You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1216 lines
48 KiB

This information is largely derived from DEC document EK-VT100-UG-003,
the original manual for the VT100.
Most so-called VT100 implementations (both stand-alone terminals and
PC emulators) actually implement more controls than are given here.
The minimal standard is really the slightly more advanced VT102 terminal.
From: (Petri Virekoski)
Newsgroups: comp.terminals
Subject: VT100 control info
Date: 11 Sep 1993 12:43:22 GMT
Organization: Helsinki University of Technology
Lines: 878
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <26sh5a$>
OK. I finally found this on my local machine by doing a locate.
Still haven't found any FTP site bearing this kind of information.
I myself would need a similar file with extensions for VT200/VT220.
Please do not address any complaints to me, since I just copied this file
as I found it. There might be some escape sequences missing from the
end because there was some carbage, but I don't know. Here goes...
This file describes information needed for controlling the VT100 terminal from
a remote computer. All of the information was derived from the VT100 user's
manual, Programmer's Information section. Full documentation can be obtain
from DIGITAL'S Accessory and Supplies Group.
[The notation <ESC> denotes a single ASCII Escape character, 1Bx.]
ANSI mode w/cursor ANSI mode w/cursor
Cursor Key VT52 mode key mode reset key mode set
* Special Graphics Characters *
If the Special Graphics set is selected, the graphics for ASCII codes
0137 through 0176 will be replaced according to the following table (see the
SCS control sequence).
Octal ASCII Special Octal ASCII Special
Code graphic graphic code graphic graphic
0137 _ Blank 0157 o Horiz Line - scan 1
0140 \ Diamond 0160 p Horiz Line - scan 3
0141 a Checkerboard 0161 q Horiz Line - scan 5
0142 b Digraph: HT 0162 r Horiz Line - scan 7
0143 c Digraph: FF 0163 s Horiz Line - scan 9
0144 d Digraph: CR 0164 t Left "T" (|-)
0145 e Digraph: LF 0165 u Right "T" (-|)
0146 f Degree Symbol 0166 v Bottom "T" (|_)
0147 g +/- Symbol 0167 w Top "T" (T)
0150 h Digraph: NL 0170 x Vertical Bar (|)
0151 i Digraph: VT 0171 y Less/Equal (<_)
0152 j Lower-right corner 0172 z Grtr/Egual (>_)
0153 k Upper-right corner 0173 { Pi symbol
0154 l Upper-left corner 0174 | Not equal (=/)
0155 m Lower-left corner 0175 } UK pound symbol
0156 n Crossing lines (+) 0176 ~ Centered dot
NOTE 1: Codes 0152-0156 and 0164-0170 are used to draw rectangular grids" each
piece of this set is contiguous with other so the lines formed will be
NOTE 2: Codes 0157-0163 give better vertical resolution than dashes and
underlines when drawing graphs; using these segments, 120 x 132 resolution may
be obtained in 132 column mode with the Advanced Video Option installed.
* Terminal Control Commands *
Control Characters
The control characters recognized by the VT100 are listed below. All
other control characters cause no action to be taken.
Control characters (codes 00 - 037 inclusive) are specifically excluded
from the control sequence syntax, but may be embedded within a control
sequence. Embedded control characters are executed as soon as they are
encountered by the VT100. The processing of the control sequence then
continues with the next character recieved. The exceptions are: if the <ESC>
character occurs, the current control sequence is aborted, and a new one
commences beginning with the <ESC> just recieved. If the character <CAN>
(030) or the character <SUB> (032) occurs, the current control sequence is
aborted. The ability to embed control characters allows the synchronization
characters XON and XOFF to be interpreted properly without affecting the
control sequence.
Control Octal
Character Code Action Taken
<NUL> 0000 Ignored on input; not stored in buffer
<ENQ> 0005 Transmit ANSWERBACK message
<BEL> 0007 Sound bell
<BS> 0010 Move cursor to the left one position, unless it is at
the left margin, in which case no action is taken.
<HT> 0011 Move cursor to the next tab stop, or to the right
margin if no further tabs are set.
<LF> 0012 Causes either a line feed or new line operation (See
new line mode.)
<VT> 0013 Same as <LF>.
<FF> 0014 Same as <LF>.
<CR> 0015 Move the cursor to the left margin of the current line.
<SO> 0016 Invoke the G1 character set, as designated by the SCS
control sequence.
<SI> 0017 Invoke the G0 character set, as selected by the <ESC>(
<DC1> 0021 Causes terminal to resume transmission (XON).
