# Bootstrap project and an asm library for STM32L100 [Česká verze](README.cz.md) ## Project description The project consists of a definition library for the STM32L100 ARM microcontroller. The library is in a large part converted from the device-specific CMSIS header files, other files are based on the datasheets. The project also includes a simple "Hello World" program which demonstrates usage of the library by blinking the LEDs on your STM32L100 Discovery board. A startup script (startup_stm32l100xc.s) comes from the Keil device packages, and can also be found in the CMSIS. ## Target hardware The project targets the STM32L100RC on the STM32L100C-DISCO Discovery development board. The kit is attached to the computer using a USB cable. ## Library structure The assembler library is located in a `lib/` folder, and consists of multiple modules. To use any of the modules, first include `INI_BASE.s`, then the required modules (in any order). Example of the library usage: ```asm ; Base file GET lib/INI_BASE.s ; Registers and bit presets for the peripherals GET lib/INI_BITS_GPIO.s GET lib/INI_BITS_RCC.s GET lib/INI_BITS_FLASH.s ``` ## Code style All comments are in English. Files are formatted with spaces, or tabs 4 spaces wide. All files should use Windows line endings for compatibility with Keil. ## Development environment ### Keil MDK-ARM (Windows) The library will work with any tool that supports the ARM assembler. Included are project files for **µVision MDK-ARM v.5** (Keil). ### Working on Linux On Linux, you can run Keil in Wine (without hardware support), and also in Virtualbox (but with ST-Link v2 only). If you choose to use a more native "IDE" (read: vim, Sublime Text...), you can use the provided Makefile for compilation and flashing. First, though, you have to setup the compiler: 1. Install Keil in `wine` (into `~/.wine`) - we'll be using the trial version of the otherwise paid compiler, and for that we need the Keil license files. If you are adventurous, you can try to use the Keil license files with the native Linux version of the compiler. 2. Check that the Makefile variable `WINEPREFIX` points to the folder with the Keil compiler binaries. If you are using the linux versions of those, adjust your Makefile accordingly. 3. For a disassembler support, install `arm-none-eabi-binutils`. This is optional. 4. Install the `stlink` package - drivers for communication with the development board. This step is optional, if you don't need flashing. *Tip:* ArchLinuxu users can find both `stlink` and `arm-none-eabi-binutils` in the Community repository. ### Using the ARM DS-5 The "official" ARM IDE, DS-5, is really expensive, but there's a free "Community Edition". The IDE is a customized Eclipse, so if you have some Eclipse experience, you're right at home. **The catch** is that this variant **can't compile anything** - not even assembler. The editor and the context-help manual viewer work perfectly, though. There is some Makefile support, but I've found it rather pathetic. If you, however, install a terminal plugin into the IDE, you can conveniently run the Makefile tasks to compile and flash your program. ## Credits This project is developed for educational purposes at the [Department of Measurement][measure] of the CTU in Prague. The project may be used in the [NVS][nvs] and [MMP][mmp] courses. - The example program is based on an old code by Michal Tomáš © 2010. - Base of the library extracted from CMSIS by Petr Douša © 2015. - Further library improvements, organisation and the Makefile © Ondřej Hruška, 2015. The library code is free to use in any educational and non-commercial projects, provided you retain the copyright notice and the file header files. [measure]: http://measure.feld.cvut.cz/ [nvs]: http://measure.feld.cvut.cz/vyuka/predmety/A4B38NVS [mmp]: http://measure.feld.cvut.cz/vyuka/predmety/A3B38MMP