some experiments with a chinese stm8s103
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#include "stm8s.h"
#include "bootstrap.h"
#include "fncgen.h"
FG_Instance fgi;
void main(void)
u16 t;
bool x = FALSE;
FG_Init(&fgi, GPIOC, GPIO_PIN_4);
FG_SetFreq(&fgi, FREQ0, HZ_REG(4000));
FG_SetFreq(&fgi, FREQ1, HZ_REG(2500));
FG_SetWaveform(&fgi, WFM_SINE);
FG_Cmd(&fgi, ENABLE);
t = ms_now();
while (1) {
if (ms_loop_elapsed(&t, 100)) {
// Switching freq banks - connect a speaker to hear 2-tone beeping!
x = !x;
FG_FreqSwitch(&fgi, x);