SCPI parser and status register model implementation (device side) written in C
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

355 lines
7.8 KiB

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "scpi_errors.h"
#include "scpi_regs.h"
#define ERR_QUEUE_LEN 4
#define MAX_ERROR_LEN 150
// --- queue impl ---
static struct ErrorQueueStruct {
char queue[ERR_QUEUE_LEN][MAX_ERROR_LEN + 1];
int8_t r_pos;
int8_t w_pos;
int8_t count; // signed for backtracking
} erq;
void scpi_add_error(int16_t errno, const char *extra)
if (erq.count >= ERR_QUEUE_LEN) {
extra = NULL;
// backtrack
if (erq.w_pos < 0) {
erq.w_pos = ERR_QUEUE_LEN - 1;
// get string & coerce errno to valid value
errno = scpi_error_string(erq.queue[erq.w_pos], errno, extra);
// run optional user error callback
if (scpi_user_error) {
scpi_user_error(errno, erq.queue[erq.w_pos]);
if (erq.w_pos >= ERR_QUEUE_LEN) {
erq.w_pos = 0;
// error type status flags
if (errno >= -499 && errno <= -400) {
} else if ((errno >= -399 && errno <= -300) || errno > 0) {
} else if (errno >= -299 && errno <= -200) {
} else if (errno >= -199 && errno <= -100) {
// update the error queue bit and propagate the above flags
void scpi_read_error_noremove(char *buf)
if (erq.count == 0) {
scpi_error_string(buf, E_NO_ERROR, NULL);
strcpy(buf, erq.queue[erq.r_pos]);
void scpi_read_error(char *buf)
if (erq.count == 0) {
scpi_error_string(buf, E_NO_ERROR, NULL);
strcpy(buf, erq.queue[erq.r_pos++]);
if (erq.r_pos >= ERR_QUEUE_LEN) {
erq.r_pos = 0;
void scpi_clear_errors(void)
erq.r_pos = 0;
erq.w_pos = 0;
erq.count = 0;
uint8_t scpi_error_count(void)
return erq.count;
// ---- table ----
static const SCPI_error_desc no_error_desc = {0, "No error"};
static const SCPI_error_desc scpi_std_errors[] = {
{ -100, "Command error"},
{ -110, "Command header error"},
{ -120, "Numeric data error"},
{ -130, "Suffix error"},
{ -140, "Character data error"},
{ -150, "String data error"},
{ -160, "Block data error"},
{ -170, "Expression error"},
{ -180, "Macro error"},
{ -200, "Execution error"},
{ -210, "Trigger error"},
{ -220, "Parameter error"},
{ -230, "Data corrupt or stale"},
{ -240, "Hardware error"},
{ -250, "Mass storage error"},
{ -260, "Expression error"},
{ -270, "Macro error"},
{ -280, "Program error"},
{ -290, "Memory use error"},
{ -300, "Device-specific error"},
{ -310, "System error"},
{ -320, "Storage fault"},
{ -330, "Self-test failed"},
{ -340, "Calibration failed"},
{ -350, "Queue overflow"},
{ -360, "Communication error"},
{ -400, "Query error"},
// Error codes that don't make much sense
{ -410, "Query INTERRUPTED"},
{ -420, "Query UNTERMINATED"},
{ -430, "Query DEADLOCKED"},
{ -440, "Query UNTERMINATED after indefinite response"},
{ -500, "Power on"},
{ -600, "User request"},
{ -700, "Request control"},
{ -800, "Operation complete"},
// Fine error codes.
