@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
STM32 assembler examples |
======================== |
This project provides examples for programming the STM32 microcontrollers in ARM assembler. |
Please visit the project folders for additional information (they contain separate READMEs). |
License |
------- |
Unless otherwise specified (as is the case with the startup scripts), all files in this repository |
are subject to the MIT license. |
For details, refer to the LICENSE file. |
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ |
Register definitions |
==================== |
Those files provide definitions of register addresses and bit field mapping. |
Include the appropriate file using the ` GET 'filename.asm'` directive in your |
main file. |
Example |
------- |
```asm |
; GPIOA base address: |
GPIOA_BASE EQU 0x48000000 |
; GPIOA registers: |
GPIOA_MODER EQU (GPIOA_BASE + 0x0) ; GPIO port mode register |
GPIOA_OTYPER EQU (GPIOA_BASE + 0x4) ; GPIO port output type register |
; ... |
; GPIO_MODER fields: |
GPIO_MODER_MODER15 EQU 0xc0000000 ; Port x configuration bits (y = 0..15) |
GPIO_MODER_MODER14 EQU 0x30000000 ; Port x configuration bits (y = 0..15) |
; ... |
``` |
Registers for a peripheral are named `<peripheral>_<register>`. |
Bit fields are named `<peripheral>_<register>_<field>`, and the field length and offset |
are available in the `_len` and `_ofs` constants. |
Notice how the peripheral is called `GPIOA`, but firlds are named `GPIO_...`. That is because |
all GPIOs have the same register structure, so they also share the same field definitions. |
Generating |
---------- |
The definition files are in a large part generated from the CMSIS SVD files, with just a few manual modifications. |
See the `gen/` folder for more info on how this conversion works. |
The register or bit field naming may differ from the datasheet, which is ST's fault. Feel free to correct those mistakes and **submit a pull request**. |
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
Scripts for converting .svd to assembler definitions (EQU). |
Before use, you have to install the `cmsis-svd` python module. |
|||| |
--- |
At the top of the script is some configuration that has to be |
adjusted for your particular SVD. |
The produced file may also need some manual tweaking. |
@ -0,0 +1,207 @@ |
from cmsis_svd.parser import SVDParser |
import json |
import re |
# ------------------------------------ |
svd_name = 'STM32F031x.svd' |
want_ofs = True |
want_len = True |
# Do not print poripheral field definitions (same as first instance) |
no_print_fields = [ |
'GPIOB', |
'GPIOC', |
'GPIOD', |
'GPIOE', |
'GPIOA', |
'GPIOG', |
'USART2', |
'USART3', |
'ADC2', |
'ADC3', |
'ADC4', |
'ADC34', |
'I2C2', |
'I2C3', |
'SPI2', |
'SPI3', |
] |
# Same registers as... (points to first instance) |
same_regs_as = { |
'USART2': 'USART1', |
'USART3': 'USART1', |
'TIM4': 'TIM3', |
'DAC2': 'DAC1', |
'ADC2': 'ADC1', |
'ADC3': 'ADC1', |
'ADC4': 'ADC1', |
'ADC34': 'ADC12', |
'I2C2': 'I2C1', |
'I2C3': 'I2C1', |
'SPI2': 'SPI1', |
'SPI3': 'SPI1', |
} |
# Rename peripheral when building field definitions |
# Used for multiple instances (build fields only for the first) |
periph_rename_for_field = { |
'GPIOF': 'GPIO', |
'USART1': 'USART', |
'DAC1': 'DAC', |
'ADC12': 'ADCC', |
'I2C1': 'I2C', |
'SPI1': 'SPI' |
} |
# Rename peripheral when generating (bad name in SVD) |
periph_rename = { |
'ADC1_2': 'ADC12', |
'ADC3_4': 'ADC34', |
'Flash': 'FLASH' |
} |
# ------------------------------------ |
base_line = "{0:<30} EQU {1:#x}" |
reg_line = "{0:<30} EQU ({1}_BASE + {2:#x})" |
