B3M38SPD seminar project - beehive monitor with LoRa reporting
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

71 lines
1.4 KiB

$json = file_get_contents("msg.json");
$arr = json_decode($json);
$table = [];
foreach($arr as $msg) {
$msg = (array)$msg;
if ($msg['port'] == 68 && $msg['dev_id'] == 'ondrej_hruska') {
$table[] = [
'counter' => $msg['counter'],
'date' => ((array)$msg['metadata'])['time'],
'payload_raw' => $msg['payload_raw'],
'payload' => parsePayload($msg['payload_raw']),
$fil = "Counter\tDate\tTemperature [°C]\tHumidity [%RH]\tPressure [hPa]\tGas_R [Ohm]\n";
foreach($table as $row) {
$p = $row['payload'];
$fil .= "$row[counter]\t$row[date]\t$p[temp]\t$p[hum]\t$p[press]\t$p[gas_r]\n";
file_put_contents("msg.csv", $fil);
function parsePayload($pl64) {
$pl = base64_decode($pl64);
pb_i16(&pb, voc_data.temperature); // Cx100
pb_u16(&pb, (uint16_t) (voc_data.humidity / 10)); // discard one place -> %x100
pb_u16(&pb, (uint16_t) (voc_data.pressure - 85000)); // send offset from 850 hPa -> Pa
pb_u32(&pb, (uint16_t) (voc_data.gas_resistance)); // ohms, full size
$res = [];
$t = (ord($pl[0])<<8 | ord($pl[1]));
if ($t&0x8000) $t = ~$t - 1;
$res['temp'] = $t/100;
$t = (ord($pl[2])<<8 | ord($pl[3]));
$res['hum'] = $t/100;
$t = (ord($pl[4])<<8 | ord($pl[5]));
$res['press'] = (85000+$t)/100;
$t = (ord($pl[6])<<24 | ord($pl[7])<<16 | ord($pl[8])<<8 | ord($pl[9]));
$res['gas_r'] = $t;
return $res;