ESPTerm - ESP8266 terminal emulator. Branches: [master] patches, [work] next release
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

692 lines
13 KiB

/* #line 1 "user/ansi_parser.rl" */
#include <esp8266.h>
#include "ansi_parser.h"
#include "screen.h"
#include "ascii.h"
#include "uart_driver.h"
/* Ragel constants block */
/* #line 12 "user/ansi_parser.c" */
static const char _ansi_actions[] = {
0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1,
3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 1, 6, 1,
7, 1, 8, 1, 9, 1, 10, 1,
11, 1, 12, 1, 13, 1, 14, 1,
15, 1, 16, 1, 17, 2, 2, 5,
2, 10, 11, 2, 10, 12
static const char _ansi_eof_actions[] = {
0, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13,
13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13,
13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13,
13, 13, 13, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0
static const int ansi_start = 1;
static const int ansi_first_final = 28;
static const int ansi_error = 0;
static const int ansi_en_CSI_body = 5;
static const int ansi_en_OSC_body = 7;
static const int ansi_en_TITLE_body = 25;
static const int ansi_en_charsetcmd_body = 27;
static const int ansi_en_main = 1;
/* #line 11 "user/ansi_parser.rl" */
static volatile int cs = -1;
static volatile bool inside_osc = false;
volatile u32 ansi_parser_char_cnt = 0;
ansi_parser_reset(void) {
if (cs != ansi_start) {
cs = ansi_start;
inside_osc = false;
ansi_warn("Parser timeout, state reset");
#define HISTORY_LEN 10
static char history[HISTORY_LEN + 1];
char buf1[HISTORY_LEN*3+2];
char buf2[HISTORY_LEN*3+2];
char *b1 = buf1;
char *b2 = buf2;
char c;
for(int i=0;i<HISTORY_LEN;i++) {
c = history[i];
b1 += sprintf(b1, "%2X ", c);
if (c < 32 || c > 127) c = '.';
b2 += sprintf(b2, "%c ", c);
ansi_dbg("Context: %s", buf2);
ansi_dbg(" %s", buf1);
* \brief Linear ANSI chars stream parser
* Parses a stream of bytes using a Ragel parser. The defined
* grammar does not use 'unget', so the entire buffer is
* always processed in a linear manner.
* \attention -> but always check the Ragel output for 'p--'
* or 'p -=', that means trouble.
* \param newdata - array of new chars to process
* \param len - length of the newdata buffer
ansi_parser(char newchar)
// The CSI code is built here
static char csi_leading; //!< Leading char, 0 if none
static int csi_ni; //!< Number of the active digit
static int csi_cnt; //!< Digit count
static int csi_n[CSI_N_MAX]; //!< Param digits
static char csi_char; //!< CSI action char (end)
static char osc_buffer[OSC_CHAR_MAX];
static int osc_bi; // buffer char index
// This is used to detect timeout delay (time since last rx char)
// Init Ragel on the first run
if (cs == -1) {
/* #line 118 "user/ansi_parser.c" */
cs = ansi_start;
/* #line 87 "user/ansi_parser.rl" */
memset(history, 0, sizeof(history));
for(int i=1; i<HISTORY_LEN; i++) {
history[i-1] = history[i];
history[HISTORY_LEN-1] = newchar;
// Handle simple characters immediately (bypass parser)
if (newchar < ' ') {
switch (newchar) {
case ESC:
if (!inside_osc) {
// Reset state
cs = ansi_start;
// now the ESC will be processed by the parser
break; // proceed to parser