<DC3> 0023 Causes terminal to stop transmitting all codes except
<CAN> 0030 If sent during a control sequence, the sequence id
immediately terminated and not executed. It also
causes the error character (checkerboard) to be
<SUB> 0032 Same as <CAN>.
<ESC> 0033 Introduces a control sequence.
<DEL> 0177 Ignored on input; not stored in buffer.
The VT100 is an upward and downward software-compatible terminal;
that is, previous Digital video terminals have Digital's private standards
for control sequences. The American National Standards Institute has since
standardized escape and control sequences in terminals in documents X3.41-1974
and X3.64-1977.
The VT100 is compatible with both the previous Digital standard and
ANSI standards. Customers may use existing Digital software designed around
the VT52 or new VT100 software. The VT100 has a "VT52 compatible" mode in
which the VT100 responds to control sequences like a VT52. In this mode, most
of the new VT100 features cannot be used.
Throughout this document references will be made to "VT52 mode" or
"ANSI mode". These two terms are used to indicate the VT100's software
NOTE: The ANSI standards allow the manufacturer flexibility in implementing
each function. This document describes how the VT100 will respond to the
implemented ANSI central function.
NOTE: ANSI standards may be obtained by writing:
American National Standards Institute
Sales Department
1430 Broadway
New York, NY, 10018
[July 1995 update: current address for ordering ANSI standards:
American National Standards Institute
Attn: Customer Service
11 West 42nd Street
New York, NY 10036
ANSI's fax number for placing publication orders is +1 212/302-1286.]
[Further update, from Tim Lasko <>:
"ANSI X3.64 has been withdrawn in favor of the more complete and
updated ISO standard 6429. (ECMA-48 is equivalent to ISO DP6429,
last I checked.) X3.64 has been out of date for some time. At the
time when I was on the relevant committee, we couldn't get enough
resources to really do a good job of updating the standard.
Later, the proposal came up to withdraw it in favor of the ISO
Control Sequence Introducer (CSI) - An escape sequence that provides
supplementary controls and is itself a prefix affecting the
interpretation of a limited number of contiguous characters.
In the VT100, the CSI is: <ESC>[
Parameter: (1) A string of zero or more decimal characters which
represent a single value. Leading zeros are ignored. The
decimal characters have a range of 0 (060) to 9 (071).
(2) The value so represented.
Numeric Parameter: A parameter that represents a number, designated by
Selective Parameter: A parameter that selects a subfunction from a
specified set of subfunctions, designated by Ps. In general, a
control sequence with more than one selective parameter causes
the same effect as several control sequences, each with one
selective parameter, e.g., CSI Psa; Psb; Psc F is identical to
CSI Psa F CSI Psb F CSI Psc F.
Parameter String: A string of parameters separated by a semicolon.
Default: A function-dependent value that is assumed when no explicit
value, or a value of 0, is specified.
Final character: A character whose bit combination terminates an
escape or control sequence.
EXAMPLE: Control sequence to turn off all character attributes, then
turn on underscore and blink attributes (SGR). <ESC>[0;4;5m
/ \
/ \
| |
\ / \ /
<ESC>[ 0 ; 4 ; 5 m
^^^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^
|||||| | | | |
\||||/ \ | / +------Final character
\||/ \ | /
CSI Selective
The octal representation of this string is:
033 0133 060 073 064 073 065 0155
<ESC> [ 0 ; 4 ; 5 m
Alternate sequences which will accomplish the same thing:
1) <ESC>[;4;m
2) <ESC>[m
3) <ESC>[0;04;005m
Control Sequences
All of the following control sequences are transmitted from the Host to
VT100 unless otherwise noted. All of the control sequences are a subset of
those defined in ANSI X 3.64 1977 and ANSI X 3.41 1974.
The following text conforms to these formatting conventions:
1) Control characters are designated by angle brackets (e.g.
the Escape character is <ESC>).
2) Parameters are indicated by curly braces.
3) Parameter types usually are indicated as one of:
{Pn} A string of digits representing a numerical
{Ps} A character that selects an item from a list.
{a-z} Any lowercase sequence of one44 or more
characters in braces represent a value to be
entered (as in {Pn}), and the name in the
braces will be referred to in explanatory text.
4) Spaces in the control sequence are present for clarity and
may be omitted. Spaces which are required will be
surrounded by single quotes: ' '.
5) All other characters are literals.
