esp32 firmware for a toaster reflow oven WIP!!!!!
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#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdatomic.h>
#include "analog.h"
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "driver/gpio.h"
#include "driver/adc.h"
#include "esp_adc_cal.h"
5 years ago
#include "firehazard.h"
static esp_adc_cal_characteristics_t *adc_chars;
// 32-39
static const adc1_channel_t channel = ADC1_CHANNEL_4; //GPIO34 if ADC1, GPIO14 if ADC2
static float measurement_celsius;
static const adc_atten_t atten = ADC_ATTEN_DB_0;
static const adc_unit_t unit = ADC_UNIT_1;
float reg_meas_history[REG_HISTORY_LEN] = {};
float reg_tset_history[REG_HISTORY_LEN] = {};
uint32_t history_counter = 0;
static void analog_service(void *arg);
static TaskHandle_t hAnalog;
5 years ago
#define DEFAULT_VREF 1100 // TODO try to find the exact value
#define NO_OF_SAMPLES 128
void analog_init() {
printf("Analog init\n");
adc1_config_channel_atten(channel, atten);
adc_chars = calloc(1, sizeof(esp_adc_cal_characteristics_t));
esp_adc_cal_characterize(unit, atten, ADC_WIDTH_BIT_12, DEFAULT_VREF, adc_chars);
int rv = xTaskCreate(analog_service, "analog", 4096, NULL, 6, &hAnalog);
assert (rv == pdPASS);
5 years ago
#define TSENSE_T_STEP 5
#define TSENSE_T_MIN 0
#define TSENSE_T_MAX 400
static const float TSENSE_LOOKUP[TSENSE_LOOKUP_LEN] = {
// 4k7
//0.067859346082665f, 0.069156572911158f, 0.070450833857595f, 0.07174213479836f, 0.073030481589859f, 0.074315880068592f, 0.075598336051229f, 0.076877855334685f, 0.078154443696192f, 0.079428106893372f, 0.080698850664312f, 0.081966680727637f, 0.083231602782579f, 0.084493622509052f, 0.085752745567722f, 0.087008977600079f, 0.088262324228509f, 0.089512791056363f, 0.090760383668026f, 0.092005107628991f, 0.093246968485926f, 0.094485971766743f, 0.095722122980667f, 0.096955427618307f, 0.098185891151722f, 0.099413519034488f, 0.10063831670177f, 0.101860289570385f, 0.10307944303887f, 0.10429578248755f, 0.105509313278605f, 0.106720040756132f, 0.107927970246218f, 0.109133107056997f, 0.110335456478721f, 0.111535023783824f, 0.112731814226983f, 0.113925833045189f, 0.115117085457804f, 0.116305576666627f, 0.117491311855962f, 0.118674296192672f, 0.119854534826251f, 0.12103203288888f, 0.122206795495492f, 0.123378827743833f, 0.124548134714525f, 0.125714721471126f, 0.12687859306019f, 0.128039754511331f, 0.129198210837281f, 0.13035396703395f, 0.131507028080486f, 0.132657398939339f, 0.133805084556313f, 0.134950089860629f, 0.136092419764986f, 0.137232079165615f, 0.138369072942339f, 0.139503405958634f, 0.14063508306168f, 0.141764109082427f, 0.142890488835645f, 0.144014227119983f, 0.145135328718029f, 0.146253798396361f, 0.147369640905609f, 0.148482860980504f, 0.14959346333994f, 0.150701452687026f, 0.151806833709142f, 0.152909611077994f, 0.154009789449667f, 0.155107373464683f, 0.156202367748052f, 0.157294776909324f, 0.15838460554265f, 0.159471858226827f, 0.160556539525357f, 0.161638653986497f, 0.162718206143312f
// 2k7
static float v_to_c(float v){
// TODO use binary search.. lol
for (int i = 1; i < TSENSE_LOOKUP_LEN; i++) {
float cur = TSENSE_LOOKUP[i];
if (cur >= v) {
float prev = TSENSE_LOOKUP[i-1];
float ratio = (v - prev) / (cur - prev);
return TSENSE_T_MIN + ((float) i + ratio) * TSENSE_T_STEP;
return TSENSE_T_MAX;
static void __attribute__((noreturn)) analog_service(void *arg) {
while (1) {
uint32_t adc_reading = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < NO_OF_SAMPLES; i++) {
adc_reading += adc1_get_raw(channel);
adc_reading /= NO_OF_SAMPLES;
//Convert adc_reading to voltage in mV
5 years ago
uint32_t mv = esp_adc_cal_raw_to_voltage(adc_reading, adc_chars);
#define CORRECT -10;
5 years ago
mv += CORRECT;
5 years ago
printf("Raw: %d ... Voltage: %dmV ...", adc_reading, mv);
5 years ago
float volts = mv * 0.001f;
5 years ago
float celsius = v_to_c(volts);
printf("Celsius: %.1f°C\n", celsius);
measurement_celsius = celsius;
for (int i = 0; i < REG_HISTORY_LEN-1; i++) {
reg_meas_history[i] = reg_meas_history[i+1];
reg_tset_history[i] = reg_tset_history[i+1];
reg_meas_history[REG_HISTORY_LEN-1] = celsius;
5 years ago
reg_tset_history[REG_HISTORY_LEN-1] = fire_get_setpoint(true);
history_counter = (history_counter + 1) % 20;
5 years ago
float analog_read() {
return measurement_celsius;