help page improvements, opt to hide botnav and buttons, DECOPT for those: 800 and 801, charset tables added to help page, terminal css overhaul to avoid Black Lines

Ondřej Hruška 8 years ago
parent d2b2b89593
commit ba9c757cdc
  1. 2
  2. 5
  3. 7
  4. 75
  5. 93
  6. 1
  7. 0
  8. BIN
  9. BIN
  10. 47
  11. 231
  12. 195
  13. 35
  14. 1
  15. 16
  16. 4
  17. 26
  18. 2
  19. 885
  20. 80
  21. 199
  22. 63
  23. 84
  24. 254
  25. 84
  26. 17
  27. 65
  28. 26
  29. 33
  30. 16
  31. 2
  32. 1
  33. 6
  34. 46
  35. 109
  36. 8
  37. 2
  38. 18
  39. 169
  40. 202
  41. 17
  42. 4

@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ set(SOURCE_FILES
user/apars_dcs.h user/uart_buffer.c user/uart_buffer.h user/jstring.c user/jstring.h)
user/apars_dcs.h user/uart_buffer.c user/uart_buffer.h user/jstring.c user/jstring.h user/character_sets.h)

@ -19,3 +19,8 @@ rm html/css/
cp html_orig/img/* html/img/
cp html_orig/favicon.ico html/favicon.ico
# cleanup
find html/ -name "*.orig" -delete
find html/ -name "*.xcf" -delete
find html/ -name "*~" -delete

@ -15,10 +15,9 @@ return [
'btn5' => '5',
'labels_seq' => 'TESPTerm local debug1235',
'screenData' => '  HELLOx NRE3',//'\u000b\u0001\u001b\u0001\u0001\u0001\u0001\u0001\f\u0005\u0001\u0010\u0003HELLOx\u0002\u000b\u0001\u0001N\u0001RE\u00023\u0001', //,
'parser_tout_ms' => 10,
'display_tout_ms' => 20,
'display_tout_ms' => 15,
'display_cooldown_ms' => 35,
'fn_alt_mode' => '1',
'opmode' => '2',
@ -61,6 +60,8 @@ return [
'term_height' => '10',
'default_bg' => '0',
'default_fg' => '7',
'show_buttons' => '1',
'show_config_links' => '1',
'uart_baud' => 115200,
'uart_stopbits' => 1,

@ -69,3 +69,78 @@ function include_str($code)
return $ret;
if (!function_exists('utf8')) {
function utf8($num)
if($num<=0x7F) return chr($num);
if($num<=0x7FF) return chr(($num>>6)+192).chr(($num&63)+128);
if($num<=0xFFFF) return chr(($num>>12)+224).chr((($num>>6)&63)+128).chr(($num&63)+128);
if($num<=0x1FFFFF) return chr(($num>>18)+240).chr((($num>>12)&63)+128).chr((($num>>6)&63)+128).chr(($num&63)+128);
return '';
if (!function_exists('load_esp_charsets')) {
function load_esp_charsets() {
$chsf = __DIR__ . '/../user/character_sets.h';
$re_table = '/\/\/ %%BEGIN:(.)%%\s*(.*?)\s*\/\/ %%END:\1%%/s';
preg_match_all($re_table, file_get_contents($chsf), $m_tbl);
$re_bounds = '/#define CODEPAGE_(.)_BEGIN\s+(\d+)\n#define CODEPAGE_\1_END\s+(\d+)/';
preg_match_all($re_bounds, file_get_contents($chsf), $m_bounds);
$cps = [];
foreach ($m_tbl[2] as $i => $str) {
$name = $m_tbl[1][$i];
$start = intval($m_bounds[2][$i]);
$table = [];
$str = preg_replace('/,\s*\/\/[^\n]*/', '', $str);
$rows = explode("\n", $str);
$rows = array_map('trim', $rows);
foreach($rows as $j => $v) {
if (strpos($v, '0x') === 0) {
$v = substr($v, 2);
$v = hexdec($v);
} else {
$v = intval($v);
$ascii = $start+$j;
$table[] = [
utf8($v==0? $ascii :$v),
$cps[$name] = $table;
return $cps;
if (!function_exists('tplSubs')) {
function tplSubs($str, $reps)
return preg_replace_callback('/%(j:|js:|h:|html:)?([a-z0-9-_.]+)%/i', function ($m) use ($reps) {
$key = $m[2];
if (array_key_exists($key, $reps)) {
$val = $reps[$key];
} else {
$val = '';
switch ($m[1]) {
case 'j:':
case 'js:':
$v = json_encode($val);
return substr($v, 1, strlen($v) - 2);
case 'h:':
case 'html:':
return htmlspecialchars($val);
return $val;
}, $str);

@ -570,10 +570,13 @@ ul { {
opacity: 1; }
.botpad {
display: block;
height: 5em; }
.Box {
display: block;
max-width: 900px;
line-height: 1.35em;
margin-top: 1rem;
padding: 0.61805rem 1rem;
border-radius: 3px;
@ -904,6 +907,7 @@ form {
vertical-align: middle;
margin: 12px auto;
text-align: left;
line-height: 1.35em;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center; }
@ -1147,50 +1151,58 @@ body.term #content {
@media screen and (max-width: 544px) {
body.term #content h1 {
font-size: 1.42383em; } }
body.term #screen {
-webkit-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
user-select: none;
font-family: monospace;
font-size: 20px;
#screen {
white-space: nowrap;
background: #111213;
padding: 6px;
display: inline-block;
border: 2px solid #3983CD; }
body.term #screen span {
white-space: pre;
cursor: pointer;
display: inline-block;
line-height: 1.15em;
width: 0.6em;
overflow: visible; }
body.term #buttons {
border: 2px solid #3983CD;
font-size: 24px;
font-family: "DejaVu Sans Mono", "Liberation Mono", "Inconsolata", monospace; }
#screen span {
white-space: pre; }
#screen > span {
position: relative;
cursor: pointer; }
#screen > span::before {
content: " "; }
#screen > span > span {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
z-index: 1; }
#screen.noselect {
-webkit-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
user-select: none; }
#action-buttons {
margin-top: 10px;
white-space: nowrap; }
body.term #buttons button {
#action-buttons button {
margin: 0 3px;
padding: 8px 5px;
min-width: 62px;
cursor: pointer;
font-weight: bold; }
body.term #botnav {
#term-nav {
padding-top: 1.5em;
text-align: center; }
body.term #botnav a {
#term-nav a {
padding: 0 0.38198rem;
text-decoration: underline; }
body.term #botnav a, body.term #botnav a:visited, body.term #botnav a:link {
#term-nav a, #term-nav a:visited, #term-nav a:link {
color: #336085; }
body.term #botnav a:hover {
#term-nav a:hover {
color: #5abfff; }
body.term #botnav .icn-keyboard {
#term-nav .icn-keyboard {
text-decoration: none;
font-size: 150%;
vertical-align: middle; }
#termwrap {
#term-wrap {
text-align: center; }
#softkb-input {
@ -1677,6 +1689,39 @@ body.term #botnav {
.tscroll {
overflow-x: auto; }
.charset {
line-height: 1; }
.charset div {
display: inline-block;
width: 2.5em;
border: 1px solid #666;
height: 3em;
margin: 1px;
position: relative; }
.charset div span {
display: block;
position: absolute; }
.charset div span:nth-child(1) {
left: .2em;
top: .2em;
height: 1em;
font-size: 85%;
color: #999; }
.charset div span:nth-child(2) {
right: .2em;
top: .2em;
height: 1em;
font-size: 85%;
color: #999; }
.charset div span:nth-child(3) {
width: 100%;
font-size: 105%;
text-align: center;
bottom: .4em;
font-family: "DejaVu Sans Mono", "Liberation Mono", "Inconsolata", monospace; }
.charset div.none {
opacity: .4; }
@media screen and (min-width: 545px) {
.mq-phone {
display: none !important; } }

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ $selected = [
$out = [];


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 18 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 18 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 18 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 11 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 18 KiB

@ -7,46 +7,35 @@ if (!isset($_GET['page'])) $_GET['page'] = 'term';
$_GET['PAGE_TITLE'] = $_pages[$_GET['page']]->title . ' :: ' . APP_NAME;
$_GET['BODYCLASS'] = $_pages[$_GET['page']]->bodyclass;
if (!function_exists('tplSubs')) {
function tplSubs($str, $reps)
return preg_replace_callback('/%(j:|js:|h:|html:)?([a-z0-9-_.]+)%/i', function ($m) use ($reps) {
$key = $m[2];
if (array_key_exists($key, $reps)) {
$val = $reps[$key];
} else {
$val = '';
switch ($m[1]) {
case 'j:':
case 'js:':
$v = json_encode($val);
return substr($v, 1, strlen($v) - 2);
case 'h:':
case 'html:':
return htmlspecialchars($val);
return $val;
}, $str);
require __DIR__ . '/pages/_head.php';
$_pf = __DIR__ . '/pages/'.$_GET['page'].'.php';
$include_re = '/<\?php\s*(require|include)\s*\(?\s*?(?:__DIR__\s*\.)?\s*(["\'])(.*?)\2\s*\)?;\s*\?>/';
if (file_exists($_pf)) {
$f = file_get_contents($_pf);
// Resolve requires inline - they wont work after dumping the resulting file to /tmp for eval
$f = preg_replace_callback($include_re, function ($m) use ($_pf) {
$n = dirname($_pf).'/'.$m[3];
if (file_exists($n)) {
return file_get_contents($n);
} else {
return "<p>NOT FOUND: $n</p>";
}, $f);
if (DEBUG)
$str = tplSubs($f, require(__DIR__ . '/_debug_replacements.php'));
else $str = $f;
// special symbols
$str = str_replace('\,', '&#8239;', $str);
$str = preg_replace('/(?<=[^ ])~(?=[^ ])/', '&nbsp;', $str);
$str = preg_replace('/(?<!\w)`([^ `][^`]*?[^ `]|[^ `])`(?!\w)/', '<code>$1</code>', $str);
$str = preg_replace('/(?<!\w)_([^ _][^_]*?[^ _]|[^ _])_(?!\w)/', '<i>$1</i>', $str);
$str = preg_replace('/(?<!\w)\*([^ *][^*]*?[^ *]|[^ *])\*(?!\w)/', '<b>$1</b>', $str);
$str = preg_replace('/(?<=[^ \\\\])~(?=[^ ])/', '&nbsp;', $str);
$str = str_replace('\~', '~', $str);
$str = preg_replace('/(?<![\w\\\\])`([^ `][^`]*?[^ `]|[^ `])`(?!\w)/', '<code>$1</code>', $str);
$str = preg_replace('/(?<![\w\\\\])_([^ _][^_]*?[^ _]|[^ _])_(?!\w)/', '<i>$1</i>', $str);
$str = preg_replace('/(?<![\w\\\\])\*([^ *][^*]*?[^ *]|[^ *])\*(?!\w)/', '<b>$1</b>', $str);
$str = preg_replace("/\s*(\\\\\\\\)[\n \t]+/", '<br>', $str);

