esp32 firmware for a toaster reflow oven WIP!!!!!
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* GUI framework
* Created on 2020/01/03.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
struct Liquid;
enum InputEvent_Kind {
struct InputEvent {
enum InputEvent_Kind kind;
union {
struct {
// Wheel delta
int8_t delta;
} wheel;
struct {
// Button state
bool state;
} button;
#define InputEvent_Wheel(delta_) ((struct InputEvent) { \
.kind = InputEventKind_Wheel, \
.wheel = { .delta = delta_ } \
#define InputEvent_Button(state_) ((struct InputEvent) { \
.kind = InputEventKind_Button, \
.button = { .state = state_ }, \
enum SceneEvent_Kind {
// Close this scene.
// The scene is responsible for cleaning up 'private'.
// 'options' and the scene itself will be freed by the GUI engine.
struct SceneEvent {
enum SceneEvent_Kind kind;
union {
struct {
// Status code
uint32_t status;
// Return data on heap
void *data;
} close;
struct {
// Scene (initialized, with options loaded in through the constructor)
void *scene;
// Tag used by parent to identify the open child
uint32_t tag;
} open;
struct Scene;
#define SceneEvent_None() ((struct SceneEvent) { \
.kind = SceneEventKind_None\
#define SceneEvent_Repaint() ((struct SceneEvent) { \
.kind = SceneEventKind_RequestRepaint\
#define SceneEvent_OpenChild(child_, tag_) ((struct SceneEvent) { \
.kind = SceneEventKind_OpenChild,\
.open = { .scene = (child_), .tag=tag_ }, \
#define SceneEvent_Close(status_, data_) ((struct SceneEvent) { \
.kind = SceneEventKind_Close,\
.close = { .status = (status_), .data=(data_) }, \
typedef struct SceneEvent (*Scene_onInput_t)(struct Scene *scene, struct InputEvent event);
typedef struct SceneEvent (*Scene_onChildReturn_t)(struct Scene *scene, uint32_t tag, uint32_t status, void *data);
typedef struct SceneEvent (*Scene_onTick_t)(struct Scene *scene);
typedef void (*Scene_repaint_t)(struct Scene *scene);
struct Scene {
uint32_t tag;
void *options;
void *private;
/** Handle input */
Scene_onInput_t onInput;
/** Handle child scene return */
Scene_onChildReturn_t onChildReturn;
/** Periodic tick */
Scene_onTick_t onTick;
/** Periodic tick */
Scene_repaint_t paint;
* Allocate scene and the inner private type.
* Requires <malloc.h>
* Must be used like:
* struct Scene *scene = SCENE_SAFE_ALLOC(struct private);
* scene->onInput = ...
* return scene;
#define SCENE_SAFE_ALLOC(private_type) \
calloc(1, sizeof(struct Scene)); \
if (!scene) return NULL; \
scene->private = calloc(1, sizeof(private_type)); \
if (!scene->private) return NULL;
/** return 1 if repaint requested */
bool Liquid_handleInput(struct Liquid *container, struct InputEvent event);
/** return 1 if repaint requested */
bool Liquid_handleTick(struct Liquid *container);
void Liquid_paint(struct Liquid *container);
struct Liquid *Liquid_start();