ESPTerm - ESP8266 terminal emulator. Branches: [master] patches, [work] next release
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// Created by MightyPork on 2017/07/09.
// There are 4 sets of settings.
// - hard defaults - hardcoded in firmware, used for init defaults after flash or if stored data are corrupt
// - defaults - persisted by privileged user
// - current - persistent current config state, can be restored to defaults any time
// - live - non-persistent settings valid only for the current runtime
#include "wifimgr.h"
#include "screen.h"
// Changing this could be used to force-erase the config area
// after a firmware upgrade
#define CHECKSUM_SALT 0x5F5F5F5F
/** Struct for current or default settings */
typedef struct {
7 years ago
WiFiConfigBundle wificonf;
TerminalConfigBundle termconf;
// --- Space for future settings ---
// Original size: 1024
// The size must be appropriately reduced each time something is added,
// and boolean flags defaulting to 0 should be used to detect unpopulated
// sections that must be restored to defaults on load.
// This ensures user settings are not lost each time they upgrade the firmware,
// which would lead to a checksum mismatch if the structure was changed and
// it grew to a different memory area.
uint8_t filler[1024];
uint32_t checksum; // computed before write and tested on load. If it doesn't match, values are reset to hard defaults.
7 years ago
} AppConfigBundle;
/** This is the entire data block stored in FLASH */
typedef struct {
7 years ago
AppConfigBundle defaults; // defaults are stored here
AppConfigBundle current; // active settings adjusted by the user
7 years ago
} PersistBlock;
// Persist holds the data currently loaded from the flash
7 years ago
extern PersistBlock persist;
void persist_load(void);
void persist_load_hard_default(void);
void persist_restore_default(void);
void persist_set_as_default(void);
void persist_store(void);