esp32 firmware for a toaster reflow oven WIP!!!!!
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

313 lines
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#include "drawing.h"
#include "display_spec.h"
#include "font.h"
extern uint8_t LCD_displayMap[LCD_WIDTH * LCD_HEIGHT / 8];
// This function sets a pixel on displayMap to your preferred
// color. 1=Black, 0= white.
void LCD_setPixel(int x, int y, enum Color bw)
// First, double check that the coordinate is in range.
if ((x >= 0) && (x < LCD_WIDTH) && (y >= 0) && (y < LCD_HEIGHT)) {
uint8_t shift = y % 8;
if (bw) // If black, set the bit.
LCD_displayMap[x + (y / 8) * LCD_WIDTH] |= 1 << shift;
else // If white clear the bit.
LCD_displayMap[x + (y / 8) * LCD_WIDTH] &= ~(1 << shift);
// setLine draws a line from x0,y0 to x1,y1 with the set color.
// This function was grabbed from the SparkFun ColorLCDShield
// library.
void LCD_setLine(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, enum Color bw)
int dy = y1 - y0; // Difference between y0 and y1
int dx = x1 - x0; // Difference between x0 and x1
int stepx, stepy;
if (dy < 0) {
dy = -dy;
stepy = -1;
stepy = 1;
if (dx < 0) {
dx = -dx;
stepx = -1;
stepx = 1;
dy <<= 1; // dy is now 2*dy
dx <<= 1; // dx is now 2*dx
LCD_setPixel(x0, y0, bw); // Draw the first pixel.
if (dx > dy) {
int fraction = dy - (dx >> 1);
while (x0 != x1) {
if (fraction >= 0) {
y0 += stepy;
fraction -= dx;
x0 += stepx;
fraction += dy;
LCD_setPixel(x0, y0, bw);
else {
int fraction = dx - (dy >> 1);
while (y0 != y1) {
if (fraction >= 0) {
x0 += stepx;
fraction -= dy;
y0 += stepy;
fraction += dx;
LCD_setPixel(x0, y0, bw);
// setRect will draw a rectangle from x0,y0 top-left corner to
// a x1,y1 bottom-right corner. Can be filled with the fill
// parameter, and colored with bw.
// This function was grabbed from the SparkFun ColorLCDShield
// library.
void LCD_setRect(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, bool fill, enum Color bw)
// check if the rectangle is to be filled
if (fill == 1) {
int xDiff;
if (x0 > x1)
xDiff = x0 - x1; //Find the difference between the x vars
xDiff = x1 - x0;
while (xDiff > 0) {
LCD_setLine(x0, y0, x0, y1, bw);
if (x0 > x1)
else {
// best way to draw an unfilled rectangle is to draw four lines
LCD_setLine(x0, y0, x1, y0, bw);
LCD_setLine(x0, y1, x1, y1, bw);
LCD_setLine(x0, y0, x0, y1, bw);
LCD_setLine(x1, y0, x1, y1, bw);
// setCircle draws a circle centered around x0,y0 with a defined
// radius. The circle can be black or white. And have a line
// thickness ranging from 1 to the radius of the circle.
// This function was grabbed from the SparkFun ColorLCDShield
// library.
void LCD_setCircle(int x0, int y0, int radius, enum Color bw, int lineThickness)
for (int r = 0; r < lineThickness; r++) {
int f = 1 - radius;
int ddF_x = 0;
int ddF_y = -2 * radius;
int x = 0;
int y = radius;
LCD_setPixel(x0, y0 + radius, bw);
LCD_setPixel(x0, y0 - radius, bw);
LCD_setPixel(x0 + radius, y0, bw);
LCD_setPixel(x0 - radius, y0, bw);
while (x < y) {
if (f >= 0) {
ddF_y += 2;
f += ddF_y;
ddF_x += 2;
f += ddF_x + 1;
LCD_setPixel(x0 + x, y0 + y, bw);
LCD_setPixel(x0 - x, y0 + y, bw);
LCD_setPixel(x0 + x, y0 - y, bw);
LCD_setPixel(x0 - x, y0 - y, bw);
LCD_setPixel(x0 + y, y0 + x, bw);
LCD_setPixel(x0 - y, y0 + x, bw);
LCD_setPixel(x0 + y, y0 - x, bw);
LCD_setPixel(x0 - y, y0 - x, bw);
// This function will draw a char (defined in the ASCII table
// near the beginning of this sketch) at a defined x and y).