CPR Cursor Position Report VT100 to Host
<ESC>[ {Pn} ; {Pn} R Default Value: 1
The CPR sequence reports the active position by means of the
parameters. This sequence has two parameter values, the first
specifying the line and the second specifying the column. The default
condition with no parameters present, or parameters of 0, is equivelent
to a cursor at home position.
The numbering of the lines depends upon the state of the Origin Mode
This control sequence is sent in reply to a device status report (DSR)
command sent from the host.
CUB Cursor Backward Host to VT100 & VT100 to Host
<ESC>[ {Pn} D Default Value: 1
The CUB sequence move the cursor to the left. The distance moved is
determined by the parameter. If the parameter missing, zero, or one,
the cursor is moved one position. The cursor cannot be moved past the
left margin. Editor Function.
CUD Cursor Down Host to VT100 & VT100 to Host
<ESC>[ {Pn} B Default value: 1
Moves the cursor down a number of lines as specified in the parameter
without changing columns. The cursor cannot be moved past the bottom
margin. Editor Function.
CUF Cursor Foreward Host to VT100 & VT100 to Host
<ESC>[ {Pn} C Default Value: 1
The CUF sequence moves the cursor to the right a number of positions
specified in the parameter. The cursor cannot be moved past the right
margin. Editor Function.
CUP Cursor Position
<ESC>[ {Pn} ; {Pn} H Default Value: 1
The CUP sequence moves the curor to the position specified by the
parameters. The first parameter specifies the line, and the second
specifies the column. A value of zero for either line or column moves
the cursor to the first line or column in the display. The default
string (<ESC>H) homes the cursor. In the VT100, this command behaves
identically to it's format effector counterpart, HVP.
The numbering of the lines depends upon the state of the Origin Mode
(DECOM). Editor Function.
CUU Cursor Up Host to VT100 & VT100 to Host
<ESC>[ {Pn} A Default Value: 1
Moves the cursor up without changing columns. The cursor is moved up a
number of lines as indicated by the parameter. The cursor cannot be
moved beyond the top margin. Editor Function.
DA Device Attributes Host to VT100 & VT100 to Host
<ESC>[ {Pn} c Default Value: 0
1) The host requests the VT100 to send a DA sequence to indentify
itself. This is done by sending the DA sequence with no parameters,
or with a parameter of zero.
2) Response to the request described above (VT100 to host) is generated
by the VT100 as a DA control sequencewith the numeric parameters as
Option Present Sequence Sent
No options <ESC>[?1;0c
Processor Option (STP) <ESC>[?1;1c
Advanced Video Option (AVO) <ESC>[?1;2c
AVO and STP <ESC>[?1;3c
Graphics Option (GPO) <ESC>[?1;4c
GPO and STP <ESC>[?1;5c
GPO and AVO <ESC>[?1;6c
GPO, ACO, and STP <ESC>[?1;7c
<<<I doubt if alot of these DEC commands work..a few do.. (like scroll areas)>>
DECALN Screen Alignment Display (DEC private)
<ESC># 8
This command causes the VT100 to fill it's screen with uppercase Es for
screen focus and alignment.
DECANM ANSI/VT52 Mode (DEC Private)
This is a private parameter to the SM and RM control sequences. The
reset state causes only VT52 compatible escape sequences to be
recognized. The set state causes only ANSI compatible escape sequences
to be recognized. See the entries for MODES, SM, and RM.
DECARM Auto Repeat Mode (DEC Private)
This is a private parameter to the SM and RM control sequences. The
reset state causes no keyboard keys to auto-repeat, the set state
causes most of them to. See MODES, SM, and RM.
DECAWM Autowrap Mode (DEC Private)
This is a private parameter to the SM and RM control sequences. The
reset state prevents the cursor from moving when characters are
recieved while at the right margin. The set state causes these
characters to advance to the next line, causing a scroll up if required
and permitted. See MODES, SM, and RM.
DECCKM Cursor Keys Mode (DEC Private)
This is a private parameter to the SM and RM control requences. This
mode is only effective when the terminal is in keypad application mode
(DECPAM) and the ANSI/VT52 mode (DECANM) is set. Under these
conditions, if this mode is reset, the cursor keys will send ANSI
cursor control commands. If setm the cursor keys will send application
function commands (See MODES, RM, and SM).
DECCOLM Column Mode (DEC Private)
This is a private parameter to the SM and RM control sequences. The
reset state causes an 80 column screen to be used. The set state
causes a 132 column screen to be used. See MODES, RM, and SM.
