// Utilities for background tiling

// Use a tile as background (w, h - size of time)
@mixin tile_xy($w, $h, $x, $y) {
	background-position: (-$x*$w) (-$y*$h);

// Use a square tile as background (size - w & h of time)
@mixin tile($size, $x, $y) {
	@include tile_xy($size, $size, $x, $y);

// Button with sprite-sheet
// A       B
// B:hover B:hover
@mixin tile_btn_h($w, $h, $x) {
	@include tile_xy($w, $h, $x, 0);
	&:hover {
		@include tile_xy($w, $h, $x, 1);

// active the same as hover
@mixin tile_btn_h_act($w, $h, $x) {
	@include tile_xy($w, $h, $x, 0);
	&:hover, &.active {
		@include tile_xy($w, $h, $x, 1);

// Button with sprite-sheet
// A A:hover
// B B:hover
@mixin tile_btn_v($w, $h, $y) {
	@include tile_xy($w, $h, 0, $y);
	&:hover {
		@include tile_xy($w, $h, 1, $y);

// active the same as hover
@mixin tile_btn_v_act($w, $h, $y) {
	@include tile_xy($w, $h, 0, $y);
	&:hover, &.active {
		@include tile_xy($w, $h, 1, $y);

@mixin inset-shadow-top($w, $c) {
	box-shadow: inset 0 $w ($w*2) (-$w) $c;

@mixin inset-shadow-bottom($w, $c) {
	box-shadow: inset 0 (-$w) ($w*2) (-$w) $c;

@mixin inset-shadow-left($w, $c) {
	box-shadow: inset $w 0 ($w*2) (-$w) $c;

@mixin inset-shadow-right($w, $c) {
	box-shadow: inset (-$w) 0 ($w*2) (-$w) $c;