@ -1134,6 +1134,41 @@ function jsp() {
return null;
/** Decode two-byte number */
function parse2B(s, i) {
return (s.charCodeAt(i++) - 1) + (s.charCodeAt(i) - 1) * 127;
/** Decode three-byte number */
function parse3B(s, i) {
return (s.charCodeAt(i) - 1) + (s.charCodeAt(i+1) - 1) * 127 + (s.charCodeAt(i+2) - 1) * 127 * 127;
function Chr(n) {
return String.fromCharCode(n);
function encode2B(n) {
var lsb, msb;
lsb = (n % 127);
n = ((n - lsb) / 127);
lsb += 1;
msb = (n + 1);
return Chr(lsb) + Chr(msb);
function encode3B(n) {
var lsb, msb, xsb;
lsb = (n % 127);
n = (n - lsb) / 127;
lsb += 1;
msb = (n % 127);
n = (n - msb) / 127;
msb += 1;
xsb = (n + 1);
return Chr(lsb) + Chr(msb) + Chr(xsb);
/** Module for toggling a modal overlay */
(function () {
var modal = {};
@ -1423,7 +1458,6 @@ function tr(key) { return _tr[key] || '?'+key+'?'; }
$('#sta-nw .essid').html(e(name));
var nopw = undef(password) || password.length == 0;
$('#sta-nw .x-passwd').html(e(password));
$('#sta-nw .passwd').toggleClass('hidden', nopw);
$('#sta-nw .nopasswd').toggleClass('hidden', !nopw);
$('#sta-nw .ip').html(ip.length>0 ? tr('wifi.connected_ip_is')+ip : tr('wifi.not_conn'));
@ -1564,41 +1598,6 @@ function tr(key) { return _tr[key] || '?'+key+'?'; }
w.init = wifiInit;
w.startScanning = startScanning;
})(window.WiFi = {});
/** Decode two-byte number */
function parse2B(s, i) {
return (s.charCodeAt(i++) - 1) + (s.charCodeAt(i) - 1) * 127;
/** Decode three-byte number */
function parse3B(s, i) {
return (s.charCodeAt(i) - 1) + (s.charCodeAt(i+1) - 1) * 127 + (s.charCodeAt(i+2) - 1) * 127 * 127;
function Chr(n) {
return String.fromCharCode(n);
function encode2B(n) {
var lsb, msb;
lsb = (n % 127);
n = ((n - lsb) / 127);
lsb += 1;
msb = (n + 1);
return Chr(lsb) + Chr(msb);
function encode3B(n) {
var lsb, msb, xsb;
lsb = (n % 127);
n = (n - lsb) / 127;
lsb += 1;
msb = (n % 127);
n = (n - msb) / 127;
msb += 1;
xsb = (n + 1);
return Chr(lsb) + Chr(msb) + Chr(xsb);
var Screen = (function () {
var W = 0, H = 0; // dimensions
var inited = false;
@ -1611,15 +1610,16 @@ var Screen = (function () {
bg: 0,
attrs: 0,
suppress: false, // do not turn on in blink interval (for safe moving)
forceOn: false,
hidden: false, // do not show
hanging: false, // xenl
forceOn: false, // force on unless hanging: used to keep cursor visible during move
hidden: false, // do not show (DEC opt)
hanging: false, // cursor at column "W+1" - not visible
var screen = [];
var blinkIval;
var cursorFlashStartIval;
// Some non-bold Fraktur symbols are outside the contiguous block
var frakturExceptions = {
'C': '\u212d',
'H': '\u210c',
@ -1633,7 +1633,7 @@ var Screen = (function () {
try {
audioCtx = new (window.AudioContext || window.audioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();
} catch (er) {
console.error("Browser does not support AudioContext, can't beep.", er);
console.error("No AudioContext!", er);
/** Get cell under cursor */
@ -1653,6 +1653,22 @@ var Screen = (function () {
function alpha2fraktur(t) {
// perform substitution
if (t >= 'a' && t <= 'z') {
t = String.fromCodePoint(0x1d51e - 97 + t.charCodeAt(0));
else if (t >= 'A' && t <= 'Z') {
// this set is incomplete, some exceptions are needed
if (frakturExceptions.hasOwnProperty(t)) {
t = frakturExceptions[t];
} else {
t = String.fromCodePoint(0x1d504 - 65 + t.charCodeAt(0));
return t;
/** Update cell on display. inv = invert (for cursor) */
function _draw(cell, inv) {
if (!cell) return;
@ -1660,44 +1676,28 @@ var Screen = (function () {
inv = cursor.a && cursor.x == cell.x && cursor.y == cell.y;
var elem = cell.e, fg, bg, cn, t;
// Colors
var fg, bg, cn, t;
fg = inv ? : cell.fg;
bg = inv ? cell.fg :;
// Update
elem.textContent = t = (cell.t + ' ')[0];
t = cell.t;
if (!t.length) t = ' ';
cn = 'fg' + fg + ' bg' + bg;
if (cell.attrs & (1<<0)) cn += ' bold';
if (cell.attrs & (1<<1)) cn += ' faint';
if (cell.attrs & (1<<2)) cn += ' italic';
if (cell.attrs & (1<<3)) cn += ' under';
if (cell.attrs & (1<<4)) cn += ' blink';
if (cell.attrs & (1<<5)) {
cn += ' fraktur';
// perform substitution
if (t >= 'a' && t <= 'z') {
t = String.fromCodePoint(0x1d51e - 97 + t.charCodeAt(0));
else if (t >= 'A' && t <= 'Z') {
// this set is incomplete, some exceptions are needed
if (frakturExceptions.hasOwnProperty(t)) {
t = frakturExceptions[t];
} else {
t = String.fromCodePoint(0x1d504 - 65 + t.charCodeAt(0));
elem.textContent = t;
t = alpha2fraktur(t);
if (cell.attrs & (1<<6)) cn += ' strike';
if (cell.attrs & (1<<1)) {
cn += ' faint';
// faint requires special html - otherwise it would also dim the background.
// we use opacity on the text...
elem.innerHTML = '<span>' + e(elem.textContent) + '</span>';
elem.className = cn;
cell.slot.textContent = t;
cell.elem.className = cn;
/** Show entire screen */
@ -1712,32 +1712,34 @@ var Screen = (function () {
H = rows;
/* Build screen & show */
var e, cell, scr = qs('#screen');
var cOuter, cInner, cell, screenDiv = qs('#screen');
// Empty the screen node
while (scr.firstChild) scr.removeChild(scr.firstChild);
while (screenDiv.firstChild) screenDiv.removeChild(screenDiv.firstChild);
screen = [];
for(var i = 0; i < W*H; i++) {
e = mk('span');
cOuter = mk('span');
cInner = mk('span');
/* Mouse tracking */
(function() {
var x = i % W;
var y = Math.floor(i / W);
e.addEventListener('mouseenter', function (evt) {
cOuter.addEventListener('mouseenter', function (evt) {
Input.onMouseMove(x, y);
e.addEventListener('mousedown', function (evt) {
cOuter.addEventListener('mousedown', function (evt) {
Input.onMouseDown(x, y, evt.button+1);
e.addEventListener('mouseup', function (evt) {
cOuter.addEventListener('mouseup', function (evt) {
Input.onMouseUp(x, y, evt.button+1);
e.addEventListener('contextmenu', function (evt) {
cOuter.addEventListener('contextmenu', function (evt) {
e.addEventListener('mousewheel', function (evt) {
cOuter.addEventListener('mousewheel', function (evt) {
Input.onMouseWheel(x, y, evt.deltaY>0?1:-1);
return false;
@ -1745,17 +1747,19 @@ var Screen = (function () {
/* End of line */
if ((i > 0) && (i % W == 0)) {
/* The cell */
cell = {
t: ' ',
fg: 7,
bg: 0, // the colors will be replaced immediately as we receive data (user won't see this)
attrs: 0,
e: e,
elem: cOuter,
slot: cInner,
x: i % W,
y: Math.floor(i / W),
@ -1770,7 +1774,6 @@ var Screen = (function () {
blinkIval = setInterval(function () {
cursor.a = !cursor.a;
// TODO try to invent a new way to indicate "hanging" - this is copied from gtkterm
if (cursor.hidden || cursor.hanging) {
cursor.a = false;
@ -1780,7 +1783,7 @@ var Screen = (function () {
}, 500);
// blink attribute
/* blink attribute animation */
setInterval(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
@ -1791,11 +1794,13 @@ var Screen = (function () {
inited = true;
// constants for decoding the update blob
var SEQ_REPEAT = 2;
var SEQ_SET_COLOR = 3;
var SEQ_SET_ATTR = 4;
/** Parse received screen update object (leading S removed already) */
function _load_content(str) {
var i = 0, ci = 0, j, jc, num, num2, t = ' ', fg, bg, attrs, cell;
@ -1819,17 +1824,30 @@ var Screen = (function () {
// console.log("Cursor at ",num, num2);
// Attributes
num = parse2B(str, i); i += 2; // fg bg bold hidden
cursor.hidden = !(num & 0x0001);
cursor.hanging = !!(num & 0x0002);
num = parse2B(str, i); i += 2; // fg bg attribs
cursor.hidden = !(num & (1<<0)); // DEC opt "visible"
cursor.hanging = !!(num & (1<<1));
// console.log("Attributes word ",num.toString(16)+'h');
!!(num & 0x0004), // cu
!!(num & 0x0008), // np
!!(num & 0x0010) // fn
!!(num & (1<<2)), // cursors alt
!!(num & (1<<3)), // numpad alt
!!(num & (1<<4)) // fn keys alt
var mt_click = !!(num & (1<<5));
var mt_move = !!(num & (1<<6));
$('#screen').toggleClass('noselect', mt_move);
var show_buttons = !!(num & (1<<7));
var show_config_links = !!(num & (1<<8));
$('.x-term-conf-btn').toggleClass('hidden', !show_config_links);
$('#action-buttons').toggleClass('hidden', !show_buttons);
fg = 7;
bg = 0;
attrs = 0;
@ -1892,10 +1910,11 @@ var Screen = (function () {
/** Apply labels to buttons and screen title (leading T removed already) */
function _load_labels(str) {
var pieces = str.split('\x01');
qs('h1').textContent = pieces[0];
qsa('#buttons button').forEach(function(x, i) {
qsa('#action-buttons button').forEach(function(x, i) {
var s = pieces[i+1].trim();
// if empty string, use the "dim" effect and put nbsp instead to stretch the btn vertically
x.innerHTML = s.length > 0 ? e(s) : "&nbsp;";
@ -1903,8 +1922,8 @@ var Screen = (function () {
function _beep()
/** Audible beep for ASCII 7 */
function _beep() {
var osc, gain;
if (!audioCtx) return;
@ -1946,6 +1965,7 @@ var Screen = (function () {
console.warn("Bad data message type, ignoring.");
@ -2071,24 +2091,31 @@ var Input = (function() {
np_alt: false,
cu_alt: false,
fn_alt: false,
mt_click: false,
mt_move: false,
/** Send a literal message */
function sendStrMsg(str) {
/** Send a button event */
function sendBtnMsg(n) {
/** Fn alt choice for key message */
function fa(alt, normal) {
return opts.fn_alt ? alt : normal;
/** Cursor alt choice for key message */
function ca(alt, normal) {
return opts.cu_alt ? alt : normal;
/** Numpad alt choice for key message */
function na(alt, normal) {
return opts.np_alt ? alt : normal;
@ -2159,6 +2186,7 @@ var Input = (function() {
/** Bind a keystroke to message */
function bind(combo, str) {
// mac fix - allow also cmd
if (combo.indexOf('ctrl+') !== -1) {
@ -2174,6 +2202,7 @@ var Input = (function() {
/** Bind/rebind key messages */
function _initKeys() {
// This takes care of text characters typed
window.addEventListener('keypress', function(evt) {
@ -2199,10 +2228,12 @@ var Input = (function() {
// mouse button states
var mb1 = 0;
var mb2 = 0;
var mb3 = 0;
/** Init the Input module */
function init() {
@ -2213,6 +2244,7 @@ var Input = (function() {
// global mouse state tracking - for motion reporting
window.addEventListener('mousedown', function(evt) {
if (evt.button == 0) mb1 = 1;
if (evt.button == 1) mb2 = 1;
@ -2226,6 +2258,7 @@ var Input = (function() {
/** Prepare modifiers byte for mouse message */
function packModifiersForMouse() {
return (key.isModifier('ctrl')?1:0) |
(key.isModifier('shift')?2:0) |
@ -2234,9 +2267,13 @@ var Input = (function() {
return {
/** Init the Input module */
init: init,
// onTap: sendPosMsg,
/** Send a literal string message */
sendString: sendStrMsg,
/** Enable alternate key modes (cursors, numpad, fn) */
setAlts: function(cu, np, fn) {
if (opts.cu_alt != cu || opts.np_alt != np || opts.fn_alt != fn) {
opts.cu_alt = cu;
@ -2247,34 +2284,46 @@ var Input = (function() {
setMouseMode: function(click, move) {
opts.mt_click = click;
opts.mt_move = move;
// Mouse events
onMouseMove: function (x, y) {
if (!opts.mt_move) return;
var b = mb1 ? 1 : mb2 ? 2 : mb3 ? 3 : 0;
var m = packModifiersForMouse();
Conn.send("m" + encode2B(y) + encode2B(x) + encode2B(b) + encode2B(m));
onMouseDown: function (x, y, b) {
if (!opts.mt_click) return;
if (b > 3 || b < 1) return;
var m = packModifiersForMouse();
Conn.send("p" + encode2B(y) + encode2B(x) + encode2B(b) + encode2B(m));
console.log("B ",b," M ",m);
// console.log("B ",b," M ",m);
onMouseUp: function (x, y, b) {
if (!opts.mt_click) return;
if (b > 3 || b < 1) return;
var m = packModifiersForMouse();
Conn.send("r" + encode2B(y) + encode2B(x) + encode2B(b) + encode2B(m));
console.log("B ",b," M ",m);
// console.log("B ",b," M ",m);
onMouseWheel: function (x, y, dir) {
if (!opts.mt_click) return;
// -1 ... btn 4 (away from user)
// +1 ... btn 5 (towards user)
var m = packModifiersForMouse();
var b = (dir < 0 ? 4 : 5);
Conn.send("p" + encode2B(y) + encode2B(x) + encode2B(b) + encode2B(m));
console.log("B ",b," M ",m);
// console.log("B ",b," M ",m);
/** Init the terminal sub-module - called from HTML */
window.termInit = function () {

