ESPTerm - ESP8266 terminal emulator. Branches: [master] patches, [work] next release
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#include <esp8266.h>
#include <httpd.h>
#include <cgiwebsocket.h>
#include <httpdespfs.h>
#include <cgiwifi.h>
#include <auth.h>
#include "routes.h"
#include "cgi_reset.h"
#include "cgi_ping.h"
#include "cgi_main.h"
#include "cgi_sockets.h"
#define WIFI_PROTECT 1
#define WIFI_AUTH_NAME "admin"
#define WIFI_AUTH_PASS "password"
static int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR myPassFn(HttpdConnData *connData, int no, char *user, int userLen, char *pass, int passLen);
/** Routes */
HttpdBuiltInUrl builtInUrls[] = {
// redirect func for the captive portal
ROUTE_CGI_ARG("*", cgiRedirectApClientToHostname, "esp8266.nonet"),
// --- Web pages ---
ROUTE_TPL_FILE("/", tplScreen, "term.tpl"),
// --- Sockets ---
ROUTE_WS(URL_WS_UPDATE, myWebsocketConnect),
// --- System control ---
ROUTE_CGI("/system/reset", cgiResetDevice),
ROUTE_CGI("/system/ping", cgiPing),
// --- WiFi config ---
ROUTE_AUTH("/wifi*", myPassFn),
// TODO add those pages
// ROUTE_REDIRECT("/wifi/", "/wifi"),
// ROUTE_TPL_FILE("/wifi", tplWlan, "/pages/wifi.tpl"),
ROUTE_CGI("/wifi/scan", cgiWiFiScan),
ROUTE_CGI("/wifi/connect", cgiWiFiConnect),
ROUTE_CGI("/wifi/connstatus", cgiWiFiConnStatus),
ROUTE_CGI("/wifi/setmode", cgiWiFiSetMode),
ROUTE_CGI("/wifi/setchannel", cgiWiFiSetChannel),
* @brief BasicAuth name/password checking function.
* It's invoked by the authBasic() built-in route handler
* until it returns 0. Each time it populates the provided
* name and password buffer.
* @param connData : connection context
* @param no : user number (incremented each time it's called)
* @param user : user buffer
* @param userLen : user buffer size
* @param pass : password buffer
* @param passLen : password buffer size
* @return 0 to end, 1 if more users are available.
static int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR myPassFn(HttpdConnData *connData, int no, char *user, int userLen, char *pass, int passLen)
if (no == 0) {
os_strcpy(user, WIFI_AUTH_NAME);
os_strcpy(pass, WIFI_AUTH_PASS);
return 1;
//Add more users this way. Check against incrementing no for each user added.
// } else if (no==1) {
// os_strcpy(user, "user1");
// os_strcpy(pass, "something");
// return 1;
return 0;