PROJECT = heatshrink #OPTIMIZE = -O0 #OPTIMIZE = -Os OPTIMIZE = -O3 WARN = -Wall -Wextra -pedantic #-Werror CFLAGS += -std=c99 -g ${WARN} ${OPTIMIZE} CFLAGS += -Wmissing-prototypes CFLAGS += -Wstrict-prototypes CFLAGS += -Wmissing-declarations # If libtheft is available, build additional property-based tests. # Uncomment these to use it in test_heatshrink_dynamic. #CFLAGS += -DHEATSHRINK_HAS_THEFT #LDFLAGS += -ltheft all: @echo "For tests, make test_heatshrink_dynamic (default) or change the" @echo "config.h to disable static memory and build test_heatshrink_static." @echo "For the standalone command-line tool, make heatshrink." ${PROJECT}: heatshrink.c OBJS= heatshrink_encoder.o \ heatshrink_decoder.o \ heatshrink: ${OBJS} test_heatshrink_dynamic: ${OBJS} test_heatshrink_dynamic_theft.o test_heatshrink_static: ${OBJS} *.o: Makefile heatshrink_config.h heatshrink_decoder.o: heatshrink_decoder.h heatshrink_common.h heatshrink_encoder.o: heatshrink_encoder.h heatshrink_common.h tags: TAGS TAGS: etags *.[ch] diagrams: dec_sm.png enc_sm.png dec_sm.png: dot -o $@ -Tpng $< enc_sm.png: dot -o $@ -Tpng $< clean: rm -f ${PROJECT} test_heatshrink_{dynamic,static} *.o *.core {dec,enc}_sm.png TAGS