@ -1,38 +1,3 @@
/** Decode two-byte number */
function parse2B(s, i) {
return (s.charCodeAt(i++) - 1) + (s.charCodeAt(i) - 1) * 127;
/** Decode three-byte number */
function parse3B(s, i) {
return (s.charCodeAt(i) - 1) + (s.charCodeAt(i+1) - 1) * 127 + (s.charCodeAt(i+2) - 1) * 127 * 127;
function Chr(n) {
return String.fromCharCode(n);
function encode2B(n) {
var lsb, msb;
lsb = (n % 127);
n = ((n - lsb) / 127);
lsb += 1;
msb = (n + 1);
return Chr(lsb) + Chr(msb);
function encode3B(n) {
var lsb, msb, xsb;
lsb = (n % 127);
n = (n - lsb) / 127;
lsb += 1;
msb = (n % 127);
n = (n - msb) / 127;
msb += 1;
xsb = (n + 1);
return Chr(lsb) + Chr(msb) + Chr(xsb);
var Screen = (function () {
var W = 0, H = 0; // dimensions
var inited = false;
@ -45,15 +10,16 @@ var Screen = (function () {
bg: 0,
attrs: 0,
suppress: false, // do not turn on in blink interval (for safe moving)
forceOn: false,
hidden: false, // do not show
hanging: false, // xenl
forceOn: false, // force on unless hanging: used to keep cursor visible during move
hidden: false, // do not show (DEC opt)
hanging: false, // cursor at column "W+1" - not visible
var screen = [];
var blinkIval;
var cursorFlashStartIval;
// Some non-bold Fraktur symbols are outside the contiguous block
var frakturExceptions = {
'C': '\u212d',
'H': '\u210c',
@ -67,7 +33,7 @@ var Screen = (function () {
try {
audioCtx = new (window.AudioContext || window.audioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();
} catch (er) {
console.error("Browser does not support AudioContext, can't beep.", er);
console.error("No AudioContext!", er);
/** Get cell under cursor */
@ -87,6 +53,22 @@ var Screen = (function () {
function alpha2fraktur(t) {
// perform substitution
if (t >= 'a' && t <= 'z') {
t = String.fromCodePoint(0x1d51e - 97 + t.charCodeAt(0));
else if (t >= 'A' && t <= 'Z') {
// this set is incomplete, some exceptions are needed
if (frakturExceptions.hasOwnProperty(t)) {
t = frakturExceptions[t];
} else {
t = String.fromCodePoint(0x1d504 - 65 + t.charCodeAt(0));
return t;
/** Update cell on display. inv = invert (for cursor) */
function _draw(cell, inv) {
if (!cell) return;
@ -94,44 +76,28 @@ var Screen = (function () {
inv = cursor.a && cursor.x == cell.x && cursor.y == cell.y;
var elem = cell.e, fg, bg, cn, t;
// Colors
var fg, bg, cn, t;
fg = inv ? : cell.fg;
bg = inv ? cell.fg :;
// Update
elem.textContent = t = (cell.t + ' ')[0];
t = cell.t;
if (!t.length) t = ' ';
cn = 'fg' + fg + ' bg' + bg;
if (cell.attrs & (1<<0)) cn += ' bold';
if (cell.attrs & (1<<1)) cn += ' faint';
if (cell.attrs & (1<<2)) cn += ' italic';
if (cell.attrs & (1<<3)) cn += ' under';
if (cell.attrs & (1<<4)) cn += ' blink';
if (cell.attrs & (1<<5)) {
cn += ' fraktur';
// perform substitution
if (t >= 'a' && t <= 'z') {
t = String.fromCodePoint(0x1d51e - 97 + t.charCodeAt(0));
else if (t >= 'A' && t <= 'Z') {
// this set is incomplete, some exceptions are needed
if (frakturExceptions.hasOwnProperty(t)) {
t = frakturExceptions[t];
} else {
t = String.fromCodePoint(0x1d504 - 65 + t.charCodeAt(0));
elem.textContent = t;
t = alpha2fraktur(t);
if (cell.attrs & (1<<6)) cn += ' strike';
if (cell.attrs & (1<<1)) {
cn += ' faint';
// faint requires special html - otherwise it would also dim the background.
// we use opacity on the text...
elem.innerHTML = '<span>' + e(elem.textContent) + '</span>';
elem.className = cn;
cell.slot.textContent = t;
cell.elem.className = cn;
/** Show entire screen */
@ -146,32 +112,34 @@ var Screen = (function () {
H = rows;
/* Build screen & show */
var e, cell, scr = qs('#screen');
var cOuter, cInner, cell, screenDiv = qs('#screen');
// Empty the screen node
while (scr.firstChild) scr.removeChild(scr.firstChild);
while (screenDiv.firstChild) screenDiv.removeChild(screenDiv.firstChild);
screen = [];
for(var i = 0; i < W*H; i++) {
e = mk('span');
cOuter = mk('span');
cInner = mk('span');
/* Mouse tracking */
(function() {
var x = i % W;
var y = Math.floor(i / W);
e.addEventListener('mouseenter', function (evt) {
cOuter.addEventListener('mouseenter', function (evt) {
Input.onMouseMove(x, y);
e.addEventListener('mousedown', function (evt) {
cOuter.addEventListener('mousedown', function (evt) {
Input.onMouseDown(x, y, evt.button+1);
e.addEventListener('mouseup', function (evt) {
cOuter.addEventListener('mouseup', function (evt) {
Input.onMouseUp(x, y, evt.button+1);
e.addEventListener('contextmenu', function (evt) {
cOuter.addEventListener('contextmenu', function (evt) {
e.addEventListener('mousewheel', function (evt) {
cOuter.addEventListener('mousewheel', function (evt) {
Input.onMouseWheel(x, y, evt.deltaY>0?1:-1);
return false;
@ -179,17 +147,19 @@ var Screen = (function () {
/* End of line */
if ((i > 0) && (i % W == 0)) {
/* The cell */
cell = {
t: ' ',
fg: 7,
bg: 0, // the colors will be replaced immediately as we receive data (user won't see this)
attrs: 0,
e: e,
elem: cOuter,
slot: cInner,
x: i % W,
y: Math.floor(i / W),
@ -204,7 +174,6 @@ var Screen = (function () {
blinkIval = setInterval(function () {
cursor.a = !cursor.a;
// TODO try to invent a new way to indicate "hanging" - this is copied from gtkterm
if (cursor.hidden || cursor.hanging) {
cursor.a = false;
@ -214,7 +183,7 @@ var Screen = (function () {
}, 500);
// blink attribute
/* blink attribute animation */
setInterval(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
@ -225,11 +194,13 @@ var Screen = (function () {
inited = true;
// constants for decoding the update blob
var SEQ_REPEAT = 2;
var SEQ_SET_COLOR = 3;
var SEQ_SET_ATTR = 4;
/** Parse received screen update object (leading S removed already) */
function _load_content(str) {
var i = 0, ci = 0, j, jc, num, num2, t = ' ', fg, bg, attrs, cell;
@ -253,17 +224,30 @@ var Screen = (function () {
// console.log("Cursor at ",num, num2);
// Attributes
num = parse2B(str, i); i += 2; // fg bg bold hidden
cursor.hidden = !(num & 0x0001);
cursor.hanging = !!(num & 0x0002);
num = parse2B(str, i); i += 2; // fg bg attribs
cursor.hidden = !(num & (1<<0)); // DEC opt "visible"
cursor.hanging = !!(num & (1<<1));
// console.log("Attributes word ",num.toString(16)+'h');
!!(num & 0x0004), // cu
!!(num & 0x0008), // np
!!(num & 0x0010) // fn
!!(num & (1<<2)), // cursors alt
!!(num & (1<<3)), // numpad alt
!!(num & (1<<4)) // fn keys alt
var mt_click = !!(num & (1<<5));
var mt_move = !!(num & (1<<6));
$('#screen').toggleClass('noselect', mt_move);
var show_buttons = !!(num & (1<<7));
var show_config_links = !!(num & (1<<8));
$('.x-term-conf-btn').toggleClass('hidden', !show_config_links);
$('#action-buttons').toggleClass('hidden', !show_buttons);
fg = 7;
bg = 0;
attrs = 0;
@ -326,10 +310,11 @@ var Screen = (function () {
/** Apply labels to buttons and screen title (leading T removed already) */
function _load_labels(str) {
var pieces = str.split('\x01');
qs('h1').textContent = pieces[0];
qsa('#buttons button').forEach(function(x, i) {
qsa('#action-buttons button').forEach(function(x, i) {
var s = pieces[i+1].trim();
// if empty string, use the "dim" effect and put nbsp instead to stretch the btn vertically
x.innerHTML = s.length > 0 ? e(s) : "&nbsp;";
@ -337,8 +322,8 @@ var Screen = (function () {
function _beep()
/** Audible beep for ASCII 7 */
function _beep() {
var osc, gain;
if (!audioCtx) return;
@ -380,6 +365,7 @@ var Screen = (function () {
console.warn("Bad data message type, ignoring.");
@ -505,24 +491,31 @@ var Input = (function() {
np_alt: false,
cu_alt: false,
fn_alt: false,
mt_click: false,
mt_move: false,
/** Send a literal message */
function sendStrMsg(str) {
/** Send a button event */
function sendBtnMsg(n) {
/** Fn alt choice for key message */
function fa(alt, normal) {
return opts.fn_alt ? alt : normal;
/** Cursor alt choice for key message */
function ca(alt, normal) {
return opts.cu_alt ? alt : normal;
/** Numpad alt choice for key message */
function na(alt, normal) {
return opts.np_alt ? alt : normal;
@ -593,6 +586,7 @@ var Input = (function() {
/** Bind a keystroke to message */
function bind(combo, str) {
// mac fix - allow also cmd
if (combo.indexOf('ctrl+') !== -1) {
@ -608,6 +602,7 @@ var Input = (function() {
/** Bind/rebind key messages */
function _initKeys() {
// This takes care of text characters typed
window.addEventListener('keypress', function(evt) {
@ -633,10 +628,12 @@ var Input = (function() {
// mouse button states
var mb1 = 0;
var mb2 = 0;
var mb3 = 0;
/** Init the Input module */
function init() {
@ -647,6 +644,7 @@ var Input = (function() {
// global mouse state tracking - for motion reporting
window.addEventListener('mousedown', function(evt) {
if (evt.button == 0) mb1 = 1;
if (evt.button == 1) mb2 = 1;
@ -660,6 +658,7 @@ var Input = (function() {
/** Prepare modifiers byte for mouse message */
function packModifiersForMouse() {
return (key.isModifier('ctrl')?1:0) |
(key.isModifier('shift')?2:0) |
@ -668,9 +667,13 @@ var Input = (function() {
return {
/** Init the Input module */
init: init,
// onTap: sendPosMsg,
/** Send a literal string message */
sendString: sendStrMsg,
/** Enable alternate key modes (cursors, numpad, fn) */
setAlts: function(cu, np, fn) {
if (opts.cu_alt != cu || opts.np_alt != np || opts.fn_alt != fn) {
opts.cu_alt = cu;
@ -681,34 +684,46 @@ var Input = (function() {
setMouseMode: function(click, move) {
opts.mt_click = click;
opts.mt_move = move;
// Mouse events
onMouseMove: function (x, y) {
if (!opts.mt_move) return;
var b = mb1 ? 1 : mb2 ? 2 : mb3 ? 3 : 0;
var m = packModifiersForMouse();
Conn.send("m" + encode2B(y) + encode2B(x) + encode2B(b) + encode2B(m));
onMouseDown: function (x, y, b) {
if (!opts.mt_click) return;
if (b > 3 || b < 1) return;
var m = packModifiersForMouse();
Conn.send("p" + encode2B(y) + encode2B(x) + encode2B(b) + encode2B(m));
console.log("B ",b," M ",m);
// console.log("B ",b," M ",m);
onMouseUp: function (x, y, b) {
if (!opts.mt_click) return;
if (b > 3 || b < 1) return;
var m = packModifiersForMouse();
Conn.send("r" + encode2B(y) + encode2B(x) + encode2B(b) + encode2B(m));
console.log("B ",b," M ",m);
// console.log("B ",b," M ",m);
onMouseWheel: function (x, y, dir) {
if (!opts.mt_click) return;
// -1 ... btn 4 (away from user)
// +1 ... btn 5 (towards user)
var m = packModifiersForMouse();
var b = (dir < 0 ? 4 : 5);
Conn.send("p" + encode2B(y) + encode2B(x) + encode2B(b) + encode2B(m));
console.log("B ",b," M ",m);
// console.log("B ",b," M ",m);
/** Init the terminal sub-module - called from HTML */
window.termInit = function () {

@ -121,3 +121,38 @@ function jsp() {
return null;
/** Decode two-byte number */
function parse2B(s, i) {
return (s.charCodeAt(i++) - 1) + (s.charCodeAt(i) - 1) * 127;
/** Decode three-byte number */
function parse3B(s, i) {
return (s.charCodeAt(i) - 1) + (s.charCodeAt(i+1) - 1) * 127 + (s.charCodeAt(i+2) - 1) * 127 * 127;
function Chr(n) {
return String.fromCharCode(n);
function encode2B(n) {
var lsb, msb;
lsb = (n % 127);
n = ((n - lsb) / 127);
lsb += 1;
msb = (n + 1);
return Chr(lsb) + Chr(msb);
function encode3B(n) {
var lsb, msb, xsb;
lsb = (n % 127);
n = (n - lsb) / 127;
lsb += 1;
msb = (n % 127);
n = (n - msb) / 127;
msb += 1;
xsb = (n + 1);
return Chr(lsb) + Chr(msb) + Chr(xsb);

@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
$('#sta-nw .essid').html(e(name));
var nopw = undef(password) || password.length == 0;
$('#sta-nw .x-passwd').html(e(password));
$('#sta-nw .passwd').toggleClass('hidden', nopw);
$('#sta-nw .nopasswd').toggleClass('hidden', !nopw);
$('#sta-nw .ip').html(ip.length>0 ? tr('wifi.connected_ip_is')+ip : tr('wifi.not_conn'));