DECDHL Double Height Line (DEC Private)
Top Half: <ESC>#3
Bottom Half: <ESC>#4
These sequences cause the line containing the cursor to become the top
or bottom half of a double-height, double width line. The sequences
should be used in pairs on adjacent lines with each line containing the
same character string. If the line was single width single height, all
characters to the right of the center of the screen will be lost. The
cursor remains over the same character position, unless it would be to
the right of the right margin, in which case it is moved to the right
DECDWL Double Width Line (DEC Private)
This causes the line that contains the cursor to become double-width
single height. If the line was single width, all characters ro the
right of the center of the screen will be lost. The cursor remains
over the same character position, unless it would be to the right of
the right margin, in which case it is moved to the right margin.
DECID Identify Terminal (DEC Private)
This sequence causes the same response as the DA sequence. This
sequence will not be supported in future models.
DECINLM Interlace Mode (DEC Private)
This is a private parameter to the RM and SM control sequences. The
reset state (non-interlace) causes the video processor to display 240
scan lines per frame. The set state causes the video processor to
display 480 scan lines per screen. See MODES, RM, and SM.
DECKPAM Keypad Application Mode (DEC Private)
The auxiliary keypad keys will transmit control sequences.
DECKPNM Keypad Numeric Mode (DEC Private)
<ESC> >
The auxiliary keypad keys will send ASCII codes corresponding to the
characters engraved on their keys.
DECLL Load LEDs (DEC Private)
<ESC>[ {Ps} q Default Value: 0
Load the four programmable LEDs on the keyboard according to the
Parameter Meaning
0 Clear All LEDs
1 Light L1
2 Light L2
3 Light L3
4 Light L4
DECOM Origin Mode (DEC Private)
This is a private parameter to SM and RM control sequences. The reset
state causes the origin (or home position) to be the upper left
character position of the screen. Line and column numbers are,
therefore, independent of current margin settings. The cursor may be
positioned outside the margins with a cursor position (CUP) or
horizontal and vertical position (HVP) control.
The set state causes the origin to be at the upper left character
position within the current margins. Line and column numbers are,
therefore, relative to the current margin settings. The cursor cannot
be positioned outside of the margins.
The cursor is moved to the new home position when this mode is set or
reset. Lines and columns are numbered consecutively, with the origin
being line 1, column 1.
DECRC Restore Cursor (DEC Private)
This sequence causes the previously saved cursor position, graphic
rendition, and character set to be restored.
DECREPTPARM Report Terminal Parameters VT100 to Host
<ESC>[ {sol} ; {par} ; {nbits} ; {xspd} ; {rspd} ; {cmul} ; {flags} x
This sequence is generated by the VT100 to notify the host of the
status of selected terminal parameters. The status sequence may be
sent when requested by the host (via DECREQTPARM) or at the terminal's
discretion. On power up or reset, the VT100 is inhibited from sending
unsolicited reports.
The meanings of the sequence paramters are:
Parameter Value Meaning
{sol} 1 This message is a report.
2 This message is a report, and the terminal is
only reporting on request.
{par} 1 No parity set
4 Parity set and odd
5 Parity set and even
{nbits} 1 8 bits per character
2 7 bits per character
{xspd} 0 Speed set to 50 bps
-and- 8 Speed set to 75 bps
{rspd} 16 Speed set to 110 bps
24 Speed set to 134.5 bps
{xspd}= 32 Speed set to 150 bps
Transmit 40 Speed set to 200 bps
Speed 48 Speed set to 300 bps
56 Speed set to 600 bps
{rspd}= 64 Speed set to 1200 bps
Recieve 72 Speed set to 1800 bps
Speed 80 Speed set to 2000 bps
88 Speed set to 2400 bps
96 Speed set to 3600 bps
104 Speed set to 4800 bps
112 Speed set to 9600 bps
120 Speed set tp 19200 bps
{cmul} 1 The bit rate multiplier is 16
{flags} 0-15 This value communicates the four switch values
in block 5 of SET-UP B, which are only visible
to the user when an STP option is installed.
DECREQTPARM Request Terminal Parameters
<ESC>[ {Ps} x
The host sends this sequence to request the VT100 to send a DECREPTPARM
sequence back. {Ps} can be either 0 or 1. If 0, the terminal will be
allowed to send unsolicited DECREPTPARMs. These reports will be
generated each time the terminal exits the SET-UP mode. If {Ps} is 1,
then the terminal will only generate DECREPTPARMs in response to a
DECSC Save Cursor (DEC Private)
Causes the cursor position, graphic rendition, and character set to be
saved. (See DECRC)
DECSCLM Scrolling Mode (DEC Private)
This is a private parameter to RM and SM control sequences. The reset
state causes scrolls to "jump" instantaneuously one line at a time.