field_line = "{0:<30} EQU {1:#010x}" |
field_ofs_line = "{0:<30} EQU {1:#d}" |
field_len_line = field_ofs_line |
def comment_str(x): |
if x is None: |
return '' |
return '; %s' % re.sub(r"[\s\n]+", ' ', x.replace('\n',' ')) |
def comment(x): |
print(comment_str(x)) |
def banner(x): |
comment('==== {:=<55}'.format("%s " % x)) |
def caption(x): |
print() |
comment('---- {:-<55}'.format("%s " % x)) |
def comment(x): |
print(comment_str(x)) |
# ------------------------------------ |
parser = SVDParser.for_packaged_svd('STMicro', svd_name) |
device = parser.get_device() |
print() |
banner('%s PERIPHERALS' % |
comment('') |
comment('CTU Prague, FEL, Department of Measurement') |
comment('') |
comment('-' * 60) |
comment('') |
comment('Generated from "%s"' % svd_name) |
comment('') |
comment('SVD parsing library (c) Paul Osborne, 2015-2016') |
comment('') |
comment('ASM building script (c) Ondrej Hruska, 2016') |
comment('') |
comment('=' * 60) |
print() |
# periph registers |
def print_registers(peripheral, pname=None): |
if pname is None: |
pname = periph_rename.get(, |
for register in peripheral.registers: |
print(reg_line.format("%s_%s" % (pname,, pname, register.address_offset), end=' ') |
comment(register.description) |
# periph fields |
def print_fields(peripheral, pname=None): |
if pname is None: |
pname = periph_rename.get(, |
for register in peripheral.registers: |
print() |
comment('%s_%s fields:' % (pname, |
print() |
for field in register.fields: |
mask = ((1 << field.bit_width) - 1) << field.bit_offset |
f_pname = periph_rename_for_field.get(pname, pname) |
print(field_line.format("%s_%s_%s" % (f_pname,,, mask), end=' ') |
comment(field.description) |
if want_ofs: |
print(field_ofs_line.format("%s_%s_%s_ofs" % (f_pname,,, field.bit_offset)) |
if want_len: |
print(field_len_line.format("%s_%s_%s_len" % (f_pname,,, field.bit_width)) |
print() |
# Print the list |
periph_dict = {} |
for peripheral in device.peripherals: |
periph_name = periph_rename.get(, |
# add to a dict for referencing by name |
periph_dict[periph_name] = peripheral |
# ----- |
caption(periph_name) |
comment('Desc: %s' % peripheral.description) |
print() |
comment('%s base address:' % periph_name) |
print(base_line.format("%s_BASE" % periph_name, peripheral.base_address)) |
print() |
comment('%s registers:' % periph_name) |
print() |
# Registers |
if periph_name in same_regs_as: |
print_registers(periph_dict[same_regs_as[periph_name]], pname=periph_name) |
else: |
print_registers(peripheral) |
if periph_name in no_print_fields: |
comment('Fields the same as in the first instance.') |
continue |
# Fields |
if periph_name in same_regs_as: |
print_fields(periph_dict[same_regs_as[periph_name]], pname=periph_name) |
else: |
print_fields(peripheral) |
print(' END\n') |
@ -0,0 +1,207 @@ |
from cmsis_svd.parser import SVDParser |
import json |
import re |
# ------------------------------------ |
svd_name = 'STM32F042x.svd' |
want_ofs = True |
want_len = True |
# Do not print poripheral field definitions (same as first instance) |
no_print_fields = [ |
'GPIOB', |
'GPIOC', |
'GPIOD', |
'GPIOE', |
'GPIOA', |
'GPIOG', |
'USART2', |
'USART3', |
'ADC2', |
'ADC3', |
'ADC4', |
'ADC34', |
'I2C2', |
'I2C3', |
'SPI2', |
'SPI3', |
] |
# Same registers as... (points to first instance) |
same_regs_as = { |
'USART2': 'USART1', |
'USART3': 'USART1', |
'TIM4': 'TIM3', |
'DAC2': 'DAC1', |
'ADC2': 'ADC1', |
'ADC3': 'ADC1', |
'ADC4': 'ADC1', |
'ADC34': 'ADC12', |
'I2C2': 'I2C1', |
'I2C3': 'I2C1', |
'SPI2': 'SPI1', |
'SPI3': 'SPI1', |
} |