@ -28,11 +28,15 @@ return [
'net.details' => 'MAC addresses',
'term.defaults' => 'Initial Settings',
'' => 'Expert Options',
'term.explain_initials' => '
Those are the initial settings used after ESPTerm powers on.
The selected colors will also be used after receiving a
screen- or attributes-reset command. Those settings will be
applied immediately after saving to preview the changes live.',
Those are the initial settings used after ESPTerm powers on or when the screen
reset command is received. Some options can be changed by the application via escape sequences,
those changes won\'t be saved in Flash.
'term.explain_expert' => '
Those are advanced config options that usually don\'t need to be changed.
Edit them only if you know what you\'re doing.',
'term.example' => 'Default colors preview',
@ -45,6 +49,8 @@ return [
'term.display_tout_ms' => 'Redraw delay',
'term.display_cooldown_ms' => 'Redraw cooldown',
'term.fn_alt_mode' => 'SS3 Fn keys',
'term.show_config_links' => 'Show nav links',
'term.show_buttons' => 'Show buttons',
// terminal color labels
'color.0' => 'Black',
@ -94,7 +100,7 @@ return [
'wifi.not_conn' => 'Not connected.',
'wifi.sta_none' => 'None',
'wifi.sta_active_pw' => '🔒',
'wifi.sta_active_pw' => '🔒 Password saved',
'wifi.sta_active_nopw' => '🔓 Open access',
'wifi.connected_ip_is' => 'Connected, IP is ',
'wifi.sta_password' => 'Password:',

@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
<?php if ($_GET['BODYCLASS'] !== 'page-term'): ?>
<div class="botpad"></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="NotifyMsg hidden" id="notif"></div>

@ -104,6 +104,18 @@
<input class="short" type="text" name="btn5" id="btn5" value="%h:btn5%">
<div class="Row buttons">
<a class="button icn-ok" href="#" onclick="qs('#form-1').submit()"><?= tr('apply') ?></a>
<form class="Box fold str" action="<?= e(url('term_set')) ?>" method="GET" id='form-2'>
<h2><?= tr('') ?></h2>
<div class="Row explain">
<?= tr('term.explain_expert') ?>
<div class="Row">
<label for="parser_tout_ms"><?= tr('term.parser_tout_ms') ?><span class="mq-phone">&nbsp;(ms)</span></label>
<input type="number" step=1 min=0 name="parser_tout_ms" id="parser_tout_ms" value="%parser_tout_ms%" required>
@ -128,8 +140,20 @@
<input type="hidden" id="fn_alt_mode" name="fn_alt_mode" value="%fn_alt_mode%">
<div class="Row checkbox" >
<label><?= tr('term.show_buttons') ?></label><!--
--><span class="box" tabindex=0 role=checkbox></span>
<input type="hidden" id="show_buttons" name="show_buttons" value="%show_buttons%">
<div class="Row checkbox" >
<label><?= tr('term.show_config_links') ?></label><!--
--><span class="box" tabindex=0 role=checkbox></span>
<input type="hidden" id="show_config_links" name="show_config_links" value="%show_config_links%">
<div class="Row buttons">
<a class="button icn-ok" href="#" onclick="qs('#form-1').submit()"><?= tr('apply') ?></a>
<a class="button icn-ok" href="#" onclick="qs('#form-2').submit()"><?= tr('apply') ?></a>

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
<div class="wrap">
<div class="inner">
<div class="essid"></div>
<div class="passwd"><?= tr('wifi.sta_active_pw') ?>&nbsp;<span class="x-passwd"></span></div>
<div class="passwd"><?= tr('wifi.sta_active_pw') ?></div>
<div class="nopasswd"><?= tr('wifi.sta_active_nopw') ?></div>
<div class="ip"></div>

@ -1,865 +1,20 @@
<div class="Box fold">
<h2>Tips & Troubleshooting</h2>
<div class="Row v">
<img src="/img/adapter.jpg" class="aside" alt="ESPTerm v2">
<li>*Communication UART (Rx, Tx)* can be configured in the <a href="<?= url('cfg_system') ?>">System Settings</a>.
<li>*Boot log and debug messages* are available on pin *GPIO2* (P2) at 115200\,baud, 1 stop bit, no parity.
Those messages may be disabled through compile flags.
<li>*Loopback test*: Connect the Rx and Tx pins with a piece of wire. Anything you type in the browser should
appear on the screen. Set _Parser Timeout = 0_ in <a href="<?= url('cfg_term') ?>">Terminal Settings</a>
to be able to manually enter escape sequences.
<li>There is very little RAM available to the webserver, and it can support at most 4 connections at the same time.
Each terminal session (open window with the terminal screen) uses one persistent connection for screen updates.
*Avoid leaving unused windows open*, or either the RAM or connections may be exhausted.
<li>*For best performance*, use the module in Client mode (connected to external network) and minimize the number
of simultaneous connections. Enabling AP consumes extra RAM because the DHCP server and Captive Portal
DNS server are started.
<li>In AP mode, *check that the WiFi channel used is clear*; interference may cause flaky connection.
A good mobile app to use for this is
<a href="">WiFi Analyzer (Google Play)</a>.
Adjust the hotspot strength and range using the _Tx Power setting_.
<li>Hold the BOOT button (GPIO0 to GND) for ~1 second to force enable AP. Hold it for ~6 seconds to restore default settings.
(This is indicated by the blue LED rapidly flashing). Default settings can be overwritten in the
<a href="<?= url('cfg_system') ?>">System Settings</a>.
<div class="Box fold">
<h2>Basic Intro & Nomenclature</h2>
<div class="Row v">
<img src="/img/vt100.jpg" class="aside" alt="VT102">
ESPTerm emulates VT102 (pictured) with some additions from later VT models and Xterm.
All commonly used attributes and commands are supported.
ESPTerm is capable of displaying ncurses applications such as _Midnight Commander_ using _agetty_.
ESPTerm accepts UTF-8 characters received on the communication UART and displays them on the screen,
interpreting some codes as Control Characters. Those are e.g. _Carriage Return_ (13), _Line Feed_ (10),
_Tab_ (9), _Backspace_ (8) and _Bell_ (7).
Escape sequences start with the control character _ESC_ (27),
followed by any number of ASCII characters forming the body of the command.
<h3>Nomenclature & Command Types</h3>
Examples on this help page use the following symbols for special characters and command types:\\
(spaces are for clarity only, _DO NOT_ include them in the commands!)
<div class="tscroll">
<table class="nomen">
<thead><tr><th>Name</th><th>Symbol</th><th>ASCII</th><th>C string</th><th>Function</th></tr></thead>
<td>`ESC` (27)</td>
<td>`"\e"`, `"\x1b"`, `"\033"`</td>
<td>Introduces an escape sequence. _(Note: `\e` is a GCC extension)_</td>
<td>`"\a"`, `"\x7"`, `"\07"`</td>
<td>Audible beep</td>
<td>*String Terminator*</td>
<td>`ESC \`~(27~92)<br>_or_~`\a`~(7)</td>
<td>`"\x1b\\"`, `"\a"`</td>
<td>Terminates a string command (`\a` can be used as an alternative)</td>
<td>*Control Sequence Introducer*</td>
<td>`ESC [`</td>
<td>Starts a CSI command. Examples: `\e[?7;10h`, `\e[2J`</td>
<td>*Operating System Command*</td>
<td>`ESC ]`</td>
<td>Starts an OSC command. Is followed by a command string terminated by `ST`. Example: `\e]0;My Screen Title\a`</td>
<td>*Select Graphic Rendition*</td>
<td>`CSI <i>n</i>;<i>n</i>;<i>n</i>m`</td>
<td>Set text attributes, like color or style. 0 to 10 numbers can be used, `\e[m` is treated as `\e[0m`</td>
<p>There are also some other commands that don't follow the CSI, SGR or OSC pattern, such as `\e7` or
`\e#8`. A list of the most important escape sequences is presented in the following sections.</p>
<div class="Box fold">
<h2>Screen Behavior & Refreshing</h2>
<div class="Row v">
The initial screen size, title text and button labels can be configured in <a href="<?= url('cfg_term') ?>">Terminal Settings</a>.
Screen updates are sent to the browser through a WebSocket after some time of inactivity on the communication UART
(called "Redraw Delay"). After an update is sent, at least a time of "Redraw Cooldown" must elapse before the next
update can be sent. Those delays are used is to avoid burdening the server with tiny updates during a large screen
repaint. If you experience issues (broken image due to dropped bytes), try adjusting those config options. It may also
be useful to try different baud rates.
<div class="Box fold">
<h2>Text Attributes</h2>
<div class="Row v">
All text attributes are set using SGR commands like `\e[10;20;30m`, with up to 10 numbers separated by semicolons.
To restore all attributes to their default states, use SGR 0: `\e[0m` or `\e[m`.
<p>Those are the supported text attributes SGR codes:</p>
<tr><td><b>Bold</b></td><td>1</td><td>21, 22</td></tr>
<tr><td style="opacity:.6">Faint</td><td>2</td><td>22</td></tr>
<tr><td><span style="color:black;background:#ccc;">Inverse</span></td><td>7</td><td>27</td></tr>
<div class="Box fold theme-0">
<div class="Row v">
Colors are set using SGR commands (like `\e[10;20;30m`). The following tables list the SGR codes to use.
Selected colors are used for any new text entered, as well as for empty space when using line and screen clearing commands.
The configured default colors can be restored using SGR 39 for foreground and SGR 49 for background.
The actual color representation depends on a color theme which
can be selected in <a href="<?= url('cfg_term') ?>">Terminal Settings</a>.
<h3>Foreground colors</h3>
<div class="colorprev">
<span class="bg7 fg0">30</span>
<span class="bg0 fg1">31</span>
<span class="bg0 fg2">32</span>
<span class="bg0 fg3">33</span>
<span class="bg0 fg4">34</span>
<span class="bg0 fg5">35</span>
<span class="bg0 fg6">36</span>
<span class="bg0 fg7">37</span>
<div class="colorprev">
<span class="bg0 fg8">90</span>
<span class="bg0 fg9">91</span>
<span class="bg0 fg10">92</span>
<span class="bg0 fg11">93</span>
<span class="bg0 fg12">94</span>
<span class="bg0 fg13">95</span>
<span class="bg0 fg14">96</span>
<span class="bg0 fg15">97</span>
<h3>Background colors</h3>
<div class="colorprev">
<span class="bg0 fg15">40</span>
<span class="bg1 fg15">41</span>
<span class="bg2 fg15">42</span>
<span class="bg3 fg0">43</span>
<span class="bg4 fg15">44</span>
<span class="bg5 fg15">45</span>
<span class="bg6 fg15">46</span>
<span class="bg7 fg0">47</span>
<div class="colorprev">
<span class="bg8 fg15">100</span>
<span class="bg9 fg0">101</span>
<span class="bg10 fg0">102</span>
<span class="bg11 fg0">103</span>
<span class="bg12 fg0">104</span>
<span class="bg13 fg0">105</span>
<span class="bg14 fg0">106</span>
<span class="bg15 fg0">107</span>
<div class="Box fold">
<h2>User Input: Keyboard, Mouse</h2>
<div class="Row v">
The user can input text using their keyboard, or on Android, using the on-screen keyboard which is open using
a button beneath the screen. Supported are all printable characters, as well as many control keys, such as arrows, _Ctrl+letters_
and function keys. Sequences sent by function keys are based on VT102 and Xterm.
The codes sent by _Home_, _End_, _F1-F4_ and cursor keys are affected by various keyboard modes (_Application Cursor Keys_,
_Application Numpad Mode_, _SS3 Fn Keys Mode_).
Some can be set in the <a href="<?= url('cfg_term') ?>">Terminal Settings</a>, others via commands.
Here are some examples of control key codes:
<td>Page Up</td>
<td>Page Down</td>
<td>`\r` (13)</td>
<td>`\n` (10)</td>
<td>`\t` (9)</td>
<td>`\e` (27)</td>
<td>`\b` (8)</td>
<td>ASCII 1-26</td>
<h3>Action buttons</h3>
The blue buttons under the screen send ASCII codes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, which incidentally
correspond to _Ctrl+A,B,C,D,E_. This choice was made to make button press parsing as simple as possible.
ESPTerm implements standard mouse tracking modes based on Xterm. Mouse tracking can be used to implement
powerful user interactions such as on-screen buttons, draggable sliders or dials, menus etc. ESPTerm's
mouse tracking was tested using VTTest and should be compatible with all terminal applications
that request mouse tracking.
Mouse can be tracked in different ways; some are easier to parse, others more powerful. The coordinates
can also be encoded in different ways. All mouse tracking options are set using option commands:
`CSI ? _n_ h` to enable, `CSI ? _n_ l` to disable option _n_.
<h4>Mouse Tracking Modes</h4>
All tracking modes produce three numbers which are then encoded and send to the application.
First is the _event number_ N, then the _X and Y coordinates_, 1-based.
Mouse buttons are numbered: 1=left, 2=middle, 3=right.
Wheel works as two buttons (4 and 5) which generate only press events (no release).
<div class="tscroll">
<table class="nomen">
This is the most basic tracking mode, in which <b>only button presses</b> are reported.
N = button - 1: (0 left, 1 middle, 2 right, 3, 4 wheel).
In Normal mode, both button presses and releases are reported.
The lower two bits of N indicate the button pressed:
`00b` (0) left, `01b` (1) middle, `10b` (2) right, `11b` (3) button release.
Wheel buttons are reported as 0 and 1 with added 64 (e.g. 64 and 65).
Normal mode also supports tracking of modifier keys, which are added to N as bit masks:
4=_Shift_, 8=_Meta/Alt_, 16=_Control/Cmd_. Example: middle button with _Shift_ = 1 + 4 = `101b` (5).
<td>*Button-Event tracking*</td>
This is similar to Normal mode (`1000`), but mouse motion with a button held is also reported.
A motion event is generated when the mouse cursor moves between screen character cells.
A motion event has the same N as a press event, but 32 is added.
For example, drag-drop event with the middle button will produce N = 1 (press), 33 (dragging) and 3 (release).
<td>*Any-Event tracking*</td>
This mode is almost identical to Button Event tracking (1002), but motion events
are sent even when no mouse buttons are held. This could be used to draw on-screen mouse cursor, for example.
Motion events with no buttons will use N = 32 + _11b_ (35).
Focus tracking is a separate function from the other mouse tracking modes, therefore they can be enabled together.
Focus tracking reports when the terminal window (in Xterm) gets or loses focus, or in ESPTerm's case, when any
user is connected. This can be used to pause/resume a game or on-screen animations.
Focus tracking mode sends `CSI I` when the terminal receives, and `CSI O` when it loses focus.
<h4>Mouse Report Encoding</h4>
The following encoding schemes can be used with any of the tracking modes (except Focus tracking, which is not affected).
<div class="tscroll">
<table class="nomen">
This is the default encoding scheme used when no other option is selected.
In this mode, a mouse report has the format `CSI M _n_ _x_ _y_`,
where _n_, _x_ and _y_ are characters with ASCII value = 32 (space) + the respective number, e.g.
0 becomes 32 (space), 1 becomes 33 (!). The reason for adding 32 is to avoid producing control characters.
Example: `\e[M !!` - left button press at coordinates 1,1 when using X10 mode.
This scheme should encode each of the numbers as a UTF-8 code point, expanding the maximum possible value.
Since ESPTerm's screen size is limited and this has no practical benefit, this serves simply as an alias
to the normal scheme.
In SGR encoding, the response looks like a SGR sequence with the three numbers as semicolon-separated
ASCII values. In this case 32 is not added like in the Normal and UTF-8 schemes, because
it would serve nor purpose here. Also, button release is not reported as 11b,
but using the normal button code while changing the final SGR character: `M` for button press
and `m` for button release. Example: `\e[2;80;24m` - the right button was released
at row 80, column 24.
This is similar to SGR encoding, but the final character is always `M` and the numbers are
like in the Normal scheme, with 32 added. This scheme has no real advantage over the previous schemes and
was added solely for completeness.
<div class="Box fold">
<h2>Cursor Commands</h2>
<div class="Row v">
The coordinates are 1-based, origin is top left. The cursor can move within the entire screen,
or in the active Scrolling Region if Origin Mode is enabled.
<p>After writing a character, the cursor advances to the right. If it has reached the end of the row,
it stays on the same line, but writing the next character makes it jump to the start of the next
line first, scrolling up if needed. If Auto-wrap mode is disabled, the cursor never wraps or scrolls
the screen.
Italic letters such as _n_ are ASCII numbers that serve as arguments, separated with a semicolon.
If an argument is left out, it's treated as 0 or 1, depending on what makes sense for the command.
<table class="ansiref w100">
\e[<i>n</i>A \\
\e[<i>n</i>B \\
\e[<i>n</i>C \\
<td>Move cursor up (`A`), down (`B`), right (`C`), left (`D`)</td>
\e[<i>n</i>F \\
<td>Go _n_ lines up (`F`) or down (`E`), start of line</td>
\e[<i>r</i>d \\
\e[<i>c</i>G \\
Go to absolute position - row (`d`), column (`G`), or both (`H`). Use `\e[H` to go to 1,1.
Query cursor position. Sent back as `\e[<i>r</i>;<i>c</i>R`.
<h3>Save / restore</h3>
<table class="ansiref w100">
\e[s \\
<td>Save (`s`) or restore (`u`) cursor position</td>
\e7 \\
<td>Save (`7`) or restore (`8`) cursor position and attributes</td>
<h3>Scrolling Region</h3>
<table class="ansiref w100">
Set scrolling region to rows _a_ through _b_ and go to 1,1. By default, the
scrolling region spans the entire screen height. The cursor can leave the region using
absolute position commands, unless Origin Mode (see below) is active.
\e[?6h \\
Enable (`h`) or disable (`l`) Origin Mode and go to 1,1. In Origin Mode, all coordinates
are relative to the Scrolling Region and the cursor can't leave the region.
\e[<i>n</i>S \\
Move contents of the Scrolling Region up (`S`) or down (`T`), pad with empty
lines of the current background color.
<h3>Tab stops</h3>
<table class="ansiref w100">
Set tab stop at the current column. There are, by default, tabs every 8 columns.
\e[<i>n</i>I \\
<td>Advance (`I`) or go back (`Z`) _n_ tab stops or end/start of line. ASCII _TAB_ (9) is equivalent to <code>\e[1I</code></td>
\e[0g \\
\e[3g \\
<td>Clear tab stop at the current column (`0`), or all columns (`3`).</td>
<h3>Other options</h3>
<table class="ansiref w100">
\e[?7h \\
<td>Enable (`h`) or disable (`l`) cursor auto-wrap and screen auto-scroll</td>
\e[?25h \\
<td>Show (`h`) or hide (`l`) the cursor</td>
<div class="Box fold">
<h2>Screen Content Manipulation</h2>
<div class="Row v">
Italic letters such as _n_ are ASCII numbers that serve as arguments, separated with a semicolon.
If an argument is left out, it's treated as 0 or 1, depending on what makes sense for the command.
<table class="ansiref w100">
Clear part of screen. _m_: 0 - from cursor, 1 - to cursor, 2 - all
Erase part of line. _m_: 0 - from cursor, 1 - to cursor, 2 - all
Erase _n_ characters in line.
\e[<i>n</i>L \\
Insert (`L`) or delete (`M`) _n_ lines. Following lines are pulled up or pushed down.
\e[<i>n</i>@ \\
Insert (`@`) or delete (`P`) _n_ characters. The rest of the line is pulled left or pushed right.
Characters going past the end of line are lost.
<div class="Box fold">
<h2>Alternate Character Sets</h2>
<div class="Row v">
ESPTerm implements Alternate Character Sets as a way to print box drawing characters
and special symbols. A character set can change what each received ASCII character
is printed as on the screen (eg. "{" is "π" in codepage `0`). The implementation is based
on the original VT devices.
Since ESPTerm also fully supports UTF-8, you can probably ignore this feature and use
Unicode directly. It's added for compatibility with some programs that use this.
<p>The following codepages are implemented:</p>
<li>`B` - US ASCII (default)</li>
<li>`A` - UK ASCII: # replaced with £</li>
<li>`0` - Symbols and basic line drawing (standard DEC alternate character set)</li>
<li>`1` - Symbols and advanced line drawing (based on DOS codepage 437)</li>
<p>To see what character maps to which symbol, look in the source code or try it. All codepages use codes 32-127, 32 being space.</p>
There are two character set slots, G0 and G1.
Those slots are selected as active using ASCII codes Shift In and Shift Out (those originally served for shifting
a red-black typewriter tape). Each slot (G0 and G1) can have a different codepage assigned. G0 and G1 and the active slot number are
saved and restored with the cursor and cleared with a screen reset (<code>\ec</code>).
<p>The following commands are used:</p>
<table class="ansiref w100">
<td>Set G0 = codepage <i>x</i></td>
<td>Set G1 = codepage <i>x</i></td>
<td>_SO_ (14)</td>
<td>Activate G0</td>
<td>_SI_ (15)</td>
<td>Activate G1</td>
<div class="Box fold">
<h2>System Commands</h2>
<div class="Row v">
It's possible to dynamically change the screen title text and action button labels.
Setting an empty label to a button makes it look disabled. The buttons send ASCII 1-5 when clicked.
Those changes are not retained after restart.
<table class="ansiref w100">
Clear screen, reset attributes and cursor.
The screen size, title and button labels remain unchanged.
Query device status, ESPTerm replies with `\e[0n` "device is OK".
Can be used to check if the terminal has booted up and is ready to receive commands.
<td>_CAN_ (24)</td>
This ASCII code is not a command, but is sent by ESPTerm when it becomes ready to receive commands.
When this code is received on the UART, it means ESPTerm has restarted and is ready. Use this to detect
spontaneous restarts which require a full screen repaint.
<td>Set screen title (this is a standard OSC command)</td>
\e]<i>81</i>;<i>btn1</i>\a \\
\e]<i>82</i>;<i>btn2</i>\a \\
\e]<i>83</i>;<i>btn3</i>\a \\
\e]<i>84</i>;<i>btn4</i>\a \\
\e]<i>85</i>;<i>btn5</i>\a \\
Set button 1-5 label - eg.`\e]81;Yes\a`
sets the first button text to "Yes".
<td>Set screen size (this is a command borrowed from xterm)</td>
<div class="Box">
<a href="#" onclick="hpfold(1)">Expand all</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="hpfold(0)">Collapse all</a>
<?php require __DIR__ . "/help/troubleshooting.php"; ?>
<?php require __DIR__ . "/help/nomenclature.php"; ?>
<?php require __DIR__ . "/help/screen_behavior.php"; ?>
<?php require __DIR__ . "/help/input.php"; ?>
<?php require __DIR__ . "/help/charsets.php"; ?>
<?php require __DIR__ . "/help/sgr_styles.php"; ?>
<?php require __DIR__ . "/help/sgr_colors.php"; ?>
<?php require __DIR__ . "/help/cmd_cursor.php"; ?>
<?php require __DIR__ . "/help/cmd_screen.php"; ?>
<?php require __DIR__ . "/help/cmd_system.php"; ?>
function hpfold(yes) {
$('.fold').toggleClass('expanded', !!yes);