The set state causes the scrolls to be "smooth", and scrolls at a
maximum rate of siz lines/sec. See MODES, RM, and SM.
DECSCNM Screen Mode (DEC Private)
This is a private parameter to RM and SM control sequences. The reset
state causes the screen to be black with white characters; the set
state causes the screen to be white with black characters. See MODES,
RM, and SM.
<<<<This one works...and is very handy! >>>>
DECSTBM Set Top and Bottom Margins (DEC Private)
<ESC>[ {Pn} ; {Pn} r Default Values: See Below
This sequence sets the top and bottom margins to define the scrolling
region. The first parameter is the line number of the first line in
the scrolling region; the second parameter is the line number of the
bottom line of the scrolling region. Default is the entire screen (no
margins). The minimum region allowed is two lines, i.e., the top line
must be less than the bottom. The cursor is placed in the home
position (See DECOM).
DECSWL Single-width Line (DEC Private)
This causes the line which contains the cursor to become single-width,
single-height. The cursor remains on the same character position.
This is the default condition for all new lines on the screen.
DECTST Invoke Confidence Test
<ESC>[ 2 ; {Ps} y
Ps is the parameter indicating the test to be done. It is computed by
taking the weight indicated for each desired test and adding them
together. If Ps is 0, no test is performed but the VT100 is reset.
Test Weight
POST (ROM checksum, RAM NVR, keyboardm and AVO) 1
Data Loop Back (Loopback connector required) 2
EIA Modem Control Test (Loopback connector req.) 4
Repeat Testing until failure 8
DSR Device Status Report Host to VT100 & VT100 to Host
<ESC>[ {Ps} n
Requests and reports the general status of the VT100 according to the
following parameters:
Parameter Meaning
0 Response from VT100 - Ready, no faults detected
3 Response from VT100 - Malfunction Detected
5 Command from host - Report Status (using a DSR control
6 Command from host - Report Active Position (using a CPR
DSR with a parameter of 0 or 3 is always sent as a response to a
requesting DSR with a parameter of 5.
ED Erase in Display
<ESC>[ {Ps} J Default: 0
This sequence erases some or all of the characters in the display
according to the parameter. Any complete line erased by this sequence
will return that line to single width mode. Editor Function.
Parameter Meaning
0 Erase from the cursor to the end of the screen.
1 Erase from the start of the screen to the cursor.
2 Erase the entire screen.
EL Erase in Line
<ESC>[ {Ps} K Default: 0
Erases some or all characters in the active line, according to the
parameter. Editor Function.
Parameter Meaning
0 Erase from cursor to the end of the line.
1 Erase from the start of the line to the cursor.
2 Erase the entire line.
HTS Horizontal Tab Set
Set a tab stop at the current cursor position. Format Effector.
HVP Horizontal and Vertical Position
<ESC>[ {Pn} ; {Pn} f
Moves the cursor to the position specified by the parameters. The
first parameter specifies the line, and the second specifies the
column. A parameter of 0 or 1 causes the active position to move to
the first line or column in the display. In the VT100, this control
behaves identically with it's editor counterpart, CUP. The numbering
of hte lines depends upon the state of the Origin Mode (DECOM). Format
IND Index
This sequence causes the cursor to move downward one line without
changing the column. If the cursor is at the bottom margin, a scroll
up is performed. Format Effector.
LNM Line Feed/New Line Mode
This is a parameter to SM and RM control sequences. The reset state
causes the interpretation of the <LF> character to imply only vertical
movement of the cursor and causes the RETURN key to send the single
code <CR>. The set state causes the <LF> character to imply movement
to the first position of the following line, and causes the RETURN key
to send the code pair <CR><LF>. This is the New Line option.
This mode does not affect the Index (IND) or the next line (NEL) format
MODES The Following is a list of VT100 modes which may be changed with Set
Mode (SM) and Reset Mode (RM) controls.