# Rename peripheral when building field definitions |
# Used for multiple instances (build fields only for the first) |
periph_rename_for_field = { |
'GPIOF': 'GPIO', |
'USART1': 'USART', |
'DAC1': 'DAC', |
'ADC12': 'ADCC', |
'I2C1': 'I2C', |
'SPI1': 'SPI' |
} |
# Rename peripheral when generating (bad name in SVD) |
periph_rename = { |
'ADC1_2': 'ADC12', |
'ADC3_4': 'ADC34', |
'Flash': 'FLASH' |
} |
# ------------------------------------ |
base_line = "{0:<30} EQU {1:#x}" |
reg_line = "{0:<30} EQU ({1}_BASE + {2:#x})" |
field_line = "{0:<30} EQU {1:#010x}" |
field_ofs_line = "{0:<30} EQU {1:#d}" |
field_len_line = field_ofs_line |
def comment_str(x): |
if x is None: |
return '' |
return '; %s' % re.sub(r"[\s\n]+", ' ', x.replace('\n',' ')) |
def comment(x): |
print(comment_str(x)) |
def banner(x): |
comment('==== {:=<55}'.format("%s " % x)) |
def caption(x): |
print() |
comment('---- {:-<55}'.format("%s " % x)) |
def comment(x): |
print(comment_str(x)) |
# ------------------------------------ |
parser = SVDParser.for_packaged_svd('STMicro', svd_name) |
device = parser.get_device() |
print() |
banner('%s PERIPHERALS' % |
comment('') |
comment('CTU Prague, FEL, Department of Measurement') |
comment('') |
comment('-' * 60) |
comment('') |
comment('Generated from "%s"' % svd_name) |
comment('') |
comment('SVD parsing library (c) Paul Osborne, 2015-2016') |
comment('') |
comment('ASM building script (c) Ondrej Hruska, 2016') |
comment('') |
comment('=' * 60) |
print() |
# periph registers |
def print_registers(peripheral, pname=None): |
if pname is None: |
pname = periph_rename.get(, |
for register in peripheral.registers: |
print(reg_line.format("%s_%s" % (pname,, pname, register.address_offset), end=' ') |
comment(register.description) |
# periph fields |
def print_fields(peripheral, pname=None): |
if pname is None: |
pname = periph_rename.get(, |
for register in peripheral.registers: |
print() |
comment('%s_%s fields:' % (pname, |
print() |
for field in register.fields: |
mask = ((1 << field.bit_width) - 1) << field.bit_offset |
f_pname = periph_rename_for_field.get(pname, pname) |
print(field_line.format("%s_%s_%s" % (f_pname,,, mask), end=' ') |
comment(field.description) |
if want_ofs: |
print(field_ofs_line.format("%s_%s_%s_ofs" % (f_pname,,, field.bit_offset)) |
if want_len: |
print(field_len_line.format("%s_%s_%s_len" % (f_pname,,, field.bit_width)) |
print() |
# Print the list |
periph_dict = {} |
for peripheral in device.peripherals: |
periph_name = periph_rename.get(, |
# add to a dict for referencing by name |
periph_dict[periph_name] = peripheral |
# ----- |
caption(periph_name) |
comment('Desc: %s' % peripheral.description) |
print() |
comment('%s base address:' % periph_name) |
print(base_line.format("%s_BASE" % periph_name, peripheral.base_address)) |
print() |
comment('%s registers:' % periph_name) |
print() |
# Registers |
if periph_name in same_regs_as: |
print_registers(periph_dict[same_regs_as[periph_name]], pname=periph_name) |
else: |
print_registers(peripheral) |
if periph_name in no_print_fields: |
comment('Fields the same as in the first instance.') |
continue |
# Fields |
if periph_name in same_regs_as: |
print_fields(periph_dict[same_regs_as[periph_name]], pname=periph_name) |
else: |
print_fields(peripheral) |
print(' END\n') |
@ -0,0 +1,230 @@ |
from cmsis_svd.parser import SVDParser |
import json |
import re |
