(function (root, factory) { // if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. // define([], function () { // return (root.returnExportsGlobal = factory()); // }); // } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { // // Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but // // only CommonJS-like enviroments that support module.exports, // // like Node. // module.exports = factory(); // } else { root['Chartist.plugins.ctAxisTitle'] = factory(); // } }(this, function () { /** * Chartist.js plugin to display a title for 1 or 2 axises. * */ /* global Chartist */ (function (window, document, Chartist) { 'use strict'; var axisDefaults = { axisTitle: '', axisClass: 'ct-axis-title', offset: { x: 0, y: 0 }, textAnchor: 'middle', flipText: false }; var defaultOptions = { axisX: axisDefaults, axisY: axisDefaults }; Chartist.plugins = Chartist.plugins || {}; Chartist.plugins.ctAxisTitle = function (options) { options = Chartist.extend({}, defaultOptions, options); console.log(options); return function ctAxisTitle(chart) { chart.on('created', function (data) { // // if (!options.axisX.axisTitle && !options.axisY.axisTitle) { // throw new Error('ctAxisTitle plugin - You must provide at least one axis title'); // } else if (!data.axisX && !data.axisY) { // throw new Error('ctAxisTitle plugin can only be used on charts that have at least one axis'); // } var xPos; var yPos; var title; //position axis X title if (options.axisX.axisTitle && data.axisX) { xPos = (data.axisX.axisLength / 2) + data.options.axisY.offset + data.options.chartPadding.left; yPos = data.options.chartPadding.top; if (data.options.axisY.position === 'end') { xPos -= data.options.axisY.offset; } if (data.options.axisX.position === 'end') { yPos += data.axisY.axisLength; } title = new Chartist.Svg("text"); title.addClass(options.axisX.axisClass); title.text(options.axisX.axisTitle); title.attr({ x: xPos + options.axisX.offset.x, y: yPos + options.axisX.offset.y, "text-anchor": options.axisX.textAnchor }); data.svg.append(title, true); } //position axis Y title if (options.axisY.axisTitle && data.axisY) { xPos = 0; yPos = (data.axisY.axisLength / 2) + data.options.chartPadding.top; if (data.options.axisX.position === 'start') { yPos += data.options.axisX.offset; } if (data.options.axisY.position === 'end') { xPos = data.axisX.axisLength; } var transform = 'rotate(' + (options.axisY.flipText ? -90 : 90) + ', ' + xPos + ', ' + yPos + ')'; title = new Chartist.Svg("text"); title.addClass(options.axisY.axisClass); title.text(options.axisY.axisTitle); title.attr({ x: xPos + options.axisY.offset.x, y: yPos + options.axisY.offset.y, transform: transform, "text-anchor": options.axisY.textAnchor }); data.svg.append(title, true); } }); }; }; }(window, document, Chartist)); return Chartist.plugins.ctAxisTitle; }));