esp32 firmware for a toaster reflow oven WIP!!!!!
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#include "scenes.h"
#include "liquid.h"
#include "../nokia.h"
#include <malloc.h>
struct private {
int32_t pos;
static struct SceneEvent Car_onInput(struct Scene *scene, struct InputEvent event) {
struct private *priv = scene->private;
switch (event.kind) {
case InputEventKind_Wheel:
priv->pos +=;
if (priv->pos < 0) priv->pos = 0;
if (priv->pos > LCD_WIDTH-21) priv->pos = LCD_WIDTH-21;
return SceneEvent_Repaint();
case InputEventKind_Button:
if (event.button.state) {
return SceneEvent_Close(0, NULL);
// fall through
return SceneEvent_None();
static void Car_paint(struct Scene *scene)
struct private *priv = scene->private;
LCD_setRect(priv->pos, LCD_HEIGHT/2-10, priv->pos+20,LCD_HEIGHT/2+10,0,1);
struct Scene *NewScene_Car(void) {
struct Scene *scene = SCENE_SAFE_ALLOC(struct private);
scene->onInput = Car_onInput;
scene->paint = Car_paint;
return scene;