ANSI Specified Modes
Parameter Mnemonic Function
0 Error (Ignored)
20 LNM Line Feed/New Line Mode
DEC Private Modes
If the first character in the parameter string is ? (077), the
parameters are interpreted as DEC private parameters according to the
Parameter Mnemonic Function
0 Error (Ignored)
1 DECCKM Cursor Key
3 DECCOLM Column
4 DECSCLM Scrolling
5 DECSCNM Screen
6 DECOM Origin
7 DECAWM Auto Wrap
8 DECARM Auto Repeat
9 DECINLM Interlace
Any other parameter values are ignored.
The following modes, which are specified in the ANSI standard, may be
considered to be permanently set, permanently reset, or not applicable,
as noted.
Mnemonic Function State
CRM Control Representation Reset
EBM Editing Boundary Reset
ERM Erasure Set
FEAM Format Effector Action Reset
FETM Format Effector Transfer Reset
GATM Guarded Area Transfer NA
HEM Horizontal Editing NA
IRM Insertion-replacement Reset
KAM Keyboard Action Reset
MATM Multiple area transfer NA
PUM Positioning Unit Reset
SATM Selected Area Transfer NA
SRTM Status Reporting Transfer Reset
TSM Tabulation Stop Reset
TTM Transfer Termination NA
VEM Vertical Editing NA
NEL Next Line
This causes the cursor to move to the first position of the next line
down. If the cursor is on the bottom line, a scroll is performed.
Format Effector.
RI Reverse Index
Move the cursor up one line without changing columns. If the cursor is
on the top line, a scroll down is performed.
RIS Reset to Initial State
Resets the VT100 to the state is has upon power up. This also causes
the execution of the POST and signal INT H to be asserted briefly.
RM Reset Mode
<ESC>[ {Ps} ; {Ps} l
Resets one or more VT100 modes as specified by each selective parameter
in the parameter string. Each mode to be reset is specified by a
separate parameter. See MODES and SM.
SCS Select Character Set
The appropriate D0 and G1 character sets are designated from one of the
five possible sets. The G0 and G1 sets are invokedd by the characters
<SI> and <SO>, respectively.
G0 Sets G1 Sets
Sequence Sequence Meaning
<ESC>(A <ESC>)A United Kingdom Set
<ESC>(0 <ESC>)0 Special Graphics
<ESC>(1 <ESC>)1 Alternate Character ROM
Standard Character Set
<ESC>(2 <ESC>)2 Alternate Character ROM
Special Graphics
The United Kingdom and ASCII sets conform to the "ISO international
register of character sets to be used with escape sequences". The
other sets are private character sets. Special graphics means that the
graphic characters fpr the codes 0137 to 0176 are replaced with other
characters. The specified character set will be used until another SCS
is recieved.
SGR Select Graphic Rendition
<ESC>[ {Ps} ; {Ps} m
Invoke the graphic rendition specified by the parameter(s). All
following characters transmitted to the VT100 are rendered according
to the parameter(s) until the next occurrence of an SGR. Format
Parameter Meaning
0 Attributes Off
1 Bold or increased intensity
4 Underscore
5 Blink
7 Negative (reverse) image
All other parameter values are ignored.
Without the Advanced Video Option, only one type of character attribute
is possible, as determined by the cursor selection; in that case
specifying either underscore or reverse will activate the currently
selected attribute.
[Update: DP6429 defines parameters in the 30-37 range to change
foreground color and in the 40-47 range to change background.]
SM Set Mode
<ESC> [ {Ps} ; {Ps} h
Causes one or more modes to be set within the VT100 as specified by
each selective parameter string. Each mode to be set is specified by a
seperate parameter. A mode is considered set until it is reset by a
Reset Mode (RM) control sequence. See RM and MODES.
[Editor's note: The original DEC VT100 documentation EK-VT100-UG-003
erroneously omitted the "[" character from the SM sequence.]
TBC Tabulation Clear
<ESC>[ {Ps} g
If the parameter is missing or 0, this will clear the tab stop at the
cursor's position. If it is 3, this will clear all of the tab stops.
Any other parameter is ignored. Format Effector.
( /_)_---_-------------------------------------------------
(_/ ( ! / ) Petri Virekoski ------ ------
Here is a string of control sequences I use for a general VT200 terminal reset.
No spaces really--just for clarity.
ESC [ ? 38 l ESC ) 0 Control-O ESC [ H ESC [ 2 J
where ESC is hexadecimal 1B
Control-O is hexadecimal 0F
"l" is hexadecimal 6C (a lowercase "L")
It takes the terminal out of Tektronix graphics mode, gets it out of
line-draw-character mode, and clears the screen.
