;******************************************************************************** ; SOUBOR : INI_OPAMP.S ; AUTOR : Petr Dousa, Ondrej Hruska ; DATUM : 10/2015 ; POPIS : Bitove masky ridicich registru pro OPAMP ; ; Operational Amplifier (OPAMP) ; ; Toto je soucast knihovny pro STM32L100 vyvijene na Katedre mereni FEL CVUT. ;******************************************************************************** ;**************************************************************************** ;* ;* REGISTERS ;* ;**************************************************************************** ; Op Amplifier module OPAMP_CSR EQU (_OPAMP + 0x00) ; OPAMP control/status register, OPAMP_OTR EQU (_OPAMP + 0x04) ; OPAMP offset trimming register for normal mode, OPAMP_LPOTR EQU (_OPAMP + 0x08) ; OPAMP offset trimming register for low power mode, ;**************************************************************************** ;* ;* BIT MASKS AND DEFINITIONS ;* ;**************************************************************************** ;****************** Bit definition for OPAMP_CSR register ***************** OPAMP_CSR_OPA1PD EQU 0x00000001 ; OPAMP1 disable OPAMP_CSR_S3SEL1 EQU 0x00000002 ; Switch 3 for OPAMP1 Enable OPAMP_CSR_S4SEL1 EQU 0x00000004 ; Switch 4 for OPAMP1 Enable OPAMP_CSR_S5SEL1 EQU 0x00000008 ; Switch 5 for OPAMP1 Enable OPAMP_CSR_S6SEL1 EQU 0x00000010 ; Switch 6 for OPAMP1 Enable OPAMP_CSR_OPA1CAL_L EQU 0x00000020 ; OPAMP1 Offset calibration for P differential pair OPAMP_CSR_OPA1CAL_H EQU 0x00000040 ; OPAMP1 Offset calibration for N differential pair OPAMP_CSR_OPA1LPM EQU 0x00000080 ; OPAMP1 Low power enable OPAMP_CSR_OPA2PD EQU 0x00000100 ; OPAMP2 disable OPAMP_CSR_S3SEL2 EQU 0x00000200 ; Switch 3 for OPAMP2 Enable OPAMP_CSR_S4SEL2 EQU 0x00000400 ; Switch 4 for OPAMP2 Enable OPAMP_CSR_S5SEL2 EQU 0x00000800 ; Switch 5 for OPAMP2 Enable OPAMP_CSR_S6SEL2 EQU 0x00001000 ; Switch 6 for OPAMP2 Enable OPAMP_CSR_OPA2CAL_L EQU 0x00002000 ; OPAMP2 Offset calibration for P differential pair OPAMP_CSR_OPA2CAL_H EQU 0x00004000 ; OPAMP2 Offset calibration for N differential pair OPAMP_CSR_OPA2LPM EQU 0x00008000 ; OPAMP2 Low power enable OPAMP_CSR_OPA3PD EQU 0x00010000 ; OPAMP3 disable OPAMP_CSR_S3SEL3 EQU 0x00020000 ; Switch 3 for OPAMP3 Enable OPAMP_CSR_S4SEL3 EQU 0x00040000 ; Switch 4 for OPAMP3 Enable OPAMP_CSR_S5SEL3 EQU 0x00080000 ; Switch 5 for OPAMP3 Enable OPAMP_CSR_S6SEL3 EQU 0x00100000 ; Switch 6 for OPAMP3 Enable OPAMP_CSR_OPA3CAL_L EQU 0x00200000 ; OPAMP3 Offset calibration for P differential pair OPAMP_CSR_OPA3CAL_H EQU 0x00400000 ; OPAMP3 Offset calibration for N differential pair OPAMP_CSR_OPA3LPM EQU 0x00800000 ; OPAMP3 Low power enable OPAMP_CSR_ANAWSEL1 EQU 0x01000000 ; Switch ANA Enable for OPAMP1 OPAMP_CSR_ANAWSEL2 EQU 0x02000000 ; Switch ANA Enable for OPAMP2 OPAMP_CSR_ANAWSEL3 EQU 0x04000000 ; Switch ANA Enable for OPAMP3 OPAMP_CSR_S7SEL2 EQU 0x08000000 ; Switch 7 for OPAMP2 Enable OPAMP_CSR_AOP_RANGE EQU 0x10000000 ; Power range selection OPAMP_CSR_OPA1CALOUT EQU 0x20000000 ; OPAMP1 calibration output OPAMP_CSR_OPA2CALOUT EQU 0x40000000 ; OPAMP2 calibration output OPAMP_CSR_OPA3CALOUT EQU 0x80000000 ; OPAMP3 calibration output ;****************** Bit definition for OPAMP_OTR register ***************** OPAMP_OTR_AO1_OPT_OFFSET_TRIM EQU 0x000003FF ; Offset trim for OPAMP1 OPAMP_OTR_AO2_OPT_OFFSET_TRIM EQU 0x000FFC00 ; Offset trim for OPAMP2 OPAMP_OTR_AO3_OPT_OFFSET_TRIM EQU 0x3FF00000 ; Offset trim for OPAMP2 OPAMP_OTR_OT_USER EQU 0x80000000 ; Switch to OPAMP offset user trimmed values ;****************** Bit definition for OPAMP_LPOTR register *************** OPAMP_LP_OTR_AO1_OPT_OFFSET_TRIM_LP EQU 0x000003FF ; Offset trim in low power for OPAMP1 OPAMP_LP_OTR_AO2_OPT_OFFSET_TRIM_LP EQU 0x000FFC00 ; Offset trim in low power for OPAMP2 OPAMP_LP_OTR_AO3_OPT_OFFSET_TRIM_LP EQU 0x3FF00000 ; Offset trim in low power for OPAMP3 END