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
<div class="Box fold">
<h2>Alternate Character Sets</h2>
<div class="Row v">
ESPTerm implements Alternate Character Sets as a way to print box drawing characters
and special symbols. A character set can change what each received ASCII character
is printed as on the screen (eg. "{" is "π" in codepage `0`). The implementation is based
on the original VT devices.
Since ESPTerm also supports UTF-8, this feature is the most useful for applications
which can't print UTF-8 or already use alternate character sets for historical reasons.
<h3>Supported codepages</h3>
<li>`B` - US ASCII (default)</li>
<li>`A` - UK ASCII: # replaced with £</li>
<li>`0` - Symbols and basic line drawing (standard DEC alternate character set)</li>
<li>`1` - Symbols and advanced line drawing (based on DOS codepage 437, ESPTerm specific)</li>
All codepages use codes 32-127, 32 being space. A character with no entry in the active codepage
stays unchanged.
$codepages = load_esp_charsets();
foreach($codepages as $name => $cp) {
echo "<h4>Codepage `$name`</h4>\n";
echo '<div class="charset">';
foreach($cp as $point) {
$dis = $point[1]==$point[2]?' class="none"' : '';
echo "<div$dis><span>$point[0]</span><span>$point[1]</span><span>$point[2]</span></div>";
echo '</div>';
<h3>Switching commands</h3>
There are two character set slots, G0 and G1.
Those slots are selected as active using ASCII codes Shift In and Shift Out (those originally served for shifting
a red-black typewriter tape). Often only G0 is used for simplicity.
Each slot (G0 and G1) can have a different codepage assigned. G0 and G1 and the active slot number are
saved and restored with the cursor and cleared with a screen reset (<code>\ec</code>).
<p>The following commands are used:</p>
<table class="ansiref w100">
<td>Set G0 = codepage <i>x</i></td>
<td>Set G1 = codepage <i>x</i></td>
<td>_SO_ (14)</td>
<td>Activate G0</td>
<td>_SI_ (15)</td>
<td>Activate G1</td>

@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
<div class="Box fold">
<h2>Commands: Cursor Functions</h2>
<div class="Row v">
The coordinates are 1-based, origin is top left. The cursor can move within the entire screen,
or in the active Scrolling Region if Origin Mode is enabled.
<p>After writing a character, the cursor advances to the right. If it has reached the end of the row,
it stays on the same line, but writing the next character makes it jump to the start of the next
line first, scrolling up if needed. If Auto-wrap mode is disabled, the cursor never wraps or scrolls
the screen.
Italic letters such as _n_ are ASCII numbers that serve as arguments, separated with a semicolon.
If an argument is left out, it's treated as 0 or 1, depending on what makes sense for the command.
<table class="ansiref w100">
\e[<i>n</i>A \\
\e[<i>n</i>B \\
\e[<i>n</i>C \\
<td>Move cursor up (`A`), down (`B`), right (`C`), left (`D`)</td>
\e[<i>n</i>F \\
<td>Go _n_ lines up (`F`) or down (`E`), start of line</td>
\e[<i>r</i>d \\
\e[<i>c</i>G \\
Go to absolute position - row (`d`), column (`G`), or both (`H`). Use `\e[H` to go to 1,1.
Query cursor position. Sent back as `\e[<i>r</i>;<i>c</i>R`.
<h3>Save / restore</h3>
<table class="ansiref w100">
\e[s \\
<td>Save (`s`) or restore (`u`) cursor position</td>
\e7 \\
<td>Save (`7`) or restore (`8`) cursor position and attributes</td>
<h3>Scrolling Region</h3>
<table class="ansiref w100">
Set scrolling region to rows _a_ through _b_ and go to 1,1. By default, the
scrolling region spans the entire screen height. The cursor can leave the region using
absolute position commands, unless Origin Mode (see below) is active.
\e[?6h \\
Enable (`h`) or disable (`l`) Origin Mode and go to 1,1. In Origin Mode, all coordinates
are relative to the Scrolling Region and the cursor can't leave the region.
\e[<i>n</i>S \\
Move contents of the Scrolling Region up (`S`) or down (`T`), pad with empty
lines of the current background color. This is similar to what happens when AutoWrap
is enabled and some text is printed at the very end of the screen.
<h3>Tab stops</h3>
<table class="ansiref w100">
Set tab stop at the current column. There are, by default, tabs every 8 columns.
\e[<i>n</i>I \\
<td>Advance (`I`) or go back (`Z`) _n_ tab stops or end/start of line. ASCII _TAB_ (9) is equivalent to <code>\e[1I</code></td>
\e[0g \\
\e[3g \\
<td>Clear tab stop at the current column (`0`), or all columns (`3`).</td>
<h3>Other options</h3>
<table class="ansiref w100">
\e[?7h \\
<td>Enable (`h`) or disable (`l`) cursor auto-wrap and screen auto-scroll</td>
\e[?25h \\
<td>Show (`h`) or hide (`l`) the cursor</td>

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
<div class="Box fold">
<h2>Commands: Screen Functions</h2>
<div class="Row v">
Italic letters such as _n_ are ASCII numbers that serve as arguments, separated with a semicolon.
If an argument is left out, it's treated as 0 or 1, depending on what makes sense for the command.
<table class="ansiref w100">
Clear part of screen. _m_: 0 - from cursor, 1 - to cursor, 2 - all
Erase part of line. _m_: 0 - from cursor, 1 - to cursor, 2 - all
Erase _n_ characters in line.
\e[<i>n</i>L \\
Insert (`L`) or delete (`M`) _n_ lines. Following lines are pulled up or pushed down.
\e[<i>n</i>@ \\
Insert (`@`) or delete (`P`) _n_ characters. The rest of the line is pulled left or pushed right.
Characters going past the end of line are lost.

