var page_mon = (function() { var mon = {}; function updRefInfoField(ok) { $('#hasref').html(ok ? 'OK' : 'Not set!'); } /** Capture reference & save to flash */ mon.captureRef = function() { $().get(_root + '/mon/setref', function(resp, status) { if (status != 200) { // bad response errorMsg('Operation failed.'); } else { try { // OK var j = JSON.parse(resp); updRefInfoField(j.success); } catch(e) { errorMsg(e); updRefInfoField(false); } } }); }; /** Capture waveform and compare with reference */ mon.compareNow = function() { $().get(_root + '/mon/compare', function(resp, status) { if (status != 200) { // bad response errorMsg('Operation failed.'); } else { try { // OK var j = JSON.parse(resp); if (j.success) { $('#actual-dev').html(numfmt(j.deviation, 2)); $('#actual-rms').html(numfmt(j.rms, 2)); } else { errorMsg('Capture failed.'); $('#actual-dev').html('--'); $('#actual-rms').html('--'); } } catch(e) { errorMsg(e); $('#actual-dev').html('--'); $('#actual-rms').html('--'); } } }); }; mon.init = function() { // }; return mon; })();