#pragma once #include #include typedef union { struct __attribute__((packed)) { bool VOLT: 1; bool CURR: 1; bool TIME: 1; bool POWER: 1; bool TEMP: 1; bool FREQ: 1; bool PHASE: 1; bool MODUL: 1; bool CALIB: 1; bool BIT_9: 1; // user defined bool BIT_10: 1; bool BIT_11: 1; bool BIT_12: 1; bool INSTR_SUM: 1; // instrument summary bool COMMAND_WARNING: 1; // command warning bool RESERVED: 1; }; uint16_t u16; } SCPI_REG_QUES_t; typedef union { struct __attribute__((packed)) { bool CALIB: 1; bool SETTING: 1; bool RANGING: 1; bool SWEEP: 1; bool MEAS: 1; bool WAIT_TRIG: 1; // waiting for trigger bool WAIT_ARM: 1; // waiting for ARM bool CORRECTING: 1; bool BIT_8: 1; // user defined bool BIT_9: 1; bool BIT_10: 1; bool BIT_11: 1; bool BIT_12: 1; bool INSTR_SUM: 1; // instrument summary bool PROG_RUN: 1; // program running bool RESERVED: 1; }; uint16_t u16; } SCPI_REG_OPER_t; typedef union { struct __attribute__((packed)) { bool OPC: 1; bool REQ_CONTROL: 1; bool QUERY_ERROR: 1; bool DEV_ERROR: 1; bool EXE_ERROR: 1; bool CMD_ERROR: 1; bool USER_REQUEST: 1; bool POWER_ON: 1; }; uint8_t u8; } SCPI_REG_SESR_t; typedef union { struct __attribute__((packed)) { bool BIT_0: 1; bool BIT_1: 1; bool ERRQ: 1; // error queue bool QUES: 1; bool MAV: 1; // message available bool SESR: 1; bool RQS: 1; // request service bool OPER: 1; }; uint8_t u8; } SCPI_REG_STB_t; // QUESTionable register extern SCPI_REG_QUES_t SCPI_REG_QUES; extern SCPI_REG_QUES_t SCPI_REG_QUES_EN; // picks what to use for the STB bit // OPERation status register extern SCPI_REG_OPER_t SCPI_REG_OPER; extern SCPI_REG_OPER_t SCPI_REG_OPER_EN; // picks what to use for the STB bit // Standard Event Status register extern SCPI_REG_SESR_t SCPI_REG_SESR; extern SCPI_REG_SESR_t SCPI_REG_SESR_EN; // ESE // Status byte extern SCPI_REG_STB_t SCPI_REG_STB; extern SCPI_REG_STB_t SCPI_REG_SRE; // SRE void scpi_status_update(void); extern __attribute__((weak)) void scpi_service_request_impl(void);