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
<div class="Box fold">
<h2>Commands: System Functions</h2>
<div class="Row v">
It's possible to dynamically change the screen title text and action button labels.
Setting an empty label to a button makes it look disabled. The buttons send ASCII 1-5 when clicked.
Those changes are not retained after restart.
<table class="ansiref w100">
Clear screen, reset attributes and cursor.
The screen size, title and button labels remain unchanged.
Query device status, ESPTerm replies with `\e[0n` "device is OK".
Can be used to check if the terminal has booted up and is ready to receive commands.
<td>_CAN_ (24)</td>
This ASCII code is not a command, but is sent by ESPTerm when it becomes ready to receive commands.
When this code is received on the UART, it means ESPTerm has restarted and is ready. Use this to detect
spontaneous restarts which require a full screen repaint.
<td>Set screen title (this is a standard OSC command)</td>
\e]<i>81</i>;<i>btn1</i>\a \\
\e]<i>82</i>;<i>btn2</i>\a \\
\e]<i>83</i>;<i>btn3</i>\a \\
\e]<i>84</i>;<i>btn4</i>\a \\
\e]<i>85</i>;<i>btn5</i>\a \\
Set button 1-5 label - eg.`\e]81;Yes\a`
sets the first button text to "Yes".
\e[?800h \\
Show (`h`) or hide (`l`) action buttons (the blue buttons under the screen).
\e[?801h \\
Show (`h`) or hide (`l`) menu/help links under the screen.
<td>Set screen size (this is a command borrowed from xterm)</td>

@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
<div class="Box fold">
<h2>User Input: Keyboard, Mouse</h2>
<div class="Row v">
The user can input text using their keyboard, or on Android, using the on-screen keyboard which is open using
a button beneath the screen. Supported are all printable characters, as well as many control keys, such as arrows, _Ctrl+letters_
and function keys. Sequences sent by function keys are based on VT102 and Xterm.
The codes sent by _Home_, _End_, _F1-F4_ and cursor keys are affected by various keyboard modes (_Application Cursor Keys_,
_Application Numpad Mode_, _SS3 Fn Keys Mode_). Some can be set in the <a href="<?= url('cfg_term') ?>">Terminal Settings</a>,
others via commands.
Here are some examples of control key codes:
<td>Page Up</td>
<td>Page Down</td>
<td>`\r` (13)</td>
<td>`\n` (10)</td>
<td>`\t` (9)</td>
<td>`\e` (27)</td>
<td>`\b` (8)</td>
<td>ASCII 1-26</td>
<h3>Action buttons</h3>
The blue buttons under the screen send ASCII codes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, which incidentally
correspond to _Ctrl+A,B,C,D,E_. This choice was made to make button press parsing as simple as possible.
ESPTerm implements standard mouse tracking modes based on Xterm. Mouse tracking can be used to implement
powerful user interactions such as on-screen buttons, draggable sliders or dials, menus etc. ESPTerm's
mouse tracking was tested using VTTest and should be compatible with all terminal applications
that request mouse tracking.
Mouse can be tracked in different ways; some are easier to parse, others more powerful. The coordinates
can also be encoded in different ways. All mouse tracking options are set using option commands:
`CSI ? _n_ h` to enable, `CSI ? _n_ l` to disable option _n_.
<h4>Mouse Tracking Modes</h4>
All tracking modes produce three numbers which are then encoded and send to the application.
First is the _event number_ N, then the _X and Y coordinates_, 1-based.
Mouse buttons are numbered: 1=left, 2=middle, 3=right.
Wheel works as two buttons (4 and 5) which generate only press events (no release).
<div class="tscroll">
<table class="nomen">
This is the most basic tracking mode, in which <b>only button presses</b> are reported.
N = button - 1: (0 left, 1 middle, 2 right, 3, 4 wheel).
In Normal mode, both button presses and releases are reported.
The lower two bits of N indicate the button pressed:
`00b` (0) left, `01b` (1) middle, `10b` (2) right, `11b` (3) button release.
Wheel buttons are reported as 0 and 1 with added 64 (e.g. 64 and 65).
Normal mode also supports tracking of modifier keys, which are added to N as bit masks:
4=_Shift_, 8=_Meta/Alt_, 16=_Control/Cmd_. Example: middle button with _Shift_ = 1 + 4 = `101b` (5).
<td>*Button-Event tracking*</td>
This is similar to Normal mode (`1000`), but mouse motion with a button held is also reported.
A motion event is generated when the mouse cursor moves between screen character cells.
A motion event has the same N as a press event, but 32 is added.
For example, drag-drop event with the middle button will produce N = 1 (press), 33 (dragging) and 3 (release).
<td>*Any-Event tracking*</td>
This mode is almost identical to Button Event tracking (1002), but motion events
are sent even when no mouse buttons are held. This could be used to draw on-screen mouse cursor, for example.
Motion events with no buttons will use N = 32 + _11b_ (35).
Focus tracking is a separate function from the other mouse tracking modes, therefore they can be enabled together.
Focus tracking reports when the terminal window (in Xterm) gets or loses focus, or in ESPTerm's case, when any
user is connected. This can be used to pause/resume a game or on-screen animations.
Focus tracking mode sends `CSI I` when the terminal receives, and `CSI O` when it loses focus.
<h4>Mouse Report Encoding</h4>
The following encoding schemes can be used with any of the tracking modes (except Focus tracking, which is not affected).
<div class="tscroll">
<table class="nomen">
This is the default encoding scheme used when no other option is selected.
In this mode, a mouse report has the format `CSI M _n_ _x_ _y_`,
where _n_, _x_ and _y_ are characters with ASCII value = 32 (space) + the respective number, e.g.
0 becomes 32 (space), 1 becomes 33 (!). The reason for adding 32 is to avoid producing control characters.
Example: `\e[M !!` - left button press at coordinates 1,1 when using X10 mode.
This scheme should encode each of the numbers as a UTF-8 code point, expanding the maximum possible value.
Since ESPTerm's screen size is limited and this has no practical benefit, this serves simply as an alias
to the normal scheme.
In SGR encoding, the response looks like a SGR sequence with the three numbers as semicolon-separated
ASCII values. In this case 32 is not added like in the Normal and UTF-8 schemes, because
it would serve nor purpose here. Also, button release is not reported as 11b,
but using the normal button code while changing the final SGR character: `M` for button press
and `m` for button release. Example: `\e[2;80;24m` - the right button was released
at row 80, column 24.
This is similar to SGR encoding, but the final character is always `M` and the numbers are
like in the Normal scheme, with 32 added. This scheme has no real advantage over the previous schemes and
was added solely for completeness.

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
<div class="Box fold">
<h2>Basic Intro & Nomenclature</h2>
<div class="Row v">
<img src="/img/vt100.jpg" class="aside" alt="VT102">
ESPTerm emulates VT102 (pictured) with some additions from later VT models and Xterm.
All commonly used attributes and commands are supported.
ESPTerm is capable of displaying ncurses applications such as _Midnight Commander_ using _agetty_.
ESPTerm accepts UTF-8 characters received on the communication UART and displays them on the screen,
interpreting some codes as Control Characters. Those are e.g. _Carriage Return_ (13), _Line Feed_ (10),
_Tab_ (9), _Backspace_ (8) and _Bell_ (7).
Escape sequences start with the control character _ESC_ (27),
followed by any number of ASCII characters forming the body of the command.
<h3>Nomenclature & Command Types</h3>
Examples on this help page use the following symbols for special characters and command types:\\
(spaces are for clarity only, _DO NOT_ include them in the commands!)
<div class="tscroll">
<table class="nomen">
<thead><tr><th>Name</th><th>Symbol</th><th>ASCII</th><th>C string</th><th>Function</th></tr></thead>
<td>`ESC` (27)</td>
<td>`"\e"`, `"\x1b"`, `"\033"`</td>
<td>Introduces an escape sequence. _(Note: `\e` is a GCC extension)_</td>
<td>`"\a"`, `"\x7"`, `"\07"`</td>
<td>Audible beep</td>
<td>*String Terminator*</td>
<td>`ESC \`~(27~92)<br>_or_~`\a`~(7)</td>
<td>`"\x1b\\"`, `"\a"`</td>
<td>Terminates a string command (`\a` can be used as an alternative)</td>
<td>*Control Sequence Introducer*</td>
<td>`ESC [`</td>
<td>Starts a CSI command. Examples: `\e[?7;10h`, `\e[2J`</td>
<td>*Operating System Command*</td>
<td>`ESC ]`</td>
<td>Starts an OSC command. Is followed by a command string terminated by `ST`. Example: `\e]0;My Screen Title\a`</td>
<td>*Select Graphic Rendition*</td>
<td>`CSI <i>n</i>;<i>n</i>;<i>n</i>m`</td>
<td>Set text attributes, like color or style. 0 to 10 numbers can be used, `\e[m` is treated as `\e[0m`</td>
<p>There are also some other commands that don't follow the CSI, SGR or OSC pattern, such as `\e7` or
`\e#8`. A list of the most important escape sequences is presented in the following sections.</p>

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
<div class="Box fold">
<h2>Screen Behavior & Refreshing</h2>
<div class="Row v">
The initial screen size, title text and button labels can be configured in <a href="<?= url('cfg_term') ?>">Terminal Settings</a>.
Screen updates are sent to the browser through a WebSocket after some time of inactivity on the communication UART
(called "Redraw Delay"). After an update is sent, at least a time of "Redraw Cooldown" must elapse before the next
update can be sent. Those delays are used is to avoid burdening the server with tiny updates during a large screen
repaint. If you experience issues (broken image due to dropped bytes), try adjusting those config options. It may also
be useful to try different baud rates.

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<div class="Box fold theme-0">
<h2>Commands: Color SGR</h2>
<div class="Row v">
Colors are set using SGR commands (like `\e[10;20;30m`). The following tables list the SGR codes to use.
Selected colors are used for any new text entered, as well as for empty space when using line and screen clearing commands.
The configured default colors can be restored using SGR 39 for foreground and SGR 49 for background.
The actual color representation depends on a color theme which
can be selected in <a href="<?= url('cfg_term') ?>">Terminal Settings</a>.
<h3>Foreground colors</h3>
<div class="colorprev">
<span class="bg7 fg0">30</span>
<span class="bg0 fg1">31</span>
<span class="bg0 fg2">32</span>
<span class="bg0 fg3">33</span>
<span class="bg0 fg4">34</span>
<span class="bg0 fg5">35</span>
<span class="bg0 fg6">36</span>
<span class="bg0 fg7">37</span>
<div class="colorprev">
<span class="bg0 fg8">90</span>
<span class="bg0 fg9">91</span>
<span class="bg0 fg10">92</span>
<span class="bg0 fg11">93</span>
<span class="bg0 fg12">94</span>
<span class="bg0 fg13">95</span>
<span class="bg0 fg14">96</span>
<span class="bg0 fg15">97</span>
<h3>Background colors</h3>
<div class="colorprev">
<span class="bg0 fg15">40</span>
<span class="bg1 fg15">41</span>
<span class="bg2 fg15">42</span>
<span class="bg3 fg0">43</span>
<span class="bg4 fg15">44</span>
<span class="bg5 fg15">45</span>
<span class="bg6 fg15">46</span>
<span class="bg7 fg0">47</span>
<div class="colorprev">
<span class="bg8 fg15">100</span>
<span class="bg9 fg0">101</span>
<span class="bg10 fg0">102</span>
<span class="bg11 fg0">103</span>
<span class="bg12 fg0">104</span>
<span class="bg13 fg0">105</span>
<span class="bg14 fg0">106</span>
<span class="bg15 fg0">107</span>

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
<div class="Box fold">
<h2>Commands: Style SGR</h2>
<div class="Row v">
All text attributes are set using SGR commands like `\e[10;20;30m`, with up to 10 numbers separated by semicolons.
To restore all attributes to their default states, use SGR 0: `\e[0m` or `\e[m`.
<p>Those are the supported text attributes SGR codes:</p>
<tr><td><b>Bold</b></td><td>1</td><td>21, 22</td></tr>
<tr><td style="opacity:.6">Faint</td><td>2</td><td>22</td></tr>
<tr><td><span style="color:black;background:#ccc;">Inverse</span></td><td>7</td><td>27</td></tr>

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
<div class="Box fold">
<h2>Tips & Troubleshooting</h2>
<div class="Row v">
<li>*Communication UART (Rx, Tx)* can be configured in the <a href="<?= url('cfg_system') ?>">System Settings</a>.
<li>*Boot log and debug messages* are available on pin *GPIO2* (P2) at 115200\,baud, 1 stop bit, no parity.
Those messages may be disabled through compile flags.
<li>*Loopback test*: Connect the Rx and Tx pins with a piece of wire. Anything you type in the browser should
appear on the screen. Set _Parser Timeout = 0_ in <a href="<?= url('cfg_term') ?>">Terminal Settings</a>
to be able to manually enter escape sequences.
<li>There is very little RAM available to the webserver, and it can support at most 4 connections at the same time.
Each terminal session (open window with the terminal screen) uses one persistent connection for screen updates.
*Avoid leaving unused windows open*, or either the RAM or connections may be exhausted.
<li>*For best performance*, use the module in Client mode (connected to external network) and minimize the number
of simultaneous connections. Enabling AP consumes extra RAM because the DHCP server and Captive Portal
DNS server are started.
<li>In AP mode, *check that the WiFi channel used is clear*; interference may cause flaky connection.
A good mobile app to use for this is
<a href="">WiFi Analyzer (Google Play)</a>.
Adjust the hotspot strength and range using the _Tx Power setting_.
<li>Hold the BOOT button (GPIO0 to GND) for ~1 second to force enable AP. Hold it for ~6 seconds to restore default settings.
(This is indicated by the blue LED rapidly flashing). Default settings can be overwritten in the
<a href="<?= url('cfg_system') ?>">System Settings</a>.

