ESPTerm - ESP8266 terminal emulator. Branches: [master] patches, [work] next release
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/** Global generic init */
$.ready(function () {
// loader dots...
setInterval(function () {
$('.anim-dots').each(function (x) {
var $x = $(x);
var dots = $x.html() + '.';
if (dots.length == 5) dots = '.';
}, 1000);
$('input[type=number]').on('mousewheel', function(e) {
var val = +$(this).val();
if (isNaN(val)) val = 1;
var step = +($(this).attr('step') || 1);
var min = +$(this).attr('min');
var max = +$(this).attr('max');
if(e.wheelDelta > 0) {
val += step;
} else {
val -= step;
if (typeof min != 'undefined') val = Math.max(val, +min);
if (typeof max != 'undefined') val = Math.min(val, +max);
if ("createEvent" in document) {
var evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
evt.initEvent("change", false, true);
} else {
$._loader = function(vis) {
console.log("loader fn", vis);