Newsgroups: comp.terminals,comp.protocols.misc
Expires: Sun, 31 Jan 1993 22:23:24 GMT
References: <> <>
Organization: University of Tennessee, Knoxville--Dept. of Computer Science
Keywords: VT100, scroll, control code, Escape, ANSI X3.64, terminal
Subject: ANSI X3.64 sequences (was Re: VT100 scrolling region)
Summary: Escape code effects
In article <> (Peter D. Smith) writes:
> In article <>, (Frank I. Reiter)
> writes:
> > Part of an application I am working on includes a VT100 emulator.
> > 1) Does ESC [;22r mean "scroll lines 0 through 22" or does it mean "Set
> > the bottom scrolling line to 22, leave the top line as it is set already"?
> It should mean 'scroll lines 1 to 22'.
The control sequences recognized by the Digital Equipment Corporation
VT100, VT200, VT300, and VT400-family character-cell video terminals
are an extended variant of the control sequences specified by an ANSI
standard, ANSI X3.64. (ISO DP6429 is the international version.)
The generic sequence introducer is a thing called CSI (Control
Sequence Introducer). If you are using 8-bit communication, you
can use the hexadecimal value 9B to represent this (but be sure you
understand the side effects thereof). Otherwise, use the 7-bit
equivalent: the Escape character (1Bh) followed by [ (the left
bracket character).
The canonical form of the given scroll-region command would be
CSI xx ; yy r
or in 7-bit style
Esc [ xx ; yy r
(where xx and yy are decimal digits expressed in ASCII/IA5; you do not
actually use a space between sequence elements, this is for clarity.
Be careful with the notation here--sometimes a space character _is_
a sequence element, as in the SR Scroll Right editing function.)
In an X3.64 control sequence, the numeric arguments may default to an
arbitrary value specific to the device function being controlled. Do
not assume that the default always will be 0 or 1. (Or there may be
no default allowed.) For example, the numeric arguments in the GSM
(Graphic Size Modify) sequence have the default values 100, 100.
As a private extension to X3.64, DEC defines the DECSTBM (Set Top and
Bottom Margins) command as follows:
CSI Pt ; Pb r
Selects top and bottom margins defining the scrolling region.
Pt is the line number of the first line in the scrolling region.
Pb is the line number of the bottom line.
If you do not select either Pt or Pb, they default to the top
and bottom respectively. Lines are counted from 1.
(See \VT220 Programmer Pocket Guide/, part EK-VT220-HR-002, page 37.)
> Remember that these sequences
> could be implemented in TTL without a microprocessor of any
> kind & therefore use the simplest possible implementation.
Peter must be thinking of the much simpler DEC VT52 sequences. As far
as I know, terminals implementing X3.64 have ALWAYS used a built-in
microprocessor. The VT100 was built around an 8-bit-bus Intel 8085.
In fact, when the X3.64 document was published (circa 1978), some
vendors, insisting on using discrete logic designs, objected that the
standard was so complex it could not be implemented. Most of these
vendors are now floating belly-up on the tide of technology. Some
credit is due to The Heath Company for a pioneering microprocessor-
based video terminal that implemented many of the X3.64 functions.
> > 2) Should a clear screen code clear the scrolling region only, or the
> > entire screen? How about a clear to end of screen?
> I think this is the whole screen regardless of the scrolling region.
> Don't bet your company on it, though.
Screen clearing should not depend on scrolling.
Erasing parts of the display (EL and ED) in the VT100 is performed thus:
Erase from cursor to end of line Esc [ 0 K or Esc [ K
Erase from beginning of line to cursor Esc [ 1 K
Erase line containing cursor Esc [ 2 K
Erase from cursor to end of screen Esc [ 0 J or Esc [ J
Erase from beginning of screen to cursor Esc [ 1 J
Erase entire screen Esc [ 2 J
Some brain-damaged terminal/emulators respond to Esc [ J as if it were
Esc [ 2 J (here the default is 0), and _some_ versions of Microsoft's
MS-DOS ANSI.SYS contain a bug requiring software to send Esc [ k
(instead of the uppercase). Of course, you would never make this mistake.
The VT200 and later terminals have the ECH control sequence:
Esc yy X
(where yy is a numeric parameter)
This erases the cursor position and the next (yy-1) positions, but this
is not part of the least common denominator VT100.