// Literally passed
case FF:
case VT:
newchar = LF; // translate to LF, like VT100 / xterm do
case CR:
case LF:
case BS:
7 years ago
case TAB:
// Select G0 or G1
case SI:
case SO:
case BEL:
// bel is also used to terminate OSC
if (!inside_osc) {
case ENQ: // respond with space (like xterm)
// Cancel the active sequence
case CAN:
case SUB:
cs = ansi_start;
// Discard all others
} else {
// >= ' '
// bypass the parser for simple characters (speed-up)
if (cs == ansi_start) {
// Load new data to Ragel vars
const char *p = &newchar;
const char *eof = NULL;
const char *pe = &newchar + 1;
// The parser
7 years ago
/* #line 209 "user/ansi_parser.c" */
const char *_acts;
unsigned int _nacts;
if ( p == pe )
goto _test_eof;
if ( cs == 0 )
goto _out;
switch ( cs ) {
case 1:
if ( (*p) == 27 )
goto tr1;
goto tr0;
case 2:
switch( (*p) ) {
case 32: goto tr3;
case 35: goto tr4;
case 91: goto tr7;
case 93: goto tr8;
case 107: goto tr9;
if ( (*p) < 60 ) {
if ( (*p) > 47 ) {
if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
goto tr6;
} else if ( (*p) >= 40 )
goto tr5;
} else if ( (*p) > 62 ) {
if ( (*p) > 90 ) {
if ( 97 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 )
goto tr6;
} else if ( (*p) >= 65 )
goto tr6;
} else
goto tr6;
8 years ago
goto tr2;
case 0:
goto _out;
case 3:
if ( 70 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 71 )
goto tr10;
goto tr2;
case 28:
if ( (*p) == 27 )
goto tr1;
goto tr0;
case 4:
if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
goto tr11;
goto tr2;
case 5:
7 years ago
switch( (*p) ) {
case 59: goto tr14;
case 64: goto tr15;
7 years ago
if ( (*p) < 60 ) {
if ( (*p) > 47 ) {
if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
goto tr13;
} else if ( (*p) >= 32 )
goto tr12;
7 years ago
} else if ( (*p) > 63 ) {
if ( (*p) > 90 ) {
7 years ago
if ( 96 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 )
goto tr16;
} else if ( (*p) >= 65 )
goto tr16;
} else
goto tr12;
goto tr2;
case 6:
if ( (*p) == 59 )
goto tr14;
7 years ago
if ( (*p) < 64 ) {
if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
goto tr13;
} else if ( (*p) > 90 ) {
7 years ago
if ( 96 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 )
goto tr16;
} else
goto tr16;
goto tr2;
case 29:
goto tr2;
case 30:
7 years ago
if ( (*p) == 59 )
goto tr14;
7 years ago
if ( (*p) < 64 ) {
if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
goto tr13;
7 years ago
} else if ( (*p) > 90 ) {
if ( 96 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 122 )
goto tr16;
7 years ago
} else
goto tr16;
7 years ago
goto tr2;
case 7:
switch( (*p) ) {
case 48: goto tr17;
case 66: goto tr18;
case 84: goto tr19;
case 87: goto tr20;
goto tr2;
case 8:
if ( (*p) == 59 )
goto tr21;
goto tr2;
case 31:
goto tr2;
case 9:
if ( (*p) == 84 )
goto tr22;
goto tr2;
case 10:
if ( (*p) == 78 )
goto tr23;
goto tr2;
case 11:
if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
goto tr24;
goto tr2;
case 12:
if ( (*p) == 61 )
goto tr25;
goto tr2;
case 13:
switch( (*p) ) {
case 7: goto tr27;
case 27: goto tr28;
goto tr26;
case 32:
switch( (*p) ) {
case 7: goto tr27;
case 27: goto tr28;
goto tr26;
case 14:
if ( (*p) == 92 )
goto tr29;
goto tr2;
case 15:
if ( (*p) == 73 )
goto tr30;
goto tr2;
case 16:
if ( (*p) == 84 )
goto tr31;
goto tr2;
case 17:
if ( (*p) == 76 )
goto tr32;
goto tr2;
case 18:
if ( (*p) == 69 )
goto tr33;
goto tr2;
case 19:
if ( (*p) == 61 )
goto tr21;
goto tr2;
case 20:
if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
goto tr34;
goto tr2;
case 21:
if ( (*p) == 59 )
goto tr35;
if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
goto tr34;
goto tr2;
case 22:
if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
goto tr36;
goto tr2;
case 23:
switch( (*p) ) {
case 7: goto tr37;
case 27: goto tr38;
if ( 48 <= (*p) && (*p) <= 57 )
goto tr36;
goto tr2;
case 24:
if ( (*p) == 92 )
goto tr37;
goto tr2;
case 25:
switch( (*p) ) {
case 7: goto tr40;
case 27: goto tr41;
goto tr39;
case 33:
switch( (*p) ) {
case 7: goto tr40;
case 27: goto tr41;
goto tr39;
case 26:
if ( (*p) == 92 )
goto tr42;
goto tr2;
case 34:
goto tr2;
case 27:
goto tr43;
case 35:
goto tr2;
8 years ago
tr2: cs = 0; goto f0;
tr0: cs = 1; goto f1;
tr1: cs = 2; goto _again;
tr3: cs = 3; goto _again;
tr4: cs = 4; goto _again;
tr12: cs = 6; goto f9;
tr13: cs = 6; goto f10;
tr14: cs = 6; goto f11;
tr17: cs = 8; goto _again;
tr18: cs = 9; goto _again;
tr22: cs = 10; goto _again;
tr23: cs = 11; goto _again;
tr24: cs = 12; goto f10;
tr25: cs = 13; goto _again;
tr26: cs = 13; goto f14;
tr28: cs = 14; goto _again;
tr19: cs = 15; goto _again;
tr30: cs = 16; goto _again;
tr31: cs = 17; goto _again;
tr32: cs = 18; goto _again;
tr33: cs = 19; goto _again;
tr20: cs = 20; goto _again;
tr34: cs = 21; goto f10;
tr35: cs = 22; goto f11;
tr36: cs = 23; goto f10;
tr38: cs = 24; goto _again;
tr39: cs = 25; goto f14;
tr41: cs = 26; goto _again;
tr5: cs = 28; goto f2;
tr6: cs = 28; goto f3;
tr7: cs = 28; goto f4;
tr8: cs = 28; goto f5;
tr9: cs = 28; goto f6;
tr10: cs = 28; goto f7;
tr11: cs = 28; goto f8;
tr16: cs = 29; goto f13;
tr15: cs = 30; goto f12;
tr21: cs = 31; goto f6;
tr29: cs = 31; goto f16;
tr37: cs = 31; goto f17;
tr27: cs = 32; goto f15;
tr40: cs = 33; goto f18;
tr42: cs = 34; goto f19;
tr43: cs = 35; goto f20;
8 years ago
f1: _acts = _ansi_actions + 1; goto execFuncs;
f4: _acts = _ansi_actions + 3; goto execFuncs;
f9: _acts = _ansi_actions + 5; goto execFuncs;
f10: _acts = _ansi_actions + 7; goto execFuncs;
f11: _acts = _ansi_actions + 9; goto execFuncs;
f13: _acts = _ansi_actions + 11; goto execFuncs;
f0: _acts = _ansi_actions + 13; goto execFuncs;
f5: _acts = _ansi_actions + 15; goto execFuncs;
f6: _acts = _ansi_actions + 17; goto execFuncs;
f17: _acts = _ansi_actions + 19; goto execFuncs;
f14: _acts = _ansi_actions + 21; goto execFuncs;
f19: _acts = _ansi_actions + 23; goto execFuncs;
f16: _acts = _ansi_actions + 25; goto execFuncs;
f8: _acts = _ansi_actions + 27; goto execFuncs;
f3: _acts = _ansi_actions + 29; goto execFuncs;
f7: _acts = _ansi_actions + 31; goto execFuncs;
f2: _acts = _ansi_actions + 33; goto execFuncs;
f20: _acts = _ansi_actions + 35; goto execFuncs;
f12: _acts = _ansi_actions + 37; goto execFuncs;
f18: _acts = _ansi_actions + 40; goto execFuncs;
f15: _acts = _ansi_actions + 43; goto execFuncs;
_nacts = *_acts++;
while ( _nacts-- > 0 ) {
switch ( *_acts++ ) {
case 0:
7 years ago
/* #line 180 "user/ansi_parser.rl" */
if ((*p) != 0) {
case 1:
7 years ago
/* #line 189 "user/ansi_parser.rl" */
// Reset the CSI builder
csi_leading = csi_char = 0;
csi_ni = 0;
csi_cnt = 0;
// Zero out digits
for(int i = 0; i < CSI_N_MAX; i++) {
csi_n[i] = 0;
{cs = 5;goto _again;}
case 2:
7 years ago
/* #line 203 "user/ansi_parser.rl" */
csi_leading = (*p);
case 3:
7 years ago
/* #line 207 "user/ansi_parser.rl" */
if (csi_cnt == 0) csi_cnt = 1;
// x10 + digit
if (csi_ni < CSI_N_MAX) {
csi_n[csi_ni] = csi_n[csi_ni]*10 + ((*p) - '0');
case 4:
7 years ago
/* #line 215 "user/ansi_parser.rl" */
if (csi_cnt == 0) csi_cnt = 1; // handle case when first arg is empty
case 5:
7 years ago
/* #line 221 "user/ansi_parser.rl" */
csi_char = (*p);
apars_handle_CSI(csi_leading, csi_n, csi_cnt, csi_char);
{cs = 1;goto _again;}
case 6:
7 years ago
/* #line 227 "user/ansi_parser.rl" */
ansi_warn("Parser error.");
{cs = 1;goto _again;}
case 7:
7 years ago
/* #line 245 "user/ansi_parser.rl" */
csi_ni = 0;
// we reuse the CSI numeric buffer
for(int i = 0; i < CSI_N_MAX; i++) {
csi_n[i] = 0;
osc_bi = 0;
osc_buffer[0] = '\0';
inside_osc = true;
{cs = 7;goto _again;}
case 8:
7 years ago
/* #line 262 "user/ansi_parser.rl" */
osc_bi = 0;
osc_buffer[0] = '\0';
inside_osc = true;
{cs = 25;goto _again;}
case 9:
7 years ago
/* #line 269 "user/ansi_parser.rl" */
8 years ago
apars_handle_OSC_SetScreenSize(csi_n[0], csi_n[1]);
inside_osc = false;
{cs = 1;goto _again;}
8 years ago
case 10:
7 years ago
/* #line 275 "user/ansi_parser.rl" */
osc_buffer[osc_bi++] = (*p);
case 11:
7 years ago
/* #line 279 "user/ansi_parser.rl" */
osc_buffer[osc_bi++] = '\0';
inside_osc = false;
{cs = 1;goto _again;}
case 12:
7 years ago
/* #line 286 "user/ansi_parser.rl" */
osc_buffer[osc_bi++] = '\0';
apars_handle_OSC_SetButton(csi_n[0], osc_buffer);
inside_osc = false;
{cs = 1;goto _again;}
case 13:
7 years ago
/* #line 319 "user/ansi_parser.rl" */
{cs = 1;goto _again;}
case 14:
7 years ago
/* #line 324 "user/ansi_parser.rl" */
{cs = 1;goto _again;}
case 15:
7 years ago
/* #line 329 "user/ansi_parser.rl" */
apars_handle_setXCtrls((*p)); // weird control settings like 7 bit / 8 bit mode
{cs = 1;goto _again;}
case 16:
7 years ago
/* #line 334 "user/ansi_parser.rl" */
// abuse the buffer for storing the leading char
osc_buffer[0] = (*p);
{cs = 27;goto _again;}
case 17:
7 years ago
/* #line 340 "user/ansi_parser.rl" */
apars_handle_characterSet(osc_buffer[0], (*p));
{cs = 1;goto _again;}
7 years ago
/* #line 653 "user/ansi_parser.c" */
goto _again;
if ( cs == 0 )
goto _out;
if ( ++p != pe )
goto _resume;
_test_eof: {}
if ( p == eof )
const char *__acts = _ansi_actions + _ansi_eof_actions[cs];
unsigned int __nacts = (unsigned int) *__acts++;
while ( __nacts-- > 0 ) {
switch ( *__acts++ ) {
case 6:
7 years ago
/* #line 227 "user/ansi_parser.rl" */
8 years ago
ansi_warn("Parser error.");
{cs = 1; if ( p == pe )
goto _test_eof;
goto _again;}
8 years ago
7 years ago
/* #line 680 "user/ansi_parser.c" */
_out: {}
7 years ago
/* #line 364 "user/ansi_parser.rl" */
// 'ESC k blah OSC_end' is a shortcut for setting title (k is defined in GNU screen as Title Definition String)