.e, fg, bg;
var elem = cell.e, fg, bg, cn, t;
// Colors
fg = inv ? : cell.fg;
bg = inv ? cell.fg :;
// Update
e.innerText = (cell.t + ' ')[0];
e.className = 'fg' + fg + ' bg' + bg + (cell.bold ? ' bold' : '');
elem.textContent = t = (cell.t + ' ')[0];
cn = 'fg' + fg + ' bg' + bg;
if (cell.attrs & (1<<0)) cn += ' bold';
if (cell.attrs & (1<<2)) cn += ' italic';
if (cell.attrs & (1<<3)) cn += ' under';
if (cell.attrs & (1<<4)) cn += ' blink';
if (cell.attrs & (1<<5)) {
cn += ' fraktur';
// perform substitution
if (t >= 'a' && t <= 'z') {
t = String.fromCodePoint(0x1d51e - 97 + t.charCodeAt(0));
else if (t >= 'A' && t <= 'Z') {
// this set is incomplete, some exceptions are needed
if (frakturExceptions.hasOwnProperty(t)) {
t = frakturExceptions[t];
} else {
t = String.fromCodePoint(0x1d504 - 65 + t.charCodeAt(0));
elem.textContent = t;
if (cell.attrs & (1<<6)) cn += ' strike';
if (cell.attrs & (1<<1)) {
cn += ' faint';
// faint requires special html - otherwise it would also dim the background.
// we use opacity on the text...
elem.innerHTML = '<span>' + e(elem.textContent) + '</span>';
elem.className = cn;
/** Show entire screen */
@ -113,6 +128,7 @@ var Screen = (function () {
t: ' ',
fg: cursor.fg,
attrs: 0,
e: e,
x: i % W,
y: Math.floor(i / W),
@ -136,6 +152,15 @@ var Screen = (function () {
_draw(_curCell(), cursor.a);
}, 500);
// blink attribute
setInterval(function () {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 800); // 200 ms ON
}, 1000);
inited = true;
@ -144,11 +169,18 @@ var Screen = (function () {
return (s.charCodeAt(i++) - 1) + (s.charCodeAt(i) - 1) * 127;
var SEQ_SET_COLOR = 1;
/** Decode three-byte number */
function parse3B(s, i) {
return (s.charCodeAt(i) - 1) + (s.charCodeAt(i+1) - 1) * 127 + (s.charCodeAt(i+2) - 1) * 127 * 127;
var SEQ_REPEAT = 2;
var SEQ_SET_COLOR = 3;
var SEQ_SET_ATTR = 4;
function _load_content(str) {
var i = 0, ci = 0, j, jc, num, num2, t = ' ', fg, bg, bold, cell;
var i = 0, ci = 0, j, jc, num, num2, t = ' ', fg, bg, attrs, cell;
if (!inited) _init();
@ -170,25 +202,31 @@ var Screen = (function () {
num = parse2B(str, i); i += 2; // fg bg bold hidden
cursor.fg = num & 0x0F; = (num & 0xF0) >> 4;
cursor.bold = !!(num & 0x100);
cursor.hidden = !(num & 0x200);
// console.log("FG ",cursor.fg, ", BG ",,", BOLD ", cursor.bold, ", HIDE ", cursor.hidden);
cursor.hidden = !(num & 0x100);
fg = cursor.fg;
bg =;
bold = cursor.bold;
attrs = 0;
// Here come the content
while(i < str.length && ci<W*H) {
j = str[i++];
jc = j.charCodeAt(0);
if (jc == SEQ_SET_COLOR) {
if (jc == SEQ_SET_COLOR_ATTR) {
num = parse3B(str, i); i += 3;
fg = num & 0x0F;
bg = (num & 0xF0) >> 4;
attrs = (num & 0xFF00)>>8;
else if (jc == SEQ_SET_COLOR) {
num = parse2B(str, i); i += 2;
fg = num & 0x0F;
bg = (num & 0xF0) >> 4;
bold = !!(num & 0x100);
// console.log("Switch to ",fg,bg,bold);
else if (jc == SEQ_SET_ATTR) {
num = parse2B(str, i); i += 2;
attrs = num & 0xFF;
else if (jc == SEQ_REPEAT) {
num = parse2B(str, i); i += 2;
@ -198,7 +236,7 @@ var Screen = (function () {
cell.fg = fg; = bg;
cell.t = t;
cell.bold = bold;
cell.attrs = attrs;
else {
@ -207,7 +245,7 @@ var Screen = (function () {
t = cell.t = j;
cell.fg = fg; = bg;
cell.bold = bold;
cell.attrs = attrs;
// console.log("Symbol ", j);
@ -258,12 +296,14 @@ var Conn = (function() {
console.warn("SOCKET CLOSED, code "+evt.code+". Reconnecting...");
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
}, 200);
// this happens when the buffer gets fucked up via invalid unicode.