// The color can be either black (1) or white (0).
void LCD_setChar(struct Utf8Char character, int x, int y, enum Color bw)
LCD_setCharEx(character, x, y, bw, 1);
void LCD_setCharEx(struct Utf8Char character, int x, int y, enum Color bw, uint8_t style)
const struct FontGraphic *symbol = Font_GetSymbol(character);
bool bg = style & 0x80;
enum FontStyle style_real = style & 0x7F;
uint8_t column; // temp byte to store character's column bitmap
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) // 5 columns (x) per character
column = symbol->columns[i];
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) // 8 rows (y) per character
bool bit = column & (1 << j);
if (style_real == FONT_NORMAL) {
if (bit) {// test bits to set pixels
LCD_setPixel(x + i, y + j, bw);
else if (bg) {
LCD_setPixel(x + i, y + j, !bw);
else if (style_real == FONT_DOUBLE) {
if (bit) {// test bits to set pixels
LCD_setPixel(x + i * 2, y + j * 2, bw);
LCD_setPixel(x + i * 2 + 1, y + j * 2, bw);
LCD_setPixel(x + i * 2, y + j * 2 + 1, bw);
LCD_setPixel(x + i * 2 + 1, y + j * 2 + 1, bw);
else if (bg) {
LCD_setPixel(x + i * 2, y + j * 2, !bw);
LCD_setPixel(x + i * 2 + 1, y + j * 2, !bw);
LCD_setPixel(x + i * 2, y + j * 2 + 1, !bw);
LCD_setPixel(x + i * 2 + 1, y + j * 2 + 1, !bw);
else if (style_real == FONT_BOLD) {
if (bit) {// test bits to set pixels
LCD_setPixel(x + i, y + j, bw);
LCD_setPixel(x + i + 1, y + j, bw);
else if (bg) {
LCD_setPixel(x + i, y + j, !bw);
LCD_setPixel(x + i + 1, y + j, !bw);
// setStr draws a string of characters, calling setChar with
// progressive coordinates until it's done.
// This function was grabbed from the SparkFun ColorLCDShield
// library.
void LCD_setStr(const char *dString, int x, int y, enum Color bw)
LCD_setStrEx(dString, x, y, bw, 1);
// setStr draws a string of characters, calling setChar with
// progressive coordinates until it's done.
// This function was grabbed from the SparkFun ColorLCDShield
// library.
void LCD_setStrEx(const char *dString, int x, int y, enum Color bw, uint8_t style)
struct Utf8Iterator iter;
Utf8Iterator_Init(&iter, dString);
bool bg = style & 0x80;
enum FontStyle style_real = style & 0x7F;
struct Utf8Char uchar;
while ((uchar = Utf8Iterator_Next(&iter)).uint) {
LCD_setCharEx(uchar, x, y, bw, style);
if (style_real == FONT_NORMAL) {
x += 5;
if (bg) {
for (int i = y; i < y + 8; i++) {
LCD_setPixel(x, i, !bw);
if (x > (LCD_WIDTH - 5)) // Enables wrap around
x = 0;
y += 8;
else if (style_real == FONT_DOUBLE) {
x += 10;
if (bg) {
for (int i = y; i < y + 16; i++) {
LCD_setPixel(x, i, !bw);
LCD_setPixel(x + 1, i, !bw);
x += 2;
if (x > (LCD_WIDTH - 10)) // Enables wrap around
x = 0;
y += 16;
else if (style_real == FONT_BOLD) {
x += 6;
if (bg) {
for (int i = y; i < y + 8; i++) {
LCD_setPixel(x, i, !bw);
LCD_setPixel(x + 1, i, !bw);
x += 1;
if (x > (LCD_WIDTH - 6)) // Enables wrap around
x = 0;
y += 8;
// This function will draw an array over the screen. (For now) the
// array must be the same size as the screen, covering the entirety
// of the display.
// Also, the array must reside in FLASH and declared with PROGMEM.
void LCD_setBitmap(const char *bitArray)
for (int i = 0; i < (LCD_WIDTH * LCD_HEIGHT / 8); i++) {
char c = bitArray[i];
LCD_displayMap[i] = c;
// This function clears the entire display either white (0) or
// black (1).
// The screen won't actually clear until you call updateDisplay()!
void LCD_clearDisplay(enum Color bw)
for (int i = 0; i < (LCD_WIDTH * LCD_HEIGHT / 8); i++) {
if (bw)
LCD_displayMap[i] = 0xFF;
LCD_displayMap[i] = 0;
void LCD_invertDisplayData()
/* Indirect, swap bits in displayMap option: */
for (int i = 0; i < (LCD_WIDTH * LCD_HEIGHT / 8); i++) {
LCD_displayMap[i] ^= 0xFF;