SCPI parser and status register model implementation (device side) written in C

182 lines
3.5 KiB

$x = <<<FOO
-100 Command error
-101 Invalid character
-102 Syntax error
-103 Invalid separator
-104 Data type error
-105 GET not allowed
-108 Parameter not allowed
-109 Missing parameter
-110 Command header error
-111 Header separator error
-112 Program mnemonic too long
-113 Undefined header
-114 Header suffix out of range
-115 Unexpected number of parameters
-120 Numeric data error
-121 Invalid character in number
-123 Exponent too large
-124 Too many digits
-128 Numeric data not allowed
-130 Suffix error
-131 Invalid suffix
-134 Suffix too long
-138 Suffix not allowed
-140 Character data error
-141 Invalid character data
-144 Character data too long
-148 Character data not allowed
-150 String data error
-151 Invalid string data
-158 String data not allowed
-160 Block data error
-161 Invalid block data
-168 Block data not allowed
-170 Expression error
-171 Invalid expression
-178 Expression data not allowed
-180 Macro error
-181 Invalid outside macro definition
-183 Invalid inside macro definition
-184 Macro parameter error
-200 Execution error
-201 Invalid while in local
-202 Settings lost due to rtl
-203 Command protected
-210 Trigger error
-211 Trigger ignored
-212 Arm ignored
-213 Init ignored
-214 Trigger deadlock
-215 Arm deadlock
-220 Parameter error
-221 Settings conflict
-222 Data out of range
-223 Too much data
-224 Illegal parameter value
-225 Out of memory
-226 Lists not same length
-230 Data corrupt or stale
-231 Data questionable
-232 Invalid format
-233 Invalid version
-240 Hardware error
-241 Hardware missing
-250 Mass storage error
-251 Missing mass storage
-252 Missing media
-253 Corrupt media
-254 Media full
-255 Directory full
-256 File name not found
-257 File name error
-258 Media protected
-260 Expression error
-261 Math error in expression
-270 Macro error
-271 Macro syntax error
-272 Macro execution error
-273 Illegal macro label
-274 Macro parameter error
-275 Macro definition too long
-276 Macro recursion error
-277 Macro redefinition not allowed
-278 Macro header not found
-280 Program error
-281 Cannot create program
-282 Illegal program name
-283 Illegal variable name
-284 Program currently running
-285 Program syntax error
-286 Program runtime error
-290 Memory use error
-291 Out of memory
-292 Referenced name does not exist
-293 Referenced name already exists
-294 Incompatible type
-300 Device-specific error
-310 System error
-311 Memory error
-312 PUD memory lost
-313 Calibration memory lost
-314 Save/recall memory lost
-315 Configuration memory lost
-320 Storage fault
-321 Out of memory
-330 Self-test failed
-340 Calibration failed
-350 Queue overflow
-360 Communication error
-361 Parity error in program message
-362 Framing error in program message
-363 Input buffer overrun
-365 Time out error
-400 Query error
-440 Query UNTERMINATED after indefinite response
-500 Power on
-600 User request
-700 Request control
-800 Operation complete
$lines = explode("\n", $x);
$prefixes = [
-100 => 'CMD',
-200 => 'EXE',
-300 => 'DEV',
foreach($lines as $a)
$a = trim($a);
if($a == '') continue;
list($num, $name) = explode("\t", $a);
$pfx = ''; $ii=($num - $num%100);
if (isset($prefixes[$ii]) && $num%100!=0) {
$pfx = $prefixes[$ii].'_';
$enum = str_replace(' ', '_', strtoupper($name));
$enum = 'E_' . $pfx . preg_replace("/[^A-Z0-9_]/", "_", $enum);
//echo "\t$enum = $num,\n";
echo "\t{"."$num, \"$name\"},\n";