// we basically use polling instead of socket then
function onMessage(evt) {
try {
console.log("RX: ",;
//console.log("RX: ",;
// Assume all our messages are screen updates
} catch(e) {
@ -338,6 +378,7 @@ var Input = (function() {
//console.log("Down ", code, e);
switch(code) {
case 8: sendStrMsg('\x08'); break;
case 9: sendStrMsg('\x09'); break;
case 10:
case 13: sendStrMsg('\x0d\x0a'); break;
case 27: sendStrMsg('\x1b'); break; // this allows to directly enter control sequences

@ -86,11 +86,6 @@ body.term {
top: -9999px;
// "non-bold"
.nb {
font-weight: normal !important;
// Tango
.theme-0 {
@ -163,10 +158,36 @@ body.term {
// Attributes
.bold {
font-weight: bold !important;
.faint span { // content of faint is wrapped in span
opacity: 0.6;
.italic {
font-style: italic;
.under {
text-decoration: underline;
.strike {
text-decoration: line-through;
.underline.strike {
text-decoration: underline line-through;
.blink-hide .blink {
color: transparent;
.Row.color-preview {
font-family: monospace;
font-size: 16pt;

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
#include <screen.h>
// Max nr of CSI parameters
#define CSI_N_MAX 3
#define CSI_N_MAX 10
extern void apars_handle_plainchar(char c);
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ extern void apars_reset_utf8buffer(void);
// defined in the makefile
#define ansi_warn warn
#define ansi_dbg warn
#define ansi_dbg dbg
#define ansi_warn(...)
#define ansi_dbg(...)

@ -22,9 +22,17 @@ static int utf_j = 0;
apars_handle_plainchar(char c)
if (c == 7) return; // BELL - beep (TODO play beep in browser)
// collecting unicode glyphs...
if (c & 0x80) {
if (utf_i == 0) {
// start
if (c == 192 || c == 193 || c >= 245) {
// forbidden codes
goto fail;
if ((c & 0xE0) == 0xC0) {
utf_i = 2;
@ -34,15 +42,17 @@ apars_handle_plainchar(char c)
else if ((c & 0xF8) == 0xF0) {
utf_i = 4;
else {
// chars over 127 that don't start unicode sequences
goto fail;
utf_collect[0] = c;
utf_j = 1;
else {
if ((c & 0xC0) != 0x80) {
// bad UTF
ansi_warn("Bad UTF-8");
goto fail;
else {
utf_collect[utf_j++] = c;
@ -54,9 +64,12 @@ apars_handle_plainchar(char c)
else {
if (c == 14 || c == 15) { // pushIn, pushOut
//ansi_warn("char %d ignored", c);
// TODO implement for charset switching
if (c == 14) {
if (c == 15) {
@ -64,6 +77,11 @@ apars_handle_plainchar(char c)
utf_collect[1] = 0; // just to make sure it's closed...