# ------------------------------------ |
# ~ $ ls /usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/cmsis_svd/data/STMicro/ |
# Contents.txt STM32F091x.svd STM32F105xx.svd STM32F303xE.svd STM32F401x.svd STM32F437x.svd STM32L053x.svd STM32L15xxxA.svd |
# License.html STM32F0xx.svd STM32F107xx.svd STM32F303x.svd STM32F40x.svd STM32F439x.svd STM32L062x.svd STM32L1xx.svd |
# STM32F030.svd STM32F100xx.svd STM32F20x.svd STM32F30x.svd STM32F411xx.svd STM32F446x.svd STM32L063x.svd STM32L4x6.svd |
# STM32F031x.svd STM32F101xx.svd STM32F21x.svd STM32F334x.svd STM32F41x.svd STM32F46_79x.svd STM32L100.svd STM32W108.svd |
# STM32F042x.svd STM32F102xx.svd STM32F301x.svd STM32F37x.svd STM32F427x.svd STM32L051x.svd STM32L15xC.svd |
# STM32F072x.svd STM32F103xx.svd STM32F302x.svd STM32F401xE.svd STM32F429x.svd STM32L052x.svd STM32L15xxE.svd |
svd_name = 'STM32F100xx.svd' |
want_ofs = True |
want_len = True |
# Do not print poripheral field definitions (same as first instance) |
no_print_fields = [ |
'GPIOB', |
'GPIOC', |
'GPIOD', |
'GPIOE', |
'GPIOF', |
'GPIOG', |
'GPIOH', |
'USART2', |
'USART3', |
'USART4', |
'USART5', |
'SPI2', |
'SPI3', |
'TIM3', |
'DAC2', |
'SPI2', |
'SPI3', |
'ADC2', |
'ADC3', |
'ADC4', |
'ADC34', |
'I2C2', |
'I2C3', |
] |
# Rename peripheral when building field definitions |
# Used for multiple instances (build fields only for the first) |
periph_rename_for_field = { |
'GPIOA': 'GPIO', |
'USART1': 'USART', |
'DAC1': 'DAC', |
'SPI1': 'SPI', |
'ADC1': 'ADC', |
'ADC12': 'ADCC', |
'I2C1': 'I2C' |
} |
# Same registers as... (points to first instance) |
same_regs_as = { |
'USART2': 'USART1', |
'USART3': 'USART1', |
'USART4': 'USART1', |
'USART5': 'USART1', |
'DAC2': 'DAC1', |
'SPI2': 'SPI1', |
'SPI3': 'SPI1', |
'ADC2': 'ADC1', |
'ADC3': 'ADC1', |
'ADC4': 'ADC1', |
'I2C2': 'I2C1', |
'I2C3': 'I2C1', |
'ADC34': 'ADC12', |
'ADC2': 'ADC1', |
'ADC3': 'ADC1', |
'ADC4': 'ADC1', |
'TIM3': 'TIM2', |
'TIM4': 'TIM2', |
} |
# Rename peripheral when generating (bad name in SVD) |
periph_rename = { |
'ADC1_2': 'ADC12', |
'ADC3_4': 'ADC34', |
'Flash': 'FLASH' |
} |
# ------------------------------------ |
base_line = "{0:<30} EQU {1:#x}" |
reg_line = "{0:<30} EQU ({1}_BASE + {2:#x})" |
field_line = "{0:<30} EQU {1:#010x}" |
field_ofs_line = "{0:<30} EQU {1:#d}" |
field_len_line = field_ofs_line |
def comment_str(x): |
if x is None: |
return '' |
return '; %s' % re.sub(r"[\s\n]+", ' ', x.replace('\n',' ')) |
def comment(x): |
print(comment_str(x)) |
def banner(x): |
comment('==== {:=<55}'.format("%s " % x)) |
def caption(x): |
print() |
comment('---- {:-<55}'.format("%s " % x)) |
def comment(x): |
print(comment_str(x)) |
# ------------------------------------ |
parser = SVDParser.for_packaged_svd('STMicro', svd_name) |
device = parser.get_device() |
print() |
banner('%s PERIPHERALS' % |
comment('') |
comment('CTU Prague, FEL, Department of Measurement') |
comment('') |
comment('-' * 60) |
comment('') |
comment('Generated from "%s"' % svd_name) |
comment('') |
comment('SVD parsing library (c) Paul Osborne, 2015-2016') |
comment('') |
comment('ASM building script (c) Ondrej Hruska, 2016') |
comment('') |
comment('=' * 60) |
print() |
# periph registers |
def print_registers(peripheral, pname=None): |
if pname is None: |
pname = periph_rename.get(, |
for register in peripheral.registers: |
print(reg_line.format("%s_%s" % (pname,, pname, register.address_offset), end=' ') |
comment(register.description) |
# periph fields |
def print_fields(peripheral, pname=None): |
if pname is None: |
pname = periph_rename.get(, |
for register in peripheral.registers: |
print() |
comment('%s_%s fields:' % (pname, |
print() |
for field in register.fields: |
mask = ((1 << field.bit_width) - 1) << field.bit_offset |
f_pname = periph_rename_for_field.get(pname, pname) |
print(field_line.format("%s_%s_%s" % (f_pname,,, mask), end=' ') |
comment(field.description) |
