#include "firehazard.h" #include "arduinopid.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "driver/ledc.h" #include "esp_err.h" #include "utils.h" static const char *TAG = "fire"; static struct PID pid = PID_DEFAULT(); static void pwm_init(void); static void pwm_set(float duty); void fire_get_tuning(float *kp, float *ki, float *kd) { *kp = pid.kp; *ki = pid.ki; *kd = pid.kd; } void fire_init() { printf("Regulator init"); PID_Initialize(&pid); PID_SetOutputLimits(&pid, 0, 1); PID_SetCtlMode(&pid, PID_MANUAL); nvs_handle nvs; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(nvs_open("config", NVS_READWRITE, &nvs)); // must use RW to allow opening nonexistent union uf32 kp, ki, kd; kp.f = 0.4f; ki.f = 0.5f; kd.f = 0.0f; nvs_get_u32(nvs, "kp", &kp.u); nvs_get_u32(nvs, "ki", &ki.u); nvs_get_u32(nvs, "kd", &kd.u); PID_SetTunings(&pid, kp.f, ki.f, kd.f); nvs_close(nvs); pwm_init(); fire_setlevel(20); // fire_enable(true); } void fire_set_tuning(float kp, float ki, float kd) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "PID set tuning Kp=%.3f, Ki=%.3f, Kd=%.3f", kp, ki, kd); PID_SetTunings(&pid, kp, ki, kd); } float fire_get_setpoint(bool off_is_zero) { if (off_is_zero) { return pid.ctlMode == PID_MANUAL ? 0 : pid.Setpoint; } else { return pid.Setpoint; } } void fire_setlevel(float cels) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "PID set target %.3f°C", cels); if (cels < 0) cels = 0; if (cels > MAX_SETPOINT) cels = MAX_SETPOINT; PID_SetSetpoint(&pid, cels); } void fire_enable(bool enable) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Heater %s", enable ? "enable" : "disable"); PID_SetCtlMode(&pid, enable ? PID_AUTOMATIC : PID_MANUAL); } bool fire_enabled() { return pid.ctlMode == PID_AUTOMATIC; } void fire_regulate(float cels) { PID_Compute(&pid, cels); if (cels > MAX_TSENSE || cels < MIN_TSENSE) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Tsense out of bounds! Stopping."); fire_enable(false); } if (pid.ctlMode == PID_MANUAL) { pwm_set(0); } else { printf("PID in %.2f°C, out %.3f, I %.3f\n", cels, pid.Output, pid.ITerm); pwm_set(pid.Output); } } #define PWM_CHANNEL LEDC_CHANNEL_1 #define PWM_TIMER LEDC_TIMER_1 #define PWM_BIT_NUM LEDC_TIMER_12_BIT #define PWM_PIN GPIO_NUM_14 static void pwm_init(void) { ledc_channel_config_t ledc_channel_left = {0}; ledc_channel_left.gpio_num = PWM_PIN; ledc_channel_left.speed_mode = LEDC_HIGH_SPEED_MODE; ledc_channel_left.channel = PWM_CHANNEL; ledc_channel_left.intr_type = LEDC_INTR_DISABLE; ledc_channel_left.timer_sel = PWM_TIMER; ledc_channel_left.duty = 0; ledc_timer_config_t ledc_timer = {0}; ledc_timer.speed_mode = LEDC_HIGH_SPEED_MODE; ledc_timer.duty_resolution = PWM_BIT_NUM; ledc_timer.timer_num = PWM_TIMER; ledc_timer.freq_hz = 1; // TODO ?? ESP_ERROR_CHECK( ledc_channel_config(&ledc_channel_left) ); ESP_ERROR_CHECK( ledc_timer_config(&ledc_timer) ); } static void pwm_set(float duty) { uint32_t max_duty = (1 << PWM_BIT_NUM);// - 1 uint32_t dutycycle = lroundf((duty) * (float)max_duty); printf("Dutycycle %d\n", dutycycle); ESP_ERROR_CHECK( ledc_set_duty(LEDC_HIGH_SPEED_MODE, PWM_CHANNEL, dutycycle) ); ESP_ERROR_CHECK( ledc_update_duty(LEDC_HIGH_SPEED_MODE, PWM_CHANNEL) ); }