/*! * \file RegionEU868.h * * \brief Region definition for EU868 * * \copyright Revised BSD License, see section \ref LICENSE. * * \code * ______ _ * / _____) _ | | * ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__ * \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \ * _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | | * (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_| * (C)2013 Semtech * * ___ _____ _ ___ _ _____ ___ ___ ___ ___ * / __|_ _/_\ / __| |/ / __/ _ \| _ \/ __| __| * \__ \ | |/ _ \ (__| ' <| _| (_) | / (__| _| * |___/ |_/_/ \_\___|_|\_\_| \___/|_|_\\___|___| * embedded.connectivity.solutions=============== * * \endcode * * \author Miguel Luis ( Semtech ) * * \author Gregory Cristian ( Semtech ) * * \author Daniel Jaeckle ( STACKFORCE ) * * \defgroup REGIONEU868 Region EU868 * Implementation according to LoRaWAN Specification v1.0.2. * \{ */ #ifndef __REGION_EU868_H__ #define __REGION_EU868_H__ /*! * LoRaMac maximum number of channels */ #define EU868_MAX_NB_CHANNELS 16 /*! * Number of default channels */ #define EU868_NUMB_DEFAULT_CHANNELS 3 /*! * Number of channels to apply for the CF list */ #define EU868_NUMB_CHANNELS_CF_LIST 5 /*! * Minimal datarate that can be used by the node */ #define EU868_TX_MIN_DATARATE DR_0 /*! * Maximal datarate that can be used by the node */ #define EU868_TX_MAX_DATARATE DR_7 /*! * Minimal datarate that can be used by the node */ #define EU868_RX_MIN_DATARATE DR_0 /*! * Maximal datarate that can be used by the node */ #define EU868_RX_MAX_DATARATE DR_7 /*! * Default datarate used by the node */ #define EU868_DEFAULT_DATARATE DR_0 /*! * Minimal Rx1 receive datarate offset */ #define EU868_MIN_RX1_DR_OFFSET 0 /*! * Maximal Rx1 receive datarate offset */ #define EU868_MAX_RX1_DR_OFFSET 5 /*! * Default Rx1 receive datarate offset */ #define EU868_DEFAULT_RX1_DR_OFFSET 0 /*! * Minimal Tx output power that can be used by the node */ #define EU868_MIN_TX_POWER TX_POWER_7 /*! * Maximal Tx output power that can be used by the node */ #define EU868_MAX_TX_POWER TX_POWER_0 /*! * Default Tx output power used by the node */ #define EU868_DEFAULT_TX_POWER TX_POWER_0 /*! * Default Max EIRP */ #define EU868_DEFAULT_MAX_EIRP 16.0f /*! * Default antenna gain */ #define EU868_DEFAULT_ANTENNA_GAIN 2.15f /*! * ADR Ack limit */ #define EU868_ADR_ACK_LIMIT 64 /*! * ADR Ack delay */ #define EU868_ADR_ACK_DELAY 32 /*! * Enabled or disabled the duty cycle */ #define EU868_DUTY_CYCLE_ENABLED 1 /*! * Maximum RX window duration */ #define EU868_MAX_RX_WINDOW 3000 /*! * Receive delay 1 */ #define EU868_RECEIVE_DELAY1 1000 /*! * Receive delay 2 */ #define EU868_RECEIVE_DELAY2 2000 /*! * Join accept delay 1 */ #define EU868_JOIN_ACCEPT_DELAY1 5000 /*! * Join accept delay 2 */ #define EU868_JOIN_ACCEPT_DELAY2 6000 /*! * Maximum frame counter gap */ #define EU868_MAX_FCNT_GAP 16384 /*! * Ack timeout */ #define EU868_ACKTIMEOUT 2000 /*! * Random ack timeout limits */ #define EU868_ACK_TIMEOUT_RND 1000 #if ( EU868_DEFAULT_DATARATE > DR_5 ) #error "A default DR higher than DR_5 may lead to connectivity loss." #endif /*! * Second reception window channel frequency definition. */ #define EU868_RX_WND_2_FREQ 869525000 /*! * Second reception window channel datarate definition. */ #define EU868_RX_WND_2_DR DR_0 /*! * Maximum number of bands */ #define EU868_MAX_NB_BANDS 5 /*! * Band 0 definition * { DutyCycle, TxMaxPower, LastTxDoneTime, TimeOff } */ #define EU868_BAND0 { 100 , EU868_MAX_TX_POWER, 0, 0 } // 1.0 % /*! * Band 1 definition * { DutyCycle, TxMaxPower, LastTxDoneTime, TimeOff } */ #define EU868_BAND1 { 100 , EU868_MAX_TX_POWER, 0, 0 } // 1.0 % /*! * Band 2 definition * Band = { DutyCycle, TxMaxPower, LastTxDoneTime, TimeOff } */ #define EU868_BAND2 { 1000, EU868_MAX_TX_POWER, 0, 0 } // 0.1 % /*! * Band 2 definition * Band = { DutyCycle, TxMaxPower, LastTxDoneTime, TimeOff } */ #define EU868_BAND3 { 10 , EU868_MAX_TX_POWER, 0, 0 } // 10.0 % /*! * Band 2 definition * Band = { DutyCycle, TxMaxPower, LastTxDoneTime, TimeOff } */ #define EU868_BAND4 { 100 , EU868_MAX_TX_POWER, 0, 