if want_ofs: |
print(field_ofs_line.format("%s_%s_%s_ofs" % (f_pname,,, field.bit_offset)) |
if want_len: |
print(field_len_line.format("%s_%s_%s_len" % (f_pname,,, field.bit_width)) |
print() |
# Print the list |
periph_dict = {} |
for peripheral in device.peripherals: |
periph_name = periph_rename.get(, |
# add to a dict for referencing by name |
periph_dict[periph_name] = peripheral |
# ----- |
caption(periph_name) |
comment('Desc: %s' % peripheral.description) |
print() |
comment('%s base address:' % periph_name) |
print(base_line.format("%s_BASE" % periph_name, peripheral.base_address)) |
print() |
comment('%s registers:' % periph_name) |
print() |
# Registers |
if periph_name in same_regs_as: |
print_registers(periph_dict[same_regs_as[periph_name]], pname=periph_name) |
else: |
print_registers(peripheral) |
if periph_name in no_print_fields: |
comment('Fields the same as in the first instance.') |
continue |
# Fields |
if periph_name in same_regs_as: |
print_fields(periph_dict[same_regs_as[periph_name]], pname=periph_name) |
else: |
print_fields(peripheral) |
print(' END\n') |
@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ |
from cmsis_svd.parser import SVDParser |
import json |
import re |
# ------------------------------------ |
svd_name = 'STM32F303x.svd' |
want_ofs = True |
want_len = True |
# Do not print poripheral field definitions (same as first instance) |
no_print_fields = [ |
'GPIOB', |
'GPIOC', |
'GPIOD', |
'GPIOG', |
'GPIOF', |
'USART2', |
'USART3', |
'ADC2' |
] |
# Same registers as... (points to first instance) |
same_regs_as = { |
'USART2': 'USART1', |
'USART3': 'USART1', |
'TIM3': 'TIM2', |
'DAC2': 'DAC1', |
'ADC2': 'ADC1' |
} |
# Rename peripheral when building field definitions |
# Used for multiple instances (build fields only for the first) |
periph_rename_for_field = { |
'GPIOA': 'GPIO', |
'USART1': 'USART', |
'DAC1': 'DAC', |
'ADC12': 'ADCC', |
'I2C1': 'I2C' |
} |
# Rename peripheral when generating (bad name in SVD) |
periph_rename = { |
'ADC1_2': 'ADC12', |
'Flash': 'FLASH' |
} |
# ------------------------------------ |
base_line = "{0:<30} EQU {1:#x}" |
reg_line = "{0:<30} EQU ({1}_BASE + {2:#x})" |
field_line = "{0:<30} EQU {1:#010x}" |
field_ofs_line = "{0:<30} EQU {1:#d}" |
field_len_line = field_ofs_line |
def comment_str(x): |
if x is None: |
return '' |
return '; %s' % re.sub(r"[\s\n]+", ' ', x.replace('\n',' ')) |
def comment(x): |
print(comment_str(x)) |
def banner(x): |
comment('==== {:=<55}'.format("%s " % x)) |
def caption(x): |
print() |
comment('---- {:-<55}'.format("%s " % x)) |
def comment(x): |
print(comment_str(x)) |
# ------------------------------------ |
parser = SVDParser.for_packaged_svd('STMicro', svd_name) |
device = parser.get_device() |
print() |
banner('%s PERIPHERALS' % |
comment('') |
comment('CTU Prague, FEL, Department of Measurement') |
comment('') |
comment('-' * 60) |
comment('') |
comment('Generated from "%s"' % svd_name) |
comment('') |
comment('SVD parsing library (c) Paul Osborne, 2015-2016') |
comment('') |
comment('ASM building script (c) Ondrej Hruska, 2016') |
comment('') |
comment('=' * 60) |
print() |
# periph registers |
def print_registers(peripheral, pname=None): |
if pname is None: |
pname = periph_rename.get(, |
for register in peripheral.registers: |
print(reg_line.format("%s_%s" % (pname,, pname, register.address_offset), end=' ') |
comment(register.description) |
# periph fields |
def print_fields(peripheral, pname=None): |
if pname is None: |
pname = periph_rename.get(, |
for register in peripheral.registers: |
print() |
comment('%s_%s fields:' % (pname, |