@ -8,12 +8,12 @@
}, 2000);
<h1><!-- Screen title gets loaded here by JS --></h1>
<div id="termwrap">
<div id="term-wrap">
<div id="screen" class="theme-%theme%"></div>
<div id="buttons">
<div id="action-buttons">
<button data-n="1" class="btn-blue"></button><!--
--><button data-n="2" class="btn-blue"></button><!--
--><button data-n="3" class="btn-blue"></button><!--
@ -24,12 +24,12 @@
<textarea id="softkb-input" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false"></textarea>
<nav id="botnav">
<nav id="term-nav">
<a href="#" onclick="toggleSoftKb(true); return false" class="icn-keyboard mq-tablet-max"></a><!--
--><a href="<?= url('cfg_term') ?>"><?= tr('term_nav.config') ?></a><!--
--><a href="<?= url('cfg_wifi') ?>"><?= tr('term_nav.wifi') ?></a><!--
--><a href="<?= url('help') ?>"><?= tr('') ?></a><!--
--><a href="<?= url('about') ?>"><?= tr('term_nav.about') ?></a>
--><a href="<?= url('cfg_term') ?>" class="x-term-conf-btn"><?= tr('term_nav.config') ?></a><!--
--><a href="<?= url('cfg_wifi') ?>" class="x-term-conf-btn"><?= tr('term_nav.wifi') ?></a><!--
--><a href="<?= url('help') ?>" class="x-term-conf-btn"><?= tr('') ?></a><!--
--><a href="<?= url('about') ?>" class="x-term-conf-btn"><?= tr('term_nav.about') ?></a>

@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ $c-form-field-fg: white;
$c-form-highlight: #2972ba;
$c-form-highlight-a: #2ea1f9;
$screen-stack: "DejaVu Sans Mono", "Liberation Mono", "Inconsolata", monospace;
@function dist($x) {
@return modular-scale($x, 1rem, $golden);

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ form { @include naked(); }
vertical-align: middle;
margin: 12px auto;
text-align: left;
line-height: 1.35em;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;

@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
.botpad {
height: 5em;
.Box {
display: block;
max-width: 900px;
line-height: 1.35em;
margin-top: dist(0);
padding: dist(-1) dist(0);

@ -80,3 +80,49 @@
.tscroll {
overflow-x: auto;
.charset {
line-height: 1;
div {
display: inline-block;
width: 2.5em;
border: 1px solid #666;
height: 3em;
margin: 1px;
position: relative;
span {
display: block;
position: absolute;
span:nth-child(1) {
left: .2em;
top: .2em;
height: 1em;
font-size: 85%;
color: #999;
span:nth-child(2) {
right: .2em;
top: .2em;
height: 1em;
font-size: 85%;
color: #999;
span:nth-child(3) {
width: 100%;
font-size: 105%;
text-align: center;
bottom: .4em;
font-family: $screen-stack;
&.none {
opacity: .4;

@ -13,73 +13,84 @@ body.term {
// longer duration to load everything in background nicely
transition: opacity 0.25s ease-in;
#screen {
@include noselect();
font-family: monospace;
font-size: 20px;//16pt; - 16pt causes vertical breaks in line drawing characters??
white-space: nowrap;
background: #111213;
padding: 6px;
display: inline-block;
border: 2px solid #3983CD; //#1bc249;
span {
white-space: pre;
cursor: pointer;
display: inline-block;
line-height: 1.15em; // this adjusts the spacing
width: 0.6em; // horizontal spacing, estimated to be about right
overflow: visible;
#screen {
white-space: nowrap;
background: #111213;
padding: 6px;
display: inline-block;
border: 2px solid #3983CD;
font-size: 24px; // some font heights cause visual glitches with some font renderers. This should be configurable.
font-family: $screen-stack;
span {
white-space: pre;
#buttons {
margin-top: 10px;
white-space: nowrap;
button {
margin: 0 3px;
padding: 8px 5px;
//width: 18%;
min-width: 62px;
//max-width: 65px;
//min-width: initial;
cursor: pointer;
font-weight: bold;
> span {
position: relative;
cursor: pointer;
&::before {
content: " ";
> span {
left: 0;
z-index: 1;
#botnav {
padding-top: 1.5em;
text-align: center;
&.noselect {
@include noselect();
a {
padding: 0 dist(-2);
text-decoration: underline;
#action-buttons {
margin-top: 10px;
white-space: nowrap;
&, &:visited, &:link {
color: #336085;
button {
margin: 0 3px;
padding: 8px 5px;
min-width: 62px;
cursor: pointer;
font-weight: bold;
&:hover {
color: #5abfff;
#term-nav {
padding-top: 1.5em;
text-align: center;
a {
padding: 0 dist(-2);
text-decoration: underline;
&, &:visited, &:link {
color: #336085;
.icn-keyboard {
text-decoration: none;
font-size: 150%;
vertical-align: middle;
&:hover {
color: #5abfff;
.icn-keyboard {
text-decoration: none;
font-size: 150%;
vertical-align: middle;
#termwrap {
#term-wrap {
text-align: center;
// Dummy input field used to open android keyboard
#softkb-input {
position: absolute;
top: -9999px;

@ -531,6 +531,14 @@ static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR do_csi_privattr(CSI_Data *opts)
else if (n == 25) {
else if (n == 800) { // ESPTerm: Toggle display of buttons
termconf_scratch.show_buttons = yn;
screen_notifyChange(CHANGE_CONTENT); // this info is included in the screen preamble
else if (n == 801) { // ESPTerm: Toggle display of config links
termconf_scratch.show_config_links = yn;
screen_notifyChange(CHANGE_CONTENT); // this info is included in the screen preamble
else {
ansi_noimpl("CSI ? %d %c", n, opts->key);

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ apars_handle_osc(const char *buffer)
if (n == 0 || n == 2) {
else if (n >= 81 && n <= 85) { // numbers chosen to not collide with any xterm supported codes
else if (n >= 81 && n <= 85) { // ESPTerm: action button label
screen_set_button_text(n - 80, buffer);
else {

@ -120,6 +120,18 @@ cgiTermCfgSetParams(HttpdConnData *connData)
termconf->fn_alt_mode = (bool)n;
if (GET_ARG("show_buttons")) {
dbg("Show buttons: %s", buff);
n = atoi(buff);
termconf->show_buttons = (bool)n;
if (GET_ARG("show_config_links")) {
dbg("Show config links: %s", buff);
n = atoi(buff);
termconf->show_config_links = (bool)n;
if (GET_ARG("default_fg")) {
dbg("Screen default FG: %s", buff);
n = atoi(buff);
@ -212,6 +224,12 @@ tplTermCfg(HttpdConnData *connData, char *token, void **arg)
else if (streq(token, "fn_alt_mode")) {
sprintf(buff, "%d", (int)termconf->fn_alt_mode);
else if (streq(token, "show_buttons")) {
sprintf(buff, "%d", (int)termconf->show_buttons);
else if (streq(token, "show_config_links")) {
sprintf(buff, "%d", (int)termconf->show_config_links);
else if (streq(token, "theme")) {
sprintf(buff, "%d", termconf->theme);

@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
// Created by MightyPork on 2017/09/06.
#include <c_types.h>
// Tables must be contiguous!
#define CODEPAGE_A_END 35
static const u16 codepage_A[] =
{// Unicode ASCII SYM
// %%BEGIN:A%%
0x20a4, // 35 # £
// %%END:A%%
#define CODEPAGE_0_BEGIN 96
#define CODEPAGE_0_END 126
* translates VT100 ACS escape codes to Unicode values.
* Based on rxvt-unicode screen.C table.
static const u16 codepage_0[] =
{// Unicode ASCII SYM
// %%BEGIN:0%%
0x2666, // 96 ` ♦
0x2592, // 97 a ▒
0x2409, // 98 b HT
0x240c, // 99 c FF
0x240d, // 100 d CR
0x240a, // 101 e LF
0x00b0, // 102 f °
0x00b1, // 103 g ±
0x2424, // 104 h NL
0x240b, // 105 i VT
0x2518, // 106 j ┘
0x2510, // 107 k ┐
0x250c, // 108 l ┌
0x2514, // 109 m └
0x253c, // 110 n ┼
0x23ba, // 111 o ⎺
0x23bb, // 112 p ⎻
0x2500, // 113 q ─
0x23bc, // 114 r ⎼
0x23bd, // 115 s ⎽
0x251c, // 116 t ├
0x2524, // 117 u ┤
0x2534, // 118 v ┴
0x252c, // 119 w ┬
0x2502, // 120 x │
0x2264, // 121 y ≤
0x2265, // 122 z ≥
0x03c0, // 123 { π
0x2260, // 124 | ≠
0x20a4, // 125 } £
0x00b7, // 126 ~ ·
// %%END:0%%
#define CODEPAGE_1_BEGIN 33
#define CODEPAGE_1_END 126
static const u16 codepage_1[] =
{// Unicode ASCII SYM DOS
// %%BEGIN:1%%
0x263A, // 33 ! ☺ (1) - low ASCII symbols from DOS, moved to +32
0x263B, // 34 " ☻ (2)
0x2665, // 35 # ♥ (3)
0x2666, // 36 $ ♦ (4)
0x2663, // 37 % ♣ (5)
0x2660, // 38 & ♠ (6)
0x2022, // 39 ' • (7) - inverse dot and circle left out, can be done with SGR
0x231B, // 40 ( ⌛ - hourglass (timer icon)
0x25CB, // 41 ) ○ (9)
0x21AF, // 42 * ↯ - electricity (lightning monitor...)
0x266A, // 43 + ♪ (13)
0x266B, // 44 , ♫ (14)
0x263C, // 45 - ☼ (15)
0x2302, // 46 . ⌂ (127)
0x2622, // 47 / ☢ - radioactivity (geiger counter...)
0x2591, // 48 0 ░ (176) - this block is kept aligned and ordered from DOS, moved -128
0x2592, // 49 1 ▒ (177)
0x2593, // 50 2 ▓ (178)
0x2502, // 51 3 │ (179)
0x2524, // 52 4 ┤ (180)
0x2561, // 53 5 ╡ (181)
0x2562, // 54 6 ╢ (182)
0x2556, // 55 7 ╖ (183)
0x2555, // 56 8 ╕ (184)
0x2563, // 57 9 ╣ (185)
0x2551, // 58 : ║ (186)
0x2557, // 59 ; ╗ (187)
0x255D, // 60 < ╝ (188)
0x255C, // 61 = ╜ (189)
0x255B, // 62 > ╛ (190)
0x2510, // 63 ? ┐ (191)
0x2514, // 64 @ └ (192)
0x2534, // 65 A ┴ (193)
0x252C, // 66 B ┬ (194)
0x251C, // 67 C ├ (195)
0x2500, // 68 D ─ (196)
0x253C, // 69 E ┼ (197)
0x255E, // 70 F ╞ (198)
0x255F, // 71 G ╟ (199)
0x255A, // 72 H ╚ (200)
0x2554, // 73 I ╔ (201)
0x2569, // 74 J ╩ (202)
0x2566, // 75 K ╦ (203)
0x2560, // 76 L ╠ (204)
0x2550, // 77 M ═ (205)
0x256C, // 78 N ╬ (206)
0x2567, // 79 O ╧ (207)
0x2568, // 80 P ╨ (208)
0x2564, // 81 Q ╤ (209)
0x2565, // 82 R ╥ (210)
0x2559, // 83 S ╙ (211)
0x2558, // 84 T ╘ (212)
0x2552, // 85 U ╒ (213)
0x2553, // 86 V ╓ (214)
0x256B, // 87 W ╫ (215)
0x256A, // 88 X ╪ (216)
0x2518, // 89 Y ┘ (217)
0x250C, // 90 Z ┌ (218)
0x2588, // 91 [ █ (219)
0x2584, // 92 \ ▄ (220)
0x258C, // 93 ] ▌ (221)
0x2590, // 94 ^ ▐ (222)
0x2580, // 95 _ ▀ (223)
0x2195, // 96 ` ↕ (18) - moved from low DOS ASCII
0x2191, // 97 a ↑ (24)
0x2193, // 98 b ↓ (25)
0x2192, // 99 c → (26)
0x2190, // 100 d ← (27)
0x2194, // 101 e ↔ (29)
0x25B2, // 102 f ▲ (30)
0x25BC, // 103 g ▼ (31)
0x25BA, // 104 h ► (16)
0x25C4, // 105 i ◄ (17)
0x25E2, // 106 j ◢ - added for slanted corners
0x25E3, // 107 k ◣
0x25E4, // 108 l ◤
0x25E5, // 109 m ◥
0x256D, // 110 n ╭ - rounded corners
0x256E, // 111 o ╮
0x256F, // 112 p ╯
0x2570, // 113 q ╰
0x0, // 114 r - free positions for future expansion
0x0, // 115 s
0x0, // 116 t
0x0, // 117 u
0x0, // 118 v
0x0, // 119 w
0x0, // 120 x
0x0, // 121 y
0x0, // 122 z
0x0, // 123 {
0x0, // 124 |
0x2714, // 125 } ✔ - checkboxes or checklist items
0x2718, // 126 ~ ✘
// %%END:1%%