ansi_warn("Bad UTF-8");
@ -77,8 +95,8 @@ apars_reset_utf8buffer(void)
apars_handle_characterSet(char leadchar, char c)
// TODO implement for charset switching
// ansi_warn("NOIMPL charset cmd %c%c", leadchar, c);
if (leadchar == '(') screen_set_charset(0, c);
else if (leadchar == ')') screen_set_charset(1, c);
@ -97,35 +115,10 @@ apars_handle_setXCtrls(char c)
apars_handle_CSI(char leadchar, int *params, int count, char keychar)
Implemented codes (from Wikipedia)
CSI n A CUU Cursor Up
CSI n B CUD Cursor Down
CSI n C CUF Cursor Forward
CSI n D CUB Cursor Back
CSI n E CNL Cursor Next Line
CSI n F CPL Cursor Previous Line
CSI n G CHA Cursor Horizontal Absolute
CSI n ; m H CUP Cursor Position
CSI n J ED Erase Display
CSI n K EL Erase in Line
CSI n S SU Scroll Up
CSI n T SD Scroll Down
CSI n ; m f HVP Horizontal and Vertical Position
CSI n m SGR Select Graphic Rendition (Implemented only some)
CSI 6n DSR Device Status Report
CSI s SCP Save Cursor Position
CSI u RCP Restore Cursor Position
CSI ?25l DECTCEM Hides the cursor
CSI ?25h DECTCEM Shows the cursor
and some others
int n1 = params[0];
int n2 = params[1];
// int n3 = params[2];
int n3 = params[2];
static char buf[20];
// defaults
switch (keychar) {
@ -306,20 +299,53 @@ apars_handle_CSI(char leadchar, int *params, int count, char keychar)
else if (n >= 40 && n <= 47) screen_set_bg((Color) (n - 40)); // ANSI normal bg
else if (n == 39) screen_set_fg(termconf_scratch.default_fg); // default fg
else if (n == 49) screen_set_bg(termconf_scratch.default_bg); // default bg
else if (n == 7) screen_inverse(true); // inverse
else if (n == 27) screen_inverse(false); // positive
else if (n == 1) screen_set_bold(true); // bold
else if (n == 21 || n == 22) screen_set_bold(false); // bold off
else if (n == 1) screen_attr_enable(ATTR_BOLD);
else if (n == 2) screen_attr_enable(ATTR_FAINT);
else if (n == 3) screen_attr_enable(ATTR_ITALIC);
else if (n == 4) screen_attr_enable(ATTR_UNDERLINE);
else if (n == 5 || n == 6) screen_attr_enable(ATTR_BLINK); // 6 - rapid blink, not supported
else if (n == 7) screen_inverse_enable(true);
else if (n == 9) screen_attr_enable(ATTR_STRIKE);
else if (n == 20) screen_attr_enable(ATTR_FRAKTUR);
else if (n == 21) screen_attr_disable(ATTR_BOLD);
else if (n == 22) screen_attr_disable(ATTR_FAINT);
else if (n == 23) screen_attr_disable(ATTR_ITALIC|ATTR_FRAKTUR);
else if (n == 24) screen_attr_disable(ATTR_UNDERLINE);
else if (n == 25) screen_attr_disable(ATTR_BLINK);
else if (n == 27) screen_inverse_enable(false);
else if (n == 29) screen_attr_disable(ATTR_STRIKE);
else if (n >= 90 && n <= 97) screen_set_fg((Color) (n - 90 + 8)); // AIX bright fg
else if (n >= 100 && n <= 107) screen_set_bg((Color) (n - 100 + 8)); // AIX bright bg
else {
ansi_warn("NOIMPL SGR attr %d", n);
ansi_warn("NOIMPL SGR attr %d", n);
case 't': // SunView code to set screen size (from GNU Screen)
screen_resize(n1, n2);
case 't': // xterm hacks
switch(n1) {
case 8: // set size
screen_resize(n2, n3);
case 18: // report size
printf(buf, "\033[8;%d;%dt", termconf_scratch.height, termconf_scratch.width);
UART_WriteString(UART0, buf, UART_TIMEOUT_US);
case 11: // Report iconified -> is not iconified
UART_WriteString(UART0, "\033[1t", UART_TIMEOUT_US);
case 21: // Report title
UART_WriteString(UART0, "\033]L", UART_TIMEOUT_US);
UART_WriteString(UART0, termconf_scratch.title, UART_TIMEOUT_US);
UART_WriteString(UART0, "\033\\", UART_TIMEOUT_US);
case 24: // Set Height only
screen_resize(n2, termconf_scratch.width);
case 'L':
@ -340,7 +366,7 @@ apars_handle_CSI(char leadchar, int *params, int count, char keychar)
case 'r':
// TODO scrolling region
ansi_warn("NOIMPL scrolling region");
// ansi_warn("NOIMPL scrolling region");
