var page_spectrogram = (function () { var sg = {}; var ctx; // drawing area var plot = { x:50, y:10, w:740,//860 total h:512, dx: 1, // bin dy: 1 }; var opts = { interval: 0, sampCount: 0, freq:0 }; var interval = 1000; var running = false; var readTimeout; // timer var readoutPending; var readXhr; var lastLoadMs; var lastMarkMs; var lastMark10s; var colormap = [ /* [val, r, g, b] */ [0.00, 0, 0, 0], [0.10, 41, 17, 41], [0.25, 34, 17, 78], [0.6, 17, 30, 105], [1.0, 17, 57, 126], [1.2, 17, 84, 128], [1.3, 17, 111, 115], [1.4, 17, 134, 96], [1.5, 17, 155, 71], [1.6, 68, 194, 17], [1.75, 111, 209, 17], [1.84, 180, 213, 17], [1.90, 223, 217, 86], [1.97, 248, 222, 176], [1.99, 255, 237, 222], [2.00, 255, 255, 255], ]; function val2color(val) { var x1, x2, c1, c2; val = Math.log10(1+val); if (val > 2) val = 2; if (val < 0) val = 0; for (var i = 0; i < colormap.length; i++) { var c = colormap[i]; var point = c[0]; if (val >= point) { x1 = point; c1 = c; } if (val <= point) { x2 = point; c2 = c; break; } } var rate = ((val - x1)/(x2 - x1)); if (x1 == x2) rate=0; var r = Math.round((c1[1] + (c2[1] - c1[1])*rate)); var g = Math.round((c1[2] + (c2[2] - c1[2])*rate)); var b = Math.round((c1[3] + (c2[3] - c1[3])*rate)); return 'rgb('+r+','+g+','+b+')'; } function shiftSg() { var imageData = ctx.getImageData(plot.x+plot.dx, plot.y, plot.w-plot.dx, plot.h+10); ctx.fillStyle = 'black'; ctx.fillRect(plot.x, plot.y, plot.w, plot.h); ctx.clearRect(plot.x, plot.y+plot.h+1, plot.w, 10); // clear the second marks box ctx.putImageData(imageData, plot.x, plot.y); } function drawSg(col) { shiftSg(); var bc = opts.sampCount/2; for (var i = 0; i < bc; i++) { // resolve color from the value var clr; if (i*plot.dy > plot.h) { break; } if (i > col.length) { clr = '#000'; } else { clr = val2color(col[i]); } ctx.fillStyle = clr; var tx = plot.x+plot.w-plot.dx; var ty = plot.y+plot.h-(i+1)*plot.dy; var tw = plot.dx; var th = plot.dy; if (ty= 950) { lastMarkMs = msNow(); var long = false; if (msElapsed(lastMark10s) > 9500) { long = true; lastMark10s = msNow(); } ctx.strokeStyle = 'white'; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(plot.x+plot.w-.5, plot.y+plot.h+1); ctx.lineTo(plot.x+plot.w-.5, plot.y+plot.h+1+(long?6:2)); ctx.stroke(); } } function onRxData(resp, status) { readoutPending = false; if (status == 200) { try { var j = JSON.parse(resp); if (j.success) { // display drawSg(j.samples); } else { errorMsg("Sampling failed.", 1000); } } catch(e) { errorMsg(e); } } else { errorMsg("Request failed.", 1000); } if (running) readTimeout = setTimeout(requestData, Math.max(0, opts.interval - msElapsed(lastLoadMs))); // TODO should actually compute time remaining, this adds interval to the request time. } function requestData() { if (readoutPending) { errorMsg("Request already pending - aborting."); readXhr.abort(); } readoutPending = true; lastLoadMs = msNow(); var fs = opts.freq; var n = opts.sampCount; var url = _root+'/measure/fft?n='+n+'&fs='+fs; readXhr = $().get(url, onRxData, estimateLoadTime(fs,n)); return true; } function drawLegend() { var gap = 8; var barW = 10; var barH = plot.h-12; var barY = plot.y+6; var barX = plot.x - gap - barW; var vStep = (100 / barH); for (var i = 0; i < barH; i++) { var c1 = val2color(i * vStep); var c2 = val2color((i + 1) * vStep); var y = Math.floor(barY + barH - (i + 1)); var gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, y + 1, 0, y); gradient.addColorStop(0, c1); gradient.addColorStop(1, c2); ctx.fillStyle = gradient; ctx.fillRect(barX, y, barW, 1); } // border ctx.strokeStyle = '#000'; ctx.strokeRect(barX-.5, barY-.5, barW+1, barH+1); vStep = (100 / barH); ctx.font = '12px sans-serif'; ctx.fillStyle = 'white'; ctx.textAlign = 'right'; for (var i = 0; i <= plot.h; i+=barH/10) { ctx.fillText(Math.round(i*vStep)+"", plot.x - gap - barW - gap, barY+barH-i+3); } } function drawAxis() { var gap = 8; var rX0 = plot.x+plot.w; var rX = rX0+gap; var rY = plot.y; var rH = plot.h; var rW = 70; ctx.clearRect(rX0+.5, rY-10, rW, rH+20); var perBin = (opts.freq/2) / (opts.sampCount/2); var totalBins = (plot.h / plot.dy); var totalHz = totalBins*perBin; //console.log("perbin=",perBin,"totalBins=",totalBins,"totalHz=",totalHz); var step; // get the best step size var steps = [10, 25, 50]; var multiplier = 1; var suc = false; do { for (var i = 0; i < steps.length; i++) { if ((totalHz / (steps[i] * multiplier)) <= 21) { step = (steps[i] * multiplier); suc = true; break; } } if (suc) break; multiplier *= 10; } while (true); step = step/perBin; // every step-th bin has a label ctx.font = '12px sans-serif'; ctx.fillStyle = 'white'; ctx.strokeStyle = 'white'; ctx.textAlign = 'left'; // labels and dashes for(var i = 0; i <= totalBins+step; i+= step) { if (i >= totalBins) { var dist = i - totalBins; if (dist > step/2) break;// make sure not too close i = totalBins; } var hz = i*(totalHz/totalBins); if (hz>=1000000) hz = numfmt(hz/1e6,2)+'M'; else if (hz>=1000) hz = numfmt(hz/1e3,2)+'k'; else hz = numfmt(hz,1); var yy = Math.round(rY+rH-(plot.dy*i)); ctx.fillText(hz, rX, yy+4); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(rX0, yy+.5); ctx.lineTo(rX0+gap/2, yy+.5); ctx.stroke(); if (i >= totalBins) break; } // Hz label ctx.font = '16px sans-serif';; ctx.translate(rX0+50, plot.y+plot.h/2); ctx.rotate(Math.PI/2); ctx.textAlign = "center"; ctx.fillText("Frequency - [Hz]", 0, 0); ctx.restore(); } function readOpts() { opts.interval = +$('#interval').val(); // ms opts.freq = +$('#freq').val()*2; opts.sampCount = +$('#count').val(); plot.dx = +$('#tile-x').val(); plot.dy = +$('#tile-y').val(); } function clearSgArea() { ctx.fillStyle = '#000'; ctx.fillRect(plot.x, plot.y, plot.w, plot.h); ctx.strokeStyle = 'white'; ctx.strokeRect(plot.x-.5, plot.y-.5, plot.w+1, plot.h+1); } sg.init = function () { var canvas = $('#sg')[0]; ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); // CLS clearSgArea(); readOpts(); drawLegend(); drawAxis(); lastMarkMs = msNow()-10000; lastMark10s = msNow()-10000; // update tile size on bin count selection $('#count').on('change', function() { var count = +$('#count').val(); var tile = Math.max(1, plot.h/(count/2)); $('#tile-x').val(Math.max(4, tile)); // use width 4 for smaller by default (rolls more nicely) $('#tile-y').val(tile); }); // chain Y with X $('#tile-y').on('change', function() { $('#tile-x').val(Math.max(4,$(this).val())); }); $('#go-btn').on('click', function() { running = !running; if (running) { readOpts(); drawAxis(); requestData(); } else { clearTimeout(readTimeout); } $('#go-btn') .toggleClass('btn-green') .toggleClass('btn-red') .html(running ? 'Stop' : 'Start'); }); }; return sg; })();