print() |
for field in register.fields: |
mask = ((1 << field.bit_width) - 1) << field.bit_offset |
f_pname = periph_rename_for_field.get(pname, pname) |
print(field_line.format("%s_%s_%s" % (f_pname,,, mask), end=' ') |
comment(field.description) |
if want_ofs: |
print(field_ofs_line.format("%s_%s_%s_ofs" % (f_pname,,, field.bit_offset)) |
if want_len: |
print(field_len_line.format("%s_%s_%s_len" % (f_pname,,, field.bit_width)) |
print() |
# Print the list |
periph_dict = {} |
for peripheral in device.peripherals: |
periph_name = periph_rename.get(, |
# add to a dict for referencing by name |
periph_dict[periph_name] = peripheral |
# ----- |
caption(periph_name) |
comment('Desc: %s' % peripheral.description) |
print() |
comment('%s base address:' % periph_name) |
print(base_line.format("%s_BASE" % periph_name, peripheral.base_address)) |
print() |
comment('%s registers:' % periph_name) |
print() |
# Registers |
if periph_name in same_regs_as: |
print_registers(periph_dict[same_regs_as[periph_name]], pname=periph_name) |
else: |
print_registers(peripheral) |
if periph_name in no_print_fields: |
comment('Fields the same as in the first instance.') |
continue |
# Fields |
if periph_name in same_regs_as: |
print_fields(periph_dict[same_regs_as[periph_name]], pname=periph_name) |
else: |
print_fields(peripheral) |
print(' END\n') |
@ -0,0 +1,230 @@ |
from cmsis_svd.parser import SVDParser |
import json |
import re |
# ------------------------------------ |
# ~ $ ls /usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/cmsis_svd/data/STMicro/ |
# Contents.txt STM32F091x.svd STM32F105xx.svd STM32F303xE.svd STM32F401x.svd STM32F437x.svd STM32L053x.svd STM32L15xxxA.svd |
# License.html STM32F0xx.svd STM32F107xx.svd STM32F303x.svd STM32F40x.svd STM32F439x.svd STM32L062x.svd STM32L1xx.svd |
# STM32F030.svd STM32F100xx.svd STM32F20x.svd STM32F30x.svd STM32F411xx.svd STM32F446x.svd STM32L063x.svd STM32L4x6.svd |
# STM32F031x.svd STM32F101xx.svd STM32F21x.svd STM32F334x.svd STM32F41x.svd STM32F46_79x.svd STM32L100.svd STM32W108.svd |
# STM32F042x.svd STM32F102xx.svd STM32F301x.svd STM32F37x.svd STM32F427x.svd STM32L051x.svd STM32L15xC.svd |
# STM32F072x.svd STM32F103xx.svd STM32F302x.svd STM32F401xE.svd STM32F429x.svd STM32L052x.svd STM32L15xxE.svd |
svd_name = 'STM32F303xE.svd' |
want_ofs = True |
want_len = True |
# Do not print poripheral field definitions (same as first instance) |
no_print_fields = [ |
'GPIOB', |
'GPIOC', |
'GPIOD', |
'GPIOE', |
'GPIOF', |
'GPIOG', |
'GPIOH', |
'USART2', |
'USART3', |
'USART4', |
'USART5', |
'SPI2', |
'SPI3', |
'TIM3', |
'DAC2', |
'SPI2', |
'SPI3', |
'ADC2', |
'ADC3', |
'ADC4', |
'ADC34', |
'I2C2', |
'I2C3', |
] |
# Rename peripheral when building field definitions |
# Used for multiple instances (build fields only for the first) |
periph_rename_for_field = { |
'GPIOA': 'GPIO', |
'USART1': 'USART', |
'DAC1': 'DAC', |
'SPI1': 'SPI', |
'ADC1': 'ADC', |
'ADC12': 'ADCC', |
'I2C1': 'I2C' |
} |
# Same registers as... (points to first instance) |
same_regs_as = { |
'USART2': 'USART1', |
'USART3': 'USART1', |
'USART4': 'USART1', |
'USART5': 'USART1', |
'DAC2': 'DAC1', |
'SPI2': 'SPI1', |
'SPI3': 'SPI1', |
'ADC2': 'ADC1', |
'ADC3': 'ADC1', |
'ADC4': 'ADC1', |
'I2C2': 'I2C1', |
'I2C3': 'I2C1', |
'ADC34': 'ADC12', |
'ADC2': 'ADC1', |
'ADC3': 'ADC1', |
'ADC4': 'ADC1', |
'TIM3': 'TIM2', |
'TIM4': 'TIM2', |
} |
# Rename peripheral when generating (bad name in SVD) |
periph_rename = { |
'ADC1_2': 'ADC12', |
'ADC3_4': 'ADC34', |
'Flash': 'FLASH' |
} |
# ------------------------------------ |
base_line = "{0:<30} EQU {1:#x}" |