case 'g':
@ -358,6 +384,18 @@ apars_handle_CSI(char leadchar, int *params, int count, char keychar)
ansi_warn("NOIMPL CSI setmode %d", n1);
case 'p':
if (leadchar == '!') {
info("SOFT RESET!");
case 'c':
// report capabilities (pretend we're vt4xx)
UART_WriteString(UART0, "\033[?64;22;c", UART_TIMEOUT_US);
ansi_warn("Unknown CSI: %c", keychar);

@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
TerminalConfigBundle * const termconf = &persist.current.termconf;
TerminalConfigBundle termconf_scratch;
// forward declare
static void utf8_remap(char* out, char g, char table);
#define W termconf_scratch.width
#define H termconf_scratch.height
@ -61,7 +64,7 @@ typedef struct __attribute__((packed)){
char c[4]; // space for a full unicode character
Color fg : 4;
Color bg : 4;
bool bold : 1;
u8 attrs;
} Cell;
@ -75,10 +78,15 @@ static Cell screen[MAX_SCREEN_SIZE];
static struct {
int x; //!< X coordinate
int y; //!< Y coordinate
bool visible; //!< Visible
bool inverse; //!< Inverse colors
bool autowrap; //!< Wrapping when EOL
bool bold; //!< Bold style
bool visible; //!< Visible (not attribute, DEC special)
bool inverse;
u8 attrs;
char charset0;
char charset1;
int charsetN;
Color fg; //!< Foreground color for writing
Color bg; //!< Background color for writing
} cursor;
@ -89,10 +97,10 @@ static struct {
static struct {
int x;
int y;
// optionally saved attrs
// mark that attrs are saved
bool withAttrs;
bool inverse;
u8 attrs;
bool inverse; // attribute that's not in the bitfield
Color fg;
Color bg;
} cursor_sav;
@ -120,8 +128,8 @@ static inline void
clear_range(unsigned int from, unsigned int to)
if (to >= W*H) to = W*H-1;
Color fg = cursor.inverse ? : cursor.fg;
Color bg = cursor.inverse ? cursor.fg :;
Color fg = (cursor.inverse) ? : cursor.fg;
Color bg = (cursor.inverse) ? cursor.fg :;
Cell sample;
sample.c[0] = ' ';
@ -130,7 +138,7 @@ clear_range(unsigned int from, unsigned int to)
sample.c[3] = 0;
sample.fg = fg; = bg;
sample.bold = false;
sample.attrs = 0;
for (unsigned int i = from; i <= to; i++) {
memcpy(&screen[i], &sample, sizeof(Cell));
@ -148,9 +156,12 @@ cursor_reset(void)
cursor.fg = termconf_scratch.default_fg; = termconf_scratch.default_bg;
cursor.visible = 1;
cursor.inverse = 0;
cursor.autowrap = 1;
cursor.bold = 0;
cursor.attrs = 0;
cursor.charset0 = 'B';
cursor.charset1 = '0';
cursor.charsetN = 0;
@ -188,8 +199,8 @@ screen_reset_cursor(void)
cursor.fg = termconf_scratch.default_fg; = termconf_scratch.default_bg;
cursor.inverse = 0;
cursor.bold = 0;
cursor.attrs = 0;
cursor.inverse = false;
@ -262,7 +273,7 @@ screen_fill_with_E(void)
sample.c[3] = 0;
sample.fg = termconf_scratch.default_fg; = termconf_scratch.default_bg;
sample.bold = false;
sample.attrs = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= W*H-1; i++) {
memcpy(&screen[i], &sample, sizeof(Cell));
@ -531,11 +542,11 @@ screen_cursor_save(bool withAttrs)
if (withAttrs) {
cursor_sav.fg = cursor.fg; =;
cursor_sav.inverse = cursor.inverse;
cursor_sav.attrs = cursor.attrs;
} else {
cursor_sav.fg = termconf_scratch.default_fg; = termconf_scratch.default_bg;
cursor_sav.inverse = 0;
cursor_sav.attrs = 0; // avoid leftovers if the wrong restore is used
@ -552,7 +563,7 @@ screen_cursor_restore(bool withAttrs)
if (withAttrs) {
cursor.fg = cursor_sav.fg; =;
cursor.inverse = cursor_sav.inverse;
cursor.attrs = cursor_sav.attrs;
@ -604,43 +615,19 @@ screen_set_bg(Color color) = color;
* Set cursor foreground and background color
screen_set_colors(Color fg, Color bg)
void screen_attr_enable(u8 attrs)
cursor.attrs |= attrs;
* Invert colors
screen_inverse(bool inverse)
void screen_attr_disable(u8 attrs)
cursor.inverse = inverse;
cursor.attrs &= ~attrs;
* Make foreground bright.