0 } // 1.0 % /*! * LoRaMac default channel 1 * Channel = { Frequency [Hz], RX1 Frequency [Hz], { ( ( DrMax << 4 ) | DrMin ) }, Band } */ #define EU868_LC1 { 868100000, 0, { ( ( DR_5 << 4 ) | DR_0 ) }, 1 } /*! * LoRaMac default channel 2 * Channel = { Frequency [Hz], RX1 Frequency [Hz], { ( ( DrMax << 4 ) | DrMin ) }, Band } */ #define EU868_LC2 { 868300000, 0, { ( ( DR_5 << 4 ) | DR_0 ) }, 1 } /*! * LoRaMac default channel 3 * Channel = { Frequency [Hz], RX1 Frequency [Hz], { ( ( DrMax << 4 ) | DrMin ) }, Band } */ #define EU868_LC3 { 868500000, 0, { ( ( DR_5 << 4 ) | DR_0 ) }, 1 } /*! * LoRaMac channels which are allowed for the join procedure */ #define EU868_JOIN_CHANNELS ( uint16_t )( LC( 1 ) | LC( 2 ) | LC( 3 ) ) /*! * Data rates table definition */ static const uint8_t DataratesEU868[] = { 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 7, 50 }; /*! * Bandwidths table definition in Hz */ static const uint32_t BandwidthsEU868[] = { 125000, 125000, 125000, 125000, 125000, 125000, 250000, 0 }; /*! * Maximum payload with respect to the datarate index. Cannot operate with repeater. */ static const uint8_t MaxPayloadOfDatarateEU868[] = { 51, 51, 51, 115, 242, 242, 242, 242 }; /*! * Maximum payload with respect to the datarate index. Can operate with repeater. */ static const uint8_t MaxPayloadOfDatarateRepeaterEU868[] = { 51, 51, 51, 115, 222, 222, 222, 222 }; /*! * \brief The function gets a value of a specific phy attribute. * * \param [IN] getPhy Pointer to the function parameters. * * \retval Returns a structure containing the PHY parameter. */ PhyParam_t RegionEU868GetPhyParam( GetPhyParams_t* getPhy ); /*! * \brief Updates the last TX done parameters of the current channel. * * \param [IN] txDone Pointer to the function parameters. */ void RegionEU868SetBandTxDone( SetBandTxDoneParams_t* txDone ); /*! * \brief Initializes the channels masks and the channels. * * \param [IN] type Sets the initialization type. */ void RegionEU868InitDefaults( InitType_t type ); /*! * \brief Verifies a parameter. * * \param [IN] verify Pointer to the function parameters. * * \param [IN] type Sets the initialization type. * * \retval Returns true, if the parameter is valid. */ bool RegionEU868Verify( VerifyParams_t* verify, PhyAttribute_t phyAttribute ); /*! * \brief The function parses the input buffer and sets up the channels of the * CF list. * * \param [IN] applyCFList Pointer to the function parameters. */ void RegionEU868ApplyCFList( ApplyCFListParams_t* applyCFList ); /*! * \brief Sets a channels mask. * * \param [IN] chanMaskSet Pointer to the function parameters. * * \retval Returns true, if the channels mask could be set. */ bool RegionEU868ChanMaskSet( ChanMaskSetParams_t* chanMaskSet ); /*! * \brief Calculates the next datarate to set, when ADR is on or off. * * \param [IN] adrNext Pointer to the function parameters. * * \param [OUT] drOut The calculated datarate for the next TX. * * \param [OUT] txPowOut The TX power for the next TX. * * \param [OUT] adrAckCounter The calculated ADR acknowledgement counter. * * \retval Returns true, if an ADR request should be performed. */ bool RegionEU868AdrNext( AdrNextParams_t* adrNext, int8_t* drOut, int8_t* txPowOut, uint32_t* adrAckCounter ); /*! * Computes the Rx window timeout and offset. * * \param [IN] datarate Rx window datarate index to be used * * \param [IN] minRxSymbols Minimum required number of symbols to detect an Rx frame. * * \param [IN] rxError System maximum timing error of the receiver. In milliseconds * The receiver will turn on in a [-rxError : +rxError] ms * interval around RxOffset * * \param [OUT]rxConfigParams Returns updated WindowTimeout and WindowOffset fields. */ void RegionEU868ComputeRxWindowParameters( int8_t datarate, uint8_t minRxSymbols, uint32_t rxError, RxConfigParams_t *rxConfigParams ); /*! * \brief Configuration of the RX windows. * * \param [IN] rxConfig Pointer to the function parameters. * * \param [OUT] datarate The datarate index which was set. * * \retval Returns true, if the configuration was applied successfully. */ bool