reg_line = "{0:<30} EQU ({1}_BASE + {2:#x})" |
field_line = "{0:<30} EQU {1:#010x}" |
field_ofs_line = "{0:<30} EQU {1:#d}" |
field_len_line = field_ofs_line |
def comment_str(x): |
if x is None: |
return '' |
return '; %s' % re.sub(r"[\s\n]+", ' ', x.replace('\n',' ')) |
def comment(x): |
print(comment_str(x)) |
def banner(x): |
comment('==== {:=<55}'.format("%s " % x)) |
def caption(x): |
print() |
comment('---- {:-<55}'.format("%s " % x)) |
def comment(x): |
print(comment_str(x)) |
# ------------------------------------ |
parser = SVDParser.for_packaged_svd('STMicro', svd_name) |
device = parser.get_device() |
print() |
banner('%s PERIPHERALS' % |
comment('') |
comment('CTU Prague, FEL, Department of Measurement') |
comment('') |
comment('-' * 60) |
comment('') |
comment('Generated from "%s"' % svd_name) |
comment('') |
comment('SVD parsing library (c) Paul Osborne, 2015-2016') |
comment('') |
comment('ASM building script (c) Ondrej Hruska, 2016') |
comment('') |
comment('=' * 60) |
print() |
# periph registers |
def print_registers(peripheral, pname=None): |
if pname is None: |
pname = periph_rename.get(, |
for register in peripheral.registers: |
print(reg_line.format("%s_%s" % (pname,, pname, register.address_offset), end=' ') |
comment(register.description) |
# periph fields |
def print_fields(peripheral, pname=None): |
if pname is None: |
pname = periph_rename.get(, |
for register in peripheral.registers: |
print() |
comment('%s_%s fields:' % (pname, |
print() |
for field in register.fields: |
mask = ((1 << field.bit_width) - 1) << field.bit_offset |
f_pname = periph_rename_for_field.get(pname, pname) |
print(field_line.format("%s_%s_%s" % (f_pname,,, mask), end=' ') |
comment(field.description) |
if want_ofs: |
print(field_ofs_line.format("%s_%s_%s_ofs" % (f_pname,,, field.bit_offset)) |
if want_len: |
print(field_len_line.format("%s_%s_%s_len" % (f_pname,,, field.bit_width)) |
print() |
# Print the list |
periph_dict = {} |
for peripheral in device.peripherals: |
periph_name = periph_rename.get(, |
# add to a dict for referencing by name |
periph_dict[periph_name] = peripheral |
# ----- |
caption(periph_name) |
comment('Desc: %s' % peripheral.description) |
print() |
comment('%s base address:' % periph_name) |
print(base_line.format("%s_BASE" % periph_name, peripheral.base_address)) |
print() |
comment('%s registers:' % periph_name) |
print() |
# Registers |
if periph_name in same_regs_as: |
print_registers(periph_dict[same_regs_as[periph_name]], pname=periph_name) |
else: |
print_registers(peripheral) |
if periph_name in no_print_fields: |
comment('Fields the same as in the first instance.') |
continue |
# Fields |
if periph_name in same_regs_as: |
print_fields(periph_dict[same_regs_as[periph_name]], pname=periph_name) |
else: |
print_fields(peripheral) |
print(' END\n') |
@ -0,0 +1,206 @@ |
from cmsis_svd.parser import SVDParser |
import json |
import re |
# ------------------------------------ |
svd_name = 'STM32F30x.svd' |
want_ofs = True |
want_len = True |
# Do not print poripheral field definitions (same as first instance) |
no_print_fields = [ |
'GPIOB', |
'GPIOC', |
'GPIOD', |
'GPIOE', |
'GPIOF', |
'GPIOG', |
'USART2', |
'USART3', |
'ADC2', |
'ADC3', |
'ADC4', |
'ADC34', |
'I2C2', |
'I2C3', |
'SPI2', |
'SPI3', |
] |
# Same registers as... (points to first instance) |
same_regs_as = { |
'USART2': 'USART1', |
'USART3': 'USART1', |
'TIM4': 'TIM3', |
'DAC2': 'DAC1', |
'ADC2': 'ADC1', |
'ADC3': 'ADC1', |
'ADC4': 'ADC1', |
'ADC34': 'ADC12', |
'I2C2': 'I2C1', |
'I2C3': 'I2C1', |
'SPI2': 'SPI1', |
'SPI3': 'SPI1', |
} |