* This relates to the '1' SGR command which originally means
* "bold font". We interpret that as "Bright", similar to other
* terminal emulators.
* Note that the bright colors can be used without bold using the 90+ codes
screen_set_bold(bool bold)
void screen_inverse_enable(bool ena)
if (!bold) {
cursor.fg = (Color) (cursor.fg % 8);
} else {
cursor.fg = (Color) ((cursor.fg % 8) + 8); // change anything to the bright colors
cursor.bold = bold;
cursor.inverse = ena;
@ -657,12 +644,26 @@ bool ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_isCoordValid(int y, int x)
return x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < W && y < H;
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_set_charset_n(int Gx)
if (Gx < 0 || Gx > 1) return; // bad n
cursor.charsetN = Gx;
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR screen_set_charset(int Gx, char charset)
if (Gx == 0) cursor.charset0 = charset;
if (Gx == 1) cursor.charset1 = charset;
* Set a character in the cursor color, move to right with wrap.
screen_putchar(const char *ch)
char buf[4];
Cell *c = &screen[cursor.x + cursor.y * W];
@ -687,15 +688,11 @@ screen_putchar(const char *ch)
// erase target cell
c = &screen[cursor.x + cursor.y * W];
c->c[0] = ' ';
c->c[1] = 0;
c->c[2] = 0;
c->c[3] = 0;
// apparently backspace should not clear the cell
goto done;
case 9: // TAB
// TODO change if tab setting is ever implemented
if (cursor.x<((W-1)-(W-1)%4)) {
c->c[0] = ' ';
c->c[1] = 0;
@ -715,8 +712,14 @@ screen_putchar(const char *ch)
// copy unicode char
strncpy(c->c, ch, 4);
if (ch[1] == 0 && ch[0] <= 0x7f) {
// we have len=1 and ASCII
utf8_remap(c->c, ch[0], (cursor.charsetN == 0) ? cursor.charset0 : cursor.charset1);
else {
// copy unicode char
strncpy(c->c, ch, 4);
if (cursor.inverse) {
c->fg =;
@ -725,7 +728,7 @@ screen_putchar(const char *ch)
c->fg = cursor.fg;
c->bg =;
c->bold = cursor.bold;
c->attrs = cursor.attrs;
// X wrap
@ -748,6 +751,84 @@ done:
* translates VT100 ACS escape codes to Unicode values.