RegionEU868RxConfig( RxConfigParams_t* rxConfig, int8_t* datarate ); /*! * \brief TX configuration. * * \param [IN] txConfig Pointer to the function parameters. * * \param [OUT] txPower The tx power index which was set. * * \param [OUT] txTimeOnAir The time-on-air of the frame. * * \retval Returns true, if the configuration was applied successfully. */ bool RegionEU868TxConfig( TxConfigParams_t* txConfig, int8_t* txPower, TimerTime_t* txTimeOnAir ); /*! * \brief The function processes a Link ADR Request. * * \param [IN] linkAdrReq Pointer to the function parameters. * * \retval Returns the status of the operation, according to the LoRaMAC specification. */ uint8_t RegionEU868LinkAdrReq( LinkAdrReqParams_t* linkAdrReq, int8_t* drOut, int8_t* txPowOut, uint8_t* nbRepOut, uint8_t* nbBytesParsed ); /*! * \brief The function processes a RX Parameter Setup Request. * * \param [IN] rxParamSetupReq Pointer to the function parameters. * * \retval Returns the status of the operation, according to the LoRaMAC specification. */ uint8_t RegionEU868RxParamSetupReq( RxParamSetupReqParams_t* rxParamSetupReq ); /*! * \brief The function processes a Channel Request. * * \param [IN] newChannelReq Pointer to the function parameters. * * \retval Returns the status of the operation, according to the LoRaMAC specification. */ uint8_t RegionEU868NewChannelReq( NewChannelReqParams_t* newChannelReq ); /*! * \brief The function processes a TX ParamSetup Request. * * \param [IN] txParamSetupReq Pointer to the function parameters. * * \retval Returns the status of the operation, according to the LoRaMAC specification. * Returns -1, if the functionality is not implemented. In this case, the end node * shall not process the command. */ int8_t RegionEU868TxParamSetupReq( TxParamSetupReqParams_t* txParamSetupReq ); /*! * \brief The function processes a DlChannel Request. * * \param [IN] dlChannelReq Pointer to the function parameters. * * \retval Returns the status of the operation, according to the LoRaMAC specification. */ uint8_t RegionEU868DlChannelReq( DlChannelReqParams_t* dlChannelReq ); /*! * \brief Alternates the datarate of the channel for the join request. * * \param [IN] alternateDr Pointer to the function parameters. * * \retval Datarate to apply. */ int8_t RegionEU868AlternateDr( AlternateDrParams_t* alternateDr ); /*! * \brief Calculates the back-off time. * * \param [IN] calcBackOff Pointer to the function parameters. */ void RegionEU868CalcBackOff( CalcBackOffParams_t* calcBackOff ); /*! * \brief Searches and set the next random available channel * * \param [OUT] channel Next channel to use for TX. * * \param [OUT] time Time to wait for the next transmission according to the duty * cycle. * * \param [OUT] aggregatedTimeOff Updates the aggregated time off. * * \retval Function status [1: OK, 0: Unable to find a channel on the current datarate] */ bool RegionEU868NextChannel( NextChanParams_t* nextChanParams, uint8_t* channel, TimerTime_t* time, TimerTime_t* aggregatedTimeOff ); /*! * \brief Adds a channel. * * \param [IN] channelAdd Pointer to the function parameters. * * \retval Status of the operation. */ LoRaMacStatus_t RegionEU868ChannelAdd( ChannelAddParams_t* channelAdd ); /*! * \brief Removes a channel. * * \param [IN] channelRemove Pointer to the function parameters. * * \retval Returns true, if the channel was removed successfully. */ bool RegionEU868ChannelsRemove( ChannelRemoveParams_t* channelRemove ); /*! * \brief Sets the radio into continuous wave mode. * * \param [IN] continuousWave Pointer to the function parameters. */ void RegionEU868SetContinuousWave( ContinuousWaveParams_t* continuousWave ); /*! * \brief Computes new datarate according to the given offset * * \param [IN] downlinkDwellTime Downlink dwell time configuration. 0: No limit, 1: 400ms * * \param [IN] dr Current datarate * * \param [IN] drOffset Offset to be applied * * \retval newDr Computed datarate. */ uint8_t RegionEU868ApplyDrOffset( uint8_t downlinkDwellTime, int8_t dr, int8_t drOffset ); /*! \} defgroup REGIONEU868 */ #endif // __REGION_EU868_H__