# Rename peripheral when building field definitions |
# Used for multiple instances (build fields only for the first) |
periph_rename_for_field = { |
'GPIOA': 'GPIO', |
'USART1': 'USART', |
'DAC1': 'DAC', |
'ADC12': 'ADCC', |
'I2C1': 'I2C' |
} |
# Rename peripheral when generating (bad name in SVD) |
periph_rename = { |
'ADC1_2': 'ADC12', |
'ADC3_4': 'ADC34', |
'Flash': 'FLASH' |
} |
# ------------------------------------ |
base_line = "{0:<30} EQU {1:#x}" |
reg_line = "{0:<30} EQU ({1}_BASE + {2:#x})" |
field_line = "{0:<30} EQU {1:#010x}" |
field_ofs_line = "{0:<30} EQU {1:#d}" |
field_len_line = field_ofs_line |
def comment_str(x): |
if x is None: |
return '' |
return '; %s' % re.sub(r"[\s\n]+", ' ', x.replace('\n',' ')) |
def comment(x): |
print(comment_str(x)) |
def banner(x): |
comment('==== {:=<55}'.format("%s " % x)) |
def caption(x): |
print() |
comment('---- {:-<55}'.format("%s " % x)) |
def comment(x): |
print(comment_str(x)) |
# ------------------------------------ |
parser = SVDParser.for_packaged_svd('STMicro', svd_name) |
device = parser.get_device() |
print() |
banner('%s PERIPHERALS' % |
comment('') |
comment('CTU Prague, FEL, Department of Measurement') |
comment('') |
comment('-' * 60) |
comment('') |
comment('Generated from "%s"' % svd_name) |
comment('') |
comment('SVD parsing library (c) Paul Osborne, 2015-2016') |
comment('') |
comment('ASM building script (c) Ondrej Hruska, 2016') |
comment('') |
comment('=' * 60) |
print() |
# periph registers |
def print_registers(peripheral, pname=None): |
if pname is None: |
pname = periph_rename.get(, |
for register in peripheral.registers: |
print(reg_line.format("%s_%s" % (pname,, pname, register.address_offset), end=' ') |
comment(register.description) |
# periph fields |
def print_fields(peripheral, pname=None): |
if pname is None: |
pname = periph_rename.get(, |
for register in peripheral.registers: |
print() |
comment('%s_%s fields:' % (pname, |
print() |
for field in register.fields: |
mask = ((1 << field.bit_width) - 1) << field.bit_offset |
f_pname = periph_rename_for_field.get(pname, pname) |
print(field_line.format("%s_%s_%s" % (f_pname,,, mask), end=' ') |
comment(field.description) |
if want_ofs: |
print(field_ofs_line.format("%s_%s_%s_ofs" % (f_pname,,, field.bit_offset)) |
if want_len: |
print(field_len_line.format("%s_%s_%s_len" % (f_pname,,, field.bit_width)) |
print() |
# Print the list |
periph_dict = {} |
for peripheral in device.peripherals: |
periph_name = periph_rename.get(, |
# add to a dict for referencing by name |
periph_dict[periph_name] = peripheral |
# ----- |
caption(periph_name) |
comment('Desc: %s' % peripheral.description) |
print() |
comment('%s base address:' % periph_name) |
print(base_line.format("%s_BASE" % periph_name, peripheral.base_address)) |
print() |
comment('%s registers:' % periph_name) |
print() |
# Registers |
if periph_name in same_regs_as: |
print_registers(periph_dict[same_regs_as[periph_name]], pname=periph_name) |
else: |
print_registers(peripheral) |
if periph_name in no_print_fields: |
comment('Fields the same as in the first instance.') |
continue |
# Fields |
if periph_name in same_regs_as: |
print_fields(periph_dict[same_regs_as[periph_name]], pname=periph_name) |
else: |
print_fields(peripheral) |
print(' END\n') |
@ -0,0 +1,207 @@ |
from cmsis_svd.parser import SVDParser |
import json |
import re |
# ------------------------------------ |
svd_name = 'STM32L100.svd' |
want_ofs = True |
want_len = True |
# Do not print poripheral field definitions (same as first instance) |
no_print_fields = [ |
'GPIOB', |
'GPIOC', |
'GPIOD', |