/** * Main task */ #include #include "FreeRTOS.h" #include "task.h" #include "main.h" #include "app.h" #include "ufb/framebuffer.h" #include "iwdg.h" #include "app_oled.h" #include "ufb/fb_text.h" #include "app_temp.h" #include "app_knob.h" #include "app_buzzer.h" #include "app_heater.h" #include "cmsis_os2.h" static struct App { float oven_temp; int16_t set_temp; int16_t wheel_normed; uint16_t wheel; bool run; } s_app = {}; static void redraw_display() { fb_clear(); char tmp[100]; sprintf(tmp, "Mereni: %d°C", (int) s_app.oven_temp); fb_text(10, 5, tmp, 0, 1); sprintf(tmp, " Cil: %d°C", s_app.set_temp); fb_text(10, 20, tmp, 0, 1); sprintf(tmp, " Stav: %s", s_app.run ? "ZAP" : "VYP"); fb_text(10, 35, tmp, 0, 1); if (s_app.run) { fb_frame(0, 0, FBW, FBH, 2, 1); } fb_blit(); } void app_task_main(void *argument) { app_analog_init(); app_buzzer_init(); app_knob_init(); /* Prepare the framebuffer and OLED interface */ oled_init(); fb_clear(); /* Infinite loop */ bool old_pushed = app_knob_pushed(); bool any_change = true; uint32_t last_redraw = osKernelGetTickCount(); for (;;) { // sampling is done in the heater loop s_app.oven_temp = app_temp_read_oven(); uint16_t old_wheel = s_app.wheel; s_app.wheel = app_knob_get_raw(); // TODO do this with interrupt and/or debouncing bool pushed = app_knob_pushed(); if (pushed && !old_pushed) { s_app.run ^= 1; app_heater_enable(s_app.run); app_buzzer_beep(); any_change = true; } old_pushed = pushed; int16_t wheel_change = (int16_t)(s_app.wheel - old_wheel); if (wheel_change != 0) { s_app.wheel_normed += wheel_change; if (s_app.wheel_normed < 0) { s_app.wheel_normed = 0; } if (s_app.wheel_normed > 500) { s_app.wheel_normed = 500; } int16_t old_temp = s_app.set_temp; s_app.set_temp = (s_app.wheel_normed / 2) * 5; if (old_temp != s_app.set_temp) { app_buzzer_beep(); app_heater_set_target((float) s_app.set_temp); any_change = true; } } uint32_t now = osKernelGetTickCount(); if (any_change || (now - last_redraw > pdMS_TO_TICKS(500))) { last_redraw = now; redraw_display(); any_change = false; // Blink HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(LED_GPIO_Port, LED_Pin); } vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(10)); // feed dogs HAL_IWDG_Refresh(&hiwdg); } }