* Based on rxvt-unicode screen.C table.
static const u16 vt100_to_unicode[62] =
// ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
0x2191, 0x2193, 0x2192, 0x2190, 0x2588, 0x259a, 0x2603,
// H= I= J= K= L= M= N=
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// O= P= Q= R= S= T= U=
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// V= W= X= Y= Z= [= \=
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// ? ? v->0 v->1 v->2 v->3 v->4
// ]= ^= _=SPC `=DIAMN a=HSMED b=HT c=FF
0, 0, 0x0020, 0x25c6, 0x2592, 0x2409, 0x240c,
// v->5 v->6 v->7 v->8 v->9 v->a v->b
// d=CR e=LF f=DEGRE g=PLSMN h=NL i=VT j=SL-BR
0x240d, 0x240a, 0x00b0, 0x00b1, 0x2424, 0x240b, 0x2518,
// v->c v->d v->e v->f v->10 v->11 v->12
// k=SL-TR l=SL-TL m=SL-BL n=SL-+ o=SL-T1 p=SL-T2 q=SL-HZ
0x2510, 0x250c, 0x2514, 0x253c, 0x23ba, 0x23bb, 0x2500,
// v->13 v->14 v->15 v->16 v->17 v->18 v->19
// r=SL-T4 s=SL-T5 t=SL-VR u=SL-VL v=SL-HU w=Sl-HD x=SL-VT
0x23bc, 0x23bd, 0x251c, 0x2524, 0x2534, 0x252c, 0x2502,
// v->1a v->1b b->1c v->1d v->1e/a3 v->1f
0x2264, 0x2265, 0x03c0, 0x2260, 0x20a4, 0x00b7
* UTF remap
* @param out - output char[4]
* @param g - ASCII char
* @param table - table name (0, A, B)
utf8_remap(char *out, char g, char table)
u16 utf = 0;
switch (table)
case '0': /* DEC Special Character & Line Drawing Set */
if ((g >= 0x41) && (g <= 0x7e) && (vt100_to_unicode[g - 0x41])) {
utf = vt100_to_unicode[g - 0x41];
case 'A': /* UK, replaces # with GBP */
if (g == '#') utf = 0x20a4;
if (utf > 0x7F) {
// formulas taken from:
if ((utf >= 0x80) && (utf <= 0x07FF)) {
out[0] = (char) ((utf >> 0x06) ^ 0xC0);
out[1] = (char) (((utf ^ 0xFFC0) | 0x80) & ~0x40);
else if ((utf >= 0x0800) && (utf <= 0xFFFF)) {
out[0] = (char) (((utf ^ 0xFC0FFF) >> 0x0C) | 0xE0);
out[1] = (char) ((((utf ^ 0xFFF03F) >> 0x06) | 0x80) & ~0x40);
out[2] = (char) (((utf ^ 0xFFFC0) | 0x80) & ~0x40);
} else {
out[0] = g;
out[1] = 0;
} else {
out[0] = g;
out[1] = 0;
//region Serialization
@ -789,7 +870,7 @@ void screen_dd(void)
struct ScreenSerializeState {
Color lastFg;
Color lastBg;
bool lastBold;
bool lastAttrs;
char lastChar[4];
int index;
@ -798,8 +879,24 @@ void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR
encode2B(u16 number, WordB2 *stru)
stru->lsb = (u8) (number % 127);
stru->msb = (u8) ((number - stru->lsb) / 127 + 1);
number = (u16) ((number - stru->lsb) / 127);
stru->lsb += 1;
stru->msb = (u8) (number + 1);
encode3B(u32 number, WordB3 *stru)
stru->lsb = (u8) (number % 127);
number = (number - stru->lsb) / 127;
stru->lsb += 1;
stru->msb = (u8) (number % 127);
number = (number - stru->msb) / 127;
stru->msb += 1;
stru->xsb = (u8) (number + 1);
@ -845,6 +942,7 @@ screenSerializeToBuffer(char *buffer, size_t buf_len, void **data)
Cell *cell, *cell0;
WordB2 w1, w2, w3, w4, w5;
WordB3 lw1;
size_t remain = buf_len; int used = 0;
char *bb = buffer;
@ -860,7 +958,7 @@ screenSerializeToBuffer(char *buffer, size_t buf_len, void **data)
ss->index = 0;
ss->lastBg = 0;
ss->lastFg = 0;
ss->lastBold = false;
ss->lastAttrs = 0;
memset(ss->lastChar, 0, 4); // this ensures the first char is never "repeat"