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include "ascii.h"
#include "apars_logging.h"
#include "jstring.h"
#include "character_sets.h"
TerminalConfigBundle * const termconf = &persist.current.termconf;
TerminalConfigBundle termconf_scratch;
@ -129,17 +130,23 @@ static volatile int notifyLock = 0;
termconf->default_bg = 0;
termconf->default_fg = 7;
termconf->width = SCR_DEF_WIDTH;
termconf->height = SCR_DEF_HEIGHT;
termconf->parser_tout_ms = SCR_DEF_PARSER_TOUT_MS;
termconf->display_tout_ms = SCR_DEF_DISPLAY_TOUT_MS;
termconf->fn_alt_mode = SCR_DEF_FN_ALT_MODE;
termconf->default_bg = 0;
termconf->default_fg = 7;
sprintf(termconf->title, SCR_DEF_TITLE);
for(int i=1; i <= 5; i++) {
sprintf(termconf->btn[i-1], "%d", i);
termconf->theme = 0;
termconf->parser_tout_ms = SCR_DEF_PARSER_TOUT_MS;
termconf->display_tout_ms = SCR_DEF_DISPLAY_TOUT_MS;
termconf->fn_alt_mode = SCR_DEF_FN_ALT_MODE;
termconf->config_version = TERMCONF_VERSION;
termconf->display_cooldown_ms = SCR_DEF_DISPLAY_COOLDOWN_MS;
termconf->loopback = 0;
termconf->show_buttons = 1;
termconf->show_config_links = 1;
@ -165,6 +172,15 @@ terminal_apply_settings_noclear(void)
changed = 1;
// Migrate to v2
if (termconf->config_version < 2) {
dbg("termconf: Updating to version 2");
termconf->loopback = 0;
termconf->show_config_links = 1;
termconf->show_buttons = 1;
changed = 1;
termconf->config_version = TERMCONF_VERSION;
// Validation...
@ -223,8 +239,8 @@ cursor_reset(void)
cursor.origin_mode = false;
cursor.charsetN = 0;
cursor.charset0 = CS_USASCII;
cursor.charset1 = CS_DEC_SUPPLEMENTAL;
cursor.charset0 = CS_B_USASCII;
cursor.charset1 = CS_0_DEC_SUPPLEMENTAL;
cursor.wraparound = true;
@ -1119,143 +1135,6 @@ screen_putchar(const char *ch)
* translates VT100 ACS escape codes to Unicode values.
* Based on rxvt-unicode screen.C table.
static const u16 codepage_0[] =
{// Unicode ASCII SYM
0x2666, // 96 ` ♦
0x2592, // 97 a ▒
0x2409, // 98 b HT
0x240c, // 99 c FF
0x240d, // 100 d CR
0x240a, // 101 e LF
0x00b0, // 102 f °
0x00b1, // 103 g ±
0x2424, // 104 h NL
0x240b, // 105 i VT
0x2518, // 106 j ┘
0x2510, // 107 k ┐
0x250c, // 108 l ┌
0x2514, // 109 m └
0x253c, // 110 n ┼
0x23ba, // 111 o ⎺
0x23bb, // 112 p ⎻
0x2500, // 113 q ─
0x23bc, // 114 r ⎼
0x23bd, // 115 s ⎽
0x251c, // 116 t ├
0x2524, // 117 u ┤
0x2534, // 118 v ┴
0x252c, // 119 w ┬
0x2502, // 120 x │
0x2264, // 121 y ≤
0x2265, // 122 z ≥
0x03c0, // 123 { π
0x2260, // 124 | ≠
0x20a4, // 125 } £
0x00b7, // 126 ~ ·
static const u16 codepage_1[] =
{// Unicode ASCII SYM DOS
0x263A, // 33 ! ☺ (1) - low ASCII symbols from DOS, moved to +32
0x263B, // 34 " ☻ (2)
0x2665, // 35 # ♥ (3)
0x2666, // 36 $ ♦ (4)
0x2663, // 37 % ♣ (5)
0x2660, // 38 & ♠ (6)
0x2022, // 39 ' • (7) - inverse dot and circle left out, can be done with SGR
0x0,//0x231B, // 40 ( ⌛ - hourglass (timer icon)
0x25CB, // 41 ) ○ (9)
0x21AF, // 42 * ↯ - electricity (lightning monitor...)
0x266A, // 43 + ♪ (13)
0x266B, // 44 , ♫ (14)
0x263C, // 45 - ☼ (15)
0x2302, // 46 . ⌂ (127)
0x0,//0x2622, // 47 / ☢ - radioactivity (geiger counter...)
0x2591, // 48 0 ░ (176) - this block is kept aligned and ordered from DOS, moved -128
0x2592, // 49 1 ▒ (177)
0x2593, // 50 2 ▓ (178)
0x2502, // 51 3 │ (179)
0x2524, // 52 4 ┤ (180)
0x2561, // 53 5 ╡ (181)
0x2562, // 54 6 ╢ (182)
0x2556, // 55 7 ╖ (183)
0x2555, // 56 8 ╕ (184)
0x2563, // 57 9 ╣ (185)
0x2551, // 58 : ║ (186)
0x2557, // 59 ; ╗ (187)
0x255D, // 60 < ╝ (188)
0x255C, // 61 = ╜ (189)
0x255B, // 62 > ╛ (190)
0x2510, // 63 ? ┐ (191)
0x2514, // 64 @ └ (192)
0x2534, // 65 A ┴ (193)
0x252C, // 66 B ┬ (194)
0x251C, // 67 C ├ (195)
0x2500, // 68 D ─ (196)
0x253C, // 69 E ┼ (197)
0x255E, // 70 F ╞ (198)
0x255F, // 71 G ╟ (199)
0x255A, // 72 H ╚ (200)
0x2554, // 73 I ╔ (201)
0x2569, // 74 J ╩ (202)
0x2566, // 75 K ╦ (203)
0x2560, // 76 L ╠ (204)
0x2550, // 77 M ═ (205)
0x256C, // 78 N ╬ (206)
0x2567, // 79 O ╧ (207)
0x2568, // 80 P ╨ (208)
0x2564, // 81 Q ╤ (209)
0x2565, // 82 R ╥ (210)
0x2559, // 83 S ╙ (211)
0x2558, // 84 T ╘ (212)
0x2552, // 85 U ╒ (213)
0x2553, // 86 V ╓ (214)
0x256B, // 87 W ╫ (215)
0x256A, // 88 X ╪ (216)
0x2518, // 89 Y ┘ (217)
0x250C, // 90 Z ┌ (218)
0x2588, // 91 [ █ (219)
0x2584, // 92 \ ▄ (220)
0x258C, // 93 ] ▌ (221)
0x2590, // 94 ^ ▐ (222)
0x2580, // 95 _ ▀ (223)
0x2195, // 96 ` ↕ (18) - moved from low DOS ASCII
0x2191, // 97 a ↑ (24)
0x2193, // 98 b ↓ (25)
0x2192, // 99 c → (26)
0x2190, // 100 d ← (27)
0x2194, // 101 e ↔ (29)
0x25B2, // 102 f ▲ (30)
0x25BC, // 103 g ▼ (31)
0x25BA, // 104 h ► (16)
0x25C4, // 105 i ◄ (17)
0x0,//0x25E2, // 106 j ◢ - added for slanted corners
0x0,//0x25E3, // 107 k ◣
0x0,//0x25E4, // 108 l ◤
0x0,//0x25E5, // 109 m ◥
0x256D, // 110 n ╭ - rounded corners
0x256E, // 111 o ╮
0x256F, // 112 p ╯
0x2570, // 113 q ╰
0x0, // 114 r - free positions for future expansion
0x0, // 115 s
0x0, // 116 t
0x0, // 117 u
0x0, // 118 v
0x0, // 119 w
0x0, // 120 x
0x0, // 121 y
0x0, // 122 z
0x0, // 123 {
0x0, // 124 |
0x0,//0x2714, // 125 } ✔ - checkboxes or checklist items
0x0,//0x2718, // 126 ~ ✘
* UTF remap
* @param out - output char[4]
@ -1269,26 +1148,29 @@ utf8_remap(char *out, char g, char charset)
u16 utf = (unsigned char)g;
switch (charset) {
case CS_DEC_SUPPLEMENTAL: /* DEC Special Character & Line Drawing Set */
if ((g >= 96) && (g < 0x7F)) {
n = codepage_0[g - 96];
case CS_0_DEC_SUPPLEMENTAL: /* DEC Special Character & Line Drawing Set */
if ((g >= CODEPAGE_0_BEGIN) && (g <= CODEPAGE_0_END)) {
n = codepage_0[g - CODEPAGE_0_BEGIN];
if (n) utf = n;
case CS_DOS_437: /* ESPTerm Character Rom 1 */
if ((g >= 33) && (g < 0x7F)) {
n = codepage_1[g - 33];
case CS_1_DOS_437: /* ESPTerm Character Rom 1 */
if ((g >= CODEPAGE_1_BEGIN) && (g <= CODEPAGE_1_END)) {
n = codepage_1[g - CODEPAGE_1_END];
if (n) utf = n;
case CS_UKASCII: /* UK, replaces # with GBP */
if (g == '#') utf = 0x20a4;
case CS_A_UKASCII: /* UK, replaces # with GBP */
if ((g >= CODEPAGE_A_BEGIN) && (g <= CODEPAGE_A_END)) {
n = codepage_A[g - CODEPAGE_A_BEGIN];
if (n) utf = n;
// No change
@ -1395,11 +1277,15 @@ screenSerializeToBuffer(char *buffer, size_t buf_len, void **data)
encode2B((u16) cursor.y, &w3);
encode2B((u16) cursor.x, &w4);
encode2B((u16) (
(cursor.visible ? 0x01 : 0) |
(cursor.hanging ? 0x02 : 0) |
(scr.cursors_alt_mode ? 0x04 : 0) |
(scr.numpad_alt_mode ? 0x08 : 0) |
(termconf->fn_alt_mode ? 0x10 : 0)
(cursor.visible ? 1<<0 : 0) |
(cursor.hanging ? 1<<1 : 0) |
(scr.cursors_alt_mode ? 1<<2 : 0) |
(scr.numpad_alt_mode ? 1<<3 : 0) |
(termconf->fn_alt_mode ? 1<<4 : 0) |
(mouse_tracking.mode!=MTM_NONE ? 1<<5 : 0) |
(mouse_tracking.mode>=MTM_BUTTON_MOTION ? 1<<6 : 0) |
(termconf_scratch.show_buttons ? 1<<7 : 0) |
(termconf_scratch.show_config_links ? 1<<8 : 0)
, &w5);

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
#define SCR_DEF_FN_ALT_MODE false
#define SCR_DEF_FN_ALT_MODE true // true - SS3 codes, easier to parse & for xterm compatibility
#define SCR_DEF_WIDTH 26
#define SCR_DEF_HEIGHT 10
#define SCR_DEF_TITLE "ESPTerm"
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
/** Maximum screen size (determines size of the static data array) */
#define MAX_SCREEN_SIZE (80*25)
// --- Persistent Settings ---
@ -69,6 +69,9 @@ typedef struct {
bool fn_alt_mode; // xterm compatibility mode (alternate codes for some FN keys)
u8 config_version;
u32 display_cooldown_ms;
bool loopback;
bool show_buttons;
bool show_config_links;
} TerminalConfigBundle;
// Live config
@ -84,7 +87,7 @@ enum MTM {
MTM_X10 = 1,
MTM_BUTTON_MOTION = 3, // any higher mode tracks motion
@ -121,10 +124,10 @@ void screen_set_button_text(int num, const char *text);
// --- Encoding ---
typedef enum {
CS_DOS_437 = '1',
CS_1_DOS_437 = '1',
httpd_cgi_state screenSerializeToBuffer(char *buffer, size_t buf_len, void **data);

@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
#define FW_V_MAJOR 0
#define FW_V_MINOR 7
#define FW_V_MAJOR 8
#define FW_V_MINOR 0
#define FW_V_PATCH 1