// Turn off to save space
{ -101, "Invalid character"},
{ -102, "Syntax error"},
{ -103, "Invalid separator"},
{ -104, "Data type error"},
{ -105, "GET not allowed"},
{ -108, "Parameter not allowed"},
{ -109, "Missing parameter"},
{ -111, "Header separator error"},
{ -112, "Program mnemonic too long"},
{ -113, "Undefined header"},
{ -114, "Header suffix out of range"},
{ -115, "Unexpected number of parameters"},
{ -121, "Invalid character in number"},
{ -123, "Exponent too large"},
{ -124, "Too many digits"},
{ -128, "Numeric data not allowed"},
{ -131, "Invalid suffix"},
{ -134, "Suffix too long"},
{ -138, "Suffix not allowed"},
{ -141, "Invalid character data"},
{ -144, "Character data too long"},
{ -148, "Character data not allowed"},
{ -151, "Invalid string data"},
{ -158, "String data not allowed"},
{ -161, "Invalid block data"},
{ -168, "Block data not allowed"},
{ -171, "Invalid expression"},
{ -178, "Expression data not allowed"},
{ -181, "Invalid outside macro definition"},
{ -183, "Invalid inside macro definition"},
{ -184, "Macro parameter error"},
{ -201, "Invalid while in local"},
{ -202, "Settings lost due to rtl"},
{ -203, "Command protected"},
{ -211, "Trigger ignored"},
{ -212, "Arm ignored"},
{ -213, "Init ignored"},
{ -214, "Trigger deadlock"},
{ -215, "Arm deadlock"},
{ -221, "Settings conflict"},
{ -222, "Data out of range"},
{ -223, "Too much data"},
{ -224, "Illegal parameter value"},
{ -225, "Out of memory"},
{ -226, "Lists not same length"},
{ -231, "Data questionable"},
{ -232, "Invalid format"},
{ -233, "Invalid version"},
{ -241, "Hardware missing"},
{ -251, "Missing mass storage"},
{ -252, "Missing media"},
{ -253, "Corrupt media"},
{ -254, "Media full"},
{ -255, "Directory full"},
{ -256, "File name not found"},
{ -257, "File name error"},
{ -258, "Media protected"},
{ -261, "Math error in expression"},
{ -271, "Macro syntax error"},
{ -272, "Macro execution error"},
{ -273, "Illegal macro label"},
{ -274, "Macro parameter error"},
{ -275, "Macro definition too long"},
{ -276, "Macro recursion error"},
{ -277, "Macro redefinition not allowed"},
{ -278, "Macro header not found"},
{ -281, "Cannot create program"},
{ -282, "Illegal program name"},
{ -283, "Illegal variable name"},
{ -284, "Program currently running"},
{ -285, "Program syntax error"},
{ -286, "Program runtime error"},
{ -291, "Out of memory"},
{ -292, "Referenced name does not exist"},
{ -293, "Referenced name already exists"},
{ -294, "Incompatible type"},
{ -311, "Memory error"},
{ -312, "PUD memory lost"},
{ -313, "Calibration memory lost"},
{ -314, "Save/recall memory lost"},
{ -315, "Configuration memory lost"},
{ -321, "Out of memory"},
{ -361, "Parity error in program message"},
{ -362, "Framing error in program message"},
{ -363, "Input buffer overrun"},
{ -365, "Time out error"},
{0} // end mark
static const SCPI_error_desc * find_error_desc(const SCPI_error_desc *table, int16_t errno)
for (int i = 0; (i == 0 || table[i].errno != 0); i++) {
if (table[i].errno == errno) {
return &table[i];
return NULL;
static const SCPI_error_desc * resolve_error_desc(int16_t errno)
const SCPI_error_desc *desc;
if (errno == 0) {
// ok state
return &no_error_desc;
} else if (errno < 0) {
// standard errors
desc = find_error_desc(scpi_std_errors, errno);
if (desc != NULL) return desc;
// not found in table, use group-common error
errno += -errno % 10; // round to ten
desc = find_error_desc(scpi_std_errors, errno);
if (desc != NULL) return desc;
errno += -errno % 100; // round to hundred
desc = find_error_desc(scpi_std_errors, errno);
if (desc != NULL) return desc;
} else {
// user error
desc = find_error_desc(scpi_user_errors, errno);
if (desc != NULL) return desc;
return NULL;
* Get error string.
* @param buffer Buffer for storing the final string. Make sure it's big enough.
* @param errno Error number
* @param extra Extra information, appended after the generic message.
* @returns actual error code. Code may be coerced to closest defined code (categories: tens, hundreds)
int16_t scpi_error_string(char *buffer, int16_t errno, const char *extra)
const SCPI_error_desc *desc = resolve_error_desc(errno);
const char *msg;
if (desc != NULL) {
errno = desc->errno;
msg = desc->msg;
} else {
// bad error code
msg = "Unknown error";
// Print.
if (extra == NULL) {
sprintf(buffer, "%d,\"%s\"", errno, msg);
} else {
sprintf(buffer, "%d,\"%s; %s\"", errno, msg, extra);
return errno;