C function for matching numeric vectors and calculating error / difference. This was used to detect difference between FFT results
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#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
/* Example: drift_x 1, offset_y 10, abs_threshold 0.1 */
typedef struct {
uint32_t length; // data length (data & ref length must be equal)
uint32_t drift_x; // allowed horizontal drift (Hz drift if values are 1 Hz FFT bins)
float offset_y; // allowed vertical offset (bin amplitude, positive or negative)
float abs_threshold; // absolute threshold (to fix preccision errors, also added to offset_y)
} vec_match_cfg_t;
typedef struct {
const float *p_vec;
uint32_t p_length;
uint32_t real_idx; // public index
uint32_t p_idx;
uint32_t p_zero_j;
uint32_t p_zero_n;
} pack_walker_t;
* Populate a packed vector walker (used to read values without unpacking)
* @param wlkr pack walker instance to populate
* @param packed_vec vec to walk
* @param packed_len packed vec len
void pw_init(pack_walker_t *wlkr, const float *packed_vec, uint32_t packed_len);
* Get a value from the packed vect.
* Note: random access is slower than sequential
* @param w walker
* @param idx unpacked vector index to read
* @return value. Returns 0 if index is out of bounds.
float pw_get(pack_walker_t *w, uint32_t idx);
* Match signal to reference, allowing for some offser and noise
* @param data matched data
* @param ref reference data
* @param cfg config struct
* @param fuzzy_match_error error metric calculated with allowed drift and offset
* @param abs_match_error error metric calculated from raw data (can be used if envelope match passes)
* @return envelope match status (match using drift and offset)
bool vec_match(const float *data, const float *ref, const vec_match_cfg_t *cfg,
float *fuzzy_match_error, float *abs_match_error);
* Match vector against a packed reference vector (without unpacking).
* Params otherwise the same as vec_match()
bool vec_match_packed(const float *data, const float *ref_packed, uint32_t ref_p_len,
const vec_match_cfg_t *cfg, float *fuzzy_match_error, float *abs_match_error);
* Compress a vector by replacing sequence of zeroes with a negative value indicating their count.
* Returned length may exceed result_capacity, but the buffer is never overrun.
* That can be used to gradually increase the threshold until the compressed data fits in the result buffer.
* The compression is by definition lossy.
* @param result result vector (can be the same as data vector for in-place operation)
* @param result_capacity size of result buffer.
* @param data data vector
* @param length data legth
* @param threshold max value to be considered zero in the compression
* @return length of result vector
uint32_t vec_pack(float *result, uint32_t result_capacity,
const float *data, uint32_t length,
float threshold);
* Unpack a vector compressed with vec_pack().
* If returned length exceeds provided buffer capacity, it's an indication that you need
* to enlarge your buffer, or increase threshold.
* The buffer is never overrun, though.
* @param result result buffer
* @param result_capacity result buffer size
* @param compr_data compressed data vector
* @param compr_length compressed data vector length
* @return
uint32_t vec_unpack(float *result, uint32_t result_capacity,
const float *compr_data, uint32_t compr_length);
* Pack to given length, adjusting threshold automatically.
* @param result result array
* @param result_capacity result max capacity
* @param data data to compress
* @param data_length data length
* @param threshold_p field to store the used threshold, can be NULL
* @return real result size
uint32_t vec_pack_auto(float *result, uint32_t result_capacity,
const float *data, uint32_t data_length, float *threshold_p);