encode2B((u16) H, &w1);
@ -870,8 +968,7 @@ screenSerializeToBuffer(char *buffer, size_t buf_len, void **data)
encode2B((u16) (
cursor.fg |
(<<4) |
(cursor.bold?0x100:0) |
(cursor.visible ? 1<<8 : 0))
, &w5);
// H W X Y Attribs
@ -887,7 +984,7 @@ screenSerializeToBuffer(char *buffer, size_t buf_len, void **data)
while (i < W*H
&& cell->fg == ss->lastFg
&& cell->bg == ss->lastBg
&& cell->bold == ss->lastBold
&& cell->attrs == ss->lastAttrs
&& strneq(cell->c, ss->lastChar, 4)) {
// Repeat
@ -896,13 +993,25 @@ screenSerializeToBuffer(char *buffer, size_t buf_len, void **data)
if (repCnt == 0) {
// No repeat
if (cell0->bold != ss->lastBold || cell0->fg != ss->lastFg || cell0->bg != ss->lastBg) {
encode2B((u16) (
bool changeAttrs = cell0->attrs != ss->lastAttrs;
bool changeColors = (cell0->fg != ss->lastFg || cell0->bg != ss->lastBg);
if (!changeAttrs && changeColors) {
encode2B(cell0->fg | (cell0->bg<<4), &w1);
bufprint("\x03%c%c", w1.lsb, w1.msb);
else if (changeAttrs && !changeColors) {
// attrs only
encode2B(cell0->attrs, &w1);
bufprint("\x04%c%c", w1.lsb, w1.msb);
else if (changeAttrs && changeColors) {
// colors and attrs
encode3B((u32) (
cell0->fg |
(cell0->bg<<4) |
, &w1);
bufprint("\x01%c%c", w1.lsb, w1.msb);
, &lw1);
bufprint("\x01%c%c%c", lw1.lsb, lw1.msb, lw1.xsb);
// copy the symbol, until first 0 or reached 4 bytes
@ -914,7 +1023,7 @@ screenSerializeToBuffer(char *buffer, size_t buf_len, void **data)
ss->lastFg = cell0->fg;
ss->lastBg = cell0->bg;
ss->lastBold = cell0->bold;
ss->lastAttrs = cell0->attrs;
memcpy(ss->lastChar, cell0->c, 4);

@ -46,6 +46,14 @@ typedef enum {
} ScreenNotifyChangeTopic;
#define ATTR_BOLD (1<<0)
#define ATTR_FAINT (1<<1)
#define ATTR_ITALIC (1<<2)
#define ATTR_UNDERLINE (1<<3)
#define ATTR_BLINK (1<<4)
#define ATTR_FRAKTUR (1<<5)
#define ATTR_STRIKE (1<<6)
typedef struct {
@ -95,6 +103,12 @@ typedef struct {
u8 msb;
} WordB2;
typedef struct {
u8 lsb;
u8 msb;
u8 xsb;
} WordB3;
/** Encode number to two nice ASCII bytes */
void encode2B(u16 number, WordB2 *stru);
@ -119,7 +133,7 @@ void screen_clear_in_line(unsigned int count);
void screen_scroll_up(unsigned int lines);
/** Shift screen downwards */
void screen_scroll_down(unsigned int lines);
/** esc # 8 - fill entire screen with E of default colors */
/** esc # 8 - fill entire screen with E of default colors (DEC alignment display) */
void screen_fill_with_E(void);
// --- insert / delete ---
@ -157,12 +171,14 @@ void screen_wrap_enable(bool enable);
void screen_set_fg(Color color);
/** Set cursor background coloor */
void screen_set_bg(Color color);
/** make foreground bright */
void screen_set_bold(bool bold);
/** Set cursor foreground and background color */
void screen_set_colors(Color fg, Color bg);
/** Invert colors */
void screen_inverse(bool inverse);
// enable or disable attrs by bitmask
void screen_attr_enable(u8 attrs);
void screen_attr_disable(u8 attrs);
void screen_inverse_enable(bool ena);
void screen_set_charset_n(int Gx);
void screen_set_charset(int Gx, char charset);
* Set a character in the cursor color, move to right with wrap.
