#include #include #include "max2719.h" // TODO convert to buffer + batch write. // TODO store hspi in the max2719 struct, so it can be used. static inline void send_byte(MAX2719_Cfg *inst, uint8_t b) { //inst->SPIx->DR = b; //while (!(inst->SPIx->SR & SPI_SR_TXE)); // FIXME figure out why regular transmit is not working HAL_SPI_Transmit(&hspi1, &b, 1, 10); } static inline void set_nss(MAX2719_Cfg *inst, bool nss) { if (nss) { inst->CS_GPIOx->BSRR = inst->CS_PINx; } else { inst->CS_GPIOx->BRR = inst->CS_PINx; } } static void send_word(MAX2719_Cfg *inst, MAX2719_Command cmd, uint8_t data) { send_byte(inst, cmd); send_byte(inst, data); } void max2719_cmd(MAX2719_Cfg *inst, uint32_t nth, MAX2719_Command cmd, uint8_t data) { set_nss(inst, 0); while (inst->SPIx->SR & SPI_SR_BSY); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < inst->chain_len; i++) { if (i == inst->chain_len - nth - 1) { send_word(inst, cmd, data); } else { send_word(inst, MAX2719_CMD_NOOP, 0); } } while (inst->SPIx->SR & SPI_SR_BSY); set_nss(inst, 1); } void max2719_cmd_all(MAX2719_Cfg *inst, MAX2719_Command cmd, uint8_t data) { set_nss(inst, 0); while (inst->SPIx->SR & SPI_SR_BSY); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < inst->chain_len; i++) { send_word(inst, cmd, data); } while (inst->SPIx->SR & SPI_SR_BSY); set_nss(inst, 1); } void max2719_cmd_all_data(MAX2719_Cfg *inst, MAX2719_Command cmd, uint8_t *data) { set_nss(inst, 0); while (inst->SPIx->SR & SPI_SR_BSY); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < inst->chain_len; i++) { send_word(inst, cmd, data[inst->chain_len - i - 1]); } while (inst->SPIx->SR & SPI_SR_BSY); set_nss(inst, 1); }