var page_waveform = (function () { var wfm = {}; var zoomResetFn; var dataFormat; var readoutPending = false; var autoReload = false; var autoReloadTime = 1; var arTimeout = -1; var lastLoadMs; var zoomSavedX, zoomSavedY; var readXhr; // read xhr var lastObj = null; // samples are stored here var opts = { count: 0, // sample count freq: 0 // sampling freq }; function buildChart(j) { // Build the chart var mql = window.matchMedia('screen and (min-width: 544px)'); var isPhone = !mql.matches; var fft = (j.stats.format == 'FFT'); var xLabel, yLabel; if (fft) { xLabel = 'Frequency - [ Hz ]'; yLabel = 'Magnitude - [ mA ]'; } else { xLabel = 'Sample time - [ ms ]'; yLabel = 'Current - [ mA ]'; } var peak = Math.max(-j.stats.min, j.stats.max); var displayPeak = Math.max(peak, 10); // Sidebar $('#stat-count').html(j.stats.count); $('#stat-f-s').html(numfmt(j.stats.freq, 2)); $('#stat-i-peak').html(numfmt(peak, 2)); $('#stat-i-rms').html(numfmt(j.stats.rms, 2)); $('.stats').removeClass('invis'); // --- chart --- // Generate point entries // add synthetic properties var step = fft ? (j.stats.freq/j.stats.count) : (1000/j.stats.freq); var points =, function (a, i) { return { x: i * step, y: a }; }); var plugins = [ Chartist.plugins.zoom({ resetOnRightMouseBtn: true, onZoom: function (chart, reset) { zoomResetFn = reset; zoomSavedX = chart.options.axisX.highLow; zoomSavedY = chart.options.axisY.highLow; } }) ]; if (!isPhone) plugins.push( // larger than phone Chartist.plugins.ctAxisTitle({ axisX: { axisTitle: xLabel, offset: { x: 0, y: 55 } }, axisY: { axisTitle: yLabel, flipText: true, offset: { x: 0, y: 15 } } }) ); var xHigh, xLow, yHigh, yLow; if (zoomSavedX) { // we have saved coords of the zoom rect, restore the zoom. xHigh = zoomSavedX.high; xLow = zoomSavedX.low; yHigh = zoomSavedY.high; yLow = zoomSavedY.low; } else { yHigh = fft ? undefined : displayPeak; yLow = fft ? 0 : -displayPeak; } new Chartist.Line('#chart', { series: [ { name: 'a', data: points }, ] }, { showPoint: false, showArea: fft, fullWidth: true, chartPadding: (isPhone ? {right: 20, bottom: 5, left: 0} : {right: 25, bottom: 30, left: 25}), series: { 'a': { lineSmooth: Chartist.Interpolation.monotoneCubic() } }, axisX: { type: Chartist.AutoScaleAxis, //onlyInteger: !fft // only for raw high: xHigh, low: xLow, }, axisY: { type: Chartist.AutoScaleAxis, //onlyInteger: true high: yHigh, low: yLow, }, explicitBounds: { xLow: 0, yLow: fft ? 0 : undefined, xHigh: points[points.length-1].x }, plugins: plugins }); } function onRxData(resp, status) { readoutPending = false; if (status != 200) { errorMsg("Request failed.", 1000); } else { var j = JSON.parse(resp); if (!j.success) { errorMsg("Sampling failed.", 1000); } else { $('.chartexport').removeClass('hidden'); lastObj = j; buildChart(j); } } if (autoReload) arTimeout = setTimeout(requestReload, Math.max(0, autoReloadTime - msElapsed(lastLoadMs))); } function readInputs() { opts.count = $('#count').val(); opts.freq = $('#freq').val() * (dataFormat == 'fft' ? 2 : 1); // bw 2x -> f_s } function requestReload() { if (readoutPending) { errorMsg("Request already pending - aborting."); readXhr.abort(); } readoutPending = true; lastLoadMs = msNow(); var n = opts.count; var fs = opts.freq; var url = _root+'/measure/'+dataFormat+'?n='+n+'&fs='+fs; readXhr = $().get(url, onRxData, estimateLoadTime(fs,n)); return true; } function toggleAutoReload() { autoReloadTime = +$('#ar-time').val(); // ms readInputs(); autoReload = !autoReload; if (autoReload) { requestReload(); } else { clearTimeout(arTimeout); } $('#ar-btn') .toggleClass('btn-blue') .toggleClass('btn-red') .val(autoReload ? 'Stop' : 'Auto'); } wfm.init = function (format) { // --- Load data --- dataFormat = format; function onLoadClick() { readInputs(); requestReload(); } $('#load').on('click', onLoadClick); $('.chartexport a').on('click', function() { var sep = $(this).data('sep'); var str = ''; // for fft var fftStep = (lastObj.stats.freq/lastObj.stats.count); switch (sep) { case 'space': str = lastObj.samples.join(' '); break; case 'comma': str = lastObj.samples.join(','); break; case 'newline': str = lastObj.samples.join('\n'); break; case 'fft-csv': str =, function (a, i) { return numfmt(i * fftStep,3) + "," + a; }).join('\n'); break; case 'fft-json': str = JSON.stringify(, function (a, i) { return {f: +numfmt(i * fftStep, 3), m: a} })); break; } if (!copyToClipboard(str)) { var $cb = $('#copybox'); $cb.removeClass('hidden'); $cb.val(str); } else { infoMsg('Copy success!'); } }); $('#count,#freq').on('keyup', function (e) { if (e.which == 13) { onLoadClick(); } }); // --- zooming --- $('#chart').on('contextmenu', function (e) { // right click on the chart -> reset zoomResetFn && zoomResetFn(); zoomResetFn = null; zoomSavedX = null; zoomSavedY = null; e.preventDefault(); return false; }); // auto-reload button $('#ar-btn').on('click', toggleAutoReload); }; return wfm; })();