C function for matching numeric vectors and calculating error / difference. This was used to detect difference between FFT results
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#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
* Match signal to reference, allowing for some offser and noise
* @param data matched data
* @param ref reference data
* @param length data length (data & ref length must be equal)
* @param drift_x allowed horizontal drift (Hz drift if values are 1 Hz FFT bins)
* @param offset_y allowed vertical offset (bin amplitude, positive or negative)
* @param envl_match_error error metric calculated with allowed drift and offset
* @param abs_match_error error metric calculated from raw data (can be used if envelope match passes)
* @return envelope match status (match using drift and offset)
bool vec_match(const float *data,
const float *ref,
uint32_t length,
uint8_t drift_x,
float offset_y,
float *envl_match_error,
float *abs_match_error);