- - - - - -
VT, Flip Chip, DIBOL, and Rainbow are trademarks of Digital Equipment
Newsgroups: comp.terminals
Path: utkcs2!gatech!ukma!wupost!!!!!pdsmith
Message-ID: <66978@bbn.BBN.COM>
Reply-To: (Peter D. Smith)
Organization: Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc., Cambridge MA
Date: 22 Oct 1991 14:13:24 GMT
From: (Peter D. Smith)
Subject: Answers to recent questions -- micro-FAQ
*** comp.terminals unofficial FAQ ***
1) How do I save my VT100 setups?
1) Place the terminal in SET-UP mode
2) Press the SHIFT and S keys simultaneously. The screen will
clear and the message "wait" will be displayed in the
upper left hand corner. After a brief wait, the terminal
will return to SET-UP A mode
2) How do I set my DEC terminal to reverse video?
Use the sequence ESC [ ? h (white on black) or ESC [ ? l
(black on white).
3) What are the DIP switches for an H19 (or Z19)?
Switch S402
0 cursor is 0=underscore 1=block
1 keys 0=will 1=wont click
2 lines 0=wont 1=will wrap
3 Auto LF on CR is 0=off 1=on
4 Auto CR on LF is 0=off 1=on
5 Terminal mode is 0=Heath/Zenith 1=Ansi
6 keypad 0=normal 1=shifted
7 refresh 0=60Hz 1=50Hz
Switch S401
0..3 = Baud rate, on of N/A 110 150 300 600 1200 1800 2000
2400 3600 4800 7200 9600 N/A N/A N/A such that if all
switches are ZERO except switch 0, terminal is 300 baud
4 Parity is 0=off 1=on
5 Parity is 0=even 1=odd
6 Parity is 0=normal 1=stick
7 Duplex is 0=half 1=full
Newsgroups: comp.terminals
Message-ID: <6ttv6b$nf8$>
References: <>
Date: 18 Sep 1998 15:45:15 GMT
From: Frank da Cruz <>
Subject: Re: vt101 terminal
In article <>,
Neil Zanella <> wrote:
: When using a vt101 terminal should I set the TERM variable to vt100 . I
: have a fairly recent version of terminfo but there is no entry for the vt101
: Digital terminal. As far as I'm concerned the vt100 and vt101 look exactly
: the same. Are there any differences at all between these two?
Probably none that would affect termcap/terminfo. The main difference was
that the VT101 added local-echo capability so it could be used with (say)
IBM mainframes on linemode connections.
- Frank
Newsgroups: comp.terminals
Message-ID: <>
References: <wcFr7.2816$>
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 14:48:57 +0100
From: Paul Williams <>
Subject: Re: Double width to single width bug test in vttest
Thomas Dickey wrote:
> Simon Clubley <> wrote:
> >
> > I have been running VTTEST against several VT emulators and
> > genuine DEC terminals and I have a question about the single
> > width->double width->single width test in "Test of known bugs",
> > test number 8.
> > My question is why is the loss of the right half of the line
> > considered to be a bug ?
> > Does the specification for the VT100 disagree with actual
> > behaviour in this area ?
> probably not (it's been a while since I've seen any detailed info,
> but my recollection is that it was pretty vague).
The VT100 User Guide says "If the line was single-width single-height,
all characters to the right of the screen are lost". The VT102 User
Guide uses similar words.
Newsgroups: comp.terminals
Message-ID: <>
References: <wcFr7.2816$>
<9on90l$i7d$3@news1.Radix.Net> <jP_r7.4267$>
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 21:31:28 +0100
From: Paul Williams <>
Subject: Re: Double width to single width bug test in vttest
Simon Clubley wrote:
> Yes, I understood that the terminal would have to store the extra
> text somewhere if the specs required that the text be saved.
What extra text? Setting a line to double width wouldn't necessarily
change the contents of the characters in a line at all; the terminal
would just change the line attributes.
> What I can't understand is why the VT100 behaviour of losing the
> right half of the line is described as a bug, when everything that
> I've seen, as well as the behaviour on later DEC terminals that I
> have tried, make me believe that it's normal behaviour.
It is described as a misfeature, not a bug. Misfeatures are anything
that the user thought was awkward in the implementation, even if it
matched the specification.
I've just tried this on my genuine VT100 and it does indeed clear the
right half of the screen, exactly as its specification[1] says and
exactly as its DEC successors do.
I don't think this is a misfeature at all, but I don't have a copy of
the original article by Sami Tabih in order to see why he thought it
was. Someone must have a copy of that article and I'd love to see it.
[1] I mean the VT100 User Guide, not the Video System Reference Manual,
which is the real specification.
Paul Williams